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I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World Chapter 79

79 – Episode 79

“Huh, that’s too much. I’m looking shabby now, but I’m still a god. Instead of being like that, why don’t you listen to my story? “

When the Wendigo showed strong resistance, Alpodr tried to persuade her with a bright smile.

He was planning to persuade the Wendigo by telling anecdotes from the mythical era…

“I want to decline. It’s not a third party’s story, but what you say has any credibility.”

“Aren’t you curious? There is a story about a man who received knowledge from me as a gift and became a wise man, and a story about a kid who became a king after receiving my advice.”

Alfordr stimulated the Wendigo’s curiosity.

There were many ways to create a gap in her heart, but there were few methods as easy and simple as her curiosity.

In particular, a world where the names and records of the gods were ‘exiled’ from Middle-earth.

Everyone was curious about the stories of the mythical era, as the remaining records were passed down only through oral traditions left by our ancestors.

… At least if it wasn’t a wendigo. He was not at all interested in the mythological era.

The Wendigo responded grumpily with her arms crossed.

“I’m not really curious. In the end, heroes end up with tragic ends.”

“Hmm! Not really…”

The Wendigo’s point struck Alfordr off guard.

The end of heroes tends to be similar to their turbulent lives.

In particular, the heroes of the North often walked a path stained with blood, such as the founding of the nation and succession to the throne, so the cases of a comfortable ending were few and far between.

Especially in cases involving gods, the end is usually bound to be terrible…

Freya recalled the ending of the story given by Alfodr as an example, and opened her mouth with a grin.

“Oh, you’re talking about Kvas and Gerold? Surely they were both great. Kvas became a sage respected by people with the wisdom you gave him, and Gerold became a king.”

“Yes. They both grew up to be great heroes. Isn’t it all thanks to me being their helper?”

“So as soon as you withdrew your wisdom and advice, you fell into the abyss.”



The Wendigo was absurd.

Did you really intend to persuade yourself with a story like that?

‘There is no one in the world I can trust. It would be a big deal if all the gods of the North were like that.’

As the Wendigo’s eyes showed a hint of contempt, Alfordr hastily made an excuse.

“I was foolish back then. I thought that since I had given them enough time, it would be okay to take back what I had given them.”

“No… It sounds like they took away what was given to them.”

“Because it wasn’t a deal with them. Of course, I lent my power to them without any compensation, so I guess they can take it as they please.”

The argument was that since it was not a transaction, it was free to give or take power.

Of course, the Wendigo did not accept that claim. It was obvious that Alfodr would have benefited from giving him that power.

“They would have told people to honor your name and be religious?”

“hehehehe, thanks to me, you have enjoyed wealth and fame. Isn’t that only natural?”

“Then they ended up playing into your hands. Even though they said they didn’t make a deal, they ended up benefiting.”

Alfordr clicked his tongue inwardly at the Wendigo’s point.

Among the spirits, there were quite a few whose judgment was clouded by pride, but unfortunately, the spirit in front of me was not like that at all.

Alfodr gave up having the Wendigo as her limb.

Alfodr leaned back in his chair and sighed deeply.

“Phew. I can’t believe I, who tricked Freya into eating it, can’t even roast and boil a spirit. I’m old too.”

“How can a god grow old? And I wasn’t deceived, right? Because you committed a treasonous trick.”

“Freya, it is usually said that you were deceived. You were deceived.”

“Hey! Whose side are you on?”

Gulmarg’s cleanliness stung Freya’s pride.

When Freyja huffed and got angry at Gulmarg, the Wendigo stopped the skit and asked Alfodr.

“If you’re trying to lure me in with nonsense, go back. If not, suggest a more normal deal.”

“It’s unfortunate, but I can’t help it.”

Alfordr did not show the slightest hint of the Wendigo’s harsh words.

The Wendigo was impressed by its flawless skin.

You really have to be that shameless to be called a god!

“You swear allegiance to me and create a thousand-year empire that spans the north…”

“Get out.”

“Did you really only spend time in the forest? This is etiquette and tradition. Such fancy language is meant to show respect for the other person.”

“You’re right. Wendigo, you’re so dull.”

The only thing that gave Alfordr trouble was Freya, who liked everything, but this time she agreed with Alfordr’s opinion.

Although the tribes located in the northernmost part, if not the entire North, bowed their heads and offered tribute, the Wendigo did not know how to enjoy that power and gold.

Build a bigger temple! Wearing accessories made of gold, jewels, and deer horns! While he was doing it, he brought in a beautiful woman as his servant(?)!

“Why create something that will be ruined in just one fight anyway?”

“Wendigo is right. Accessories are useless for warriors.”

“Ugh… Hey! It’s strange that you move every time an accident happens in the first place!”

Freya screamed, pointing at the Wendigo, feeling her blood pressure not exist.

After all, what is a spirit?

“We’ll listen to the philosophy of spirits later. Alfodr, what do you want to say?”

“I have no intention of being hostile to you. So how about forming a cooperative relationship with me?”

The Wendigo was troubled by the word cooperation.

What good can there really be for oneself by forming a cooperative relationship?

“What does it mean specifically?”

“I am saying that I will not do anything that will cause harm to you. I will not temper your warriors by imposing harsh trials, nor will I grant protection to talented individuals and take them away.”


“If you wish, I will allow you to ask the gods for advice. Advice that is never forced, literally.”

It wasn’t a very great proposal, but it wasn’t a bad proposal either.

If Alfodr’s words were correct, it was natural that new gods would begin to influence Middle-earth in the future.

Of course, if you were destined to live with the gods from now on, there was no need to live with such dangerous people.

What if Alfordr, the focal point of the Northern Gods, turns out to be friendly?

“At least my people won’t suffer from the gods. The advice… Is pretty good.”

“Isn’t that pretty good? There were a lot of technologies that were greater than they are now, not only during the time when the word “Empire” Was first used, but also during the Ten Kingdoms.”

Freya spoke to the Wendigo, recalling the old empires and kingdoms.

It was an undeniable fact that although the gods caused many problems in the world, they also bestowed many blessings.

In the days when there was a real ’empire’ that could not be compared to the ragged empire in the south that called itself an empire, even farmers did not worry about starving.

Waterways were open everywhere, and the rivers of the empire were lined with roads extending from the capital…

“Certainly, the technology of the current era was disappointing. It is said that the mysteries of witchcraft have diminished as the gods have been isolated… But the rest is truly disappointing.”

“Then can I also get advice on technology?”

“It’s not impossible. Of course, it would require a sufficient price, earnest prayer, or even outstanding talent.”

Of course, something like this comes with a price.

The Wendigo looked at Alfodr suspiciously.

“Why are you offering such good conditions?”

“Let me be honest with you. How long do you think it will take for us to regain our strength?”

“Well, 100 years?”

When the Wendigo lightly threw her words away, Alpodr burst out laughing. It felt like the time the Wendigo took out was too short.

“hahahahaha! You’re so annoying. Do you even know how long we were exiled from Middle Earth?”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t even born that long ago in the first place.”

“It must have been at least 4,000 years.”

It has lived in despair for a whopping 4,000 years since its most brilliant days.

It was not for nothing that the gods tried to return to Middle-earth.

The fear that they might lose their power and disappear if things continued like this made them desperate.

“In the face of our Creator’s harshest punishment, we decided we needed to be a little softer toward mortals.”


Alfodr spoke to the Wendigo with a gentle face, like a prophet who had attained her enlightenment.

Of course, the Wendigo was dumbfounded.

I’ve learned ‘a little’ through 4000 years, which is hard to imagine…

‘The creator was so kind.’

This is why it was necessary to be a bit strict in educating children.

She would have cried and asked for forgiveness if her power had been taken away rather than imprisoned.

‘Still, there is no reason to refuse.’

A ‘good’ deal in which you receive more than you do.

Of course, there was no foolish thought in believing in Alfodr. Only a fool could have guessed this.

Except for my people, everyone else is a scammer trying to swindle me.

Alfodr smiled, then blinked her only eye and held out her hand to the Wendigo.

“What about cooperation or friendly relations with gods who have decided to approach mortals gently?”

“It’s quite annoying to ask when you know you’ll get it of course.”

The Wendigo held out her claws to Alfodr and took her hand for a shake.

Alfordr drew runes in the air and wrote a contract.

Watching her like that, the Wendigo was a little disappointed that she had to wait outside her.

It would have been a good opportunity if she had seen it, not because she was not good at magic.

Alfodr floated the completed contract in the air.

I could sense that the contract emitting multicolored light was unusual from its appearance.

“Okay, then, swear. It’s an oath to the Creator, and even God cannot avoid its absoluteness… What are you doing?”

Alpodr, who was preparing to swear with a solemn face, looked puzzled as the Wendigo approached her contract.

The Wendigo spoke to Alfordr in a transparent voice.

“You have to read the contract before you swear. It’s natural that I didn’t write it down. But… How do you read this?”

While Alfodr was confused, the Wendigo approached her contract and stretched out her hand.

Rune words of unknown appearance, slightly different from the letters used by shamans.

Of course, the Wendigo couldn’t read, but she didn’t have any major problems. As her fingernails tapped on the contract, the contents of the contract rushed into his mind like waves.

Alfordr scolded the Wendigo with an awkward expression.

“Huh, heh heh. I checked the contents, so I can see that there was no fraud. It’s an honest contract.”

‘I think I was planning to do it but canceled it just in case.’

From Noble mtl dot com

The Wendigo glared at Alpodr with her disapproving gaze.

Still, it was true that the contents of the contract were honest.

Wendigo and Alfordr thought to themselves as they made an oath to their creator.

‘You should never mess with that spirit with a contract.’

‘I should never deal directly with that guy.’

It couldn’t have been a relationship where people truly trusted each other.

* · * *

They swore oaths, but the Creator’s angel did not appear and notarize the oath, or a splendid light did not shine down on their heads.

This world is already a place made up of the Creator’s unfathomable power.

Those who are under the power of the Creator can be punished at any time.

“Cough. Still, I’m glad the story ended at the right time. This guy’s body is slowly reaching its limits.”

“If you hadn’t forced me to live in the first place, I would have died. So why get caught up in old stories…”

After completing his purpose, Alfodr’s body deteriorated rapidly.

The blood in my eyes began to pour out again, and pus flowed from the torn wound.

The consequences for defying the laws of nature and postponing death began to pile in.

“Spend 4,000 years with the face you see every day. As soon as you see the face for the first time, you will be so happy that you will want to do something.”

“Still, it was quite an informative story. I hope it will be like this the next time we meet.”

I was anxious that there might be a lot of complicated and bizarre things going on, but it wasn’t a bad encounter.

At least I knew in advance that something like that might happen.

“Okay, I’m glad it was a good meeting. I’ll finish the story before I leave. Let’s see… I’ll send a crow when I want to contact you.”

“What if I want to contact you first?”

“Tell the crow you want to see me, and I will come find you. Oh, and…”

‘You said more than I thought.’

Alfodr shook his bouncing head and stammered, making noises with his mouth. If the connection was lost, I didn’t know when I would have another opportunity to have this conversation.

Tear down the temple and build a temple. A ruler must show dignity rather than simplicity in order for the surroundings to be peaceful.

What makes a warrior strong is not a carrot but a stick. Giving carrots occasionally shows loyalty…

‘I hope it goes out quickly.’

“Oh, and speaking of shamans…”


The Wendigo, who had been listening to Alpodr’s story with interest, became interested when the story about Skadi and Sir came up.

“Both of them were very talented. In particular, the white-haired girl was at a level where she would have been chosen for the title of priest in the past.”

“Hmm. You have quite good eyes.”

The Wendigo responded to Skadi’s praise by nodding her head.

As befits a man called God, he still has eyes to see…

“She will be a good witch.”


As Alfodr laughed and cursed, the Wendigo summoned her ice sword out of thin air.

Alfodr did not know why the Wendigo had drawn her ice sword, and she continued to stutter.

“I can’t embrace the mystery now, but maybe soon…”

Shut up!

The Wendigo’s ice sword cut off Alfordr’s head, which was practically a corpse.

Her insult(?) To Skadi was unbearable.

Freya looked at the flying head and looked relieved.

I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World

I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World

판타지 속 웬디고가 되었다.
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
When I came to my senses, I had become a bipedal monster with deer antlers. I planned to live in hiding, as being treated as a monster and hunted was out of the question… But at some point, I began to be worshipped.


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not work with dark mode