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I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy Chapter 51

51 – Escape –

The day I headed to the courtroom.

The sun of that day rose.

Because of this, I might be imprisoned for longer than my time at the academy.

In the worst-case scenario, I might be sentenced to death, unable to escape, and might not survive.

But I have no regrets.

If I die, I can entrust my legacy to the prince and princess.

All I need to do is pass on the note I wrote, containing all the memories and future knowledge I recall when I’m certain of WFS’s possession.

“I might have accidentally exposed the note a few times, but luckily, they dismissed it as a child’s imagination. It’s a relief that my unique talents went unnoticed at times.”

Thinking back, why did I write it in this language instead of Korean?

I can chalk it up to my judgment being a little cloudy when I was younger.

As I left the dormitory, the police greeted me.

Behind the officers, a multitude of people could be seen, standing in a line, as if they were guiding me on the path I needed to take.

There were even more of them than when I was accused of academic misconduct, but thankfully, the reactions were different this time.

“But according to Seonghwangcheong, the cult was planning to kidnap her, right? So, if the princess got caught, wouldn’t she be in mortal danger?”

“Seonghwangcheong also said that.”

“But why is she being taken away then?”

“Legally, she had the upper hand by holding a member of the royal family hostage, and she directly inflicted harm on the royal family.”

“But the princess herself said she’s fine, isn’t that enough?”

“True, but that’s a logical judgment. They’re just creating a pretext. There are plenty of cases like this, you know.”

“What about that side? What about the consort writer?”

“Just because she’s a consort writer, doesn’t mean she’s untouchable. I bet she got placed there by a faction that’s hostile to the Hwangnyeo.”

Currently, public opinion regarding me is not all that bad.

But that doesn’t mean it’s good either.

It’s not actively supportive, but rather at a level where it’s not entirely negative.

If the emperor declares me guilty, public opinion will turn against me.

“Well, then, please come with us.”

The officers tried to detain me.

“It’s treating me like a criminal even though the guilt hasn’t been confirmed yet.

In this regard, it still feels like the modern era.

Ah, did it happen like this even in the modern era? It seems like it was only for the heinous criminals.

“But we did defeat the Cult of Malevolence, didn’t we?”

“In the end, it’s just a game for the nobles. There’s nothing we can do.

If we can sway public opinion, we might be able to influence the Empress to secure our innocence, but… how can we do that?”

We defeated the Cult of Malevolence.

In a normal situation, a trial wouldn’t have been held since the victim, Princess Hwangnyeo, herself said she was fine.

Through Sung Hwangcheong’s statement, I could see that my actions were not an act of rebellion.

It was because Princess Hwangnyeo said she was okay.

But Sung Hwangcheong is not as influential as before.

Since Sung Hwangcheong couldn’t support me, the 1st Princess Faction held the trial.

It was an attack I could make because I wasn’t part of the 1st Prince Faction.

“Perhaps the 1st Princess attacked me because she thought I was closer to being the 1st Prince… After all, nobles are nobles. Even if it’s not confirmed, you can more or less tell, can’t you?”

The one who won in WFS was the 1st Prince.

If I were to align with anyone, I would have sided with the 1st Prince.

I just couldn’t do it because it would come with its own responsibilities.

It’s better to form a contract with the Emperor after he’s decided anyway.

At least, if I learn the Ghost Sword Art from Geomgui, I can deal with urgent problems.

“Wait a moment.”

As I was about to leave like that, someone blocked the officials.

It was Theseus Winterfield.

No matter how high the officials were with the royal family’s orders, it was meaningless to try to stop the next Duke.

The solid wall of the human had crumbled.

After crossing such a wall, Theseus approached me and exchanged greetings.

“Abroxas… Are you okay?”

“Well, do I look like someone who would be scared of something like this?”

“No… This time, if you make a real mistake, you could die. It’s not a trial judged by the judge, but a trial where the Empress herself decides guilt or innocence.

No matter how just it may be, if the Empress decides it…”

The reason I couldn’t stop this trial is simple.

The reason I couldn’t stop it from my family’s and the first prince’s side is also simple.

It’s because this trial is a request to the emperor.

The Holy Court represents external forces, not the Empire’s internal affairs.

Moreover, it holds a very strong legitimacy, even representing the gods, so the emperor pays attention to it.

But when it comes to matters within the Empire that favor the supporters, they practically have overwhelming power.

If even a third of the supporters are in favor, it means the emperor wins overwhelmingly.

Especially, if the Holy Court is unable to exert its power as it is now.

“Well, as long as I don’t die, it doesn’t matter. I’ll be released eventually.”

If I tell 1st Prince about this information. And if I even reveal the information about the Dragon Heart.

Someday, 1st Prince will ascend to the emperor’s throne and then he will release me.

After the main story of WFS, it’s been 3 years, and 8 years from now, he may ascend to the throne even faster.

Then, it’s done.

Even if it’s a bit late, I’ve gained an ally called the royal family.

“The original plan needs to be broad. If it goes awry, it’s easier to adjust.”

Of course, the best outcome is being found innocent and getting released.

But how low is the probability?

“It’s all done, so let’s go now.”

In the end, after meeting all the people I could meet.

I entrusted myself to the officials.

Not long after, I boarded the carriage provided by the royal family.

I couldn’t help but be delighted by the luxurious horses and decorations that looked high-class at a glance.

Sitting on the seat covered with a red carpet and looking outside, I could see many people watching me.

Professor Rachel, Professor Maximilian, Lucas, Theseus, Sylvia, Elia, Alice, the Holy Maiden of Healing…

“Have a safe journey, Abraxas.”

“Brother… Make sure to come back alive…”

And even my family.

They came to enjoy the festival but ended up witnessing their son and brother on trial.

In an attempt to ease their shock even slightly, I forced a smile and said,

“I’ll be back.”

The carriage that took me to the palace departed.

No one knew when it would return.


The courtroom I arrived at was quite different from modern courtrooms.

If modern courtrooms give off a strict and solemn vibe,

This courtroom was more like a banquet hall.

Of course, it was just set up that way, but the atmosphere was similar.

There was a seat for the judge who represented the emperor.

To the right were my lawyers and the defense team.

To the left were the officials and prosecutors from my family.

I took my seat and it wasn’t long before people started crowding in and the audience filled up.

That’s how the public opinion battle began.

In order to sway the emperor’s heart even just a little.

“How could that be possible? Even if they tried to save him, he’s a member of the imperial family.”

“You’re right. And last time, they completely violated the rules of engagement and relentlessly targeted his weaknesses.”

In retrospect, that might have been the best situation. If it was necessary, it was someone who would have done it. The problem is,

If the world would be better off by executing the emperor right now, should we kill him? There might be another way.”

“It only seemed good in the end, it’s hard to say it was the best choice. We have to inform someone else immediately or find a way to hold on. What’s the difference between abandoning the emperor if the imperial guards will save him if they abandon him?”

These people bring extreme examples to argue against me.

They attacked in order to protect the princess.

It’s as if I’m the unfaithful one.

In reality, I wasn’t abandoning the princess; I tried to save her.

And I’m not even her subordinate.

Luckily, some of the people Prince 1 had placed were there.

Some people voiced their opinions in my favor.

“That analogy isn’t correct. Youngshik threatened to protect her, not to kill her.

If he had really executed the princess, he wouldn’t have been able to escape the death penalty. In a way, he risked his life to protect her.”

“Looking at the situation of the battle, it seems that he made a definitive judgment at the time. Other possibilities are just possibilities.”

“Unless the heavenly beings turn back time, no one can know what happened.”

“And in the end, everything turned out fine. There’s no problem. The Princess is okay!”

“But if we take that into account, then when the noble family quarrels with their spouse after marriage, should the noble family be held responsible?”

“But the injuries themselves are real!”

“We need to apply exceptions!”

They blame each other.

Internally, they know how forced it is.

They wear a poker face, hiding conscience, truth, and various things for political gain.

And… my enemies subtly revealed the purpose for which they put me here.

“Yes. Let’s assume that Emperor Abreksas made the best judgment at the time.

But then, why didn’t Princess Alice use the aura of dominance that is passed down through generations from the noble family?”

“T-That, that is!”

“According to what the Saint told us, Emperor Abreksas had proposed a compromise after using the aura of dominance to suppress those weaker than Princess Alice.

The rest was to be handled by the professors. This story is something that the Sage Firm believed in.”

“That’s right.”

“But then why didn’t Princess Alice do that? It seemed like a good solution, right? The hierarchy of the noble family and an emergency situation.

If all these things were combined, it could have been a good solution…”

“That…! What could I have done…!”

“Yes. I understand. Princess Alice’s aura of dominance was too powerful. Moreover, Prince Ephrento was not there either.

But the reason why the noble family reigns among many strong people is precisely because of the aura of dominance. Not being able to use it means they are not qualified as noble families.”

“That’s absurd! Where did that power go?”

“So you’re saying that not being able to use that power has value?”

“Princess’s training in the use of her skills led her to achieve the state of Swell.

Actually, she was able to subdue the intruders before any enemies appeared, using her own abilities. But is that a problem?”

“It would be perfect if she had the aura of dominance as well.”

Their opinions neither draw closer nor move farther apart.

They express various opinions, but the essence is the same.

Those who want to belittle the Second Princess, and those who want to protect her.

The opinions of these two contradict each other.

“Everyone, let’s stop.”

When their opinions were only drifting further apart without any usefulness.

Princess Alice Tarlotta entered as the judge and sat on the plaintiff’s side.

She should not have sat on the plaintiff’s side since she had never filed a lawsuit.

But the power compelled her to sit.

Of course, this is a criminal trial, so there shouldn’t be a distinction between defendant and plaintiff.

Looking around, several individuals followed behind the princess.

They must be her faction, created by the princess herself.

“The son of the Western Governor, the third daughter of the Southern Baron, several central nobles… And who is that?”

Most of them were characters who did not appear in WFS.

At this point, my speculation seems reasonable.

One thing is certain, something happened at the Academy.

“They are the 1st Prince’s faction, so they should appear. Since they didn’t… it’s most likely true.”

Putting aside those thoughts for a moment.

When everyone had arrived.




With an unknown sound.

Something began to unfold.

The door behind the judge’s seat slowly opened.

An indiscernible smoke flowed out from inside, as if a tremendous power was emerging.

After a while, when the door was fully open, a person walked out confidently from inside.

That person had the typical appearance of a noble.

Rather than a judge, they must be an emissary who came to deliver the emperor’s order.

The emissary sat down and slowly skimmed through the documents.

Although the decision had already been made, they were doing this just in case there was a mistake in reporting to the emperor and any misunderstandings arise.

After inspecting the documents and finding no issues, the emissary put them down and looked at me, then spoke.

“The Emperor’s decree has been delivered.”

Everyone tensed up at those words.

I am calculating what the outcome will be.

In the words that come out of that person’s mouth,

From Noble mtl dot com

the irony of this trial will intersect.

“The defendant, Abraxas Mentuhotepp, did indeed have the purpose of saving the princess, but he undeniably caused harm to the noble class.

And there are issues with various actions, such as distrust of the imperial family. Despite being aware of these various problems, he has not made any effort to rectify them.”

Upon hearing those words, the face of the Princess Faction started to show signs of anger.

This was because all the words spoken were supporting my guilt.

In contrast, the Prince Faction gradually grew dark.

Because if I am ultimately found guilty, the princess’s image will be tarnished.

It was because the fact that the princess didn’t hold the aura of dominance was the cause of all the trouble.

Even apart from reason, my family might come to resent Alice Tantalota.

“I didn’t even consider being innocent. If I were innocent, the emperor wouldn’t even hold the trial… At least it will take ten years.”

Of course, I don’t have any regrets.

According to the storyline, Eperento will become the emperor within eight years at least.

If I reveal the true relationship, he might become the emperor even faster.

Then I will be able to leave at that time.

Amidst all these numerous judgments,

the messenger continued to convey the words of the emperor.

“We believe that the likelihood of fixing these issues in the future is low. Therefore… the emperor has decided to impose a very appropriate penalty.”

All eyes were focused in one direction.

A moment that felt as eternal as eternity.

In the midst of this, the judge’s verdict flowed from his mouth.

“The defendant, Abraxas Mentuhotepp, is sentenced to two weeks of confinement in the Eros Detention Center.”

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The sound of the messenger’s gavel confirmed the verdict.

The courtroom became chaotic as if the gavel had struck everyone’s heads.

His words that came out of his mouth created such confusion.

It is true that I am guilty.

However, a two-week confinement is practically an innocent result.

Therefore, one could simply consider it a special trial.

This is not an ordinary trial, so it’s a problem.

However, this is an imperial trial presided over by the emperor himself.

Although there have been cases where innocence was proven due to information errors,

There has never been a case with such a ridiculous sentence.

That’s why, amidst the chaotic atmosphere of the courtroom,

I had a different thought.

‘Elos Prison…? If it’s in the Elos region, it should be Teseus…? If I handle this well… I might be able to get some advantage from the angels.’

Abraquasas was looking at the next situation.

With gratitude in his heart towards the emperor who was unusually friendly towards him.

I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy

I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy

아카데미 자퇴희망자가 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
When Abraxas, a cadet from the Imperial Academy, requested to drop out due to his immorality, the request was not permitted. – President of Imperial Academy –


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not work with dark mode