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I Became a Foreigner Loved by Transcendentalists Chapter 64

Episode 64. Twisted Fate


The most frightening thing about renegades who spread evil intentions against fellow humans is that when they decide to go into hiding, they are indistinguishable from ordinary people.

Such fear is especially evident in places isolated from society, such as dungeons.

[If you find a room with a library after completing the first camp, it won’t be long before a member of the Murderer Clan hiding in the party begins operations. It is a dangerous operation to occupy the base camp that the Adventurer’s Guild wants to set up in the dungeon and deal with all the adventurers targeting it.]

As Airi said, many adventurers other than our party are trying to conquer this dungeon.

The larger the scale, the more important supplies and resting places are, so if a suitable location is found during exploration, many adventurers will attempt to build a camp.

Even though the detailed structure of the dungeon changes from time to time, there is no significant change overall, so the importance of setting up a camp is bound to increase in the early stages of exploration.

[If such a base camp is taken over by the Murderer Clan, the adventurers who entered the camp to rest will be trampled by them without knowing anything, and their lives and loot will be taken away. And since the warriors are a hindrance to the occupation of the camp, some of the warriors who entered the dungeon have one Murderer Clan member in their party.]

[Even if she is a culling hero, her power as a warrior cannot be ignored, so she would also have become a target of the murderer. Afterwards, her death will serve as a signal, and the Murderer Clan members who returned to her camp will receive her signal and take full action.]

No matter what, even if he was eliminated, he is still called a hero.

As someone who witnessed that power from the side, I would have felt strongly that it had to be eliminated at least as much as possible, but since I cannot buy the trust of the party members, there is no way the party members would believe this situation.

“Oh, by the way, I hid it well, but where did you find out my affiliation and name?”

So, explaining the situation should be done after we deal with this guy here.

As we came to that conclusion and confronted each other with spears, the guy pointed his crossbow at me and asked.

“So, what do you plan to do? He openly revealed his identity, and even revealed my identity……. “You can accept that one of you will die and get out of here, right?”

“Do I really need to say that in words? “If you’ve been keeping an eye on the warriors’ backs until now, you’d know better.”

“Kya~ I thought you were reticent, but I also knew you were being sarcastic~ Anyway, this is what I saw, I guess this is it~”

He’s a murderer who laughs slyly and makes a fuss.

From Noble mtl dot com

However, contrary to his playful attitude, there was no shaking in the crossbow aimed, and the murderous intent was shining in the eyes that met him.

It is embarrassing that his identity has been discovered, but since he has already been discovered, he accepts the situation and seems to be trying to deal with the situation calmly.

“Well, I guess he has his own reasons and wants to protect that kid. If my goal was to eliminate them, I would have watched them until I finished them and then tried to steal the merit by stabbing them in the back…….”

Of course, he won’t know exactly about me.

Just looking at the reputation of being a warrior slayer, I can only assume to some extent that I am also a murderer or a shadowy person like myself.

“Still, I’m asking just in case, do you have any affection for that kid? Or is it because he cares that I was labeled as a culling hero because of him?”

However, the following question was filled with bitterness, a far cry from dealing with such a wicked person.

Isn’t it strange?

According to Airi’s prophecy, the opponent is an assassin from the infamous Murderer Clan in the shadows, and he himself does not deny it and calmly accepts the situation.

So, she’s clearly a piece of trash who won’t show mercy to her target, so why does she show such an emotional side when she expresses her affection for someone?

“…Ugh, let’s quit.”

Just when that thought occurred to him, he relaxed his tense body and placed the crossbow in his hand on the floor.

When he flinched and raised his spear, the guy started raising both hands above his head to show off that he was defenseless.

“… “What are your intentions?”

“It’s not an intention, I just don’t feel like it. “I was given the task of assassinating a warrior belonging to the same party at an appropriate time in the organization, but it doesn’t suit my temperament to kill a child who hasn’t even had a coming-of-age ceremony.”

“Believe it… ….”

“I do this to make a living, but to be honest, I’m slowly getting tired of this. It’s okay to do dirty things for a day or two, but to kill a young hero who is not a person with a broken character and who is being preyed upon by low-level adventurers… Isn’t that something a person would do?”

Not a character destroyer who can kill without feeling guilty, but a timid and helpless young girl who is a victim.

After mentioning something that anyone with a human heart would feel sympathy for, he raised his hands even higher and smiled bitterly at me.

“I was okay with going around with my brother, but you weren’t?”

It’s as if he’s appealing for the affection he’s felt while being together so far.

Of course, we only spent a day or two together, but you can understand a person’s personality to some extent with just that amount of time.

Although it is a piece of trash that has killed many people, considering what it has shown so far, it is difficult to see it as a piece of trash that has no human feelings at all.

Even when he made humorous jokes, he didn’t cross the line, and even when he gossiped about the child, he didn’t join in, and occasionally he would mutter words of pity and sympathy toward the hero…….

“… “I’ll arrest you first, so you’d better not do anything stupid.”

“Thank you for trusting me, bro.”

Paul Danian remembers that and smiles with satisfaction at the trust expressed.

I closed the distance between him and him, who was still keeping his arms raised, and took out the multi-purpose rope from his arms, making an attempt to restrain him.

Buy his trust with such actions.

The moment the distance narrowed, I changed my stance and used the spear to stab the guy in the leg.

-Oh my!

And at that moment, the raised hand began to fall toward me.

In his hand, he had a dagger sticking out of his sleeve, and was preparing to cut off my head.

Damn, his dagger is faster than my spear.

Should we just trust in the durability of the armor and face it?


However, Ego Weapon moved ahead of such judgment and reflexively struck with his dagger.

The blade of the dagger was shattered miserably by the strength of the mithril, and the murderer, who was looking down at the fragments, took a step back and smiled stiffly.

“… Brother, isn’t that too much? “I even gave up my weapon and surrendered.”

“It’s foolish to trust someone who is passive in deceiving others.”

The acting was so natural that I was shocked for a moment, but I absolutely trusted Airi’s prophecy.

And Airi said this in the note.

If we don’t ‘deal with’ this guy here, a large-scale massacre of adventurers in this dungeon, including our party, will begin.


Anyway, if we were talking to each other, we wouldn’t have used the expression ‘process’ in the first place.

Convinced of that, he threw a spear to chase the guy who was trying to escape from the library, and the spear hit the wall of the hallway, bursting with physical force and burying part of the path he was trying to take.

“Kya, this is what it takes to be a warrior slayer.”

“Get out there, you son of a b*tch!!”

“If you stand here, you’ll turn yourself in! Woohyooo~”

A murderer who runs away while making strange noises as if making fun of me.

When he later summoned a spear stuck in the wall, it had already escaped the range of the javelin and was preparing to turn around the corner.

He stopped for a moment on the spot and smiled his signature arrogant smile as if to provoke me.

“I’m sorry, bro! No hard feelings, but our industry is based on trust! “I truly feel sorry for the hero, but I can’t betray my previous promise!”

“Then I’ll go first, so Mr. Spearman, tell the remaining party members to fight their way through without scouting! Ha ha ha ha ha!”

“Who let the damn guy go!?”

I looked back at the place I had passed for a moment, then grabbed my spear and started running down the dungeon’s hallways to track him down.

If I chase after him, I will get further away from my companions, but I realize that this is also a trend that has been prophesied.

[If you fail to subdue it when you lure it to the library, do not join the party and try to push it to the other side. If you go there, there will soon be many adventurers attempting to establish a base camp there.]

[Starting with him, uncover the murderers hiding among the adventurers, join the warriors, and strengthen the base camp to prepare for future attacks. Just by supporting her by her side, her notoriety as a brave warrior will be restored to some extent, and this will also lead to her benefit and guarantee of safety for Mr. Hyoseong.]

According to the prophecy, the base camp is not far from here.

Once you force him into the camp, ask for the cooperation of the people in the camp to catch that guy, and then work with them to persuade the party members, and you will be able to convince them that this situation is good.

Yes, if everything goes according to plan, everything will turn out well.

“Hey base camp!! Look this way!!!”

However, although Airi can see the future in detail, she can only roughly predict the future that is about to change.

It is impossible to detect all the variables that arise in the situation at hand.

“There’s a warrior slayer on the rampage over there! “That guy tried to kill all of our party members!!”

“That crazy bastard…… !!”

As soon as he arrives at the base camp location as scheduled, he is a murderer who proudly shouts lies to the shadows there.

Just because it was a little late to stop, I realized that the situation was getting worse.

I am socially distrusted, but unless it is revealed that he is a murderer, he cannot be distinguished from an ordinary adventurer.

The number may still be small, but there are some murderers hiding in the base camp, so if they decide to instigate it, people who do not know the situation will have no choice but to be swayed by it.

“Everyone look this way! “This way!”

Damn it, what should I do?

First, put on a mask and persuade me too… …. Wait. What’s strange about the atmosphere here?

In the first place, if it was being used as a base camp, it would have been possible to grow a lamp or a campfire kit, but why is no one lighting a fire in such an enclosed space?

“Hey, can’t you hear me!? Hey!”

But maybe they didn’t notice such abnormalities because they were being tracked?

The murderer approached the dark crowd without hesitation, and only after closing the distance between them did he stiffen as if he noticed something.

“Oh, wait. What is this.”

-uuu… ….

Moaning sound.

But it is far from what an ordinary human being spits out.

Low, gloomy, and not at all lively…….

It’s like a sound that a dead person would make, not a person.



But by the time they noticed, they had already caught him.

As he was dragged by the shadows, his skin was mercilessly torn by skinny hands and weapons, and he began to bleed.

“Ah, ah! Buy, save…. Kuhehehe!!”

Oh my gosh!

A series of terrible noises that make it impossible to even think about what was normal before.

I realized that it was the sound of a human body being butchered in real time, but even that was not done all at once, like cutting the head.

Indiscriminately digging up the skin, then the hide, and then the organs, taking off the fragments little by little and putting them in the mouth…….

“Live, save… ….

The man who was being gnawed at like that managed to escape through the crowd, but by that time, all of the skin on his face had already peeled off and he looked hideous.


As if they could not even allow such resistance, the dead dragged the body back and began to tear it apart with their hands and eat it ravenously.

Some of them left behind the dead corpses that were practically nothing more than rags, turned their crazy eyes towards me, and began to open their greedy mouths.

-Kooooo… ….

-Ugh, kyaaa… !!

Yes, they are undead.

The people stationed at this base camp had somehow turned into zombies and were occupying this place.

“This is crazy….”

This is ridiculous. Why have the adventurers in this dungeon turned into undead?

No matter how much the dungeon is a place where time and space are distorted and you cannot know what will happen, there is still a certain sense of consistency depending on the environment.

Why is a situation that was not even in the prophecy suddenly unfolding in a place where only stone-type monsters such as gargoyles should appear?

[Be sure to read this part before reading the note containing the prophecy.]

What was written at the very beginning of Airi’s note came to mind at that moment.

The warning message written before getting into the main topic was enough to make people understand this unknown situation.

[Hyosung. Although my prophecy may be correct in most situations, it cannot be said to be absolutely perfect.]

Prophecies about the future are not perfect.

That confession would be very fatal to trusting the prophet, but Airi had also written down the reason why such a thing happens in a note.

[The reason is that there are a small number of beings called ‘transcendents’ in this world who can interfere with the future I read.]


Beings who, as her prophets, cannot dare to predict their movements even with the power she possesses, and who are, in a sense, at a level that transcends cognition even better than the warriors.

The reason I was immediately convinced when his existence was mentioned was because after coming to this world, I encountered many beings who could be called that.

The vampire I met not long ago is like that, and Vivian, who blows up a building with just her fingers, and Tacia, whose exact identity is unknown, but who despises ego weapons, are also presumed to be like that….

[So, if you think things are going differently from the prophecy, immediately destroy all the notes I gave you and leave the place. Since the transcendent has distorted the future once, the predicted futures will also be distorted in succession.]

Yes, at some point in this dungeon, a transcendent person appeared who could distort the future predicted by Airi, and he came to the base camp before me, annihilated the adventurers and resurrected them as undead.

And if it is a force that includes transcendental beings related to the undead, then there is only one in this world.

“f*ck… Why does a boss like the 4th Knight pop out in a dungeon where the bastards are hanging out? It’s damned.”

Corpse Lord.

One of the disasters that threatens humanity by creating an army of corpses under the ideology of turning all living things into living corpses.

At this moment, one of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse who follows him began to spread his magical arms around this dungeon for some reason.

I Became a Foreigner Loved by Transcendentalists

I Became a Foreigner Loved by Transcendentalists

초월자들에게 사랑받는 외노자가 되었다
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
[Unique Trait – Those you meet remember you. No matter what happens, forever.] A world where the people summoned to save the world from ruin are divided into warriors and foreign workers, or foreign workers for short. For some reason, I became a loner loved by transcendental beings who treat humans like insects.


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not work with dark mode