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I Became a Captain of the British Empire Chapter 0


December 1, 1929. White House, Oval Office.

It is a white castle called the loneliest place under the sky, but Herbert Hoover, who was sitting in the office, did not have time to feel lonely because of the reports pouring in.

This is because, with his re-election just around the corner, the task facing him was the greatest crisis in history.

‘The Great Depression’

The huge capital collapse that swept the entire American continent. The world’s first free democratic country was shaking helplessly with its mighty national power.

Hoover had few options in the face of a catastrophe that would be difficult to solve even if the Founding Fathers came out of their graves.

“Is this the report?”

In the room where all his aides and secretaries had left, Hoover quietly accepted a bundle of papers. An elderly general nodded in front of him.

“This is the final version, a further refinement of the previous plan. I’m sure His Excellency will like it.”

“You speak quite confidently.”

Hoover made eye contact with the general and slowly turned the paper over. It took me less than 5 minutes to understand the myriad texts and what they meant.

Even seasoned politicians who proved their power over the years were unable to even breathe properly in front of an elderly soldier in front of them.

Field Marshal of the United States, John Joseph Pershing.

None of the elders in the military have that kind of influence. Such a great person is now leading a senile body and welcoming the country’s supreme commander.

With the method that I thought was most suitable to overcome the national crisis.

“Really, is this the best way?”

“Is there anything that catches your eye?”

There can be no such thing. Hoover may have been in business all his life, but he had never been in the military for even a second.

“I don’t know much about military operations. That is why I invited the enemy.”

“This is the officer corps’ answer to that.”

Hoover covered his face with his hands and exhaled. After some time passed, he spoke.

“But this… .”

Turning over the last page of the document, he frowned in pain.

“Too much damage.”

“Great intentions require great sacrifices.”

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Pershing spoke without hesitation. The seasoned general’s face was hardened like steel after a decision had already been made.

“The enemies we have to deal with are not just southern desert junk. He is an old veteran who wrinkles the ocean.”

Hoover had a hard time hearing him. Certainly, it was something I was prepared for while sitting here. I also thought that someday the time would come.

But no one expected it to come this fast.

“Do you think the old lion has lost his strength now?”

“Not at all.”

Fortunately, his military advisers were as complete as they were seasoned with humility. He was not one who fell into the conceit of underestimating the strength of the enemy, like an army somewhere in the future.

“This is just my opinion, Mr. President.”

That’s why he regretted it even more.

“I also think we should have been in that damn European ‘The Great War’.”

“It has already passed. enemy.”

At Hoover’s point, Pershing lowered his head. Despite being a civil servant standing in front of an experienced soldier, the president nervously cut off his words. It didn’t sound very nice.

In any case, the past is the past, and only decisions remain in the present. President Hoover rose from his seat.

“War Plan Red, I approve.”

Just like that, water droplets fell into the full teacup.

March 4, 1930. UK, Scapa Flow Atlantic Fleet Docks

It is a windy day. The waves of the cold North Sea swallow the shore, and frost that has not yet melted covers the dry fields.

A quiet space where no one will set foot. This is the resting place of the steel monsters that have risen above the cold surface of the water.

A new battleship that stands out among the numerous giants, ‘Nelson’. On the hull of the battleship honoring the hero of Trafalgar, an old man lit a cigar.

“The wind is sharp.”

The middle-aged man who was holding a cigarette in front of the old man answered.

“I don’t think the weather is good for flying.”

“If you cancel this training as well, the upper management won’t like it that much. An aircraft carrier came from Devonport after a long time.”

“It’s better than losing troops through excessive training.”

Hot steam rose from the old man’s mouth. The smoke drifting into the sky with sparse dark clouds was swept away by the fierce wind and disappeared without a trace.

“You mean the Furious?”

“Yes, Admiral.”

“Well, if I throw the plane I borrowed for a long time into the sea, my friends in the Air Force will frown.”

“Actually, I want to see them cry a little bit.”

Admiral Michael Hodgers, commander of the Atlantic Fleet, had a bitter smile on his lips as he listened to the words of his staff. Golden epaulettes glistened on the shoulders of the old man wrapped in his uniform.

It is a record of glory, but also a symbol of the ages.

“When I first set foot in this anchorage, our navy had dozens of battleships,” he said.

“It is still 16 ships. It will increase even more in the future.”

“It’s too late, Robin. You drew the wrong line.”

Robin Dalglish, commander of the Atlantic Fleet’s destroyer flotilla, couldn’t help but agree.

Although the Royal Navy’s prestige has not yet declined, it is thanks to its past glory. The Empire’s influence is becoming increasingly precarious by the day. It is a fact that everyone who has been on this floor can sympathize with.

Even so, if it had not been for the 22-year disarmament treaty, its prestige would have declined even more rapidly. Because of this, most officers, including Robin, were positive to the disarmament treaty.

Even if that meant paying the price of disposing of numerous giant ships.

“There’s been a lot of talk about our new toy.”

“You mean Invincible?”

The admiral made a strange expression as he looked at the staff who perfectly understood the word toy.

HMS Invincible.

The newest battlecruiser built with British pride. It is something close to a fast battleship, with nine 16-inch guns and comparable protection.

There was also a plan for the N3 with an 18-inch gun, but this was the limit the British Empire could build at present. However, it was not enough to receive the name ‘Invincible’.

“Thanks to that tomboy, it seemed like our salary could be cut if we did something wrong.”

“Is it because of the drying cost? That’s not very good news.”

“Aren’t you overdoing it for circumstances that you don’t already have?”

The admiral let out a deep sigh.

“Even when I was standing in Jutland, I couldn’t count the number of battleships I saw on my fingers. But now the time has come when it is difficult to even pay the sailors.”

It disappeared before a warm sigh could rise.

“Times have changed.”

A cold wind blew through his hair and he lowered his head.

“If it weren’t for the cowards on the continent, the situation would have changed.”

Robin approached Hodgers and spoke in a shrill voice that had not changed even in his advanced age.

“Even if they went to war… .”

“It’s useless, Robin.”

Hodges waved his hand and stopped talking.

“It was planned from the moment the war broke out. all of this. And didn’t we give a blow to the handsome Kaiser’s fleet? In ‘Jutland’.”

When our eyes met, the two admirals laughed at the same time as if they had promised. The battle between the ships, which dealt a heavy blow to Germany’s mighty Great Sea Fleet, is still remembered as the pride of the Royal Navy.

“I taught them who the master of the ocean was.”

Ruler of the Five Oceans. No sea is beyond the reach of the British Empire. It is a catch pride suitable for an empire where the sun never sets.

Even so, the old admiral had a hard time dwelling on the glories of the past.

“For now. It’s been so long that I’m confused even if there was such a time. Battleships are shrinking day by day, and debts are growing like mountains. The growing dissatisfaction of the sailors is now clearly visible.”

“The officers are also a problem.”

At the vice admiral’s barbed words, Admiral Hozzers turned his head with a puzzled look. Robin’s disapproving gaze was directed at the long ship with two funnels.

“To think that a youngster is in command of a golden battlecruiser.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, Brigadier.”

The admiral moved again. He put his hands behind his back and said to Robin, who still looked dissatisfied.

“The higher up judged that it was worth it, so he must have been appointed.”

“Since when has Repulse been such a formidable ship?”

“Tiger is a battle veteran, and Hood is our capital ship. Renown has the honor of a royal yacht. So, isn’t Repulse the only ship left?”

“The one who stays is that guy.”

“I can’t help it. The captain’s seat was also vacant.”

At this point, there were only four remaining battlecruisers of the British Empire. The Tiger-class battlecruiser ‘Tiger’, and the Rinaun-class first ships ‘Rinaun’ and ‘Repulse’. And the invincible ‘Hood’.

Although the new battlecruiser ‘Invincible’ class is being built one after another and is entering the commissioning stage, these four ships were all that could be put into practice right now.

The demand for fast-footed rapid response forces exists everywhere. For this reason, the captain of a battlecruiser is usually commanded by an experienced and mature colonel.


“I hate to keep saying this, but… I still don’t understand why such a kid became a colonel.”

Robin couldn’t understand that a 40-year-old new colonel who had only driven a destroyer was assigned to a battlecruiser.

“I understand, do you have anything to do? Haven’t you heard that a seat makes a man, Brigadier General?

The admiral, who reached the flagpole of the bow tower, stopped walking and turned around.

“I believe so too.”

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Placing his hand on the cold frosted railing, the admiral gazed at the bustling deck of the Repulse.

“You have to believe that.”

Admiral Hozzers, who briefly entered the bridge to escape the cold wind, looked at the waves of the North Sea, then turned his head to Robin as if he had risen.

“Come to think of it, did you say that friend said something strange?”


To Robin who tilted his head, the admiral shrugged his shoulders as if he didn’t know.

“Where is this? What about Korea… He kept talking nonsense, probably because he drank too much.”

“What, have you been drinking?”

“It’s not… He said something really stupid.”

“Anyway, I hope you don’t drink and have a bad time.”

Hozzers smiled casually and took a sip of coffee. It’s coffee with two lumps of sugar, but it was toxic bitter that day.

I Became a Captain of the British Empire

I Became a Captain of the British Empire

대영제국 함장이 되었다
Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
The place where he was hit by a truck and reincarnated was England in 1930. When I woke up, I was the captain of a battleship. “The ship’s name is Repulse?” But we are at war with the US.


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not work with dark mode