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I Became a Foreigner Loved by Transcendentalists Chapter 113

Episode 113. Noble warrior Jeong Seo-yul


Believing themselves to be noble and elegant, they were cautious about breeding, so their numbers were very small.

No matter how threatening an individual may be, since they cannot have a wide influence, their treatment will not go beyond the level of a vicious criminal causing social controversy.

Jeon Seo-yul, who was chosen as a warrior after coming to this world, also thought that way at first.

I achieved successive achievements, until the opportunity to receive direct support from the imperial family came.

‘So, are you Jeong Seo-yul, one of the best warriors in this empire?’

However, the truth I saw when I was in a situation where I was in a private meeting with the leaders was very shocking.

Until before, it was a sight of the leaders sitting on the throne looking down on the crowd and their retainers, bowing their heads to a vampire lying in the bedroom.

‘Why does a vampire kill the royal family…? ….’

‘hehehe, you don’t have to be too hostile. To us, humans are nothing more than livestock, but we are aware that sometimes treasures can be found even among livestock.’

Livestock. Does even the royal family look that way to that arrogant monster?

No, since when did they bow to vampires in the first place?

Since the time when the hero was summoned? Or before that… ….

Has the human race of this world been ruled by vampires from the beginning?

‘And in order to excavate such treasures, the cages where the livestock are kept also need to have an excuse.’

He felt mesmerized by the truth, but despite this, he just continued talking without paying attention to my reaction.

He ordered the royal family members, who had become entranced by his own deceptive liquor, to trample on his head and lick his feet as if they were real livestock.

‘… ‘What do you want from me?’

That scene made Jeong Seo-yul lose even the slightest sense of resistance.

He served the corrupt aristocrats who were consumed with pleasure and luxury, and pretended to play around with them and hang out with idiots who were drunk on heroism. It was all in order to attract the attention of the royal family and increase his social status. Because it was.

In such a situation, this is the truth of the world in which he has been struggling. Wouldn’t it be inevitable to lose motivation?

‘Didn’t I tell you? Even among livestock, special treasures are said to come out occasionally.’

But what you see in the eyes that are watching you is actually interest.

It was a completely different feeling than the one directed at the royal family who made them lick their own feet.

‘And you are one of the treasures found in such a cattle pen… …. Only after it catches my eye can it be called a gemstone that is qualified to be processed.’

‘Speaking of gems, aren’t I also the person you ignore? ‘Where did you look at me to make that assessment?’

‘So, aren’t you satisfied with your current position and pursue growth? On the other hand, other warriors were only busy accepting the undeserved treatment they received. ‘It’s like gaining weight by eating only the food provided by the cage.’

In his eyes, even warriors born with special powers were regarded as no different from livestock.

When Jeong Seo-yul heard the analogy, the first thing that came to mind was the ugly behavior shown by those who were called heroes in this world.

‘… Was it all your fault that all the warriors were reborn as such beings?

In fact, the imperial family did not exert any restraint on the corrupt people in power and reckless warriors.

It is natural for a group whose leader is corrupt to become corrupt.

Humanity may have been corrupted, but there was a dark side that accelerated its collapse.

‘What on earth are you trying to pursue by ruining the human race of this world like that?’

‘It should be said that weeding out for the coming era.’

When Jeong Seo-yul asked about his intention, he gave an indifferent answer.

‘… ‘Thinning out?’

‘Jeon Seo-yul, do you think that they all deserve respect just because they are of the same race as you? ‘Can you admit that you, who were not satisfied with just enriching yourself and receiving praise from others, and worked hard to get to this point, are on the same level as those who have been reduced to corrupt pigs just by neglect?’

‘… ….’

‘Yes, you must be feeling it too. ‘In this world, inferior people occupy too much undeserved space.’

Even in the original world, I had at least some thoughts.

It’s just not revealed on the outside.

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‘Eugenics’, which states that those who are not excellent or have disabilities should be eliminated, is a value that can never be welcomed in modern times.

‘In the future, in a world that is gradually collapsing, resources will be limited, and only a few people will be able to acquire them. Yet, they bring up idols such as warriors and say that those of high status should not spare sacrifices for those on whom they are based……. ‘Wouldn’t that be such a waste?’

And that logic is why vampires secretly created the current society behind humanity.

They dream of creating a ‘utopia for the chosen’ by discovering talented people who fit their vision among the huge livestock pens of human society.

‘Now, Jeong Seo-yul. Drink. ‘You deserve to be like us.’

He met the criteria to enter that utopia.

Seong-yul Jeong, who taught me that and was presented with a glass of wine filled with blood, swallowed his saliva and asked back with a serious face.

‘… ‘What happens if you drink this?’

‘You can become more special than anyone else. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you leave here without drinking. Even if I reveal the truth to humanity, it won’t be a problem for me.’

Even if it is revealed anyway, the truth will be buried by the machinations of the vampires behind humanity, and the person who reveals it will be reduced to a fallen warrior and turns into an enemy of humanity.

But he did not bother to mention such disadvantages.

‘Instead, you will be trapped in the human frame and have to live as nothing more than livestock for the rest of your life.’

It was because I was confident that I had already reached this point.

Even among the corrupt pigs, an ambitious woman will never pass up an opportunity to overcome her limitations.


Yes, Jeong Seo-yul was always hungry.

In her original world, she lived with excellent talent in her excellent family, but the country she was born in forced her to return her talent and wealth to society in the name of democracy.

The reason why we must conform to such a world is because no matter how much a person has, he cannot be reborn as a perfect being without the help of society.

However, if you are reborn as a being that transcends human beings, you will no longer need to keep such patience.

Jeon Seo-yul realized this after taking his blood and becoming a vampire.

If you are reborn as a being of high rank, you will have the right to be liberated from all the annoying things that have bound you so far.

‘It’s the remains of a dragon…’ …. ‘This is quite desirable.’

One day, as the days of being reborn as a confidant of the vampire who brought such enlightenment continued, Jeong Seo-yul received a call from someone who showed interest in important news coming from the imperial family.

The moment when he, who looked down on all dangers aimed at humans, showed a lot of interest unlike usual. That was something that could never be overlooked, even as a sentimental factor.

‘Is this something that even someone of your size would be interested in?’

‘It’s not enough to just keep an eye on it. ‘Dragons are beings who have risen to the top of this world, and it is safe to say that they are a part of the world in themselves and a small world with a will.’

A being who cannot be compared simply because of his noble birth.

The fact that he treats even the leaders of humanity as slaves is likened to the world, which probably means that there is admiration and admiration for such a powerful being.

‘But it’s also difficult. If it is openly withdrawn from the empire, those who are not qualified will try to share the power….’

And to him, humans are just greedy, ugly pigs.

Jeong Seo-yul, who had been watching him for a long time, could immediately understand that he did not want to use that power for public purposes.

The important thing is what comes next.

‘So, if possible, retrieve that power. I may not know all of the remains, but you alone will be able to monopolize the powerful magical power of the dragon’s heart.’

‘… ‘Can you leave that to me?’

‘Is there a problem?’

Jeon Seo-yul had no choice but to hesitate in answering.

Because he also knows that he has ambitions.

Even now that he has escaped the human frame, there is no way he does not know the desire to go beyond being just his henchman and become an equal relationship with him.

‘… If you don’t come with me, I might try to monopolize that power.’

I now have a chance to approach the source of power that even I admire.

Doesn’t that mean that if he has a chance to gain that power, he can take it and betray it?

‘If you can handle it.’

I was wary of such unexpected thoughts, but he actually smiled at himself, saying that was the correct answer.

I could immediately understand that it wasn’t a lie.

For vampires, what they value more than their own lives is ‘aesthetics.’

The fact that they adhere to their own firm philosophy is proof of the leisure they have because they were born with a nobler birth than anyone else.

‘Sentimental rate. He’s my henchman. ‘The words I speak are a covenant in my blood.’

So he does not tell lies for the sake of aesthetics.

Furthermore, he never leaves even himself an exception to his desire and respect for superior beings.

‘If you become of a higher rank than me, I will gladly give up my dignity and bow to you.’

‘Bow your head…….’

‘I will give you the opportunity to use people like me, who you consider the most noble in this world, as tools to do as you wish.’

If he truly succeeds in monopolizing the power of the dragon, he will be able to subordinate even beings beyond humans.

It was the perfect temptation for Jeong Seo-yul, who was always suffering from hunger for his birth.

‘What do you think? Would you like to try it?’

‘…If you wish.’

For that purpose, Jeong Seo-yul acted as a warrior for humanity as he always did, mixed in with the expedition team, and silently carried out the task of subduing the undead at the excavation site.

The death of a hero occurred around the time when the plan was to secretly wait until the dragon’s heart was discovered, and when the opportunity arose, assassinate the warriors who would get in the way and then pretend it was an accidental death.

Seong Seo-yul, who saw this as an opportunity, came up with a plan to gather together the warriors who could be incited and attack them all.

‘Choose. Will we die while carrying out the orders of incompetent corps commanders and foolish nobles? Or will we reclaim the dragon’s heart and monopolize it, placing even the leaders of the empire under our control?’

No matter how arrogant they were, there were some who feared that it was too much to do, or that they would become corrupt warriors and become wanted criminals.

However, there will be a possibility of appeasement at the point where there is no outright rejection.

If necessary, he used the magic of deception that vampires were born with, and at critical moments, he separated them and induced them to fight among themselves.

And at the end, he assassinates the surviving hero and blocks all danger towards him.

It was a perfect operation up to that point.

Unless the moment the operation was carried out, the undead came rushing in, and one of the four knights had not entered here immediately.

‘But that is also within expectations.’

The enemy is one of the worst disasters targeting humanity.

Nevertheless, Jeong Seo-yul was prepared to fight with him without hesitation.

‘After defeating him, I will gain the power of the dragon and place even the rulers of mankind under me.’

What awaits him after this is to obtain the power of the dragon and place even the rulers of mankind under his control.

Jeong Seong-yul had no doubt that he would soon be able to achieve such a future, even at the moment before his disaster.



“… Cough.”

Seo-yul Jeong coughs while the battle is in full swing.

With him as a starting point, she felt that her own movements were not only slowing down, but that she was falling apart.

It was a battle that was clearly thought to be overwhelming.

No matter how much of a disaster the opponent was, he was the best among the warriors and had inherited the blood of the true ancestor.

Although she had such a transcendent body, why was her own body damaged?

“Are you finished playing around?”

The white knight of the plague raises up the broken body of Jeong Seo-yul, who is embarrassed by it.

The spores that sprouted between the crushed bodies caused new flesh to grow on the rotten body, and eventually the condition became no different from before the battle.

There is a limit to its regenerative power anyway, so just kill it until it dies. If you don’t break down before then.

What did you do… ….”

“Phew, this is so… …. After coming this far, I learned something that would be a shame to know on my own. “Even the hero who is called the hope of humanity strays from the path of being a pure human. I feel sorry for my younger brother who is trying his best to save humanity.”

“Answer me, what on earth are you doing to my body…” …. Wow!”

The moment my knees bent for the first time after becoming a vampire.

As the pain that made me forget even such humiliation overtook my body, Blight spoke in his unique humorous voice.

“Unfortunately, there was no trick right away. “It’s just that what was laid down in advance is already eroding your body, so I just stimulated it a little.”

“Erosion…. What on earth… ….”

“That’s right, the dead who wake up in my hands spread the disease to the surrounding people. “If you have experience clearing out the dead in this garrison area, wouldn’t it be natural for disease vectors to lurk in your body?”

Definitely, I carried out a mission to subdue the undead in order to fulfill my role as a warrior.

But there was nothing wrong at the time.

Is it possible for the disease that had been lurking in my body in the process to destroy my body so quickly just by confronting its source?

“If I had received divine power even once, I would have easily dealt with the latent illness… …. Oh. Do vampires’ bodies collapse when they receive divine power? Phew!”

As the saying goes, vampires, like the undead, are vulnerable to divine power.

Therefore, out of concern for her, she tried to turn away every favor from the priests who tried to treat her.

Making a good excuse that it would be shameful to enlist the help of divine power to deal with undead that can be cut down with ease.

‘Blood, blood.’

But as a result, the blood pouring out of her own hole turned black and poured down onto the floor.


The disease that causes blood to rot was the most fatal disease for vampires, who gained strength through the blood they inhaled.

‘This can’t be happening…’ ….’

I feel like the disease is accelerating and I am falling apart.

‘How did I get here, how did I get here…!!’

I recognized even the noble existence beneath the pinnacle of humanity and pursued something higher than that.

She felt herself crumbling before the moment when she could achieve that goal.

“Are you powerless?”

A disaster that narrows the distance between her and herself, as if mocking herself.

“Do you consider yourself helpless in the reality of being caught up in an unexpected disaster and being defeated in vain despite your efforts and dreams of ideals?”

“Ugh, ahhh! “Die!”

Jeong Seong-yul loses her senses and rushes to such provocation.

In that blade was the resentment and futility of her fruitless efforts, and the desperation not to give up.

“That’s why we rose from the grave!!”

But in the face of a natural disaster, individual cries are useless.


The hand of disaster has a will.

The body of social evil that is eating away at humanity was cut out so easily.

I Became a Foreigner Loved by Transcendentalists

I Became a Foreigner Loved by Transcendentalists

초월자들에게 사랑받는 외노자가 되었다
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
[Unique Trait – Those you meet remember you. No matter what happens, forever.] A world where the people summoned to save the world from ruin are divided into warriors and foreign workers, or foreign workers for short. For some reason, I became a loner loved by transcendental beings who treat humans like insects.


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not work with dark mode