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I Became the Heavenly Demon of the Academy Chapter 70

Magic Sea (4)

Documentary records or archaeological data about dragons, which have now disappeared into the back side of the continent’s history, were extremely rare.

As far as their heritage is concerned, even a trivial thing could not be lacking at all even if it was considered a national treasure of the kingdom, and even the mighty empire did not have many items touched by dragons.

In addition, their performance was at a level that exceeded common sense. Even if you look at the fragments of what the dragons left behind, you can’t help but admire how transcendent they were.

The driving force behind the devil’s existence, Diabolus Pretum, being able to operate in the shadows of the continent despite the empire’s pursuit, is also a ship the size of a small island left by a dragon.

It was thanks to Eternia.

* * *

Although it was invisible to the naked eye, it recognized the twist in space and opened the barrier surrounding the ship to enter the interior.

Unlike a dark mage’s stronghold, the inside of the barrier was surprisingly tidy. It was clear that the huge ship, shining silver, was made up of several levels, and at the top was a deck wide enough to run around.


From the moment I landed on the deck, my heart was beating wildly against my will. An unmanned person who has reached the stage of demagicism can finely control blood vessels and autonomously moving involuntary muscles using true energy, so such cases are extremely rare.

It wasn’t tension.

Several strands of complex mana circuits were engraved on the unidentified silver metal, shimmering in a soft blue light.

In the middle of the deck, which felt even mysterious, there was a huge entrance through which thick demonic energy leaked out. As I approached the entrance, the mana circuits on the floor flashed and my spirits fluctuated.

[Detection of Dragon Adrian’s sensor. Confirmation of demonic erosion in the ship. Inability to self-purify. According to the emergency protocol, the dragon Adrian’s sensor is registered as a temporary user.]

As I was about to break down the entrance, something quickly ran through my body and a dry voice resounded in my ears, like a mechanical sound.

Kugu Palace-

At the same time, the entrance opened naturally.

Dragon Adrian.

It was a name I had never heard of. I read quite a few books in the library, but I couldn’t find them even in the history books. Besides, you’re a responder.

It was a series of incomprehensible things, but judging from the nuances of the words, it seemed that a strange situation had occurred, that the base of the black magician was rather hostile to demons.

“How do you feel…!”

As I entered the entrance and walked through a passage full of white walls and floors, a black magician guarding the area spotted me and stepped back in fright.


When I handled it lightly and expanded my senses, the number of black magicians was smaller than expected within the detectable range. It seemed that only a minimum number of people were left inside as most of them were driven away by the attack on the academy and Schultz City.

Space magic seems to have been applied, and the interior, which looks wider than the outside, contains hundreds of monsters made of corpses, and areas covered with red flesh and slithering around.

As the stronghold of the black magician, there were also places that were disgusting.

Most of them were very neat spaces.

It even felt like a research facility, except for the dark magic filled inside.

Meticulously dealing with all the surrounding enemies, he advanced into the depths of the ship.

Passing through the gradually widening passage, I finally faced a huge door.

[Confirm temporary user. Control room access granted.]

As in the past, this time too, with the words resonating directly in my ears, the door naturally opened on both sides, revealing a huge cavity.

I’ve heard that it’s a control room.

The inside was like the intestines of a huge creature. Red flesh filled the walls of a space large enough for hundreds of people to lightly enter. The vein-like parts pulsated and wriggled as if they were alive.

This was the epicenter of Magi.

The control room was filled with demonic energy so strong that it would be difficult for an ordinary human to even breathe.

The terrible stench resembling the smell and the unpleasant flesh that squirts every time you step on it felt like it was shaving away the human spirit in real time.

The central pillar connected to the high ceiling, which easily crossed dozens of meters, was also covered with bright red flesh.

And I saw a red-haired man sitting bored on a chair in front of the pillar with his eyes closed.


The strong energy was blown lightly, but a translucent protective film was automatically created around the man and the strong energy disappeared without a trace. The man slowly opened his closed eyes, and his yellow eyes that were cracked like snakes shone.


The man looked at me calmly and opened his mouth.

“What do you mean by surprise?”


“Are you the head of Diabolus Pretum?”

“I am not the chief.”

From noble mtl dot com

Judging by the energy he felt, he was incomparable to the elders of Diabolus Pretum. I felt stronger demons than the demons I saw in the abandoned mines.

Lee Ja was obviously a pure human being.

“Is there another head?”

“no. We do not have the concept of a chieftain. If I had to argue, the alliance of elders could be seen as the leader.”

I didn’t expect an answer, but the man shook his head as he said it unexpectedly.

“Who are you… who are you?”


Resting his chin on his seat, the man pondered for a moment.

“If I had to question it… I’d say it’s about Master Master.”

“Of the warlocks?”


Although he himself denied it, it was certain that he was the closest to the head, to the point of being called a master. Then there was no need for a long conversation.

The man who still didn’t even think about getting up fired a sword attack with a sword ring. Black lightning currents ricocheted in all directions, turning red flesh into chars and galloping.

It was only then that the man’s eyes flashed, but it was already after the black lightning had dug into the man’s neck. Like when the strong air was blown, dozens of layers of defenses automatically rose and tried to block it, but the sword ring-covered black lightning ignored all of that and finally cut the man’s head.

Due to the shock wave of the Black Plasma, nearby flesh and blood vessels exploded, and red mucus continuously poured out from the cross section.

“Certainly, you were the variable.”

Even though his throat had been cut, the man’s head opened his mouth with the sound of air blowing.

“What difference does knowing that make?”

“That lightning black aura. I’ve heard of it. The hero of the Great Northern War, Karl von Bernstein.”

It seemed that the investigation was more thorough than I thought. Enough to think of my name just by looking at the Black Lightning. As I was indifferently listening to the man’s words, the torso jumped up from the chair, approached the man’s severed head, lifted it up, and joined the body and head again.

From noble mtl dot com

Judging by the fact that the cut surface regenerates and attaches itself in an instant, it seems that he will not die from simply being decapitated. Considering that it was inside the ship, only the neck was neatly cut off.

As expected, black magicians were not seeds that could be judged by common sense.

“Can we talk for a minute?”

I ignored it and tried to kill it at once, but I felt something uncomfortable. From a while ago, Iza hadn’t shown any signs of hostility toward me.

Of course, the only good warlock is a dead warlock. I didn’t have to listen to the author’s flattery, but I thought that it was not intuitive to reject the conversation and deal with it right away.

Killing was always possible anyway.

Stronger than the Demons in the Abandoned Mine? That meant nothing to me now. If he couldn’t die simply by being decapitated, it was enough to kill him until he died. You can’t be alive with a handful of blood.

“What are you talking about?”

“hmm. Aren’t you curious how we developed into such a huge organization?”

“No, I am not curious.”

“Come on, don’t be so picky. All magic feeds on money. If you could see it from the outside, you’d know. Where did he get so many research funds from the archmage and thousands of materials for artificial life that could easily be passed over? Have you ever thought it was strange? Could it have been completed overnight?”

“You talk a lot. They were all taken care of anyway.”

“hmm. Teaching has become a habit. Of course, seeing as I came this far, I guessed that fact. Your hostility toward us is worse than you think?”


I was still contemplating whether or not I should kill this man. It was clear that he had committed many evil deeds.

At first glance, it seems rational, but in the end, it was clear that this person was also crazy somewhere.

“I will tell you the answer first. It is an empire.”


“okay. What raised us, what used us, what abandoned us. It was all done by the Empire.”

“I already know that you guys have been supported by nobles.”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

The man suddenly grabbed his stomach and laughed.

“What’s so funny?”

“nobility? Do you think it would have been possible to train so many wizards and carry out massive experiments with only support from nobles? Just look at this ship. Does this look like something a noble would own?”

I had doubts while killing the elders of Diabolus Pretum. Including Tobias, whom he killed in the past, there are more than ten great wizards or wizards close to him.

Outside of the Empire, archmages weren’t that common. Even if it includes those close to it.

If there were two or three in one kingdom, it was considered to be a lot.

The power of Diabolus Pretum was unreasonable by the standards of this world.

“Is it the imperial family?”

In the end, if you weren’t a noble, there was only one answer.

“okay. We are those who seek the truth of life. I just don’t care ‘a little’ about the world’s gaze and ethics.”

“It’s disgusting.”

“It’s disgusting. Thanks to you, what have we done? Isn’t there a brilliant result that was born thanks to ‘not caring’ about ethics next to you? Carl von Bernstein.”


The man tilted his head and narrowed his snake-like pupils.

“Why don’t you know? Isn’t there Princess Riena? It is truly one of our masterpieces.”


Hearing the name unexpectedly made me gasp.

I had the urge to tear that mouth open right now.

“hmm. Didn’t you know?”

The man crossed his arms and raised his mouth in surprise.

“There is no such thing as magic to Princess Riena.”

This was because he was at an age where he had grasped every nook and cranny of Princess Riena’s body, so he was able to assert that.

“That’s natural. didn’t you say We are those who seek the truth of life. Dragon blood flows in the Franz family. Like the dragon’s face of the current emperor, that trait often manifests itself. It’s a bloodline that’s like a miracle.”


It was something I didn’t need to know. It was something I didn’t even need to hear. But it was something I couldn’t help but hear.

“I guess you really didn’t know. Did Princess Riena ever talk about her mother? Young-soo is of mixed blood. But why wasn’t the mother Yeongsoo? Didn’t you think it was strange? None of the empresses are youngsoo. Are you sure. And Princess Riena’s mother died right after giving birth to Princess Riena.”

“Do I really need to know that?”

Up until now, Princess Riena had never mentioned her mother, so I guessed that something was going on.

I never expected to find out in this form.

“Oh, yes. you can be like that Anyway, the imperial family had a lot of complaints. Why are the characteristics of noble dragons so rare? Even with a bloodline that was already great enough, they tried to become ‘greater’. As for the imperial family, it had to be more special than others.”

“Is that why you supported them?”

“yes. Now you know. The Imperial Mage Tower is a really great place. You’re free to believe, but I’m from there too. Inside the Imperial Mage Tower special storage, which is tightly sealed among dozens of things, there are things that you can’t even imagine. Although I only know some of them. One of them was a sample of the essence of Yeongsu, a fox who had already disappeared. It was very valuable.”

The man nodded and his eyes lit up.

“Before Princess Riena, there were numerous failures. It was a very pleasant time. Anyway, after a lot of trial and error, we made it. I finally succeeded in fusing the essence of the fox spirit into the seed of the current emperor. It seems that the long-term research that has continued since the time of the previous emperor has borne fruit as Princess Riena.”


It is said that it is a different form from the demon, but it was clear that the black magician was also crazy. The author simply said it was trial and error, but I couldn’t even imagine how many people would have been sacrificed. Especially if you had the support of the Imperial Emperor.

“But at that moment, the current emperor betrayed us. I started to be severely suppressed. He betrayed us at the great moment when the research that had been carried on since the time of the previous emperor was being completed. I didn’t prepare for a day or two. Without even noticing this I was cast out to sea in a single moment. So I swore To avenge the imperial family. Do I not understand now?”

“No, I have no intention of understanding black magicians or the like.”

Black Mage or Mage. He had no intention of understanding those who were corrupted by demonic energy. The wicked were just the wicked.

“hmm. you should be thanking me Princess Riena is at a level that I covet even from my point of view. I don’t know, but even if I learned magic, it would have been really great.”

“It doesn’t matter what Princess Riena’s talent is. And what do you mean, is that the end?”

Gradually, the limit of patience was coming to listen to the disgusting words of the author.

“okay. It’s over.”

With a smile on his face, the man took out a staff from somewhere and slammed it on the ground.

I knew right away that I was carefully channeling my energy and resonating with the surrounding flesh.

For the author, talking to me was just a way to earn time.

The flesh that had filled the room came together and began to fuse with the man.

“Looking at it now, your body is very special. Won’t you cooperate with the experiment? I don’t think your body would be bad for failing this job. Research always involves trial and error. I have a lot of patience.”

The man laughed and whispered as he mingled with the slobbery flesh.

Of course, the answer I would give was always one. Without responding, I quietly took out the black lightning.

Black lightning filled the heavens and earth.

I Became the Heavenly Demon of the Academy

I Became the Heavenly Demon of the Academy

아카데미 천마가 되었다
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Wei, the Twelfth Patriarch of the Great Heavenly Demon Religion, and Cheon Woo-jin, the Sura Demon Emperor. When he opened his eyes, he had become the eldest son of the Bernstein family, Karl von Bernstein. Another world, another body. This time, I’ll finally reach the Martial Realm.


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not work with dark mode