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I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols Chapter 39

39 – Suspicious Article (7)

– Then, Jo Min-joo worked while lying about his age under pressure from his mother, and while doing so, he happened to meet Lucky Seven producer and debuted as an idol. It was done, right?

-That’s right. It was all my fault for relieving the stress I felt while working through the wrong means of smoking, and for starting an idol career without proper consent from my mother.

-But Jo Min-ju has never hit or bullied other students, right?

From noble mtl dot com

-Yes. To begin with, I was busy skipping school and working, so I barely got to meet the kids at school. He became an idol and coincidentally formed a duo with Ga-eun, who was in the same class. Ga-eun was said to be an outcast at school. I told him not to do it, so he got into an argument with four girls.

[Exploration Tracking TODAY: Violence and the entertainment industry]

In office 302, I was watching an investigative tracking program that followed an interview with Sweets member Jo Min-joo a week ago in the afternoon.

… Since this program aired at 10 o’clock after the 9 o’clock news, I had no choice but to wait in the office until 10 o’clock.

Well, of course, the program producer didn’t finish the investigation, edit it, and air it in just a week.

While a broadcasting station reporter had been tracking down the Jeil Entertainment and Octopus Tang Tang gangsters for several months already, the Sweets incident occurred this afternoon.

It is an hour-long program, divided into four chapters and edited.

The first chapter briefly covers producer Jeong Jeong-jun’s Berries s*xual assault case,

In the second chapter, it was emphasized that the suspicions raised against Jo Min-joo were instigated by Jeil Entertainment and that the basis was fabricated.

As a bonus, the PD visited Jo Min-ju’s original home and interviewed his alcohol-ridden mother.

Thanks to you, it was vividly revealed how terrible her home environment was.

Starting from the third chapter, the story of Octopus Tangtangipa began in earnest.

I also didn’t know why the gangster’s name was Octopus Tangtangipa.

The program said that as gangsters illegally intervened in the interests of a large restaurant famous for octopus soup,

… It is said that the police built it as Octopus Tangtangipa.

In the fourth chapter, PD actually met and talked to a member of the Octopus Tangtang Party.

In a conversation with a gang member, I received indirect testimony that the gangster is closely related to Jeil Entertainment.

And we interviewed celebrities and employees who had worked with Jeil Entertainment and who had been threatened by the Octopus Tang Party in the past.


I thought this was a true reporter.

It’s because you’re being a bit strict with me….

“Producer, please leave work now.”

Manager Jeong Song-i lightly grabbed my shoulder and said.

She and I were the only ones in her office in room 302.

“That’s right. I should go and sleep right away. Why did Songi go home first?”

“I’m going to get off work with her boyfriend.”

“… “We’re just pretending to be dating, so you don’t have to go that far.”

“We have to at least pretend to be dating properly. “If you do it roughly, you’ll get caught right away, right?”

Manager Jeong Song-i smiles.

I thought she would dump me soon, but she continued to pretend we were dating.

As an idiot, I couldn’t understand her feelings….

As I put on my jacket, Manager Jeong Song-i turned off the air conditioner and lights for me.

She went out the door of her office, touched the [Lock] Button, and was about to walk with her arms around her until she reached the intersection of the paths.


A knocking sound rang out.

“Wait a minute.”


After watching the program that aired at 10 o’clock, it was 11 o’clock at night.

Who is the person who is not sleeping at this hour and contacting me?

[Ga-eun: Producer!! Please be Romeo!!]

It was a really unexpected text message.

I guess they want you to help them rehearse for the play Romeo and Juliet.

They say there is an acting instructor, but since he is not always there, he seemed a bit uneasy about practicing alone.

“Song, go first.”

“Yes? Why? “What happened?”

“No, Ga-eun asked me to help her practice acting. “I’m just going to help you out a little bit.”

“I’ll wait too, then.”

I shook my head and said.

“No matter how short it is, it will be around 12 o’clock when it’s over, so it’s dangerous. Go first. “That way, I feel comfortable too.”

“…… All right.”

Manager Jeong Song-i left me and walked away, pouting as if he was pouting.

He waited until now to go back with me, but he must have been disappointed that he couldn’t go back with me in the end.

Leaving manager Jeong Song-i behind,

I walked to the training room where Gu Ga-eun would be.

“I’m sorry… !! Still, I’m not sure if I’m doing well on my own… !!”

As soon as Gu Ga-eun saw my face, she came running to me.

Now her audition will be held tomorrow.

As it was calculated based on 100% viewer votes, it was a live broadcast.

However, because it was planned suddenly, it was difficult to air it on a TV station.

So, we agreed with Jeil Entertainment to broadcast it on YouTube.

“Then let me begin… !!”


I held the script in my hand.

Gu Ga-eun, who was auditioning starting tomorrow, naturally had her script memorized, so she had nothing in her hands.

“—Isn’t touching palm to palm the kiss of a holy pilgrim?”

… What, why are you so good?

I only practiced for a week, but this much?

It turns out that you have a talent for acting?

He didn’t have the habit of lengthening his sentences like usual, and his emotions were properly expressed through his footsteps and fingertips.

“Even saints and holy pilgrims have lips.”

Naya Goo Ga-eun’s counterpart to focus on her acting.

… Even in my opinion, it was truly a performance in itself.

I didn’t even memorize the script, so I stuttered even just saying the lines.

“Pilgrim, those are lips for prayer.”

“Oh saint, then please let me kiss her with my lips. Please allow the prayer of my lips. “So as not to abandon your faith.”

She placed her palms together with Ga-eun Koo and closed the distance between her and her.

Even though I knew that this was just acting practice, I was a little nervous to the point where my fatigue went away.

“The saint’s heart does not move. Even if my prayers are answered.”

“Then stay still and don’t move. Until prayers are effective. “With your lips, the sin of my lips will be washed away.”

Here, the script said [Kiss.]

Of course, I can’t really kiss Gu Ga-eun,

I brought my face close enough that my skin barely touched his cheek.

After remaining still for about 3 seconds, I took a step back.

Now it was the turn of Gu Ga-eun, who played Juliet, to speak her lines again.

But he just froze as if he were ice and didn’t say anything.

Her face, ears, and entire body were dyed red.

The [Current Thoughts] In the status window also appeared blank, so I couldn’t figure out why it was like this.

It wasn’t really a kiss.

Gu Ga-eun doesn’t particularly like me as a guy, so it’s probably not because she’s excited.

“Ga-eun, did you forget your lines?”

“Yes? Ah! I’m sorry… !!”

Gu Ga-eun cleared his throat and resumed his performance.

“Well, well, well, then, my lips will bear that sin.”

… No, where did that good acting from earlier go and why did I end up reading Korean books like I did?

Anyway, in the audition, the person playing Romeo is an actress, and there is no actual kissing.

I thought I might have surprised him by putting my face too close to him.

“Should we take a 5-minute break?”

“Ah, yes! I’m sorry… !!”

“I guess I followed the script a little too much. “I’m sorry for startling you.”

“Oh, no! Joe, it was great!!”

“…… Yes?”

“Oh, no! “That’s not it!!”

Gu Ga-eun spoke gibberish.

I explained that I was momentarily embarrassed because my acting was so good.

Even if I think about it, my acting was worse than that of elementary school students’ school art plays.

… Since I became a producer, I was evaluated as having a good-looking face, even if nothing else.

Are you excited for a moment?

Well, even if it’s just me, I get excited when I get my face close to a really pretty girl, even if I don’t kiss her.

I also spoke a lot because Romeo and Juliet was quite a bit long.

I went out into the hallway and got water in a paper cup.

When I went back into the training room, Gu Ga-eun tugged on my sleeve.

“The scene earlier… ! Practice one more time… !!”

She barely convinced me to practice the scenes I hadn’t done yet since there was no time….


Jeil Entertainment CEO—Dae-yeop Han called his secretary.

Since [Exploration and Tracking TODAY] Aired last night, the Jeil Entertainment gangster theory has been expanded and reproduced.

Entertainment reporters focused on posting more provocative articles to gain more views.

Cho Min-joo’s suspicions of school violence began to escape the public’s attention.

The shocking image of her mother became a topic of conversation, and it went beyond entertainment industry issues to current affairs.

I wonder why the school, government, and society just did nothing until it got to the point where it was almost like they were punishing a child.

“Did you call me?”

CEO Dae-yeop Han placed a box of nutritional tonics on his desk.

“Who can I forward it to?”

“It’s yours.”

“… Yes?”

“You were overly loyal and mobilized the octopus tangtang gangsters. “It had nothing to do with the company and was solely arbitrary.”

“Dae, CEO, no way…” .”

“We promise we will take good care of your family.”

“… ….”

It was a threat.

If the secretary is not held accountable for all the sins,

The secretary’s family will not be safe.

“Do you think I don’t know? “You have been dabbling in the company’s money little by little.”

“…… All right.”

The secretary left the CEO’s office carrying a box of nutritional tonics.

CEO Dae-yeop Han clicked her tongue.

I can’t help it, but there was no secretary as good as that.

He was a man with a heavy mouth, but he faithfully performed his duties.

CEO Dae-yeop Han intentionally created a hole in the company’s internal system to make embezzlement easy.

And made it easy for the secretary and close associates to understand.

That way, if something happened and they were kicked out, it could be used as a device to prevent reckless disclosure.

The moment you expose him, he becomes an embezzler himself.

‘If you think about it, today is….’

Afternoon Sweets Audition.

To be exact, it was an audition where she and her other trainees competed for Goo Ga-eun’s position.

Producer Imbu Gil’s intention was probably to dispel the controversy over her father’s chance by properly showcasing her skills to the public.

However, CEO Dae-yeop Han gave instructions to the person in charge of conducting the audition.

Goo Ga-eun told her to try a different field that she had not tried before.

The practitioner immediately perceived the intentions of her representative, and prepared her a field against her.

It was only announced to her trainees, and not to her or the pregnant producer Gil.

‘Now that it’s like this, I’ll at least bring Gu Ga-eun down.’

The audition candidate flow chart was placed in the very center to prevent the primacy effect and recency effect.

As for Ga-eun Koo, a child from a rich family, CEO Dae-yeop Han found out that she did not work hard as a trainee for a long time.

I just happened to get noticed by producer Lim Boo-gil and was scouted.

If you give the daughter of such a rich family one moment of frustration, she will easily break down.

Because I have a leisurely life at home and am not desperate, I am basically lazy in practicing.

At least CEO Dae-yeop Han’s experience told us that.

‘It’s time…’ .’

I accessed YouTube on my computer and started watching the afternoon Sweets audition.

There were so many people accessing the chat at the same time that it was difficult to read.

After the three trainees finished acting, it was now Gu Ga-eun’s turn.

Because she was not an aspiring actress, she continued to act with her feet.

The same goes for Gu Ga-eun.

-Isn’t touching palm to palm the kiss of a holy pilgrim?

-Pilgrim, those are the lips for praying.

-The saint’s heart does not move. Even if my prayers are answered.

The chat window was suddenly engulfed in silence.

It wasn’t an absolutely outstanding performance, but

Compared to the three trainees who preceded her, there was a world of difference.

CEO Dae-yeop Han, who entered the entertainment industry as an actor manager, noticed it right away.

That acting was the result of prior guidance from an expert.

It didn’t seem like he had been practicing for a very long time, but it wasn’t something that could be done in just a day or two.

[Who did you call Gu Ga-eun’s father’s chance?]

[ㅋㅋ ㅅㅂ Best enter ㅄ]

[The trainees had a blast hahahaha]

[I will never see these trainees again ㅂㅂ]

[???: Anyway, it’s Dad’s chance!!]

Public opinion in the chat window has already been in favor of Gu Ga-eun.

Goo Ga-eun showed superior skills in the vocal and dance tests that followed her acting.

The trainees were not as skilled as CEO Dae-yeop Han thought.

CEO Dae-yeop Han, anxious, immediately called the person in charge.

“Put something in and do something!”

-Yes? Uh, if you put something in… ?

“Let’s at least do a general knowledge quiz!” “You know that idol b*tches have empty heads!!”

-Okay, CEO!

[What a trivia quiz;;]

[Is this a variety show or an audition?]

[LOL Is this how the best entertainer looks at auditions?]

[If I want to become the biggest entertainment idol in the future, I need to solve past exam questions hahahaha]

-It is said that Jeju Island has three things. What are those three things?

-Woman’s wind stone… !!

-How many stitches are there in a baseball?

-108 Overview… !!

It was a quiz where you raised your hand and shouted if you knew the answer,

The other trainees just had blank expressions.

Only Gu Ga-eun kept raising her hand and giving the correct answer.


There was only one conclusion.

Producer Lim Bu-gil had Goo Ga-eun practice her acting in advance and had her study for a trivia quiz.

From noble mtl dot com

In other words, CEO Han Dae-yeop’s aim was completely overlooked.

In the end, the viewer voting ended with Goo Ga-eun’s overwhelming victory.

Nothing was resolved properly.

Rather, Jeil Entertainment was left to bear only the losses.

All of this,

It was because of producer Lim Boo-gil.



CEO Dae-yeop Han threw the ashtray.

But this time,

There was no one to pick up the fallen ashtray.

I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols

I Became a Producer Who Rewrites Idols

하자 아이돌 고쳐쓰는 프로듀서가 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Produce idols who were abandoned because of flaws the way I want! The idol training game I enjoyed suddenly ended its service. I got so angry that I went out of the house and found myself in the world of an idol game. And I became the main character and producer of the idol game.


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not work with dark mode