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How To Live as a Cyberpunk Solver Chapter 60

60. complete

Leonard organized the various devices shared by the visual sensor and focused on one ‘Leonard Walker’.

When you cross the video equipment, the situation where you can only see ‘what is in front of your eyes’ feels rather strange. If this gets worse, confusion comes to the object called ‘I’ and it degenerates into a specter of electrons, but it was a crippled person no different from a psycho cyborg.

‘Did you overdo it today?’

Leonard shook his head. Ego breakdown was a chronic disease and mental illness of implant hackers. However, the cure was simple. It is to reduce hacking time and exercise steadily while sleeping soundly. It is a magical sentence that can be applied to alcohol, tobacco, diabetes, etc. by simply changing the subject, but it was like that anyway.

‘Like Sigma said, it’s time to rest.’

Still, I had to finish this quest.

Leonard depresses the stopper on his shotgun and signals Max to check the bullets. Three fingers, one on top, then two. Max, who had never received military training, put on a puzzled expression.

“Ah, what are you saying? Just say it.”

“…There is one on the second floor and two on the third. There are survivors, so be careful when shooting.”

Max closed the barrel and grinned.

“It’s what I do best. Always be careful.”

“I will lie.”

Leonard checked the time. It was 25 minutes ago that I had spoken to Old Man Sebastian. At that time, if the report went in, FAP (Federal Armed Patrol) or FDF (Federal Defense Force) should have already arrived, but it took no news. The Liberation Front seized the communication network, so the report was delayed, or…

‘It can’t be just three.’

It is said that the little boy with a small jaw distributed snowballs to reduce trial and error, but probably not. It must have been intentionally planted in Junk Town. To distract the attention of the public security from the scene of terrorism.

As Leonard guessed, psycho cyborgs were rampaging all over the city at the present time.

“let’s go.”

Leonard drew his two revolvers and stepped out of the column.

There was no particular complaint as the solution was to do what companies and the government could not do.


Leonard and Max walked past the empty first floor and went up to the second floor.

The blood-stained interior was noisier than the first floor. It seemed that he was slaughtered while he was stunned by the psycho cyborg that had jumped from the third floor. The interior contractor didn’t have to call out. A psycho cyborg wandering the hallway spotted Leonard and his party and stopped.

A tuxedo made of the finest fabric and an analog watch only for fashion, he was a business man who farted a little. The implant body was, of course, top-notch. It’s a lightweight body that even scavengers would laugh at, but the output was more than a construction body. Besides, he was now a psycho cyborg whose limits were lifted.


“It’s not even a cat, but the mansible…”

Leonard and Max raised their guns. But I couldn’t pull the trigger. Psycho Cyborg threw the body he was dragging. It was an underhand throw that even professional players would admire. It wasn’t intentional, but it completely interfered with the shot.


Max walked at gunpoint and flung himself to the side. The more daring Leonard dodged it by sliding forward. The twin pistols naturally faced each other.

“This is an iron-piercing bullet.”


Grinding steel wire, the hated tungsten bullet flew alongside. Of course, it was a feeling. Even the best implant eyeballs could not intuit the 340m/sec bullet fired in front of their noses. Pulling the trigger and punching a hole in the Psycho Cyborg’s chest were almost simultaneous.


As the name suggests, it is a bullet with maximized penetrating power, so it penetrates the metal body coolly. The strongest advantage of armor-piercing bullets was its worst weakness. The psycho cyborg didn’t even flinch and slashed Leonard’s head. puck-!


Max screamed instead. It was unnecessary. Leonard crossed his arms holding the gun to block the fist. As if he had been hit by a dump truck, his body turned over in one turn, but he was able to avoid a terrible situation like a sunken face.

“I knew this and blocked my sense of pain!”

I’m not proud of expecting to be beaten, but thanks to that, I was able to respond immediately. Lying on the ground, he repeatedly pulled the trigger. I confirmed that the armor-piercing bullets worked, so I could have killed him if I kept shooting.

bang! Kwak-kwang-!

Max leaned against the wall and fired a supporting shot. The impact force of a 12-gauge slug round was equal to or greater than that of a .50 caliber rifle round. Psycho Cyborg’s shoulder was shattered and a hole the size of two fists was left in his side.

If it were a living human, it would have been an instant accident, and even a cyborg would have escaped, driven by survival instincts, or looked back on his short life and begged him to stop, but the psycho cyborg, whose rationality had been blown, was nowhere to be found. He swung his one remaining arm at Max.


Today, I often visit my mother. Filial piety could have been created by avoiding the wall-breaking fist by a narrow margin. Even parents you’ve never seen in your life.


Leonard’s revolver emptied the last bullet. They pierced the neck, armpits, thighs, collarbones, etc., but only the last temple was effective. The psycho cyborg’s head snapped the other way and slowly returned to its original position. It was surprising that he did not collapse even after being hit by nearly 20 anti-cyborg bullets.

“Turn it off…”

He turned to Leonard. It was a spectacle overall. Blood and saline were leaking from the mechanical eyeballs, and saliva dripped from the lips because they could not close. His central nervous system was damaged, and his steps were staggering.

“Stop dying!”

Max drew his pistol and shot him in the back of the head. The first shot missed and bounced off the ceiling, but after three or four shots, the titanium skull was finally shattered. Even the psycho cyborg with a high-performance body couldn’t stand it when its brain was pierced horizontally and vertically. Eventually, he knelt down and slumped forward.

“Psycho cyborg, there is a reason to be a psycho cyborg. ha. It would be so terrifying.”

“Do I look great now?”

Leonard was a hacker, so he got it easily, usually you had to shoot him until he was reduced to dust. Max rubbed his chest and pulled Leonard to his feet.

“Were you unable to subdue it with hacking this time?”

“How strong is the security of the entrepreneur’s implant? There’s nothing I can’t do if you give me a minute, but…”

It could put 100 bullets in a minute. When you have enough guns.

“The two guys on the 3rd floor are public security agents, so we’ll handle them with hacking.”

“My shotgun is more reliable than Mr. Leonard?”

“It won’t be. Because they’re wearing body armor.”

Even though the implant security was low, it was not an easy opponent. It was like that once the two stuck together. For a normal psycho cyborg, the modifier ‘normal’ for a psycho is a bit strange, but anyway, a normal psycho cyborg doesn’t even recognize blood. A pair of psycho cyborgs who amicably slaughtered a businessman was rare.

‘Is this a new technology of the Liberation Front?’

It predicted the possibility of an electronic chip that could control the psycho cyborg. Otherwise, no matter how many dozens of Psychos are released, they will fight each other.

Leonard and Max reloaded their bullets and went up to the third floor. It would be nice to subdue it with a surprise attack, but the interior structure was open, so there was no space to hide unless it was a guest room. It was natural that it was a banquet hall, not an office. I couldn’t go ten steps and ran into a bloodthirsty psycho cyborg.

He was an elite agent enough to work in a corporate building. It was not at the level of a public security agent in a detention center. He was different from a businessman who only had the best implants but did not know how to fight.

“Die… die… die…”

Even if the brain chip melted, it seems that the language function is not paralyzed. The action of handling the gun was also plausible.

“As expected.”

The Psycho Cyborg skillfully fired a tactical shotgun. The recoil would be strong, but I endured it with my unrestricted strength. The accuracy was so high.

Leonard turned over and protected his head and heart with his left arm. Except for those two places, it was an implant organ, so I was able to endure one or two shots. And I didn’t intend to allow three rooms. Psycho Cyborg’s arms were disabled. In a corporate-centric world, entrepreneurs are the most demanding. It’s about a kongan.

“I’m going to have to pay for this repair.”

The arm that was sore from the businessman’s punching was completely broken. If I hadn’t blocked the pain sensation, I might have been in shock. Still, the main organs were intact, so there was no immediate death.

“I want you to die!”

Psycho Cyborg came running on his two legs when his arms stopped moving. There was Jjambab, the fixer, but I couldn’t let him get hit by a head-butt. He snapped his fingers and stopped both legs. The law of inertia was not avoided by being crazy. It rolled unseemly across the floor. Then, the third psycho cyborg appeared.

bang-! Taang-!

A bullet grazed his forehead. The hair was flying, so it was no different from a hit.

“You have to pay for the bullets too!”

Max returned fire while lying face down on the stairs. His marksmanship was so good that it took less than 3 seconds to empty the 8-round magazine. It was even mostly a hit. The bulletproof vest that prevents penetration worked as a good thing. Psycho Cyborg took a step and a half and then ran back. It’s only three or four seconds, but it’s plenty of time for the best hackers.

Implant limbs connected to the brain chip were suspended. But the timing was amazing. The cabin in front of the Psycho Cyborg rushed open, and the wooden chair fell vertically.

Timber, presumably mahogany, crashed into the steely head and splintered in all directions. There was no way a psycho cyborg would collapse from that level of shock, but it was literally timing. After Leonard’s hacking, Psycho Cyborg collapsed. It’s just a fan of a guy who would collapse if left alone. The heinous violent criminal was someone Leonard knew well.

“Brother Leo!”

Old Man Sebastian threw down the chair with only the back leg remaining and called for Leonard. It was not analyzed whether they were angry or happy. Probably both.

Sebastian’s chair shot was gentlemanly. The bodyguards who followed the inspiration put bullets into the head of the whimpering psycho cyborg like crazy. Psycho suppression had to be certain, so I couldn’t say anything. Even if the feeling of resentment is strong.

“You called me late, so I came to see you.”

Without inspiration, nothing came out. Being a biological human, and a friend from hometown who is not young at all, it was essential to worry. Old Man Sebastian lowered his eyebrows and spoke softly.

“It hasn’t been an hour yet, has it?”

It was roughly dangerous, but they were scolded for why they came. Leonard answered, hiding his broken left arm.

“Because you are a guest in my city.”

It was a meaningful answer in the current situation. Sadness was added to Sebastian’s face.

Anyway, the request was completed. That too was overfulfilled. It will be up to the corporations to clean up the mess in the city.

How To Live as a Cyberpunk Solver

How To Live as a Cyberpunk Solver

사이버펑크의 해결사가 사는 법
Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
At the end of the 21st century, the story of a solver on a desolate land


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not work with dark mode