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I Am a Low-Class Aristocrat of a Perishing Country Chapter 2

2 – The Worst First Encounter (2)

“This, what is this?”

The woman flinched and took a few steps back.

Her face was mixed with various emotions. Embarrassment, or absurdity, if I had to put it into one thing. Either way it will be similar.

“Benefactor! Thank you for getting me out of here!”

I shouted with my head on the ground without a belly. There is no such thing as pride. It’s been a long time since I left such things in the dark and cold Great Void.

“What… What…?”

The woman seemed to organize her thoughts as she saw me driving unknown gratitude like a storm.

That’s right. The first thing she encounters as soon as such a huge cavity opens is a stranger who bows her head.

It’s suspicious no matter how you look around.

“Um… So, excuse me, isn’t this the house of the founder of the country?”

In terms of the setting, it was like asking a neighbor’s house at the entrance of the Great Hollow where the evil villain was sealed. It’s astonishingly stupid.

I said I was right and quickly took it off.

“Oh no. There’s no one here other than me?”

“Then you’re an aristocrat…”

“No! That’s absolutely unfair. I’m just an adventurer passing by, and somehow I got stuck here.”

Then she asked back with her eyes at the bottom of the water.

“How come? Do you know how to open this door?”

The entry into the Great Void was truly accidental. So the prerequisites were unknown to me. But I’m in no position to tell the truth.

I concocted an excuse that made as much sense as possible.

“Actually… I felt a slight vibration as I passed by. As if someone was going wild in an empty space.”

It’s only half true because it’s the spasmodic writhing I used to do on a fictional day.

“I was curious, so I went to the source of the vibration, and there was a massive boulder. If I hadn’t touched it, I wouldn’t have known that it was actually a huge door made of ink iron.”

At this point, I glanced at her. She was still giving her suspicious look, but she didn’t seem to think it was a lie at all.

“Go ahead.”

“As I touched the door, I heard a strange voice. I acted like I was possessed by that voice, but I don’t remember what I did. I just woke up and found myself trapped in the Great Void alone.”

“If so, what about the nobility?”

“I don’t know what it is, but if you’re referring to the owner of this place, he probably didn’t come out.”

Actually right now, I’m out in the world. They are savoring the fresh air outside and babbling falsely.

“Then how long have you been locked up?”

“Maybe in a month or so?”

I purposely shortened it. If it gets longer by the year, there is no way that an ordinary human being can survive in the Great Cavity.

“How did you procure food and drinking water?”

“I happened to have a lot of food materials needed for the trip. I survived by saving as much as I could. As for the water, I either licked the water droplets on the wall or collected them.”

I could cover enough for food, but water was ambiguous. It’s not an excuse that you can’t think of normally, but isn’t it a great cavity with a seal?

There is no way it will be affected by weather changes outside.


She didn’t seem to be able to determine the truth of my words easily.

The reason for not asking her immediately is probably because she cannot quickly conclude the correlation between the environment of the sealed room and climate change.

You won’t know until you live it yourself.

“Are those… Doubts resolved?”

“If what you’re saying is true, it’s a big deal. It means that a dangerous villain is roaming the outside. What nefarious things are they planning by now…”

That villain is bowing his head in a peculiar way by now.

“Maybe he’s bewitching people with a cunning trick like you did.”

If you treat desperate lies that deny my existence as being possessed, then it’s not wrong.

“That’s a big deal! Such a dangerous molecule could be set free.”

It’s a big deal. It’s a big deal.

“Yes, if that were true.”


I was taken aback for a moment and asked back. After all, the excuse for drinking water was insufficient.

“If you really aren’t a founding noble, let’s check.”

“What… You mean?”

“Dung. Excretion. The nobility of a nation is immortal. Metabolic activity is not necessary, so there is no choice but to have no manure. But, as an ordinary human being, it would be different, right?”

That’s the correct answer…

Unexpectedly, a perfect answer came out. All activities of eating, drinking, and sleeping are no longer necessary for me. Of course, even the act of buying.

It’s been a long time since I took it for granted, so even I forgot about it.

“Hey, hey. So you’re going to see someone else’s poop? Where’s the grown-up girl!”

“I know it’s embarrassing. But it’s a serious matter, so please cooperate.”

“Me, me, men and women are very different, so why am I seeing the urine of a man I don’t know?!”

That was the excuse he had come up with, albeit poorly. Even if the men and women were different, there would be no way that her daughter would be different.

“Does that matter?”

There’s no way it has anything to do with it. However, it was not possible to spit out common sense answers like this.

I confidently crossed my arms and answered.

“Of course. Doesn’t that mean that a grown woman is staring at my sh*t?”

“No, until that’s pierced…”

“Very dense, my thick and long thing!”

“If I just confirm existence…”

Of course, she didn’t back down easily. Although she blushed a little, her position remains unchanged.

I was trying to get out of the situation somehow, so I started talking nonsense.

“Hey. If someone asks me to show you what I’m wearing as underwear today, do you show it innocently?”

“Not like that!”

“Then, on the other hand, if a man who doesn’t know what you ate or packed today asks for it, will you show it to me?”

“Oops. That’s…”

“Which of the two are you ashamed of? Please feel free to choose.”

For reference, if I had to argue, I’m ashamed of sh*t. Aren’t underwear and the like often spread out in the yard or on the balcony?

On the other hand, open urination is an obscene act that is hard to show to others.

Wow, isn’t this logic better than I thought?


She just hesitates with her face blushing as if she is at a loss for words to respond to her unconventional logic. Encouraged by the response, I proudly shouted.

“If you really want to see my excrement, show me your underwear! Wouldn’t that be fair?”

It was a crazy sound that wasn’t even worth listening to. I realized it only after shouting confidently. No matter how pushy you are, if you go too far, it will turn around!


‘It worked unexpectedly! Rather, isn’t this woman overly kind?’

Actually, the prayer she felt from her was unusual.

Because I possessed the body of Netion Peace, I can feel it. If he wasn’t confident in his strength in the first place, he wouldn’t have opened the door to the Great Commonwealth.

That’s why she meets her eye level with a self-proclaimed commoner who is servile.

In fact, even if I’m not a normal person, even if she’s a moderate strong level, I can’t catch her if I ignore her and move on with her steps. She would just drag her ungainly, holding her ankles. If she pushes her hard enough, her bones will break.

However, in the yard that the vicious enemy of the founding aristocracy has been released or is about to be released, you are leisurely comparing the shameful strength of your poop and underwear.

After all, she is not a sane person. But for me, it’s rather a boon.

“What are you going to do? Do you want to show me or not! Come on!”

As I urge her to answer, she closes her trembling lips. Her voice cracked as if she was saying something out of the blue.

“Kuh… I…!”

Her answer came from her trembling lips, and I couldn’t hide her awe.

“Maybe today is my day.”

Muttered in a low voice. What I was facing right now was in front of the door of the Grand Common where the villain Was sealed.

It was difficult to maintain the tempo of breathing unless I consciously felt it. That’s how huge tension rose slowly.

I hoped that coming here would be a little later, if possible. But the situation had to change rapidly.

[Since the seal of the nobility of the founding is weakening day by day, the leader of the Nelfrugian Knights should be loyal and relieve the emperor’s anxiety.]

To put it simply, it was an imperial order to subjugate the nobility of the country. As soon as I accepted the order, I felt so much pressure that any mission I had taken on until now felt like a joke.

It was hard to guess what kind of struggle it would be. In the end, I left the first will I had written in my office.

“If I don’t come back, please pass this on to the family. And the next leader will…”

I was prepared for death and came after appointing a successor in advance. That’s why I arrived here with the resolution of death. However, the current situation seemed to be ridiculing me.

It was because of a man who was bowing his head right in front of his eyes. From the moment I first met him, I was convinced that he was Netion Peace, an evil nation-state aristocrat.

… After talking for a while, it’s true that I wondered if it wasn’t really true. But it is only a fleeting moment. I was never convinced

It’s not simply because the issue is directly related to the security of the Eld Empire.

A fraudulent spirit overflowed from the man’s surroundings. It is a strong aura that can be possessed in an instant by a suitable strong person.

I’ve never seen anything like this before.

I don’t know if I know I feel cheated or not, the man makes all sorts of excuses.

‘This man’s bullsh*t really greases his tongue.’

Remorse came up.

‘Is Netion Peace a man like this? He is an aristocrat from that country?’

For now, he seems to be thinking of going over quietly and mixing in royalties, but I won’t let him do that. I agree with Netionpeace’s words in moderation and decide to look at his reaction.

“Are those… Doubts resolved?”

Nethionpis said, maintaining a servile attitude. And I answered

“If what you’re saying is true, it’s a big deal. It means that a dangerous villain is roaming the outside. What nefarious things are they plotting by now…”

A blind woman who does not erase her doubts, but on the other hand, thinks of other possibilities. I spoke willingly to make it look like that.

‘I’ll play with the rhythm.’

It wouldn’t matter if I killed Netionpeace right away. However, that was the story when Netionpeace attacked head-on.

For some reason, he was trying to trick me with his servile attitude. It’s surprising that Netion Peace looks stupid, but it was rather a good thing in my situation.

Finally, unlike usual, I am camouflaged as weaker than necessary by capturing the energy of my body. A foolish female knight who dares to subdue the nation’s aristocrats out of a childish sense of justice.

That was the mask I was wearing right now.

‘If you can’t get away with being an aristocrat, you’ll reveal your true nature and try to kill me. I’m just being careless.’

Just when I thought that the image of a somewhat clumsy female knight was established, I threw the odds.

“If you really aren’t a founding noble, let’s check.”

“What… You mean?”

“Dung. Excretion. The nobility of a nation is immortal. Metabolic activity is not necessary, so there is no choice but to have no manure. But, as an ordinary human being, it would be different, right?”

From noble mtl dot com

Perfect logic, I thought to myself.

Couldn’t he have defecated in the brief moment the door opened?

At my words, Nefiontis was rather angry and vomited his sophistry.

“Hey. If someone asks me to show you what I’m wearing as underwear today, do you show it innocently?”

“Not like that!”

“Then, on the other hand, if a man who doesn’t know what you ate or packed today asks for it, will you show it to me?”

It was indeed a dirty and vulgar behavior. Not worth listening to Even thinking about it makes no sense…

Huh? Why do you think it makes sense?

I felt my thoughts stop for a moment. It is desperate to point out the loopholes in its logic by rolling and rolling its brains.

‘Why should I take this seriously?’

When I was struggling for a while, a possibility flashed.

‘It’s witchcraft. He must have used magic to lower his thinking ability. As expected, he’s low-key as expected of a founding noble!’

I’m glad I noticed it even now. Once I realized it, my thoughts flowed clearly and my mind became clear.

… Anyway, that’s how it felt.

‘Do not fight sophistry with intelligence!’

I purse my lips and open my mouth.

“Kuh… I’m…! I’m the proud Elfrugian knights of the Eld Empire. I won’t accept such a low deal. If you want to see me, I’ll see it, if I don’t want to see it, I won’t! Get out of the way, I’ll carry out my official duties. .”

We fight sophistry with power. That was the idea I came up with. On the one hand, he does not reveal his true identity and misleads the nobles of the country by making them mistaken for ordinary knights.

If the aristocrat of the founding, whose identity is finally on the verge of being exposed, tries to attack me, I will take advantage of my carelessness and make a mistake. The hunter stabs the reverse of the habit of not thinking of becoming the prey.

That was my perfect plan.

… By the way, is it right to press down with power when the name is the nobility?

As soon as I heard her – Illelpi’s words, I felt dumbfounded and at the same time my hairline became stunned.


I was able to express all the emotions I could express in just two words.

‘Why is the world’s strongest person here?’

I couldn’t even guess. I can’t believe this woman is an Irlp.

Full name Ir Elfi Yustiha. She was the DLC boss of the latest . Unlike me, who is an Easter egg, he is a person whose narration and settings have been properly disclosed.

Of course, I attacked Irlp in the game, but it was more like a raid using various NPCs and devices. This is because it was the boss that made it impossible to clear solo solo in the first place.

Throughout the series, IrLP was the only boss with such a gimmick.

Her The reason why I didn’t know her that I had already seen was because of her heavy armor.

She always heavily armed her entire body from her first encounter to the end of the raid. Nothing was exposed except her gray hair, which dragged on her ground. Above all, it was a bizarre boss who did not let out a single moan of hers even after being hit.

The only sound he made was an unpleasant agony, like scratching a blackboard.

If it wasn’t for the strangely feminine names and setting books, I wouldn’t have known that I was a woman.

‘Wow, all that aside, it’s really pretty… How did the production team think to hide something like that?’

Her silky white hair, down to her waist, seems to be bathed in the pale moonlight of her midnight. Isn’t the wall looking directly at me like a lake released into the clear sky?

The white and clean skin without any blemishes was radiant, making one wonder if her job was worthy of an article.

It is an embarrassing meeting in many ways.

‘But thanks to you, I can understand the Siyeoldae. Seeing that he came to see me, the story seems a bit off.’

At this rate, she will face a tragic incident soon. As a result, Ir Elfi loses everything she has and lives with her vengeful ears.

‘The story of the DLC begins when the main character discovers Ir Elfi, who has devastated the vast empire and gone into seclusion.’

This may be an opportunity. If I can prevent the tragedy of Ir Elfi, she will be indebted to me.

Even if it were revealed that I was a nobleman, the debt would be enough to keep her from trying to kill me…

‘Prevent the blackening of Illelpi! That would be the second step towards my safety.’

I want to take the first step right now.

A great first step towards somehow turning my manure into Schrödinger’s manure…!

I Am a Low-Class Aristocrat of a Perishing Country

I Am a Low-Class Aristocrat of a Perishing Country

나는 멸망 국가의 폐급 귀족!
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
One day, after discovering the game’s easter egg, I became a garbage aristocrat of the world. In order to survive, we must prevent the darkening of the female knight, the world’s strongest. But why is original knowledge useless?


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not work with dark mode