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I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World Chapter 39

39 – Episode 39

Wendigo had a rough estimate of how many people might be outside through Skadi’s stories. With the gathering of the forest people, warriors from the Blue Fang tribe, and their families, there seemed to be no shortage of allies.

However, Wendigo realized that his assumptions were incorrect.

“Ooo! The spirit has awakened!”

“Skadi said if she prayed every day, the spirit would wake up, and it’s true!”

“Indeed, the spirit is more majestic than the forest avatars!”

The crowd that far exceeded Wendigo’s predictions exclaimed in awe upon seeing him.

Wendigo cleared his throat, looking at the people.


“The spirit speaks! Everyone, bow your heads and greet!”

It was nerve-wracking to speak in front of so many people after a long time. When a man shouted and knelt, the others followed suit.

Although it was an uneasy situation, Wendigo remained unfazed. It wasn’t his first time experiencing this.

“What matters here is choosing the right demeanor to display.”

Why did the spirits consistently adopt an arrogant attitude?

Perhaps because they naturally enjoyed looking down on others?

“Well, that might not be entirely untrue, but the arrogance of the capable turns into dignity.”

Most kings were arrogant, but not many considered it a flaw. Kings were born with abilities and lineage, after all.

If it hadn’t been so, my throat would have been cut and the usurper would have taken the crown. It was only natural.

The spirits were not much different. In fact, the spirits were born with the conditions to be arrogant, so it was strange not to be arrogant.

“Surely, if I become dignified, life will be easier from now on.”

Some people may differ, but generally, there are few people who enjoy working with dignified individuals.

Just being around them makes it hard to breathe, so how many people would actually enjoy that?

If I think about the increasing number of beings I have to govern in the future, it would be better to show a dignified appearance and distance myself from trivial matters…

“But it’s not like I can act dignified whenever I want.”

To be dignified, you have to have a certain level of arrogance.

When Wendy thought of arrogance and spirits, the next thing that came to mind was a wild boar, a parasite, and a wolf.

At least in the standards of this world’s people, those three would have to be like, “Ah, our spirit is quite arrogant!” to hear such a comment…

That was simply impossible. It would be more convenient to show a good image as usual, even if it was a bit bothersome.

“S-Spirit, have we been rude?”


One of the warriors who was politely bowing raised his head and asked quietly, and Wendy finally came to her senses.

She realized that kneeling and bowing was quite a difficult task.

Moreover, the floor was not soft, it was a dirt floor, so how painful would it be?

Feeling the worry and unease among the people, Wendy made excuses as they came to her.

“I apologize. I couldn’t open my mouth because I realized how happy I am as a spirit, knowing that there are so many people who believe in me and follow me.”


The people who were holding their breath and bowing were startled and looked at each other.

If I didn’t hear it wrong just now, is the spirit expressing admiration?

‘Is it saying that it’s truly different from ordinary spirits?’

‘Indeed, it wasn’t an act to recognize the honor of the warriors and save lives!’

The loyalty of those who have been with Wendeigo from the beginning, like deep-rooted trees, was firm, but those who joined later were not the same.

There were those who reluctantly joined under Wendeigo due to Onerthon’s attack, and those who had no choice but to join due to the Blue Fur Tribe.

Wendeigo’s words cast a shadow of distrust on their hearts. However, it was not completely extinguished.

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‘Anyone can say the right words. Even spirits can do anything.’

‘It’s still something unknown. I should maintain a critical attitude…’

While others were excited, those who still harbored suspicion lowered their posture a bit more.

For spirits like Wendeigo, even a slight change in attitude or expression could raise suspicion, so they tried to show a more polite demeanor.

However, their efforts were in vain. Wendeigo sniffed the scent of distrust and inwardly licked his tongue.

‘Indeed, it’s not easy to win people’s hearts with just this much.’

What was needed at this moment was a performance.

Wendeigo turned his head to look at Scadi. Although she didn’t show it on her face, she seemed quite proud.

Wendeigo pointed to the ice prison behind him and asked her.

“Scadi, I heard that the village was moved around this ice prison. Is that correct?”

“Yes. The previous village had oily soil, so we used it for farmland and arranged the village to spread out from this center instead. Your residence also expanded significantly compared to before.”

“Then, will this place become the center for the forest people from now on?”

“If Wendeigo doesn’t intend to move elsewhere, I suppose so? And…”


For a moment, Skadi, observing the people’s reactions, gestured to Wendygo as if asking her to lower her head.

When Wendygo complied and bowed her head, she whispered into what was presumed to be his ear.

“Just in case, I’ve arranged the village a bit loosely. If the village becomes too clustered, you might not be able to move around, Wendygo.”

“… To that extent?”

“No matter how loyal people are, if you cannot enjoy that, Wendygo, it’s pointless.”

With each expansion of the village, his senses had dulled, but was he really paying attention to that?

Wendygo nodded in surprise at Skadi’s thoroughness.

According to her, this place would become the center of attention for people in the future.

Wendygo pulled an ice pillar from the ground and brought his fingernail to the center of the pillar.

There, Wendygo began to carve one by one, and the people quietly watched his actions.

1. Parents should protect their children, and children should respect their parents.

2. Those who commit adultery are not worthy of love, and they shall not escape death.

3. Those who covet others’ belongings shall first do so with their hands, and then with their lives, absolving their sin.

4. Unjustifiable murder is an unforgivable evil, and they shall pay the price in equal measure.

5. Love your neighbors and family. In return, they will respond with love.

Wendygo stopped after the fifth and put away his fingernail. The people looked at the inscribed words on the pillar, perplexed.

What on earth is he doing?

“If I have nothing to ask of you, it would be a lie. However, if I ask too much of you, that would also be my fault.”

“That’s not true. Whatever Wendygo desires, we…!”

As Skadi reflexively opened her mouth in response to Wendygo’s words, he hastily covered her mouth with his hand.

Scadi, his face buried in leather, shouted something, but Wendigo continued without paying attention.

“I may not know the laws of humans, but I know there are things to be observed. Can you see what’s written here?”

“Yes. But…”

People nodded their heads in agreement. The characters engraved on the ice pillar sparkled with a clear blue light, unpleasant to the eyes but impossible to ignore.

“I swear to protect you if you adhere to these five laws… no, precepts.”

People were greatly surprised by Wendigo’s oath. In their eyes, these five precepts seemed relatively easy to follow.

To live kindly, do no harm to others – a simple enough command. Yet, to swear to protect people just for that!

The skepticism circulating among the people vanished, crushed by the weight of the spirit’s oath, replaced by a rising surge of warm emotions.

Filled with respect, awe, and trust, the crowd shouted, “May the forest prosper for eternity!”

Amidst the fervor, Wendigo made a cool-headed judgment.

“The most important law in governing people isn’t some special rule but adhering to the most fundamental.”

People might think that rulers possess extraordinary wisdom, but in reality, governing people wasn’t about exceptional wisdom.

What a ruler needed was a basic tranquility that allowed for lenient governance.

Most problems had solutions as long as they weren’t too chaotic.

Above all, he promised to protect according to those precepts; taxes and labor were separate matters.

“Taxes may not be much to look forward to, but at least quality goods can be expected.”

Wendigo inwardly smiled, thinking he had cleverly hidden his thoughts.

… In truth, even if he had said it plainly, people would have been grateful for Wendigo’s grace.

In a world where knights and nobles not only failed to protect but also plundered property, who would talk about protection!

Moreover, Wendigo’s idea of taxes wasn’t too high either.

If they had known

Gerone gave up trying to tell the truth to Wendigo.

Because Wendigo would surely say, “It’s always necessary to be careful,” and make his chest feel suffocated.

Gerone decided to change the subject instead.

“By the way, have there been any significant changes since you defeated the wolf spirit? Skadi said that you gained a new power from the spirit.”

“Well… I guess you could say it’s a bit ambiguous.”

Wendigo said as he chewed and swallowed several fruits at once.

The origin of Onethon is savagery.

And savagery… was a more abstract power than he had thought. It wasn’t for nothing that Onethon was skilled in sorcery.

Being able to fatten and strengthen beasts, and wield the power of a hundred animals…

“It’s a power that’s hard to make use of.”

That’s right. The origin of Onethon was truly ambiguous.

No matter how much he thought about it, it was a hundred times more useful to create a doppelganger and fight with it than to fatten and strengthen beasts.

Although he could wield the power of beasts, his strength would become stronger… but Wendigo had never seen anyone stronger than himself.

“I guess all I gained from that wolf bastard was just sorcery…”

Things like shared vision or the art of creating doppelgangers were quite useful, but he was a bit disappointed because the part he had anticipated the most was like this…

“Spirit, someone has come urgently seeking you. May I let them in?”

While savoring the lamb meat, someone outside the banquet hall asked for permission in a polite voice.

Wendigo waved his hand and Gerone nodded, approaching the door.

“The spirit has given permission, so open the door!”

As the guards outside opened the door, a man entered. Wendigo immediately recognized who the man was.

The man’s name was Leffnil. Despite his small stature and lack of strength, he was a rather clever servant working under Skadi.

Leffnil tilted his head and extended a scroll to Geron, who, upon receiving it, stepped back with his head still tilted.

Geron unfolded the tightly wrapped leather to check its contents.

“What does it say?”


Geron hesitated with a bewildered expression. Wendygo found Geron’s unusual attitude intriguing, unlike his usual composed self.

What could be in the content to make him react like that?

“Even if it’s a ridiculous tale, I’ll laugh it off. Speak quickly.”

“Yes. It’s… reported that a herd of saiga antelopes has encroached upon the village.”

“What nonsense… Wait a moment.”

Wendygo, who was about to react seriously to the absurd content, hastily collected his words.

If a herd of saiga antelopes did invade the village, and there was a reason behind it, it would undoubtedly be him.

“There’s a reason for everything. There must be a reason for this as well.”

Wendygo stood up immediately to confirm, but hesitated as if something was holding him back.

Geron approached Wendygo with a puzzled expression and asked cautiously.

“Why is that? If there’s any problem on your mind, we’ll do our best to prepare…”

“No, I was considering what to do because it would be a waste of food to leave like this.”

“… Since they’re not threatening or causing a commotion, it seems like you can finish your meal and leave.”

“Then, that’s fortunate.”

As Wendygo returned to his seat and quickly devoured his food, Geron closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh inwardly.

No matter how much he admired and respected his benevolent lord…

‘Every now and then, it would be nice if he showed a more imposing presence to me…’

Even witnessing such a display, maintaining reverence was no easy task.

Geron made efforts today, as well, not to lose his reverence.

I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World

I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World

판타지 속 웬디고가 되었다.
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
When I came to my senses, I had become a bipedal monster with deer antlers. I planned to live in hiding, as being treated as a monster and hunted was out of the question… But at some point, I began to be worshipped.


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not work with dark mode