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I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World Chapter 34

34 – Episode 34

The next day.

Rector’s army began to move towards the open field discovered by Oneton. Naturally, this time they didn’t split into small units for a strike.

Doing such a foolish act was solely to deplete Wendigo’s power, not to boost the warriors’ morale.

“If only it wasn’t for Oneton’s insistence, I would have gathered the troops much earlier… Sigh.”

The reduction of at least one-third of the warriors who initially entered the forest was not Rector’s fault.

Approaching Rector, mounted on a large wolf, Oneton disregarded the obvious discomfort.

“You’re going too far. Have you forgotten whose power you gained yesterday?”

“Wearing armor made of mammoth hide is a warrior’s ability, not something to be thankful to the mammoth for.”

Oneton admired Rector’s audacity. It had been a while since he found someone worth betraying so much for.

“Fine, have it your way.”

“If you’ve come to test my patience again, leave. I have an army to command.”

“Unfortunately, that’s not the reason. I wish to expedite the army’s pace.”

“…Didn’t I just say I didn’t come here to test my patience?”

As Lectar growled, Onethon responded with a haughty expression, brushing off Lectar’s attitude.

“You fool. Did you think I asked you to increase the speed for no reason?”

Naturally, Lectar, who always seemed to push things to the limit, flinched. He thought it would be the same this time as well.

Ometon summoned an owl that circled, casting a disdainful look, its eyes flickering with a darkness similar to Onethon’s fur.

“I used birds and squirrels to inspect the surroundings. There were no signs of danger. At least the path leading to the open field has been confirmed safe.”

“…Can we really trust that?”

“Speaking the obvious. Unlike you, I always pursue perfection. There is no room for mistakes in what I do.”

Considering that, it seemed like he led valuable wolves to their deaths by not noticing the presence of Wendy…

Lectar decided to let it go this time. At least the information that there was no one around was useful.

“Inform the warriors to pick up the pace.”


As the warriors hastened away, Lectar smiled inwardly.

The situation wasn’t entirely satisfactory, but the flow was heading in the right direction.

If things continued like this, victory in the battle was within reach…


Feeling a strange energy behind him, Lectar turned his head. It was as if an uneasy gaze had just brushed against him.

However, what was visible were warriors marching through the tiresome forest with stern expressions. Leqtar sighed inwardly.

“…Seems like nerves have become too sharp.”

Believing that everything would return to normal once this battle was over, Leqtar turned his head forward.


In the depths of the thick forest, pupils appeared on a few tree trunks, revealing themselves silently.

* * *

“Learning a lot from that wolf guy.”

Naturally, the owner of the pupils on the tree trunks was Wendygo. He wasn’t satisfied with just tormenting warriors while shrouded in mist.

After all, in a battle, knowing the enemy and being known by them is the key to victory.

Instead of showcasing his strength, Wendygo acted thoroughly. He spared no effort to gather information about his enemies.

And in those efforts, even the beasts roaming the forest under Onerthon’s magic didn’t escape Wendygo’s attention.

As soon as Wendygo realized that the animals were affected by Onerthon’s magic, he understood its purpose.

The scrying spell cast on the beasts by Onerthon was truly useful. You could literally see a thousand miles sitting in one place.

When Wendygo successfully observed the surroundings through the trees for the first time, he couldn’t help but be amazed.

Such a useful magic exists!

“If only those pig and wolf creatures knew about this good thing.”

If the spirits of the pig and Onerthon heard about it, they would probably have cursed in embarrassment.

The magic of the spirits wasn’t something other spirits could imitate just because they wanted to.

While Onerthon’s spell on animals was essentially an efficient method, Wendygo’s approach was quite crude.

By infusing mystery into the ground and imbuing it into the trees, and continuously injecting mystery to prevent it from dispersing…

In simple terms, it was a method of consuming mystery as if going insane. Ordinary spirits did not engage in such behavior.

Why on earth would they do such a thing, wasting mystery that could be used in immediate battles just to broaden their vision a little!

Wendigo stood up without even realizing how absurd his actions were.

“They will reach this place soon.”

From the beginning, Wendigo had lured the enemy towards the open field. Naturally, he was prepared to annihilate them here.

To conclude his preparations, Wendigo created a large ice stake.

Holding the stake in one hand, Wendigo aimed it towards the ground…


With all his strength, he drove the stake into the ground. Then, the mystery that clung to the stake exploded and spread across the ground.

The ice stake dyed the surroundings with Wendigo’s mystery as if it were a totem, and Wendigo slowly felt the plants around him succumbing to his control.

The preparations were sufficient. Wendigo sent a signal to Skadi’s ice pendant after a long time…

[Wendigo! Did you call for me?]

“… Your response is fast.”

Impressed by the astonishing speed of the response, Wendigo unintentionally exclaimed in admiration. He was always focused on the ice pendant to this extent…

Since it was impossible to do such a crazy thing, Wendigo turned off his mind. The important thing now was not such trivial talk.

“They will gather here soon. Are the warriors and totems ready?”

[Of course! We calculated the spacing of the totems precisely, so there is no room for them to escape!]


[hehehehe, you don’t have to praise me yet! I also prepared something because I felt sorry that you were working alone. You can look forward to it!]


Wendigo couldn’t help but pause, attempting to smile at her spirited declaration. It was then that everything she had prepared up to this point flashed before her eyes.

As the image of her inciting figure brushed through his mind, Wendigo felt a sensation akin to sweating despite his body’s inability to produce perspiration.

“No way she would do such a thing. Where could there be someone to incite here?”

Wendigo acknowledged her skill in manipulation, but he considered that ability within the realm of human capabilities.

Surely she wouldn’t be able to incite beasts.

[ Wendigo-nim? Is there any problem? ]

“No, I was just pondering how to express this emotion. It seems there’s no one as grateful as Scadi after all.”

Wendigo regretted his words as soon as they left his mouth. Compliments rarely worked in his favor.

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As expected.

Through the ice pendant, a scream filled with her joy echoed. Wendigo wanted to cut off the communication, but Scadi beat him to it.

She began pouring out praises for her loyalty and Wendigo’s virtues as if reciting a poem. Wendigo couldn’t even escape mentally upon realizing it was a direct communication.

Wendigo regretted.

Praises indeed make whales dance, but she should have done it moderately!

“There should be a way to interrupt this story… Ah.”

Fortunately, there was no demand for him to just die. Wendigo, through the surrounding trees, sensed that enemies had arrived nearby.

[ Wendigo-nim? Are you listening to the story that holds my feelings well? ]

“Sorry. It seems guests have arrived. We’ll continue the story next time.”

Wendigo cut off Scadi’s connection and, holding the ice sword, focused on the enemies in front of him. Surprisingly, facing enemies might just be a welcome change.

Lektor’s army halted at the boundary of the battlefield. They had also spotted Wendigo.

Wendigo slowly emerged in front of them, passing through the debris. Just that alone stirred an atmosphere of tension among the Bluefang Tribe.

With a face reddened in embarrassment, Rector propelled the wolves forward, confronting the grotesque figure.

“I am Rector, chief of the Bluefang Tribe! According to the spirits of the forest, if you retreat now, we won’t attack you any further!”

“Rector of the Bluefang Tribe. I remember you,” Wendigo replied.

Rector pursed his lips at Wendigo’s words. Indeed, the impression was quite vivid from the first encounter at Oneton’s tent.

“A wretch who betrayed his tribe for Oneton. It’s quite audacious for someone who abandoned honor just to gain a bit of strength.”

“…Impressive skill for tearing others apart like a true spirit. But will I succumb to such provocation?”

‘Looks like you already did.’

Contrary to words, an overwhelming anger radiated. Getting so furious over a mere mockery of being a lowly chief…

Wendigo glanced pitifully at Rector, prompting Oneton to step forward. Even though it was clear he was offering help only because they were on the same side.

“You fool. Can you really call yourself a chief by succumbing to such provocation?”

‘My judgment was short. He wasn’t just a madman.’

…Even in this situation, seeking my side, Oneton was indeed extraordinary.

“Wendigo, acknowledge the power and authority of this guy. Surely, you can assert that you’re the spirit ruling this forest.”

“Sharp tongue you have. What’s your point?”

“My proposal is not much different from the one that wretch just made. Honestly, where’s the reason for us to fight? Is it worth wasting precious magic just for the sake of a human life?”

Oneton proposed peace negotiations, summoning beasts to support his argument. These were no ordinary beasts.

Birds with bones reinforced to be strong and heavy, capable of shattering rocks with their beaks. The terrifying purpose of these extraordinary birds was singular.

To plunge from the high skies and impale Wendigo’s body!

‘I’ll strike when he least expects it.’

As the Wendigo approached slowly, Oneton’s anticipation soared. He was eager to see what expression Wendigo would make if caught off guard.

“Peace is a good thing.”

“Yeah. So, don’t waste the precious mystique by guarding useless things. Ceasefire…”

“But you don’t seem to have any intention of a ceasefire.”

A twitch.

The moment Wendigo’s energy burst forth, Oneton, tongue between his teeth, leaped backward.

“Damn it, attack!!!”

Birds that had been wandering the sky gathered like a single entity, soaring towards Wendigo’s head.

The warriors held a glimmer of hope at the sight, akin to a meteor shower.

Maybe, with that blow, would Wendigo fall?

“A reasonably useful spell.”

Of course, that wasn’t the case.

Even as the ice sword, wrapped in cold, swung, it continued to grow in size.


By the time the ice sword reached the flock of birds, it had become too large to be called a sword. Most of the birds turned into crushed meat upon colliding with the blade.

Even the fortunate ones that deviated from the path were not much different. Feathers frozen, the birds couldn’t adjust their direction and stumbled, scattering.

Naturally, the birds unable to control their speed crashed onto the ground. Oneton clicked his tongue as the birds turned into a mess without inflicting proper damage.

“Tsk, wasted the precious mystique. Prepare for the next attack…”

“I’ll return what you received.”


Oneton, who was about to unleash the beasts with his carriage, was greatly perplexed as the mystique around Wendygo surged.

An astonishing amount of mystique gathered around Wendygo’s hand, making it the focal point.

As someone who valued his own mystique more than his subordinates, Oneton stared at Wendygo in bewilderment, unable to comprehend this seemingly wasteful use of mystique.

“Is this lunatic trying to protect humans by squandering mystique like this!?”

Shocked, Oneton swiftly commanded the beasts to charge. He may not understand what Wendygo was up to, but instinctively, he realized it needed to be stopped.

However, it was a bit too late. As Wendygo raised his arm, the ground began to writhe as if it were alive.

Warriors, including Rector, and even Oneton himself, struggled to contain the impact.

“Oneton! What the heck is happening right now!”

“I don’t know! Shut up and deploy the warriors…”

“It’s already too late.”

The ground rippled and revealed something.

It was the colossal arm of a tree golem, crafted from dozens of trees and hundreds of roots.

As the colossal figure manifested, Oneton, forgetting his dignity, stared in awe at the tree golem’s colossal arm.

“This… This insane fellow.”

“It’s nothing more than utilizing the techniques you learned from me.”

Oneton was dumbfounded by Wendygo’s sarcasm. Was he really saying this was the same as what Oneton did?

If so, Oneton could confidently declare Wendygo the craziest person in the world.

Trees were absolutely unsuitable for creating such things. They were flexible and sturdy, but beyond growing, they lacked any dynamic elements.

Doing such a thing was impossible without a vast amount of mystique, unlike a lake.

And even if it were possible, no spirit would ever attempt it due to the sheer waste of mystique!

However, as if Onetone’s common sense was nothing, Gowan continued to grow in size.

“It’s a gift.”

The giant’s club came down on the head of the Blue Mane tribe.

I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World

I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World

판타지 속 웬디고가 되었다.
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
When I came to my senses, I had become a bipedal monster with deer antlers. I planned to live in hiding, as being treated as a monster and hunted was out of the question… But at some point, I began to be worshipped.


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not work with dark mode