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I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy Chapter 60

60 – Exchange Battle 2 –

Exchange Battle 2 –

I don’t know why the exchange battle and the exams merged together.

But to me, it’s a good phenomenon.

Because now, I can create another commotion and ruin my reputation.

Although rumors of the princess and scandal have spread, they are not confirmed facts but merely doubts.

Those who know me well and those who know the princess well do not believe in our relationship.

And my parents had practically witnessed it themselves, so if they had heard it through information, they wouldn’t have believed it.

Because people naturally believe what they have seen.

“So, who was behind this merger?”

“There’s a saying among proverbs. If a case happens and the subject is unknown, the one who benefits the most is the suspect.

If the one who benefits the most isn’t the suspect, then the one who benefits the most when the target is accused is the suspect.”

“Okay, but what does that have to do with us?”

“We should avoid it. The fact that the exchange battle was opened in this way means something fishy is going on.

The exchange battle is for gaining reputation. If you have skills, there’s no need to open it now.”

“That’s true. It’ll all be exposed in the end. Unless you’re intentionally hiding something like you.”

As they slowly chatted in the waiting room, they heard the murmurs from other people.

It was the sound that the exchange battle had begun.

[Ah, please follow me. I must sincerely thank each academy representative who has gathered here today in the Jelip Academy.]

Professor Maximilian, who was surprisingly close to the position of the professors’ representative.

In situations like this, Yeonggeol is often invited.

I think it’s because of Yeonggeol’s status, and also because this gathering is considered very important.

Like the principal giving a speech at a sports field.

[Not only from the Imperial Academy, but also from the thriving regions, and even from the Magic Republic, we are truly honored to have you all here…]

Surprisingly, several other countries were also involved in this matter.

The ideological group known as the Thriving Regions,

The two great powers, the Empire and the Magic Republic,

And some countries that I’m not familiar with but are known to be famous.

All these people gather together and talk about others.

I’m not sure why the Exchange Tournament is happening right now, but I believe that a good thing is a good thing.

A huge soccer field-shaped stadium.

Since everyone here is either nobility or someone of high status, the atmosphere is exuding extravagant luxury as countless nobles engage in conversation.

The spectators who came in were outsiders.

Perhaps it’s because the event is being held at the Derip Academy, but they all seemed curious about the Derip Academy students.

Since the Exchange Tournament is a public event.

During the festival, many people who didn’t come before also attended.

“They say there are a lot of impressive first-year students at Derip Academy this year, right?”

“Yes. Yuli Fabric, Luna Kernel, Isaac Evan, Elijah Adonis, Sylvia Lenen, Abraxas Mentuhtihotep, and the Healing Saint, there are truly many outstanding students who have enrolled.”

“Maybe in a few years, Derip Academy will soar even higher. When there are many outstanding talents, it’s common for them to gather at their alma mater to mentor their juniors.”

“That’s right. hahahaha. I couldn’t see it during the festival because it was cancelled due to an attack. I’m grateful for the opportunity to see their skills in this Exchange Tournament.”

“It’s great that we can see it before the year ends. It’s truly a splendid highlight.”

“I’m glad we can see it before it gets cold.”

I don’t know how much money was poured into this, but it’s clear that there was a tremendous investment to create a space as vast as a soccer field, with a ceiling that reaches up to the sky.

I didn’t even know there was a space like this.

Certainly, it lives up to the name of being the Empire’s only national academy.

Even though it was getting a bit chilly, it’s surprising that a space of this magnitude doesn’t feel cold at all.

“Of course, it hardly ever snows here in winter. Unlike the northern regions, that is.”

In this enclosed space, countless people engage in conversation on all sides.

The students at Jerip Academy were quite something.

There were some events in the Republic of Mado.

Among the priests of the Holy Order of Seonghwangcheong, there was a guy with promising future.

“So, they had separate towers for education in the Republic of Mado… and priests who taught separately in the Great Temple? I didn’t know this.”

In WFS, various settings that were not mentioned are pouring out haphazardly.

Even if there is Magic Bird and Communication Modification, there are many restrictions, so you have to pay to obtain information.

So I still don’t know why Maxillian is in charge of this.

“Yuri Fabric students surprisingly use firearms.”

“They say Isaac Evans has excellent physical abilities and aura control to withstand his peers.”

“Moreover, Luna Kerel students have already awakened their unique magic and are excelling in alchemy.”

“Eliya Adonis students are also exceptional. Right…”

“Silvia Renan students…”


Many people are mentioned.

Names I’ve heard before.

The fact that they were highly renowned to this extent and still didn’t appear in WFS reinforced my belief that something went wrong in the Academy.

“Perhaps the Academy itself had issues, and that’s why it wasn’t mentioned. As Efrentho’s past unravels, related events will probably come to light. I… I came here before that…”

It’s alright.

I’ve been given the opportunity this time.

So, I just need to stand out here, making it impossible for others to divert public opinion directly.

To show them who I am.

As I calmly prepared my mind for the upcoming situation.

“So, what do you think about Abraxas students?”

Words that should never be overlooked flowed out of the lips of the nobles.

Aura outburst, telekinesis that affects everything.

By applying this, I can create a force that affects everything.

I generate a force that affects everything, thereby nullifying my presence.

It keeps all the sound from spreading, creating a soundproof, silent space.

At that moment, all sounds were blocked.

I have heard others evaluating me.

“Abraxas Sanctus has achievements that set him apart from other beings, doesn’t he? He even captured one of the bishops of the Demon Cult.”

“Moreover, he sacrificed his body to protect Princess Hwangnyeo from the forces that threaten her! Isn’t that impressive?”

But I sacrificed not my body, but Princess Hwangnyeo’s.

I didn’t lose back then, though.

If I had killed, I would have faced execution later.

“The Empire hasn’t achieved anything in nearly a century, right?”

“If one becomes a bishop, they say even the foresight and recollection of the Sage Blue can’t detect them. Events unfold, but the person becomes vacant.”

“Then Sage Blue hasn’t accomplished much either, it seems?”

“That’s right. Empress, Her Majesty, intended to award the Golden Lion Medal, but it was postponed for some reason.”

“Oh. I heard that if it’s awarded during the academy years, it implies the acquisition of political power, so they try to avoid it as much as possible.”

“I see.”

Why do I keep hearing stories I don’t know?

The feeling is good, but can’t it be toned down a bit?

Even the Golden Lion Medal?

They were going to give that?

It could have been a disaster.

“I should have just let the scandal with the princess and Scan slide.”

The influence of the princess can cover other things.

Victory over the Demon Cult? Repelling an attack?

It changes when it spreads that I’m dating the princess.

Abraxas Sanctus captured a bishop of the Demon Cult and thwarted an attack.

The incident changes to the princess’s boyfriend capturing a bishop and thwarting an attack.

Even the event of saving the princess will be altered to the boyfriend risking his life to save her.

At least, the name of Abraxas Mentuti Hope will be less associated with the cross.

“If I can handle the political aftermath, it might be worth trying next time. Let’s save it for next time.”

I stopped listening before I started feeling like I wanted to commit suicide.

I returned to my seat.

Upon returning, Teseus and Lucas welcomed me.

Yuri and Isaac were also nearby.

It seemed like they had become friends in my absence.

“Oh, it’s Abraexus, isn’t it? I wanted to team up with you again for this test, but unfortunately, it seems impossible this time.”

“Ah, yes. I don’t really want to team up, and I don’t want to fight either. I’m just an ordinary person who wants to drop out of the academy.”

“hahahaha! You don’t need to say it like that. I often hear weird things too, but you’re the weirdest I’ve seen, just like Abraexus.”

“Usually, when someone calls themselves weird and walks around, they’re considered crazy, and those who call themselves normal are considered normal. Words have power, so speaking can change a person.”

“Don’t talk nonsense. So, what are you going to do this time?”


“This time, it’s your first participation.”


The top and second-ranked students are here, and I’m going?

Does that make sense?

Isn’t the first participation usually given to the most symbolic or high-achieving person?

“According to the requests of others, that’s how it happened. Your reputation is the highest here.”

I was even more bewildered after hearing that.

Even if it’s for political reasons, they’re making me participate for the first time?

“No, what’s my reputation? From what I’ve heard, there are more than five people better than me.”

“They’re all predictions, but you’re the only one with actual achievements. It seems like your practical skills are a huge plus. That’s why they chose you for the first participation.”

“No, I’m not that strong.”

“It’s okay to lose. This is an exchange match. That’s why they’re making you participate.”

The story Lucas explained through proper analysis was horrifying.

I sensed something strange after considering various factors.

“How much external pressure is at play to make me participate for the first time?”

Everything was unusual.

An exchange match suddenly opened.

And in that situation, my first participation.

Everything seemed as arbitrary as it could be.

“The force that benefits the most… there’s no force that benefits the most from me participating for the first time… What’s going on?”

The full picture hasn’t been grasped yet.

From Noble mtl dot com

So I guess it’s better to keep an eye on it a little longer.

One thing for sure is that this is not the kind of thing that benefits me.

That’s why I intend to ruin this exchange match.

“So even if you go out there right away, nothing will change. Are you going to go on with your nonsense again?”

Lucas whispered to me secretly after that.

It meant, once again, would I ruin things?

“Hey, who do you think I am? I’m the one who stirred things up in the performance evaluation with the Emperor’s Ejinal. Do you think I can’t do this?”

I also whispered secretly to Lucas.

A few succeeded in overhearing our conversation.

But others didn’t understand our conversation.

Of course. Who would be able to say that?

“If you make a fuss about the Golden Shield here, it could cause political problems. In your trial, the victim said they were fine, so it was overlooked, but if you wear the Golden Shield here and walk around, it will cause even bigger controversy.”

“I understand. Do you think I’m stupid? I have a solid plan prepared.”

The new plan would not create a political controversy.

At least, it would not be morally problematic.

There would be no political problem.

That means the Academy can’t sanction me either.

“Fine. Do whatever you want. I don’t know.”

Lucas gave up on me like that.

And now I was waiting for the match.

As the match time approached,

I executed the strategy I had prepared and went outside.

“The first opponent to face… is none other than the top student of the Tower of Learning! Alexander Trimpium, a famous student of Zerryp Academy! It’s a duel with Abraxas Mentutihotep, a student of the Sanji Academy!”

The first session was a one-on-one duel.

There are various types of matches in the exchange match, including duels, team matches, and competitive matches.

“Come at me. I’ll beat everyone.”

A man with a slightly grimaced face stood above me.

From his behavior and attitude, it was obvious that he was very arrogant.

He could, at least among the people I had seen, be classified as the most arrogant.

More abnormal than a princess.

Is she abnormal, or am I?

“Entering the Arena: Abraxas Mentutihoth!”

As the broadcast announcing my arrival echoed, I made my way to the arena without hesitation.

At the heart of the colossal stadium,

A crowd comparable to the World Cup’s opening day.

In stark contrast, there were only two people here—Elise and me.

When I stepped into view, people began cheering at first.

However, it didn’t take long for those cheers to turn into astonishment.

As rumors tend to exaggerate.

The negative rumors were likely minimized by the headmaster and the Royal Court, so most people here probably didn’t know much about me.

That’s why I decided to show them.

Who I really am.

How ill-suited I am for this academy.

“Hey, what’s that?”

“What is that…?”

“Wasn’t he supposed to be a promising student for the future…?”

Confusion was written on everyone’s faces.


The gazes from outside the academy were solely focused on my past exploits.

The incident where I was abducted by the Cult of Evil and managed to escape, then arrested the bishop while risking my life.

The incident where I protected the princess from the factions that sought to harm her.

In contrast, my daily deeds remained largely unknown.

This current event is the most suitable way to make them known.

“Are they mocking me right now…?”

A male student asked, mocking my appearance.

He was truly a student with deep prejudice.

Even if my appearance seems strange, labeling it as mockery is quite something.

Surprisingly, it’s true.

But there’s no denying that a peculiar appearance invites mockery or jest at first glance.

I had a valid reason.

I immediately told him my reason.

“People say, ‘As a man, live like a man.’ However, there are numerous precedents for what it means to be a man, some of which are contradictory.”

Of course, I don’t consider masculinity important.

When faced with adversity, I retreat; I become weaker in front of a stronger opponent and stronger when facing a weaker one.

That’s how humans are by nature.

For me, it’s not about being manly; it’s about being human.

“That’s why I thought, ‘What is true masculinity? And it’s…! Doing what women can never do!’”

Doing what women can never do.

I acted accordingly.

“…So, is that why you came out wearing women’s ballet attire?”

“Crossdressing is the most masculine act of all! Crossdressing is something only men can do!!”

The ultimate move, crossdressing.

By crossdressing, you can break the opponent’s will and inflict mental damage.

I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy

I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy

아카데미 자퇴희망자가 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
When Abraxas, a cadet from the Imperial Academy, requested to drop out due to his immorality, the request was not permitted. – President of Imperial Academy –


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not work with dark mode