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I Became a Captain of the British Empire Chapter 119

Pacific Fleet Battle (3)

February 26, 1931, 6 am.

United States Navy Pacific Fleet flagship South Dakota.

The South Dakota-class battleship is one of the best battleships in the world’s navies.

Equipped with all the virtues that a battleship should have, such as twelve 16-inch long-barreled guns, heavy armor, and a respectable speed of 23 knots, they were the symbol and pride of the United States Navy.

From the bridge of the glorious ship class, ‘South Dakota’, Admiral Scofield looked at the horizon with eyes full of confidence.

“In the reconnaissance plane! The enemy’s main fleet is heading north to the northeast! Based on this ship, bearing 010, distance 60,000!”

“Are you blocking the road to Wake Island? I’m thinking of making good use of my advantage in speed.”

The admiral made a displeased expression as he clicked his tongue with a laughable face. It was not a pleasant fact that there was no way to stop them even if they knew the enemy’s intentions.

Fusodo, the slowest battleship in the Japanese Navy, can reach speeds of up to 24 knots. On the other hand, the US Navy’s flagship battleship is only 21 knots.

It could be a difference of only 3 notes. However, in terms of fleet-level maneuvers, it is a significant gap. This is because the movement speed of the fleet is based on the slowest ship.

“Admiral, our location has also been completely exposed by the air raid.”

“I know, Chief of Staff. But what can I do? I can’t run away now.”

Shortly after Lexington and Saratoga disengaged from the air strikes, a strike force presumed to have originated from an enemy carrier struck the main force that was following them.

They were probably the ones who flew in for revenge. Although the carrier task force had already fled to the north.

Thanks to this, the air strike was entirely focused on the battleship unit.

‘I’d rather be greeted by a battleship, though.’

Even so, it is true that it feels bad.

Fortunately, the enemy’s torpedo squadron could not break through the fire of the 28mm anti-aircraft machine guns.

Not one of his battleships was hit by a torpedo.

However, there was no guarantee that such luck would follow in the second air raid.

Besides, if this side stays still, the carrier squadron is in danger.

“If we procrastinate, there is a possibility that the North Korean task force will receive a pincer attack. Before that, you need to keep the enemy’s main fleet in check and join up with the carrier squadron. There is no time!”

Soon after, the admiral looked back at the staff gathered on the bridge and gave a command.

“Tell the entire fleet! The Pacific Fleet’s first fleet showdown! Prepare yourself and be prepared! Today will be United States Navy Day of Glory!”

A combat beacon fluttered above the tall cage-like mast.

Dozens of giant ships moving at the same time.

Steel giants moved across the sea.

* * *

2 hours later

Combined Fleet gunship ‘Kee’.

After a long wait, graphite finally rose over the horizon.

“Look starboard!”

At the same time, the lookout on the mast watchtower looked down in an urgent voice and shouted.

“Enemy Grand Fleet in Defense 030! A distance of about 40,000!”

“You are here at last!”

As if he had waited, Admiral Eisuke, who was standing on the bridge, resolutely opened his mouth. Before long, the staff all gazed at the horizon in unison. There was no doubt that at least dozens of ships were exhaling at the same time as the soot that bit their tails on the horizon.

“Admiral, fly a reconnaissance plane! It’s a long-range engagement!”

Those were the words of Admiral Takahashi, Commander of the First Squadron of the Combined Fleet. However, Eisuke shook his head at him excitedly.

“Out-range shooting should not be done because the accuracy rate is low. It can only negatively affect morale.”

The distance is still 40,000. The 16-inch long-barreled naval gun of the Kii class is just barely hanging over the maximum range.

Even considering the landing time alone, it was about 1 minute and 30 seconds. At this distance, the probability of a hit is extremely low. To put it bluntly, it’s a waste of shells.

In addition, one concern spurred the admiral’s judgment.

“Has the 3rd squadron arrived yet?”

“yes… It is said that increasing speed beyond this is impossible due to the risk of flooding.”

Admiral Eisuke clicked his tongue loudly at the report of the chief of staff who was sweating profusely. He didn’t seem to care if he could hear the noise around him.

“What insolence at this crucial time!”

That’s right, because it’s such an important issue.

The admiral bit his lip as he watched the steel line following the aft of the flagship Kii.

The 1st Squadron Kii, Owari, Sagami, and Tosa at the head of the Combined Fleet’s line immediately lined up.

Nagato, Mutsu, Ise, and Hyuga of the 2nd Squadron are also following from behind.

However, Fuso and Yamashiro of the 3rd Squadron were hit by aerial torpedoes due to a twisted evasion maneuver route, which slowed them down. The speed of these ships is less than 20 knots. Extremely slow to join the ranks.

The four Kongo-class battlecruisers of the 4th Squadron escorted the aircraft carrier Kaga and stood by as a reserve in the rear.

Not only do they have weak armor, but they are the core of night battles, so it is unreasonable to put them into battle now.

Because of this, despite the initial numerical superiority of the Combined Fleet, only 8 battleships were able to engage in the lead.

“This eliminates the numerical advantage achieved at best. no way… Was the air raid a ploy for this?”

No, it’s just a coincidence.

Shaking his head, he shook his thoughts. Now was not the time to indulge in regret.

“Enemy ship found! Big Mast! About 10 ships! Distance 38,000!”

As the distance got closer, the enemy ship’s mast began to appear clearly over the horizon.

The visible number is at least 10 ships. Rather, it is slightly more than the number of allies. This is a state where part of the main force has fallen behind. You need a way to pass the time.

For this reason, Admiral Eisuke chose the most rational method.

“We also try our hand at Kaga’s Air Corps. Ready to ship! After securing air supremacy, we start observing and shooting bullets!”

In response to Admiral Eisuke’s command, the squadron commander, Admiral Takahashi, gave orders to the battleships under his command in a loud voice.

Before long, the signal flag mounted on Kii’s mast.

‘The prosperity of the kingdom depends on this fight! Each of you should work harder!’

It was flag Z of the decisive battle.

“The entire fleet! Follow the flagship!”

As the victorious fighter fluttered, the iron giants that the combined fleet was proud of turned around all at once. The enemy fleet also showed no signs of backing down.

* * *

same time,

Task Force Z’s flagship ‘Repulse’.


A roaring propeller sound.

The sound of pom-pom guns firing fills the deck.

“bandit! 5th! Continued approach from the port side of this ship!”

“Three planes shot down so far! Ah, one more shot down! It’s the 4th season!”

At the end of the tracer that cut through the sky, the enemy plane, engulfed in flames, plummeted into the sea.

Anti-aircraft fire smeared in pure white clouds.

Currently hit by the second air raid, the fleet was repeating agile evasion maneuvers.

“Port-side watch report! Torpedo trail, continuing to approach this ship! Defense 340! Distance 1,000!”


“Execute an evasive maneuver!”


Repulse turned around while leaning obliquely. A white wake passes sharply over the port side. This is already the 5th step.

Soon after, the enemy plane, which was diving on the course of Repulse, was blocked by anti-aircraft fire. A red flag with its wings ripped off and falling down terribly.

There were a lot of attacks, but it wasn’t an emergency situation. The four destroyers surrounding Repulse and Indipatigable were blocking all sides.

A barrage that covered the sky.

In the original history, it is Pom Pom Po who is also pointed out as the cause of the defeat in the Malay naval battle, but there is no such gang in the 1930s.

The biplane caught in the 8-tube fire net was torn apart without a trace.

While hiding on the bridge and directing the fleet maneuvers, the gunfire subsided little by little. I looked up at the sky and asked the chief of staff.

“Are there any red flags left?”

“doesn’t exist. Everyone is going away.”

The sky where the graphite from shells quietly disperses.

A sigh of relief spread across the bridge. Between the staff wiping cold sweat, I calmly gave the following order.

“Report damage to allies.”

“Very little. Some damage from Acates. Acasta is the sofa.”

“Entrance at Indipatigable! One bomb hits the right side of the No. 3 main turret! Minor damage! They say combat action is possible!”

The fleet is unharmed. Also veterans.

The smoke rising from the Indipatigable was quickly suppressed.

“It was a bit risky.”

“It’s a bit difficult because of the scale. Still, this is better.”

A total of 40 enemy planes launched an air raid this time.

Fighter patrol planes sent from the Furious captured about 10 planes, and the rest of the assault force was repulsed one after another under anti-aircraft fire in a circular formation.

“Still, we shot down more than 20 planes, so the number will be reduced when we come back.”

“I hope so. The best thing is to catch the enemy carrier before then.”

The Furious, which can be said to be the most important, is currently standing by at the rear under the cover of four destroyers.

It seems that the location has not been discovered yet. Thanks to this, our battlecruisers were concentrated in the front line.

“What is the situation in the first round?”

“No contact. Apparently, the air raids are concentrated here.”

We are the shield, what is it?

It’s good anyway. If they get hit by an airstrike of this magnitude, they won’t even be able to get their bones out.

“good. Let’s hope they strike back. Are our recon planes contacting you?”

“Contact has been lost.”

“I must have been hiding already. But it wouldn’t have gone far.”

this is hide and seek A fight over who finds the carrier first. Now the right to attack is ours.

“Okay, let’s hope the counterattack isn’t too late.”

As soon as the words were finished, the fierce sound of propellers covered the sky. The air chief, who hastily confirmed it through his binoculars, reported with relief.

“Akagi Raid, passing.”

Dozens of biplanes advanced, blocking the sun.

“The assortment is reasonable.”

But is it because of the waves? The shadows on the sea shook uneasy for some reason.

* * *

Combined Fleet gunship ‘Kee’.

“Enemy fleet! Keep approaching!”

“Don’t be rash! When we reach 30,000, we will start fighting!”

The time is 12:00 PM.

It was when the bright sunlight was floating in the middle of the sky and looking at them. The fleets of both sides, which had formed a single formation, gradually narrowed the distance with each other on the same course.

“That’s the South Dakota class.”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen it on site.”

“It’s a mighty figure… .”

A fleet over the horizon, now with its superstructures in full view.

A huge battleship with four turrets was clearly visible through the admiral’s binoculars.

“good night! It’s time to show the power of our Type 91 AP to those giants. Squadron commander! There would be no setbacks in preparation, right?”

“Yes, Admiral! Currently, all ships are being equipped.”

Type 91 armor-piercing bullets.

A secret new weapon with a water bullet effect applied.

The key to this is that after landing on the surface, it travels a certain distance horizontally and hits the lower part of the ship like a torpedo.

After the No. 6 armor-piercing bullet, the latest development that went through warhead extension and bullet shape improvement was the Type 91 armor-piercing bullet.

“It’s the first shot, but I can say that the firepower is stronger this way.”

“Please, I hope the results come out.”

It was Admiral Eisuke who nodded while looking at the proud squadron commander. Eventually the distance reached 38,000.

“Is it possible to narrow within 3 rounds?”

“I will try.”

“I will believe you.”

A dry sigh resounds quietly. burning eyes. Only the officers’ conversations hum quietly.

In the meantime, the distance between the two sides gradually narrowed.

Distance 37,000.

“What are you fiddling with so much?”

“It is a talisman.”

“… Keep it well.”

The sound of the waves hitting the bow echoes like an echo.

Distance 35,000.

The bridge of the enemy ship is clearly visible. Two cage-like masts are reflected through binoculars.

Distance 33,000.

An enemy ship entered the maximum range of the Nagato-class. As if intuition that death was coming, no one said anything.

Distance 31,000.

The stocky hull and dense structure unique to standard battleships are discernible.

“Oh right.”

Admiral Eisuke suddenly opened his mouth. He turned to the chief of staff and asked.

“By the way, did you have any children?”

To the words that seemed to contain an anxious curse, the chief of staff replied while frowning.

“I have two sons.”

“Good thing. thank god.”

The admiral had a bitter smile.

“To have a family to pass on this wonderful sight.”


Distance 30,000.

“All gates open! launch!”

All at once, the sea collapsed.

* * *

To be precise, everyone on the bridge just felt that way.

The frenzy of giant ships that roar all at once.

The main gun, which spewed orange flames, quietly descended and loaded the next round.

Some of the staff members opened their mouths as if fascinated by the massive flames that covered the battleships. Eventually, the battalion commander who came to his senses belatedly shouted urgently.

“Check the impact!”

“Check the impact!”

Time passed like gold.

It takes about one minute for a bullet to travel 30,000 meters.

In the meantime, 56 16-inch shells and 24 14-inch shells rush through the sky toward the US Pacific Fleet.

And crossing the large group of shells, the US Navy’s 48 16-inch shells and 72 14-inch shells advanced intensely.

200 armor-piercing bullets flashing with intent to kill the opponent.

After a while, countless water columns rose up around both fleets. Rough drops of water pounded the deck.

“Bangtan, wontan!”

“Crystal blow! Fire nonstop!”


Again, Kii’s main guns roared in unison.

A main gun that fires yellow flashes like lightning.

“We attack the enemy lead ship! Hit the designated enemy ship for each ship!”

repeated cannonade.

The deafening roar of the giant sailed across the sea.

After an artillery battle that lasted for several minutes, good news was finally heard.

“Narrow gap! It’s a narrow gap!”

The admiral raised his binoculars excitedly. On the other side of the high-magnification lens, the first narrow-array shells were engulfing South Dakota’s ships.

“A hit shot? But why… ?”

However, seeing the sight that appeared immediately after, he couldn’t help but be astonished.

I Became a Captain of the British Empire

I Became a Captain of the British Empire

대영제국 함장이 되었다
Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
The place where he was hit by a truck and reincarnated was England in 1930. When I woke up, I was the captain of a battleship. “The ship’s name is Repulse?” But we are at war with the US.


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not work with dark mode