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Grave Keeper of the Fallen Kingdom Chapter 56

Maurice checked the handwriting and contents of the letter, then crumpled it up and handed it over to the head butler.

“Is this true! Rev! It wasn’t enough that he colluded with the black magician and tried to kill his brother! Are you truly insane!”

“your majesty… , no, father.”

“Now you dare to say that you are my father-”

“It was not written by me.”

Rather than being discouraged, Lev stepped forward more confidently.

“Hello! Bring the sinner right now!”

As he shouted, two soldiers forcibly dragged a man through the back door.

“Wow, Prince! What the hell is this all about! How can I-“


The one who kneeled down saying that he was a sinner out of nowhere was an aide who had assisted Lev for a long time.

He blushed and sat his head on the floor.

“Isn’t this one your aide?”

“you’re right. father. In fact, I figured out that there was a group of warlocks infiltrating the kingdom, and I’ve been digging a trap to keep them at bay.”

“Did you dig a trap?”


“I prepared in advance by gradually changing my handwriting. At the same time, for the past half a year, I have ghostwritten everything such as signatures and letters to my aides.”

“Why is that a trap?”

Listening to his explanation, Jane raised a question.

“Because I was suspicious of the aide. That’s why I deliberately continued to give permission. Pretending to believe him. And that’s what happened this time.”

Jane frowned.

It was because the things Travis and Louise had been collating and checking his handwritten correspondence would be of no use if this happened.

“town! town!!”

The aide shouted as if he had something to say, but he could not speak because the soldiers had gagged him.

Just as the King was about to tell him to take off his gag, the head butler came in and brought materials to compare the handwriting of the past and recent.

“Certainly, my handwriting is slightly different from a year ago, half a year ago, and now. It is almost the same in the last half year.”

Maurice, whose head was complicated by those words, staggered for an instant.

“your majesty!”

Morgan supports and holds him, and Maurice straightens himself up again, saying it’s okay.

“So, the conclusion… what?”

“I was going to wait for the warlocks to come deeper, but my beloved sister’s mistake now exposes the trap. However, I have found out that the Rogers family has been corrupted.”

“Your Majesty the King! This is wrong-.”

“stop. I will no longer speak Katabuta. Bring the evidence.”

Maurice’s complexion was rapidly deteriorating.

Originally in poor physical condition, Maurice wanted to finish this situation quickly.

“Yes, Luca Rogers attended this banquet… … , where are you? If you’re not that innocent, bring Luca Rogers! Lord Kelvin Rogers.”

“that is… … .”

After hearing Lev’s last words, Ren was convinced.

He must have known what had happened in the diner, if not, that Rogers had been taken over by Louise and that Luca Rogers had died.

‘How on earth did he know?’

None of the people inside would inform Lev.

Luca Rogers is dead and Jeffman is captured and tied up by us.

There’s no way Kelvin betrayed himself, so Cohen and Jane are left.

‘No matter how you look at it, there can be no whistleblowing.’

That’s the only conclusion that can be concluded that he peeked into the situation with some kind of power.

‘I looked down on Prince Lev too much.’

Whether it was borrowing the power of a black magician or installing some kind of artifact-level magic tool in the restaurant in advance.

it definitely happened

“Luca Rogers was killed by Kelvin.”

Maurice frowns at Ren’s sudden interruption.

Ren had no choice but to step out, even though he knew he didn’t look very good interjecting.

‘Even the country that made the biggest contribution has to step in.’

Ren said after quickly organizing his thoughts.

“I was there.”

“You were there?”

“Yes, Princess Jane called me as an escort, and I defended Princess Jane on the spot by stopping Knight Commanders Jeffman and Luca Rogers, who had been attacked by the warlock.”

The nobles murmured once again at those words.

Knight Commander Jeffman is one of the few high-ranking knights in the kingdom, and he is quite capable.

For those who had no information about Jane’s escort, it was a remark that convinced them that Ren’s skills were at least as high as a high-ranking knight.

‘Can not help it. We don’t know how much Rev knows what happened inside, so lying is too risky.’

Depending on the time, you may have to abandon the Rogers family.

“Jeffman… … ?”

“yes. You can call it up if you want. Also, Luca Rogers was beheaded by Kelvin, who came to the restaurant to find him.”

The banquet hall is once again agitated by the story that he killed his son.

Kelvin gritted his teeth and stood helplessly with a confused face.

“Is that true? Kelvin Rogers.”

“It is true. your majesty. It was there that I learned that my son, Luca Rogers, had dabbled in black magic, and I decapitated him myself.”

“Then bring the body immediately. And Jeffman too! Come here and kneel down. Rev! You check them out and bring me the results.”

“I will take your order.”

Leaving everything to Lev and leaving here.

Ren swallowed another sigh trying to escape and glared at Lev.

He was pretending to be calm, but his cheeks were trembling slightly.

‘King Maurice believes in Prince 1 more than I thought. Moreover, his physical condition seems to be serious. No, maybe he’s just trying to avoid it… … .’

The failure of this case was due to the failure to grasp the royal family’s internal circumstances in more detail.

1 The powers of the prince, the degree of ties with the warlocks, and how much the king’s current health has deteriorated.

“Archbishop Mel. Can you confirm that those sinners are infected with demonic energy?”

“it’s possible. If you touched black magic, traces of demonic energy will remain in your body.”

Maurice, pale, grabbed his hair and called Kelvin Rogers.

“You can’t ignore the contributions the Rogers family made to the kingdom. If the family and Luca Rogers’ actions are proven to be separate, the family’s punishment will end with the recovery of some territory and property.”

“Your Majesty the King! Until I cut my son’s throat myself-“

“noisy! Using black magic is tantamount to treason! Consider this level of punishment as a great mercy.”

After saying that, Maurice waved his arm as if telling him to stop, then turned around and left the banquet hall.

At the same time, a smile spread across Lev’s lips.

He stepped forward and drew his sword.


“This sinner who dared to use unholy powers such as black magic and bring them into the kingdom! As an example, I will immediately beheaded.”

Lev struck the sword and dropped the aide’s neck.

His head, which had been rolled and dripped with blood, collided with the feet of Louise, who was standing with a hardened expression, and came to a halt.

“Louise, you don’t look good. Did you feel sorry for this sinner?”

“… … It’s not like that. older brother.”

Seeing Louise’s miserable expression, Lev smiled as if satisfied.

Moments later, soldiers carried the bound bodies of Jeffman and Luca Rogers on stretchers.

“I’ll check.”

The corpse of Luca Rogers didn’t even require Archbishop Mel to use divine magic. It was because, unlike Lonikar, who had only a little bit of black on his body, his entire upper body was covered with thick demonic energy.

Mel approached the knight commander to see if black magic had intervened in his body.

From nob le mtl dot com

Golden divine power flowed from both of Mel’s palms and spread to Jeffman’s head and body as he knelt.

The holy power that had flowed through Jeffman’s entire body returned to Mel without any harvest.

“… … There is nothing wrong. There is no trace of magic on the body of Knight Commander Jeffman.”

Ren expected that.

Jeffman’s status window didn’t have the imprint of a demon like the previous warlocks.

Even more so, he did not use demonic energy even when fighting, and only faced us with his own strength.

If he couldn’t find it even with the archbishop’s divine magic, it would mean that he was just a follower helping the warlocks.

“Jeffman. You have spent decades in our Brilliant Royal Family, trained countless times, and made numerous achievements to rise to your current position. But are they really attached to the black magicians?”

“… … you’re right.”

Jeffman did not deny it.

Just admit your guilt and bow your head.

“I admitted to myself. but! In recognition of my merits so far and for not accepting demons, I will sentence you to detention in the dungeon!”

“Your Highness the First Prince. This is the one who moved with the warlocks. But how could it be only detention instead of death penalty!”

Mel protested that it made no sense, but Lev didn’t listen.

“Archbishop Mel. This is inside the kingdom. No further involvement will be tolerated.”

“… … .”

Mel stiffened and stepped back.

“I would like to apologize to all of you who came to the banquet for causing an unpleasant experience. But this commotion didn’t end well… … .”

As Lev wrapped up the banquet, he more clearly imprinted on the nobles who would be the next king’s seat and who would be the current one.

After speaking his last words, Lev came down from the stage and approached Jane.

“You’re not hurt, little brother.”

“… … are you okay. Brother.”

“I’m glad.”

Lev, who stroked Jane’s shoulder and patted her arm, approached her and spoke softly so that the others could not hear.

“It’s pretty good for a trap you and Louise thought of. Losing Rogers was quite painful. But my position has become more solid. little brother.”

Jane closed her mouth to harden her expression and not show emotion.

“But there is something suspicious… … . My intuition keeps telling me that there’s no way you guys could have planned something like this. Somehow… , isn’t it a puppet? Kut.”

After saying that, Lev’s gaze scanned the interior of the banquet hall, stopped for a moment at Len Argen, and returned.

As he straightened Jane’s tousled hair with a benevolent smile, Jane’s face twisted slightly.

As if that face was quite nice to see, Lev snorted at her and walked past her.

“Louise, the futility of you and your sister made the race for succession even more difficult. Ellie made it like that, so what is it like in the end?”

Allan Hertia, who was looking at Lev together, approached Louise and said.

Feeling the bitter taste of defeat, Louise only felt the bruises hurt more.

“Let’s talk later. I guess it shouldn’t stay like this.”

“All right.”

Alan follows Lev to the other nobles.

Looking at Louise’s complicated face, Ren was about to go to him and say a word of consolation, but then turned around.

‘If you can’t endure this much, no matter how much Louise you are, you won’t be able to ascend the throne.’

Even in the past life, the throne eventually went to Lev, and Louise ascended the throne after Lev died several years later.

Louise had to grow up on her own.

The incident at the banquet hall gave Ren a lot of realization. Even though he had the upper hand with his experience and information before returning, he was unable to deal a fatal blow to Lev.

No, it’s safe to say that I lost.

Perhaps he was conceited because everything had worked out so well, Ren looked back at himself and headed back to Decane.

– Are you here?

“Have your ancestors ever lost?”

– What do you mean out of the blue? Hmm, it looks like it got hit pretty well somewhere.

Having seen Ren’s expression, which looked more complex than ever, Havenberg poured out nagging words with a disapproving face.

– Tsk, your pride is the problem. What do you mean by a major defeat? The guy who says you shouldn’t forget the past is the one who forgets the most.

“… … What do you mean by that?”

-Think before you come back. Have you not suffered more defeats?

At that moment, my mind flashed.

I feel like I’ve been hit really hard.

What kind of insolence is this when things go wrong just once?

“ha… … . After all, this is where I should be.”

– Let’s sell, you say good things.

“I need to do some work in a while to clear my head.”

Although his body was very heavy, Ren picked up the shovel in the graveyard.

– What are you doing?

“I left it to Rayman, so the graveyard is a mess. Surely I have to take care of the graveyard, doesn’t it?”

– hmm… … , that’s right. That idiot is so immature that the graveyard is out of place.

Ren brushed off the dusty tombstones, cleaned out the weeds that had grown here and there, and brought the broken stone slabs and trimmed them neatly.

[Spiritual power increases by 0.1.]

I trimmed the petals that make the tombstone beautiful and pruned the branches.

“Whoa… … .”

A lot of time has already passed since I was trying to do all the things that had been delayed by myself all at once.

When I looked up, the dark night sky was already colored with a cold blue light.

When the second Decane, which had moved the ashes of other heroes as well as Decaine, was organized, the sun rose and the day dawned.

[Spiritual power has risen by 0.1.]

“Are you up again? Spirit already… … .”

0.2 went up to 4.5.

Ren, who was digging the ground where the remains of the 17th hero were, was looking at it, and for some reason thought that he might be able to wake him up.

[Using spiritual power to awaken the ghost of the grave.]

And it really worked.

Grave Keeper of the Fallen Kingdom

Grave Keeper of the Fallen Kingdom

멸망한 왕국의 묘지기
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
‘Decaine’ is a graveyard where heroes who saved the continent from demons are sleeping. Hundreds of years pass by, and the heroes’ achievements fade and their traces gradually disappear. In the end, the kingdom is destroyed due to the re-invasion of the demons, and the only grave keeper who honors the heroes dies. When I opened my eyes, I returned to the time when I became a gravekeeper before the kingdom was destroyed. [The job is selected as [Grave Keeper].] [Acquire 「Cat Eye」.] [Acquire 「Spirit」.] I began to see the spirits of the graveyard in my eyes. [Do you want to decree?] And it became possible to borrow the power of the souls. “Is this Decane?” “Are you the gravekeeper?” “I am the descendant of this hero.” The prince of the kingdom, high-ranking nobles, the divinity of the continent, the mercenary king, even the descendants of heroes… … . The strong people of the continent who keep coming to Decane. “When did you forget, and why do you come looking for me like this?” The gravekeeper of the fallen kingdom struggles to protect the kingdom today.


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not work with dark mode