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I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols Chapter 42

42 – Favorite Character Diet (2)

When he saw me on my knees, tears flowed down Executive Director Yeom Chang-ho’s cheeks.

In a way, I am apologizing now on behalf of ‘me’ in the past who greatly contributed to Yeom Seon-jeong becoming like this.

It may be a more miserable feeling.

“Miss, surprise! Dad!! “I told you not to come in!!”

My favorite character — Yeom Seon-jeong — screamed as if she noticed her father — Executive Director Yeom Chang-ho.

“When I use the computer, I told you to turn on the lights…” ! “My eyes are getting worse!”

Director Yeom Chang-ho said as he turned on the light.

It wasn’t just a feeling of worry that my eyesight would deteriorate, but also a mixture of various feelings of anger.

When considering various circumstances, Yeomseonjeong is not going out properly at the moment.

He seemed to be a hikikomori.

That’s why Executive Director Yeom Chang-ho asked me to do it.

Please let me at least act as a human being.

As a father, I must be so frustrated that other people are stuck in their rooms on weekday mornings when they are busy working and do not wash properly.

If I had just gone outside and met friends, I would have been just an ordinary unemployed person in the age of youth unemployment, but that’s not it either.

I lifted her knees off the floor, stood up, and stared at Yeom Seon-jeon’s face.

“It’s been a while, Seon Seon.”

I was going to say ‘Hello’, but I changed my choice of words because Yeom Seon-jeong and I must have met many times in the past.

Well, from my perspective, ‘Nice to meet you’ would be the most appropriate.

… To be honest, I wanted to stop myself from going back in time and producing Yeomseonjeong.

Even though the illusion was broken, it was too broken.

“Yes… ? Hee hee! “Pregnancy road!!”

When her eyes met mine, I was startled, as if I had seen a ghost.

And she was desperate to cover her body with her hands here and there, as if she were naked.

… What did ‘me’ in the past do to this person to react like this?

It is natural, but I was cautious because I couldn’t tell from the document records whether the relationship between ‘I’ and Yeom Seon-jeong in the past was close or awkward.

[Name: Yeomseonjeong]

[Age: 22]

[Fatigue: 34]

[Vocal: ?? / Dance: ?? / Talking: ?? / Visual: ??]

[Current thoughts: ??]

I expected it to some extent, but

I even lost the will to become an idol.

What should I do?

Actually, I thought re-producing would be difficult.

In [Idol Producing], If the goal is not achieved and the game is over,

I’m starting from the first time I met her and training her again.

But I didn’t know it would be this damaged.

Of course, there was no such fat female character in the pretty girl idol game [Idol Producing].

It’s just a bit of a joke, but there was an episode where I couldn’t resist the temptation of delicious food and ate it indiscriminately, and then gained weight the next day.

[Idol Producing] Instead of relying on game knowledge, I had to use my own brain from now on.

“Would you like to talk to me for a moment…” ?”

I carefully approached Yeom Seon-jeong and asked.

But she shook her whole body and shook her head.

How should I talk to her when she completely rejects me….

No matter what direction you go in, you have to have an interview first.

Executive Director Yeom Chang-ho walked towards the computer where his daughter was located,

“Yeomseonjeong!! “If I came here for you, I should greet you properly!!”

She scolded.

“Well, not really…” ….”

“It’s okay, but it’s okay!!” “Go out quickly and take a quick shower!!”

“Yes… ….”

Yeom Seon-jeon sniffed her nose, picked up her clothes to change, and headed to her bathroom.

… I thought that Executive Director Yeom Chang-ho’s scary face was also getting through to his daughter.

It was a romantic situation when my favorite girl went to take a shower at my house.

I wasn’t excited at all.

I felt like I had lost something precious in my heart….

She left Yeom Seon-ho’s room, where he didn’t even clean up the cookie crumbs, and sat down at the table facing Yeom Chang-ho and her.

I took a sip of the expensive-looking green tea that he personally brewed for me.

… His face was so dark that it was like a thorn cushion.

“Manager, that…. “Can I ask you something?”

“As much as you want….”

“Mr. Seonjeong, what happened after you quit being a trainee… ?”

“At first, I studied to enter university….”

It is said that she wasted three precious hours in the air because she was busy focusing on being an idol.

Naturally, she started preparing for college entrance at the age of 20.

Not only is she not good at studying, but she gave up studying for a short period of time to become an idol.

Even junior colleges got difficult grades.

In the end, she decided that she had no intention of going to college and tried to find a job for her after graduating from high school.

She says she didn’t have any specialties, so she got a job at a really small business.

However, she was unable to withstand her boss’ blatant s*xual harassment and soon after, she quit the company.

She says she stayed in her room after that and did what she could in her room.

The first thing is the lintel.

However, she did not broadcast in skimpy clothes to take advantage of her appearance. She

Played healthy games and sang songs on you tube,

She wasn’t completely unable to attract people, but she was unprofitable, so she closed down.

Yeom Seon-jeon said that her talking ability was not good even in the [Idol Producing] Game.

Because she lacks the ability to speak, she may not have been well-received in terms of her reactions or the fun that comes from conversation.

The second is stocks and coins…. She says she invested in stocks she didn’t know much about.

“I only paid 10 million won and told him to give it a try, but it was all gone. Well, I’m just thinking that I’m lucky that I don’t have any debt….”

She also tried female-oriented web novels and webtoons, and she excelled in writing and drawing skills.

She quit because she was hurt by malicious comments that made her look like she was written and drawn by a boy in elementary school.

Well, even in the [Idol Producing] Game, Yeom Seon-geun was the type of person who did a lot of ego-searching and would shed tears if even the slightest bit of negative information was written on a topic….

In this way, as she repeatedly tried and failed in many ways,

At some point, she just sat in her room consuming her content as if Yeom Seon-jeon had just achieved liberation.

Her once pretty appearance has disappeared everywhere.

There is just a pig in the corner of her house….

“… ….”

After waiting for her for about 30 minutes, Yeom Seon-seon finished drying her hair, came out, and sat down next to her with her father. She

She And she just lowered her head as if she didn’t want to see my face.

Since the person who ruined her idol life was me in the past, I would hate to see her.

She suddenly found herself in a situation where she was hated by her favorite character….

“Mr. Seonjeong.”

“Yes, yes!”

When I called her name, Yeom Seon-seon flinched as if she had done something wrong.

“Idol, would you like to try again?”

“Well, I…” ?”

“Yes, Seon Seon, I will produce again. “Please trust me one more time.”

Next to me, Executive Director Yeom Chang-ho appealed to me by mentioning the fact that I had recently been promoted to senior producer.

Perhaps in his opinion, his daughter seemed to have the least potential as an idol….

Intel, stocks or coins, web novels or webtoons, ‘I thought it wouldn’t do well….’ He opened the conversation and explained it to me.

“Well, that…” . P, Producer, S, congratulations on your promotion… ….”

“Thank you.”

“But, now I…” . No, the song doesn’t come out well… …. As you can see, I live like this and gain weight….”

Still, he seemed to understand how serious he was right now.

It’s because there is no will to improve it.

Since everything I did failed, there was a high possibility that a negative mindset like ‘No matter what I do, it won’t work’ was established in my brain.

[Idol Producing] Sok Yeom Seon-eun, she was described as arrogant, but honestly, she was a bit of a cheesy character.

She could tell right away just by speaking a few words.

She completely lost her confidence.

Although the degree of her idol varies from person to person, still, as much as she sells her magnetic charm as a product, she must have confidence in her product to receive a positive response from the market.

More than anything else, to Yeom Seon-jeong now,

I needed to boost her confidence.

Then she will naturally have the will to become an idol.

“Mr. Seonjeong, think carefully.”

“Yes, yes…” ?”

“I’m not trying to produce again because I feel sorry for Seon Seon. As a senior producer, she is trying to make Seon Seon a popular idol.”

“Yeah, that’s right…” ? Oh, isn’t that what her dad asked for…? ?”

“It’s the opposite. “I was allowed to produce again due to circumstances from Seon Seon’s father.”

“Dad, give me permission…” !!”

… Huh?

Why is her face suddenly blushing?

Did I say something strange?

The [Current Thought] In the status window was still a question mark, so I couldn’t understand the English text.

By the way, my stuttering was a bit severe.

Perhaps because she lives as a hikikomori and has no contact with anyone other than her family, she is unfamiliar with talking to people.

In the end, this also had to be fixed somehow by continuing to talk to me.

Because being quiet and being clumsy are two different things.

“Well, but…. Ha, I failed once, will I succeed if I try twice… ?”

“Mr. Seonjeong, wouldn’t it be strange to think that you would succeed just once?”

“Is that so…?” ?”

“No matter how successful people are, they all have tadpole days. “How many people have been successful since they were tadpoles?”

“Well, but idols….”

“Exception? Not at all. Do you know Cursed Dolls and Berries?”

Yeom Seon-jeong nodded her head slightly.

One thing that was fortunate was that she did not completely lose her interest in idols.

The most troublesome thing is when she says she doesn’t want to even look at her again and is reluctant to hear any news about it.

“I was promoted to senior because of the success of Cursed Dolls and Berries.”

“Yes, yes…” ? Cursed Dolls and Berries are the producer’s plan… ?”

“That’s right.”

Cursed Dolls members were originally a warehouse release group,

I tried hard to explain to Yeom Seon-jeong that Berries was a group that almost came to the end of the project.

… Afternoon Sweets was scouted by me and immediately became a popular idol, so I didn’t need to mention it.

Executive Director Yeom Chang-ho was also nearby and listened to examples of other idols he had seen.

Perhaps because we had time, the examples were very rich and diverse.

“But still… ….”

[Name: Yeomseonjeong]

[Vocal: ?? / Dance: ?? / Talking: ?? / Visual: ??]

[Current thoughts: ??]

However, Yeom Seon-jeong’s will did not arise easily.

As expected, she must realize something herself?

Preparing for her enlightenment experience is not easy….

“Okay, then let’s do it like this.”

Does Executive Director Yeom Chang-ho have any ideas?

She spoke while gazing into her daughter’s eyes.

“Just follow Producer Lim’s instructions and I’ll double your allowance.”

“Two, double!”

… ….

Okay, since I’m a managing director, I won’t have any trouble with money.


[Name: Yeomseonjeong]

[Vocal: 65 / Dance: 31 / Talking: 57 / Visual: 13]

[Current thought: With twice the pocket money, I could buy a new aaa game, limited edition!]

The will to become an idol was born with money,


I was a little angry….

I didn’t want it to be a romantic story, like a dream or something, but

Compared to the Yeomseonjeong I knew, it was so worldly that I couldn’t speak.

Actually, it was set up so that her abilities could be seen even if she only had a light intention such as ‘Should I try being an idol?’….

I don’t know.

All you have to do is have the will, whether it’s money or anything else.

Because it is the role of a producer to turn a small spark into a big fire.

… But why is it only [Vocal: 65]?

She’s an idol specializing in vocals, right?

Cursed Dolls member with similar vocal expertise—Choi Joo-yoon alone had a default value of [Vocal: 87].

Even in my memory, Yeom Seon-seon’s default vocal value was around 85.

From noble mtl dot com

Ah, after quitting being a trainee and living as a hikikomori, she must have failed because she didn’t even practice singing at all….

Somehow, I felt like the level of training difficulty was much higher than in the [Idol Producing] Game.

[Visual: 13] Was just a sigh of relief.

“Mr. Seonjeong, would you like to sing just the first verse of the song?”

“Yes, yes…” ! Now, wait a minute… !!”

Yeom Seon-jeon placed his hand on her neck,

“Horololo!! Ho lol!! “Horo-ro-lol!!”

… She started making strange cries.

She also appeared in the [Idol Producing] Game to clear her throat in a very strange way.

She tried hard to keep a smile from appearing on her face.

As if it were still so funny that even though it was his own daughter, Executive Director Yeom Chang-ho turned her head towards the wall and pretended to look the other way.

“Uh, what should I call you…?” ?”

“This is it.”

This is the song I always use to judge idols’ singing skills.

Touch the screen to play the accompaniment.

Unfortunately, because we arrived suddenly, we didn’t bring a toy-like karaoke microphone.

“Why did you meet me~♪”

[Vocal: 65] It wasn’t like she couldn’t sing at all.

Compared to the average person, he was at a much better level, and it was a world away from a tone-deaf idiot like me.

But as soon as I heard one line, I realized it right away.

The reason Yeom Seon-jeon’s vocal ability declined may be because she clearly did not practice properly,

It seemed quite likely that it was because of the weight.

The pitch tone itself went down, and the clear and pure voice became muddy.

I read in the [Idol Producing] Game settings that her vocal ability is a combination of not only singing ability but also timbre and appeal.

“Mr. Seonjeong, shall we go on a diet?”

“Da, da, da, diet…” ?”

“Yes, eat less and exercise.”

“Huh… !! sh*t, I hate it!!”

Yeom Seon-jeon jumped up from her seat and said, She

She ran away to her room.

[Name: Yeomseonjeong]

[Vocal: ?? / Dance: ?? / Talking: ?? / Visual: ??]

[Current thoughts: ??]

When she followed him into her room,

Yeom Seon-jeong’s will had already been broken….

I’m going crazy.

I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols

I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols

하자 아이돌 고쳐쓰는 프로듀서가 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Produce idols who were abandoned because of flaws the way I want! The idol training game I enjoyed suddenly ended its service. I got so angry that I went out of the house and found myself in the world of an idol game. And I became the main character and producer of the idol game.


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not work with dark mode