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I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy Chapter 80

80 – New Year’s Greetings 2 –

New Year’s greetings are not held on New Year’s Day.

You might wonder, isn’t that like having a cherry blossom team without cherry blossoms?

But that’s because the New Year’s greetings are not a celebration of the new year. It’s a commemoration of the new year.

Because it is believed that if the gods get angry, they will bring disasters from the new year.

If there are no issues for a few days after the New Year’s greetings, it means celebrating a peaceful year.

Similar to how Christmas, which celebrates the birth of Jesus, is set on December 25th, unrelated to the actual birthdate of Jesus (no one knows when Jesus was born).

It’s probably fake, and they just set it that way to avoid overlapping with the Christmas and New Year events in the game. But…

“Well… Honestly, according to the words of the demon, I don’t really know what the game company is. What is the truth of this world?”

Anyway, according to the demon, I’ll eventually find out, so it doesn’t matter.

For now, I’ve grasped the basics of my identity to some extent.

I’ve learned various things from Yggdrasil.

Finally, I have attained the appropriate strength.

I’ve sent a message to Petrael, so the princess should be safe too.

Everything was happening in a perfect situation.

The New Year’s greetings were being held splendidly.

“I didn’t specifically plan this, but is the New Year’s greetings happening right after I arrived?”

Christmas, and then about one or two weeks later,

the New Year’s greetings were held.

I arrived at the academy on Friday.

The New Year’s greetings were on Sunday, so it was perfect timing.

So, not long after I arrived at the academy, I headed somewhere else.

“If you’re not interested in the New Year’s greetings ceremony, it doesn’t matter when it will be held, as the timing of the ceremony is different every time.”

Except for Christmas, most holidays in the United States do not have a fixed date.

They are determined by the month, week, and day of the week.

The advantage is that the holidays are consistent.

The disadvantage is that there are no extraordinary holidays like a long break?

“Well, I don’t really care about that. Luckily, Alice got over it, so I’m relieved.”

Alice Tantallota, the second princess of the empire, was overflowing with mercy.

It seemed that my proper defense had been accepted.

“I suppose she went to handle it because she said she knows the future. And since I am also important to the stability of the empire, I didn’t say anything in particular.

I’ll just let you know if you have time later. Everything that has happened to you since your past.”

-Alice Tantallota-


If the princess had obstinately obsessed over me, it would have been a big trouble.

Being obsessed with the superintendent is enough.

Swallowing dry saliva-

I approached someone who could potentially kill me.

Slowly, very slowly. My feet were heavy, as if I were stuck in a swamp.

But I had to approach.

Because there was someone I had to meet.

I opened the door and headed to where someone was waiting.

There were many people gathered.

Three men.

Two women.

There were a total of five people waiting for me.


Among the people gathered, the oldest and the person I feared most right now appeared before me.

Henry Mentuthihotep.

My father and the head of the Mentuthihotep family.


“What on earth…why would you do such a thing?! Do you know how much your father worried about you? Even if it’s the duty of an imperial noble to protect the royal family! It doesn’t mean you have to serve at your level!”

And there it was, the outburst.

I easily manipulate people who blatantly show their intention to exploit or approach me for selfish, calculating, and political purposes.

But it’s difficult to win against someone who approaches with genuinely good intentions.

It’s because their forgiveness and lack of blame accelerate the guilt in my conscience.

In moments like this, the only thing I can say is sorry.

Even if I didn’t do anything wrong, I still feel like I did something wrong.

“I’m sorry.”

“Even if that’s the case…engaging in such risky behavior!”

Parents know that their children are honorable.

They know they are exceptional. It’s natural for them to worry when their children face difficulties.

I, too, have realized this clearly while raising my nephew until I was diagnosed with lung cancer.

To grow up well, one must accomplish things on their own.

But when I see them fail and become melancholic, I understand better than anyone that I want to help them directly.

“You. Still, you’re amazing. After all, Her Highness the princess showed extraordinary favor to Abraxas.

If what you say is true and even without any mutual affection, all the nobles still see Abraxas as favorable, wouldn’t that be a good thing?”

“Wife, no matter what, such reckless behavior should not be done. Even if one is a master of strategy, they cannot defeat a hundred soldiers.

And if they continue such reckless behavior, when a situation arises where it becomes a problem, it won’t be Abraxas who gets hurt.”

A conversation between father and mother.

It was a typical conversation between parents who worry about their child.

Other people would also agree with these words.

But unlike other people, there was one person who understood the conversation incorrectly.

Rather, she seemed to be interested in something else.

“So, brother. Is the princess your girlfriend?”

A little girl who was sitting in a corner spoke up.

My little sister, Irene Mentuti Hope.

Because she asked with genuine curiosity, it was hard to say anything.

So, I gave her an appropriate answer.


“Then why does everyone say the Princess is your girlfriend?”

“Well, wait… who’s saying that?”

“Mom and Dad.”

Mother? Father?

Both of them immediately avoided eye contact.

Perhaps it was because Mother had seen Alice in person.

Father had not seen what I looked like with the Princess.

That’s why the adults in the house had been skeptical all this time.

“What in the world happened while I was away for a month?”

So I asked what had happened.

“Why did you believe it, Hyung, and Father, who were both skeptical?”

“The Princess has been sending you letters through Magic Birds every other day, asking if you might be somewhere. So, of course, it seemed like she had an interest in you. But you’re not dating, right? Risking your life to find a girlfriend, aren’t you?”

No, we’re not.

Of course, if my girlfriend were in danger, I’d be willing to do the same to save her.

Wife and child are both part of me.

“First, this father approves.”

“No, we weren’t dating in the first place, and Father’s opinion isn’t particularly important.”

In the meantime, Father made a snide remark.

We don’t have the authority to decide.

Even if we did, it would have been given by the Princess.

It wasn’t something we had.

“If you had no intention, you wouldn’t have helped. Is there another reason?”

“Have you seen my personality? I did it to counter the nonsense those beggars were spouting because it was pissing me off.”

“Isn’t there a trace of affection in your heart? And Her Highness the Princess seemed to have some interest in you.”

“As someone from our territory said, you can’t know a person’s heart, so it’s not right to make assumptions.”

The best way to counter someone’s words is to counter them with their own words.

Father’s words countered Father’s words.

There couldn’t be a better way than that.

“That may be the case. So, what do you think then? Do you believe Her Highness the Princess doesn’t like you?”

No, I don’t.

I came here with the certainty of unrequited love.

Even though Father has his doubts, I know that the princess likes me.

Could you please understand my troubled heart, surpassing it with the power of blood relations?

“Well, if the princess truly likes me… what could I do in return?

I might just proceed with a royal engagement or do something else in the palace.”

“That makes sense.”

Because there was more to the story than just that.

My romantic episode came to an end just like that.

It was a small relief.

Many stories were circulating.

Nobles flocked in large numbers ahead of the grand New Year’s ceremony.

Thanks to that, Father and I could meet after a long time.

“So, Abraaxas, what are you planning to do after graduation this time?”

“I’m not even halfway through my first year yet. And isn’t it polite to ask about your well-being first? You never visited me even once when I was kidnapped or imprisoned.”

“I was planning to come, but you were absent. So, give me an answer.”

“Just take my fortune and run away to a quiet countryside to live leisurely.”

“I can’t accept that as the next head of the family, can I?”

“Then fight me and win.”

This person is my older brother, Abraaxasil Menthutihope.

I don’t know why his name is Abraaxasil, Abraaxas, or Abraaxasill, but our parents named him that way.

Ironically, they gave our daughter a normal name, Irene, as if to say, “I should name my children normally.”

One of the reasons I think my name doesn’t define me might be because of things like that.

Naming someone like that forms an identity.

It’s like naming someone Bow or Poop in the old days.

“So, how do you think this New Year’s ceremony will proceed?”

“After the Emperor’s speech, there will be other activities. Some nobles will want to show off their skills in combat, and others will enjoy parties.”

When the fact of Abraxas piqued curiosity, a rough story was told.

This place is a grand gathering of society.

Under the Emperor’s jurisdiction, all nobles gather without any justification, on rare occasions.

Therefore, numerous lower nobles gather in abundance, aiming to catch the attention of the higher nobles.

The higher nobles foster camaraderie among themselves.

I felt uncomfortable in such a setting, so I generally tried not to attend unless necessary.

But this time, I had no choice.

Because my father called for me.

“The Emperor is here in this gathering.”

A broadcast resounded to us who were engaged in conversation.

It was the time to announce that we, who were waiting in the VIP room, must leave.

We left the rooms of the massive mansion and headed towards the party hall.

There were people already gathered in the party hall.

Some recognized us and greeted us.

To the lower nobles, the Marquis of Mentuthihotheb was one of the prominent noble families, so they seemed eager to establish camaraderie with us.

But it meant nothing.

Because soon, the highest figure of this nation would arrive.

“The great sun of the Helium Empire is paying a visit.”

Ever since I gifted a tiger’s head to the Empress as a birth present for the princess, I had never seen the Emperor even once.

Just like when I complained on Teseus’s birthday, my father never allowed me to meet him.

But this time, my father seemed to be okay with it.

He must have thought that the Emperor would tolerate rudeness since I rescued the Emperor’s daughter.

And so, after a long time, I was finally able to see the most powerful person in this country.

Thud, thud…

As the Emperor slowly entered, the bustling conversations were completely silenced.

Despite being in a spacious party hall, all I could hear was the sound of the Emperor’s footsteps.

The Emperor resembled Epheletho, as if indicating that my previous speculation of their relationship being akin to twins was true.

He looked like Epheletho would if his face was pressed and distorted after aging about thirty years.

Blond hair and golden eyes.

And from his well-groomed beard, I could sense an indescribable aura.

He was also a figure who had emerged victorious in the previous imperial tournament, so it was somewhat expected.

“Everyone has gathered. Let us ensure a peaceful future.”

With this sentence, truly mundane words began.

Countless good stories passed by, and time moved as if it were bitter, like the adage about taking bitter medicine.

Abralaxathel and Irene couldn’t bear the boredom and were teasing each other.

Normally, I might have done the same.

But I couldn’t this time.

The issue lay with the Emperor’s actions.

“Is the Emperor staring at me?”

No, surely not.

Just in case, I discreetly moved to the rear and reappeared from another spot.

As a minor writer, I could only grumble to myself rather than openly express dissatisfaction when I was pushed aside.

And where the Emperor was gazing… it was still me.

It was just a sidelong glance, but it was undoubtedly directed at me.

My breath felt as though it was being suffocated.

I wanted to catch my breath quickly.

The Emperor had no adversaries in my completed final manuscript.

I might challenge the Emperor someday, but at least I had no intention of harboring enmity against the Emperor.

But now, in my current frail state, did I appear resentful to the Emperor?

“How dreadful.”

I immediately returned to my seat and hid behind my father, who was larger than me.

The Emperor continued to gaze at me with only his eyes while keeping his face forward.

“Abralaxathus. It seems like His Majesty the Emperor has been staring at you for a while… Why do you think that might be?”

“Perhaps because the Emperor’s daughter has taken a liking to Abralaxathus, he’s feeling jealous?”

My brother asked me, and my mother answered on my behalf.

But I knew the truth.

The issue was the complicated nature of our family.

“Alice and I didn’t meet until after the graduation assessment. However, she started to like me, at the very least, after the Academy attack…

But the Emperor had shown interest in me long before that.”

Until then, the lingering doubt had only deepened.

It was now confirmed.

The Emperor of the Helium Empire, Arthur Tantalota.

He held a secret I was unaware of.

I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy

I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy

아카데미 자퇴희망자가 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
When Abraxas, a cadet from the Imperial Academy, requested to drop out due to his immorality, the request was not permitted. – President of Imperial Academy –


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not work with dark mode