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I Became a Cop in the Superhero Genre Chapter 24

06 : In this world, even the police are sometimes admitted to the hospital.

Consciousness rises slowly.

What I felt next was a floating feeling as if I was floating in the darkness without anything.

As I was idly enjoying the strange sensation of comfort and freedom, the sensations returned like a light bulb turning on, and the pleasant feeling of floating soon turned into a terrible pain.

sick. Have you ever felt so much pain? Even when I was hit by a knife, it didn’t seem to hurt this much.

– Oh shit. Does this fucking hurt badly?


The swearing that bounced out reflexively from the terrible pain hits the wall of pain and returns to the mouth again.

Arm, arm hurts. I looked around while swearing.

The lights only illuminate the bed and the smell of disinfectant stings your nose. From the beeping electrocardiogram machine to the intravenous line that runs all over my body, various tubes and machine wires are connected.

Where is the hospital room? The things I saw in medical dramas were connected to my body, so I was staring blankly at something, and then I remembered what had happened to me.

He tried to block the mad spider monster’s attack with a cast, but failed and was poisoned. I got goosebumps at the fact that I had been poisoned with a poison that could dissolve concrete, but

The moment Mina was about to reveal that she was New Hope, she remembered that she was able to escape the terror thanks to her loss of consciousness.

“I’m glad you were poisoned.”

Yeah, what’s the big deal about being sick when you have a life like this? Better to be a little sick than to hear New Hope coming out.

The feeling of gratitude to the spider monster was very weak. How much patriotism do I have for this country? Of course, my patriotism is zero.

– Oh damn it hurts. damn it what about my arm

I took a hard look at the condition of my arm, which I had been ignoring. It’s strangely swollen, so it’s like looking at the bloated corpse of a drowned man rather than the arm of a living person.

On that subject, in purple, multiple catheters were inserted, and the terrible pain that continued to burn from the fingertips continued to pierce the brainstem.

It was so terrible that it could not be compared to the wounds of people bitten by poisonous snakes.

“Why isn’t the doctor coming?”

Is the hospital room a private room or a single bed? There was no one but me. Looking out the window, the sky beyond the window was black, and it seemed to be late dawn.

I thought it was so quiet, but it was at night. I thought I’d just get some more sleep, but my arm hurts a little bit, so I decided to call the doctor.

Shouting is sewage, and having been in the hospital for double digits, I know there is a nurse call in the hospital room.

If you press it as a joke, the nurse teachers’ glare will change, but it’s okay because it’s used for its original purpose now.

Thinking so, I groped for Nurse Call. For a long time, I pressed the surroundings moderately and searched for something like a button.

I finally found what appeared to be a button under the bed and pressed it. However, it was strange that it was slightly different from the nurse call sensations I had pressed so far.

Nurse Call’s buttons are pressed more smoothly, but this is the feeling that something a little stiff is pushing something?

Even after waiting for a while, neither the doctor nor the nurse came, so I followed the tip of the button I was holding in my hand. Then, what I saw was a strange barrel.

Ah- what is this, I think it’s a painless syringe with narcotic painkillers.

A machine with the number 1 floating inside, along with the contents that slither around. Well, somehow the pain feels less.

ok this is not my fault I put down the pain-free syringe and pressed it properly to find the nurse call. Soon after, doctors and nurses rushed in.

“Patient! You’re up! My God, it’s really amazing. You were poisoned like that, but you woke up after only a week!”

Have you been asleep for a week? How poisonous was the poison, Sifal. – No, I thought I was going to die, but is it a miracle that I woke up after a week?

I wasn’t sure what to think, so I was biting my lip when the doctor came over and began to examine my condition, examining my swollen arm.

I pricked my right arm with something like saliva, but it didn’t hurt that much, perhaps thanks to the painkillers I had just injected.

Kills the painkiller effect. While admiring it, one of the nurses found the painless syringe I had taken out and uh! Then she gnashed her teeth and muttered to another nurse nearby.

“Nurse Kim… … ! I was told to retrieve the painless syringe, but why didn’t I… … !”

“Sorry, sorry… … !”

“Don’t do what I told you to wipe with saline inside… … ! Only the saline solution remains!”

“sorry… … !”

The doctor then ‘pretends’ that he did not hear the conversation and continues to explain to me about unknown poisons and antibiotics, but I was curious after hearing the nurses’ conversation a while ago.

I’m sure I pressed that and the pain subsided a bit- Ah, no. starting to hurt again it hurts so bad

What is this, a placebo effect? I thought as I watched the back of the nurse taking the painless syringe. I’m a very simple kid too.

But can I do that in front of a fucking patient?

Realizing that this world is such a crazy place, I kept my mouth shut.


After several hours of blood tests and other tests, I was told by the doctor to rest in peace until the test results came out.

But obviously telling me to rest comfortably, the doctor sat next to me and started explaining how I got here.

Mina, who was a kidnapping victim, brought me to the hospital in an urgent situation, and I was almost in danger because the vicious spider monster’s poison was poisonous and spread quickly.

After examining the ingredients, it is said that the ingredients were similar to the blood poisons of common vipers, so it was possible to make antibodies and administer it.

However, I wondered how the poison melted the cement, that it was such a poison, and that it was similar, but that it was different in the end.

Am I a detective or a doctor? According to the doctor’s words, it’s just that – it could be – and I passed it over.

To sum it up, all the doctor said was that I was alive thanks to Mina rushing me to the hospital, so there was no need to focus on anything.

The thought of saying thank you when I see Mina later popped into my head, but I put that thought aside for a moment.

Thinking back on the situation before I lost consciousness, it was a situation where the problem was how to react the next time we met.

It’s a crazy world where one’s identity is hidden just by wearing an eye mask on tights, but it’s so strange to pretend not to know that, even though it’s openly shown a power that only New Hope can’t do.

Most importantly, he didn’t want to reveal his identity to me! that! Even if you pretend not to know! I’m sure he’ll come to say whatever he wants, damn it!!

“By the way – do you have any other problems? Head dizziness, or numb areas. Don’t you think your memory is ambiguous? Because the poison is so strong, there may be aftereffects.”

As I continued to think while my legs were shaking [even on the bed], I saw the light at the doctor’s words.

“That’s- my memory is a bit fuzzy.”


“I don’t really remember what happened at the scene.”

“Oh, did you have any aftereffects? Let’s keep an eye on the situation.”

When Mina reveals that she is New Hope, the reason I can’t pretend I don’t know is because I can’t help but pretend to have seen her fight at the construction site.

If I assume that I haven’t seen the fight because I don’t have memories, Mina is the new Hope! Even if you say that, just leave the word not to joke and avoid it on the spot.

Are you fucking mean? know. But originally being an adult is a shameful thing.

“—-Still, I think it’s really fortunate that it wasn’t a big aftereffect. I heard from other detectives that you are going through a special promotion for the first class because of this incident.


I was giggling inwardly, so I put a question mark above my head at the doctor’s next words.

What bullshit is that? Why do I specialize? The promotion test is still far away, why?

Holding on to the doctor’s collar, I suppressed my desire to ask what he was talking about and asked for an explanation, but before the doctor could speak, he opened the hospital room door and a familiar bald man entered the room.

“Yes congratulations son of a bitch. You’re a 1st class special. You always get robbed at the top, but you get a good one for the first time?”

It sucks as soon as it arrives. Are you doing that to annoy people? Yeah, I think it’s right to be pissed off.

Seeing the class president talking with a smirk, I had a desire to insert an intravenous drip into my arm and vice versa into my shining scalp, but as a more rational adult than that human being, I calmly asked.

“Drink up. What do you mean by special treatment?”

When I asked a question, the class president looked at the doctor and asked him to step aside for a moment. The doctor nodded and left the room.

In the hospital room, only me and the class president were left. The class president sat down on my bed and took out a drink from the fridge in the ward and sipped it at will.

“You said you woke up a while ago. Then you should go and tell me what happened. write… … .”

“Well, after you caught that bastard bastard and went to the hospital, we caught that bastard bastard and threw him away.

After that, after examining the medicine that was smashed in that bastard’s clothes and the spider lying in the clearing, the contents of the syringe that the bishop had are said to be a medicine that makes you have supernatural powers?”

The class president smiled broadly, saying that now I know why things like psychic powers have been created. I kept my mouth shut, anticipating what I knew and what would happen next.

No matter how you look at it, I guess I’m getting a special promotion because I caught the bishop and found the psychic awakening drug.

As I held my breath and sat with a bitten expression on my face, the class president continued what I expected.

“I think even the elders were surprised to hear that. At first, it was a very sensitive matter, so I tried to keep my mouth shut, but I held an official press conference saying that the number of victims should be reduced.”

“That’s why you became special. Well – consider yourself lucky. Sergeant Lee Moon-soo.”

The class president who speaks in a playful voice. I frowned when the class president said that I should consider myself lucky.

know. It’s definitely a good place if you get promoted. Can this be considered good for my situation? Fighting with paperwork really fucking doesn’t suit me.

As I grumbled, I suddenly thought about the fact that when I became a police officer, I had to work for the city and provincial police departments.

uh? Is this a chance to escape the Special Investigation Team?

My heart swelled with anticipation for a moment- but I had already learned from experience that if I had such expectations, I would definitely be betrayed. It’s a vain dream, damn it.

“Oh right. And Bonnie, did you say Mina, the little girl you rescued this time? You have a good friend child who was kidnapped. Was he a psychic? Did he knock the spider down by any chance?”

As I was shaking my hair and throwing my hopes in the trash, the class president asked.

And if it was Mina who informed Bonnie of Mina’s kidnapping and asked for help, and who transported me to the hospital, then there would be no choice but to know that the scene and Mina were somehow related.

It’s a natural procedure, but I didn’t think of it. I lied for myself and Mina’s secret identity.

“no. My memory is hazy now, but it wasn’t Mina who defeated that spider then. He’s a psychic

I’m not a kid who fights well enough to take down something like that. If it’s enough to knock down the spider I saw, shouldn’t New Hope come?”

“Right? Hey, but aren’t you ashamed of being helped by such a perverted jerk as your police officer?”

“Not at all.”

It’s already a sinful life to feel ashamed of something like that.

While giggling shamelessly, an object I had picked up at the scene of the incident suddenly came to my mind.

white syringe. It was said that Mina was directly injected with the injection and her abilities were sealed. If it works for Mina, wouldn’t it work for Sai as well?

As long as it is a drug made by Sai himself, it is highly likely that he has prepared something like an antibody or prepared for it,

After all, if I had such a useful object in my hands, wouldn’t it be enough to protect me when I’m threatened by another psychic other than Sai?

Is it strange if you feel that this is better than special treatment?

But hold on. I think Mina said she was hurt when explaining her medicine? The moment I remembered her words, my body stiffened at the cold energy that pierced the back of my head.

Maybe it wasn’t that Mina couldn’t untie the rope because she had a camera at the scene, but that she couldn’t untie it because she really lacked the strength-? I thought.

… … Did I almost go after it without any hesitation? An eerie sensation runs down my spine, but since the case has already been solved, I decided to just pass it on, controlling my emotions and asking the class president.

“Captain. Did you find anything else besides that drug?”

“ok? uh. I checked the site and didn’t find anything.”

“Is that so-“

Thanks to putting the syringe and plastic case in the inner pocket along with the USB, it seems that no one else noticed.

It could get caught if the bishop suddenly blows it all up, but- the vague memory is an excuse.

“shit. It’s late at night too. rest you too what is that arm It is glowing purple.”


The class president yawned and left. And it turns out, it hasn’t been long since I woke up, and the fact that I came so quickly must mean that I ran as if I was on fire as soon as I got the call.

As a thank you, let’s buy hair loss pills later. Whatever I buy you will like it the most.

After the class president left, the doctor also left, leaving behind a good night’s sleep because the test results were delayed.

Now I’m left alone in the hospital room. I blinked blankly for a moment and lay down on the bed.

As the doctor said, I want to sleep at least, but my arms hurt so I can’t close my eyes. I wish I could take some painkillers.

Of course, I gave him regular painkillers, but the pain did not subside. I’m seriously ill, so I wish they would give me more medicine or even narcotic painkillers, but that’s not enough in my current condition.

what did they say I found out that the spider monster’s venom was blood poison and was able to make antibodies, but there were many other strange things that doctors hadn’t seen before, so I guess it was a situation where I couldn’t use painkillers properly…

I really want to kick that spiderling just once before he gets sent away.

As I muttered in anger, the lights that had not been turned off began to flicker as people left. Em disease, are you even going to fuck with the lights now?

While I was annoyed, covering my face with a pillow, I heard a voice again.

“- You’re up. Vice-captain. thank god. I was worried because I thought you were in big trouble.”

oh shit is between

The guy who caused my arm to be like this shamelessly came to me. I wondered why he hadn’t come with the class president, how he had such a thick face, and so on.

I answered without thinking deeply, holding back my annoyance at the pain in my arm and the flickering light.

“Have you come? Did you eat?”

“yes. Well done!”

While answering in a light tone. Along with the sound of the sharp tips of high heels colliding, I heard the sound of a stainless steel chair dragging on the floor in the hospital room approaching the bed.

If you’re here to ask how I’m doing, why don’t you just leave? It was strange to grunt inwardly, press the pillow even deeper, and block the ears.

The sound of the tip of a high heel hitting the floor? Why do men wear high heels?

I lifted the pillow that was covering my face and looked to the side. My heart trembled with an ominous foreboding and I looked away, feeling my breath choking, and there was a woman.

“Good afternoon. Vice-captain Lee Moon-soo.”

A thin voice unique to a female voice calls out to me. The light in the hospital room was turned off, and only the moonlight illuminated the interior, and the being in front of me was shining as if absorbing the falling moonlight.

I held my breath in tension and looked at the existence in front of me. All I’ve seen was a man with scattered dark hair and a slightly thin line.

The being in front of me now has long blonde hair and blue eyes, and is a woman, not a man. No, this expression is wrong. The being in front of me was changing from a male to a female right now.

The skeleton and face itself change. My hair is growing, but my height is decreasing, but the size of my pants doesn’t fit, so my pelvis is exposed.

Even compared to normal women, the shirt with huge breasts that were so swollen that it had to be expressed as overwhelming was about to explode at any moment.

Transformation from male to female. It takes your breath away from her beautiful appearance and body, so that you can’t even see the heterogeneous sight.

Oh no. It’s not about being suffocated by beauty, it’s about being suffocated by overwhelming terror.

She’s a woman I’ve never met, but I know her. This woman is none other than Xi’s true self.

Let’s pretend we don’t know You have to pretend you don’t know. Even if I spoke to you with a voice that I know a while ago, I fucking don’t know anything.

As I couldn’t hold on to my beating heart and just gasped helplessly, Sai said with a ferocious smile that his fangs were exposed.

“Nice to meet you, should I say? Otherwise, I’m glad you’re okay. Should I say Vice-captain? Vice-captain, what do you think?

ah! It’s okay to pretend you don’t know, but if you run away like usual, you’ll be in big trouble.”

-Are you saying that it’s a little too much to not let you pretend you don’t know? … . I closed my eyes tightly.

I Became a Cop in the Superhero Genre

I Became a Cop in the Superhero Genre

슈퍼히어로 장르 속 경찰이 돼버렸다
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
He became a cop in the superhero genre. Usually, the police in this genre are incompetent, corrupt, or helpers of the protagonist. And despite being a cop in that genre, I didn’t want to do anything for a peaceful life – but somehow, it was strangely twisted.


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not work with dark mode