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I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World Chapter 62

62 – Episode 62

A person’s actions tend to vary depending on his or her innate personality and talents.

Even if you have a violent personality, if you are not born with violence and charisma, you will end up as a mixed bag, but if you are born with talent, it is possible to make a page in history.

In that sense, Gelmir was a shaman who decorated a page of history among northern shamans.

The bravery of cutting down enemies directly on the battlefield, the charisma that his subordinates would not dare to rebel against, and the cruelty that would kill even his own blood relatives if necessary.

Because he was born with no fear, he always thought and acted at the same time…

“Huh, huh. What I saw wasn’t even the real person.”

The wendigo, having no intention of hiding, slowly walked out of her fog.

Gelmir felt fear for the first time in a long time. He couldn’t help but stare at her wendigo body and marvel.

The huge body, reminiscent of a giant, is wrapped in jet-black leather that doesn’t know whether to call it beautiful or scary.

The deer’s skull, presumed to be the head, was emitting an ominous glow as if the vengeful spirits of the dead were burning.

Gelmir unconsciously grabbed the ax and sword that had been with him his whole life and glared at the Wendigo.

‘I’d rather believe that I’m having a nightmare. ‘What on earth is he doing that I can’t even sense his presence?’

Out of all the spirits and demonic beasts I have encountered so far, there was none as unique and strange as the spirit in front of me.

I was able to get over the unknown depth of mystery and the inability to feel presence. Because the world is full of inexplicable things.

But there was one thing I couldn’t understand.

Gel Mir asked the Wendigo with a frown.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking. Why did you kick us out?”

The Wendigo, not knowing that Gelmir would ask a question, stared at Gelmir.

Are you asking because you really don’t know?

“That’s strange. Even if you think about it, doesn’t it seem like you’ve only been chasing out people who are so cunning, petty, and vicious?”

“I didn’t waste my life to the point where I didn’t know that. I even lost an eye because I overlooked it, so there’s no way I wouldn’t know.”

“So, are you asking this even though you know the answer?”

The Wendigo asked as if she was asking the obvious, but Gelmir firmly shook her head.

Gelmir readily acknowledged that he was a shaman who was infamous for everyone, including himself, but he did not think that was a reason to be kicked out.

“The transaction between a shaman and a spirit is a kind of battle. It is a battle to get what you want from the other person at a small price.”

‘As expected of a shaman, he is insane.’

Gelmir spoke seriously, but the Wendigo was disgusted and ignored him.

If the wendigo could make her expression, Gelmir would have swung her ax at her humiliation, but unfortunately for her, the wendigo could not make her expression.

Not knowing that, Gelmir laid out his thoughts as if he were speaking the truth he had realized over a long period of time.

“Trading is the act of deceiving the other party to gain an advantage. It is no different from a transaction between a spirit and a shaman. So, whether the other party is evil or good, there is no reason not to trade as long as you can make a profit.”

“I’m sure it’s because of his age, but he doesn’t have an iron face. By that logic, there’s no one among merchants who doesn’t wear a sword, and even a bandit can become a merchant.”

“… You’re not pretending not to know even though you know, right? Is it because you really don’t know how many people like that are in this world?”


When Gelmir looked at her with a strange look, the Wendigo was left speechless. Surely she wouldn’t be surprised if the merchant in this world was a former robber.

Even considering that he took the number of people, merchants in this world are definitely quite crazy..

“Stop this petty argument. We’re not in a relationship to talk.”

The Wendigo raised her ice sword and shed her deadly energy.

Gelmir raised his weapon and quietly considered the possibility of negotiation.

“Aren’t you willing to accept peace negotiations? I’ll pay a heavy price for my rudeness, so we’ll have to rebuild our relationship from the beginning.”

“If a wolf has shown its teeth once, why can’t it do so again? I have no intention of taking that risk.”

“No matter how much the spirit encompasses the forest, do you think it can come back unscathed against hundreds of warriors?”

Gelmir truly did not want to fight. She had to do everything she could to defeat the Wendigo, but it wasn’t profitable.

Contrary to her original plan, it is impossible to make a deal with the Wendigo due to the hierarchical relationship.

It was more beneficial for the future to pay the price for rudeness and defeat the warriors.

If you persuade and absorb the warriors who lost their chieftain, it will happen again…

“Honestly, it might be a burden if I deal with it alone.”

“Okay. So, a peace agreement in moderation…”

“But who said I was alone?”

“… Damn.”

Gel Mir bit his lip, recalling the truth he had been forced to ignore.

As expected, you didn’t come alone!


The Wendigo’s roar attacked Gelmir.

The amulets that protected Gelmir’s body shook and shattered loudly, protecting him, but they could not silence the roar.

The roar pushed away the fog that covered the forest.

“It’s a signal from the spirit!”

“Protect the forest! You will repay the spirit’s grace, even if it means sacrificing your life!”

The warriors realized that the blood-curdling roar was the Wendigo’s signal and took action.

Dozens of arrows were fired at the enemies, and bloodthirsty wolves galloped through the forest following the rider’s orders.

As warriors wearing bone helmets rushed forward, singing cruel hymns and basking in the fanatical heat, the Alliance warriors were unable to come to their senses.

“The wolves are coming from behind! We have to stop them right away… Sigh!”

“Shields, you guys with shields, stop the arrows quickly! If you keep doing this, you’re all going to die!”

“If you have time to use the shield command, stop those crazy guys first! Before all the damn shields are shattered!”

No matter how loyal the warriors are, how well will the warriors who lost their chief respond to a situation that would be embarrassing?

Gelmir ran towards the Wendigo, looking at its miserable appearance.

She instinctively realized that she would not be able to return from here alive unless she defeated the Wendigo.

While Gel Mir was running, she took out her bronze chain from her arms and threw it towards the Wendigo.


“I command the chains, let the spirits stay in this land!”

In an instant, the chains wrapped around the Wendigo’s arms unleashed their power according to Gelmir’s orders. The spirit is trapped in the body to prevent it from escaping.

Spirits are beings who are extremely reluctant to waste mysteries.

If they could not abandon their bodies and escape, the spirits had no choice but to compromise or fight, prepared to return to nature.

Of course, what Gelmir was aiming for was the former. If her losses became extreme, she decided that even a wendigo would compromise.

‘… It has no effect?’

From Noble mtl dot com

The Wendigo, who did not know Gelmir’s true intentions, was just puzzled. In the first place, she was of no restraint to the Wendigo, who did not even know if she could escape her body.

Gelmir, who did not know this, raised his spell. Tattoos made with the giant’s blood made his body large and powerful, and magic in his armor, shoes, and bracelets assisted him.

After completing preparations, Gelmir let out a shout and swung his ax towards the Wendigo’s legs.

‘It’s fast!’

The Wendigo was quite surprised by Gelmir’s agility. Among the ones he had seen so far, his speed was comparable to that of Oneton.

The ice sword drew a large trajectory and aimed at Gelmir’s neck, but with the help of magic, Gelmir quickly dodged the ice sword and left a wound on the Wendigo’s leg.

It was a small wound, but the Wendigo frowned.

“There’s a spell on that ax too. That’s a very nasty guy.”

“This is an ax that has been with me all my life. What better material could there be for a shaman!”

Gelmir’s ax was an object that spent its entire life with its owner, drank the blood of hundreds of people, and decapitated five demonic beasts and two spirits.

These items were imbued with mysterious power even without a shaman casting a spell. It is a type of naturally occurring witchcraft.

Among those items, Gelmir’s ax was imbued with quite a nasty power, forcing the opponent to bleed non-stop and worsening the wound.

‘With this, we will be able to bring that guy down to the negotiating table!’

Gelmir narrowly avoided the Wendigo’s ice sword and ignited her fighting spirit.

If you increase the number of wounds one by one, the Wendigo will get tired of it and will try to negotiate!

‘It’s not as great a spell as I thought. ‘Is it just the power of wounds not healing?’

After discovering the identity of her magic, the Wendigo healed her wounds with mystery without hesitation.

Of course, she resisted the axe’s magic, but it didn’t matter. An overwhelming wave of mystery shattered the magic in the wound.

“It’s no big deal.”


As the Wendigo recovered from her wounds as if it was no big deal, Gel Mir stopped in shock.

The magic contained in the ax was by no means a magic that could be taken lightly. It is a spell so severe that in the past, a warrior who had been slightly cut by an ax blade died because the wound did not heal.

“How on earth is there so much mystery to use such an ignorant method!?”

“There is no reason to answer.”


Gelmir was startled and tried to avoid the Wendigo’s ice sword as it flew towards her neck.

However, it was not easy for Gelmir, who had stopped moving due to her shock, to avoid her ice sword.

Shut up!


She narrowly avoided having her head blown off, but Gel Mir’s shoulder was cut in a moment of inattention.

The Wendigo said that the magic contained in Gelmir’s ax was weak, but in fact, her Wendigo mystery was not much different.

As her intense cold spread around her wounds and made her flesh become numb, Gelmir endured her mounting pain and took out the medicine from her arms.

A healing potion made using troll liver, snake skin, and dozens of medicinal herbs.

Gelmir hurriedly widened the distance and poured her medicine into her mouth. The Wendigo had no intention of giving that opportunity, but…

“Command to the sword. Strike him with lightning!”

The sword made from the bones of the thunderwolf flashed and spit out lightning.

As her thunderbolt flew, the Wendigo swung her ice sword at it. When she sensed that there was no escape, her body moved on its own.

Of course, I had my own calculations.

He calculated that his strong body would be able to withstand her lightning strike!

‘I bet you won’t die if you get struck by lightning!’

Fortunately, his calculations were correct. When her ice sword collided with the thunderbolt, her thunderbolt disappeared with a roar.

When the thunderbolt failed to cause much damage, Gelmir clicked her tongue and rushed towards the Wendigo again.

‘Even if you get injured, it leaves a fatal wound!’

After being cut by the Wendigo’s sword, Gelmir gained confidence. He was confident that if he failed to land a proper blow, there would be no repercussions.

Gel Mir summoned the power of a giant to the point that his body was damaged and unleashed the magic contained in his sword.

A sword that split apart and began to emit light.

Gelmir fiercely swung the sword towards the Wendigo. The sword with the obsession to cut him down collided with the Wendigo’s ice sword…


Along with the explosion, a thick thunderbolt shattered the Wendigo’s ice sword. The Wendigo was very surprised and glared at Gelmir.

I didn’t know that the ice sword would shatter.

And Gelmir saw that gaze as a gap and dug into it.

Gel Mir swung her ax, aiming for her Wendigo’s shoulder.




Gelmir’s ax dug into her wendigo’s shoulder. Gelmir tried to unleash the magic contained in the ax like this.

At that moment, the Wendigo’s hand grabbed Gelmir’s arm. Gelmir tried to shake off her wendigo’s hand, but she couldn’t.

His arms began to slowly freeze.

“It hurts. No, it doesn’t hurt? I’m not sure.”


Gelmir, pushing her magic to its limit, tried to cut off the Wendigo’s shoulder…

As the Wendigo’s other hand grabbed hold of her axe, her ice grew and engulfed her axe. Dok2 failed to run away and was sealed as is.

“I wanted to kill him as cleanly as possible…”

“Let go!!!”

With both her hands sealed, Gelmir vomited her blood and cursed, but the Wendigo did not care one bit.

Even though she was unable to use both of her hands, the Wendigo was still able to kill Gelmir.

Quad deuk!


The wendigo’s teeth bit into Gelmir’s shoulder and her neck. No, biting would be a more accurate expression.

With half of her neck, shoulder, and part of her upper body torn off, Gelmir collapsed and coughed up blood.

‘I’ve lived too long. ‘I can’t believe I made such a reckless plan without even knowing who he was.’

He only acknowledged his mistake towards the end of his life.

The Wendigo left a good message to the dying Gelmir.

“Live a good life in your next life.”

“Dog… Sound.”

Gelmir, who did not expect to hear the spirit telling him to live a good life, cursed briefly and died.

* · * *

When Gelmir, who was the leader of the alliance, died, the morale of the alliance instantly dropped.

Even though the other chieftains and shamans shouted loudly, it was no use. Even though the situation was already tilted, it was too tilted.

Even if you use arrows, wolf riders, and warriors with bone helmets, there are still Wendigos left.

“Hang, I surrender!”

“Please save us! We were just deceived by Gelmir!”

No matter how honorable the warriors were, they were afraid of death. As they began to surrender one by one, all the warriors threw down their weapons and begged for their lives.

Of course, since the warriors surrendered, it was not the witchcraft or the chieftain. Those who went on an expedition using numbers as a weapon in the first place have lost their weapons, so what can they do?

All the captured shaman and chieftain could do was curse the world, curse the incompetent warriors, and curse the dead Gelmir.

And even that was impossible when the Wendigo appeared.

The Wendigo, who had joined her men, pointed to her prisoners and asked the warrior next to her.

“Why is it so frozen?”

“That’s it…”

The warrior avoided the Wendigo’s gaze, unable to bear the profanity in her mouth.

Geron, who was watching her, sighed and motioned to her wendigo, asking her to bow her head.

As the Wendigo lowered her head, Geron whispered carefully.

“It’s because there’s blood on her mouth.”

“Oh. I forgot.”

The Wendigo shook her head, only then did she remember that she had Gelmir’s blood on her mouth.

It was natural for her to be scared as she looked down at the giant with blood on her mouth.

“Well, that’s good. Get ready to send the full letter to Geron.”

“What if you say Jeonseo?”

When Geron asked curiously, the Wendigo pointed to her chief and the shamans.

“They have a telegram to send. I’m asking for those who can send it as quickly as possible.”

“I still don’t know why, but… I understand.”

Geron brought parchment and charcoal from somewhere and distributed them to the prisoners.

The prisoners became thoughtful and pleaded with the Wendigo.

“Please, please save me!”

“I will be loyal! If you wish, I will also sacrifice the tribe’s virgins, so please spare your life!”

“Have you suddenly gone crazy? I’m not telling you to write a will.”

When the prisoners made a mistake, the Wendigo corrected them with a straight face. However, her captives did not easily believe her Wendigo words.

In this situation, what is the letter they can send if it is not a will?

The Wendigo clicked her tongue and ordered them.

“Call everyone with the right to succession to the forest.”


A chief asked back at the command for which the reason was unknown. Then the warriors hit the chief’s head with the handle of their sword and began trampling him.

“How dare you criticize an order!”

“Be thankful that your neck is still attached!”

“Ahh! I’m sorry. I’m sorry!!!”

The chief was covered in blood and writhed under the harsh beatings of the warriors.

The prisoners who watched this hurriedly picked up charcoal and began writing a war note.

I don’t know why…

I didn’t want to die after being beaten like that.

I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World

I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World

판타지 속 웬디고가 되었다.
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
When I came to my senses, I had become a bipedal monster with deer antlers. I planned to live in hiding, as being treated as a monster and hunted was out of the question… But at some point, I began to be worshipped.


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