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I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols Chapter 57

57 – Finding YouTubers (2)

While the monitoring team was looking for a vocal trainer for Yeom Seon-jeong on my behalf,

I took her to her beauty salon that had a contract with Lucky Seven Entertainment.

Now that the dye has faded and the pink color is speckled, I want to dye it again properly.

“F, producer. Blood, does pink really suit you well… ?”


Seonjeong-ah, your personality completely dies when you have black hair….

Because pink hair was practically her trademark.

“If you look at the community, they say it’s called ‘Pingchaeng’….”

“… ….”

Cursed Dolls members—Gong Shi-on and Yeom Seon-jeong, what do you usually watch?

You can’t spy on other people’s Internet usage records.

“Think carefully, Seon-ah. The fact that pink hair is lewd means that it is more attractive to men, right? “If you’re not attractive, you just have pink hair and nothing else.”

“Well, after hearing it, it seems like that…. Well, then, the producer also likes the pink-haired Joe… ?”

[Name: Yeomseonjeong]

[Current thought: If the producer likes it, it doesn’t matter if it’s pink or anything….]

As a result of continuing conversations with Yeom Seon-jeong and examining his [Current thoughts],

… He seemed to like me too.

Even though the ‘me’ of the past failed to produce three years ago, did you really not have any hatred towards yourself?

“It’s not that I like the pink hair itself, it’s that Seonjeong with pink hair suits her so well and she looks really pretty.”

Yeomseonjeong, which turns your face bright red.

I thought it was a bit of a sentiment, but it seems to have worked surprisingly well.

[Name: Yeomseonjeong]

[Current thought: I just recorded the producer’s speech and wanted to listen to it every time I go to sleep! I need to buy a tape recorder… !]

I’ll have to be even more careful with what I say from now on….

The hairdresser said to Yeom Seon-jeon as she dressed him in her beauty gown.

“Then let’s begin.”

“Yes, thank you.”

Yeom Seon-jeon still hasn’t gotten rid of her hikikomori habit, and she gets very nervous when she’s with someone other than me.

If there is an event like a fan signing event in the future, how should I proceed? .

Originally, she didn’t appear on many entertainment shows, even in the [Idol Producing] Game, but she still has to answer well in media interviews.

I sat on the sofa in one corner of the beauty salon and waited for the dyeing to be finished.

I have long hair and it is pink and requires bleaching several times, so I heard it takes quite a bit of time.

… As someone who just went to a local beauty salon and got a haircut, I couldn’t help but gasp when I saw the price tag.


From noble mtl dot com

A tok rang.

[Manager Jeong Song-i: (Breaking News) Police arrest Octopus Tangtangi group… Jeil Entertainment connection investigation]

[Manager Jeong Song-i: There are rumors that Jeil Entertainment’s parent company is in the process of being sold.]

It was progressing quite differently from the game story.

In fact, the Octopus Tangtang Party has never been arrested in the game.

When it comes to the main villain of the game story, it’s mostly CEO Han Dae-yeop and the Octopus Tangtang Party.

But the image of me being kidnapped in the middle of an intersection on my way home from work was vividly conveyed to citizens.

The police also seemed to be rapidly eradicating the Octopus Tangtang faction due to public opinion.

It worked as expected, but as it went in a different direction from the game story,

I was also worried.

I wonder if I will be able to get through the [Idol Producing] Game without any knowledge of its story.

Still, Yeom Seon-jeong’s production, which is completely different from the game story, is going well, so I guess it’s okay to believe in myself.

No, you have to believe that.

Because we can’t turn back the past, we can’t move forward by just worrying.

[Me: I feel cool inside]

[Manager Jeong Song-i: LOL]

[Manager Jeong Song-i: Now all we have to do is win the year-end music awards.]

[Me: Right.]

In fact, the goal of the first training scenario in the [Idol Producing] Game is to win a prize at the year-end music awards.

Depending on the idol character, there were cases where you had to win the grand prize to clear it.

If you win a prize and clear it, the game ends.

Of course, as an idol character who won a music award, the next scenario will proceed.

However, as there were many users who were secretly upset about the year-end music awards, I was also nervous.

“Hey, over there….”


The beauty salon employee suddenly started talking to me.

What’s going on?

“Seonjeong was about to cry because the producer wasn’t there….”

“… ….”

I took a chair and made my face appear in the mirror in front of Yeomseonjeong Pavilion.

Then she smiled brightly and stopped crying.

… Is this what it feels like to take care of a child?


After finishing her dyeing process, which took five hours, I put her in her car and went back to her Lucky Seven Entertainment headquarters.

Her pink hair seen in the rear-view mirror.

[Name: Yeomseonjeong]

[Visual: 63 → 78]

Yeom Seon-seon definitely had to dye her hair pink to preserve her appearance.

You could also check it with the visual abilities in her status window.

In the meantime, she received skin care and lost some weight, but

Still, she rose a lot in one go.

I thought I could easily get over 80 with makeup.

“Producer, yes, it’s pretty…” ?”

A slightly vague question.

It’s true that it’s pretty, so “Very.” “She answered briefly.

“hehehe….” Yeom Seon-jeong was embarrassed.

The arrogant personality I knew was almost gone, but this wasn’t all that bad.

“Oh my goodness, would you like to receive acting training?”

“Yes, yes? W, acting… ?”

She kept thinking at the beauty salon about how Yeom Seon-jeon could communicate well with people other than me.

Then, I remembered Sweets member Ga-eun Koo’s play practice of Romeo and Juliet the other afternoon.

Koo Ga-eun also had a habit of talking profusely, which some people might find frustrating, but

When I was acting, I developed that speaking habit.

So, if you react to others as if you were acting,

The press interview and fan signing event seemed to be no problem.

Originally, people wear masks and perform various acts while walking around.

“F, I’ll do whatever the producer tells me to do…” !”

“… Then what if I order something strange?”

“Hey, if you do dirty things to the producer…….”

After slightly lowering her head, she glances up and rolls her eyes upward to check my reaction.

“Seonjeong is sensational.”

“Ahh… !”

She said it in a teasing tone, but Yeom Seon-jeon twisted her body and made strange noises.

[Name: Yeomseonjeong]

[Current Thought: Should I call this a sell…? ? They say selling feels good depending on the person’s personality, so I guess I’m that way too… !!]

I woke up to something strange.

She parked her company car in the underground parking lot of Lucky Seven Entertainment headquarters and went up to office room 302 with Yeom Seon-yeon.

In order to get her acting trainer, she needed some documentation.

She was reluctant to call her acting headquarters again and ask for help, but she had no choice but to do it for her own sake.

The moment you pick up the receiver and enter the extension number,


Someone opened the door to office number 302 without knocking in advance.

Yeom Seon-jeon, who was in front of me, was startled, and she hid behind me.

“Hello, this is the monitoring team!”

The CEO’s daughter was a female member of the monitoring team.

… The words came up to my throat asking me if I didn’t know how to knock, but I was afraid I would sound like an old man.

More than anything, I held back because I was afraid that the CEO would betray me.

This is a company that will be my lifelong job, but there was nothing good about being picked on by the CEO of that company.

“Okay, what’s going on?”

She gently patted the frightened Yeom Seon-jeon on the shoulder and reassured him that it was okay.

At this point, she seems like a pet….

“I found a YouTuber who criticizes Lucky Seven idols and singer vocals!”

“Oh really?”

I never thought I would find it just a day after I asked for it.

Is he surprisingly talented, or is it because it wasn’t particularly difficult to find so that if you search on YouTube, it comes up right away?

Anyway, with the final inspection scheduled for the end of this month, there would be no harm in attaching a good vocal trainer to Yeom Seon-jeong as soon as possible.

I received the YouTuber link through groupware chat.

If you think about it, you don’t have to come to room 302 in person, but wouldn’t it be okay to report it through chat…? .

Don’t surprise Yeomseonjeong for no reason.

I clicked on her YouTuber link and watched the video.

She wore a mask in a dark room and altered her voice to speak.

As shown in the [Idol Producing] Game, Lucky Seven Enter’s vocals have no personality and sound like a machine.

It seemed like this person was right.

“So where is this YouTuber?”

“Yes? “Where is it?”

“… “Could you not identify yourself?”

“Do I have to specify my city and identity?!”

Isn’t that the monitoring team’s job?

You can’t force someone to do something just because they can’t do it.

I licked my lips with regret and said, “Thank you for your hard work.” And tried to send it back.

“Now, wait a minute! “I just need to specify my identity, right?”

“Yes? Yes…. But they said you couldn’t do it.”

“I didn’t say you couldn’t do it! “We will start investigating right away.”

“Oh yes, thank you.”

A female member of the monitoring team rushed out of office 302.

She didn’t even close the door she opened….

I don’t know if I’m passionate about parachuting, or if I’m passionate because it’s a parachute.

It was so lively.

Still, I hoped that the minimum level of courtesy would be observed,

What should I do?

I heard you are the CEO’s daughter….

“Go, go…” ?”

… Yeom Seon-jeong, the executive director’s daughter, carefully came out from behind my chair.


“Then Director, what I said was that it was difficult, right?”

“It’s not that it’s difficult, it’s that the student’s original vocal characteristics are utilized rather than imitating singing.”

“That’s enough. “I’m not really going to be a singer, I’m just doing it as a hobby, so why bother?”

“… ….”

A practical music academy located in Cheonan.

Director Song Hyeon-seung failed to attract customers again today.

For other instruments with hired instructors, the number of students increased smoothly.

The vocal class he personally took charge of was sluggish.

Song Hyun-seung returned to the director’s office with a sigh.

After finishing guitar class, his wife entered the director’s office.

“Honey, compromise. “This is a business.”

“… “Let’s just do it like anywhere else?”

“There must be a reason why others do that. “Do you know that teachers laugh at you behind your back?”

“… ….”

A strange phenomenon in which academy directors make the least money.

Song Hyun-seung also recognized that it was a problem, but

He wondered whether he should be stubborn or not.

“I’ll think about it too.”

“Then why are you throwing away Lucky Seven and having a hard time doing business here?” .”

“That’s… ….”

Song Hyunseung, who had nothing to say, kept his mouth shut.

Then his wife sighed and left the director’s office.

Song Hyun-seung, who did not like Lucky Seven Entertainment’s policy of guiding idols and singers by setting the correct answer,

I submitted my resignation and moved back to my hometown with my wife to open an academy. She was ambitious to succeed in her own way.

But the reality was not easy.

Most students wanted to imitate the voice of the singer they wanted in a short period of time.

There were few people who preferred time-consuming training methods to find their own individuality and sensibility.

‘I wasn’t wrong….’

Song Hyun-seung mounted his smartphone on a cheap, small tripod.

Then he took out a mask from the drawer and put it on his face.

Rather than insisting that your way is right,

Song Hyun-seung realized that it worked well to claim that the majority, including Lucky Seven Entertainment, were wrong.

So he filmed a video criticizing Lucky Seven Entertainment and uploaded it to YouTube.

Although it is very small, the number of people who agree with Song Hyun-seung’s argument has increased.

At first, I was going to upload it through an account under the name of the academy, but I ended up uploading it anonymously for fear of legal trouble, such as defamation.


The belly clock rang.

Song Hyun-seung thought that this was enough, finished filming, and went outside.

He headed to a kongguksu restaurant right near the academy.

The Kongguksu restaurant was crowded today.

It was a restaurant he often visited because it had a different taste from other bean noodle restaurants.

It seemed like it became famous because people felt its different taste.

Thoughts like that, I ordered a bowl of bean noodles.

‘… The taste has changed.’

This taste was not unique to this restaurant that Song Hyun-seung knew.

There is no difference from other bean noodle restaurants.

Unlike other times when I ate a full meal, I had half left over.

As he handed over his card to pay, Song Hyun-seung asked the owner’s wife who was in charge of the counter.

“I guess you changed the recipe a bit.”

“Oh, you can feel it, right? “I told him to give up his stubbornness and just do it like he does elsewhere, and it worked out much better.”

“… ….”

Song Hyunseung left the restaurant without saying anything.

Was I wrong?

Such thoughts dominated his mind.

I walked towards the academy.

Standing in front of the door was a man with a smooth face and a woman with unique pink hair.

Especially the female side, I felt like an idol I met many times while working at Lucky Seven Entertainment.

Is he an aspiring idol?

“Hello, do you want consultation?”

I smiled brightly and approached the two people.

Then the man with a smooth face answered.

“Oh, are you the director here?”


The man took out his smartphone and suddenly showed a YouTube video.

When Song Hyun-seung saw the video, his heart rate rose rapidly.

“This is what the director posted, right?”

“Oh, no, that’s….”

“I am this kind of person.”

To Song Hyun-seung, who was embarrassed, the man handed him a business card.

[777 Entertainment Idol Business Division Planning Department Senior Producer Lim Boo-gil]

This person is from Lucky Seven.

That’s also senior level.

Song Hyunseung thought.

Sorry, honey….

I guess I’m screwed.

I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols

I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols

하자 아이돌 고쳐쓰는 프로듀서가 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Produce idols who were abandoned because of flaws the way I want! The idol training game I enjoyed suddenly ended its service. I got so angry that I went out of the house and found myself in the world of an idol game. And I became the main character and producer of the idol game.


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not work with dark mode