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Grave Keeper of the Fallen Kingdom Chapter 157

Pupils shaking rapidly. The twitching clown represents his current feelings.

“Who are you?”

“This is Cardinal Rem and Inquisitor Arad.”

At Aston’s introduction, I smiled and looked at the two.

“Are you saying these two are the henchmen of the Black Star?”


I don’t know how far the influence of the Black Star extended, but it was truly shocking that even the cardinal and heresy judge of the Holy Kingdom, who were supposed to punish Demon, had defected.

‘So these two had a connection to the Black Star…’ … .’

I was curious as to how on earth they became connected to the Black Star.

“Cardinal Rem. “Why are you so surprised?”

“Then, wouldn’t you be surprised to hear that the Holy Father is dead?”

“what… , do you feel any sadness? you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I heard that Doukas was the leader of the Holy Knights before he became the Pope, and you were the vice-leader.”

Rem’s mood strangely changed at my words. I stood in front of him, who was tied to a chair, and spoke.

“Dukas said so. He said he didn’t do that in the past. He had a completely different personality than the one who got pleasure from being addicted to drugs and abusing children. If I were to be specific, he had a similar personality to the current Aston Cash.”

“What do you want to say?”

“Why did you do that?”

“… … .”

“Why did you corrupt the Pope?”

Combining what the Pope said in passing and what I heard from Basil about him in the past, suspicious parts emerged.

Before I came here, I couldn’t find the intersection of them, but once I confirmed that Rem was the Black Star’s liaison, everything fell into place.

“The person closest to Doukas and whom he trusted the most was Vice-Captain Rem.”

“That is just the past. “After ascending to the Pope, I also-.”

“In the past, Procopius Doukas was a person who was far from drugs, corruption, or addiction. But at some point, he changed little by little and started to let go of everything and focus on his own pleasure.”

“Are you saying I changed the Pope?”

Rem shouts as if she is being unfairly treated.

Aston and Basil were looking at him with serious faces, and I had already come to all conclusions, so Rem’s acting didn’t really resonate with me.

“The Pope came to his senses just as he was about to die. And he resented his situation.”

Although I never actually did that, I mixed up the right amount of lies to get the truth out of his mouth.

“… … Do not lie! His Holiness can’t do that… … !”

“You killed a person who worked hard and thought about the development of the kingdom and a bright future.”

Ren grabbed Rem’s black hair and tilted his neck back.

“Ugh… !”

“The only priest the Pope trusted and relied on. That is why only you could have poisoned the Pope.”

“… … .”

I let go of his head and turned back.

“The Pope will die bearing all the disgrace. The statue in front of the palace will also be broken into pieces and thrown away.”

“Shut up! “There is no way His Holiness could have died because of someone like you.”

“In a village of vagabonds, several children were trapped in the basement under a shabby house. Not only that, but the children were forcibly addicted to drugs, shaking their bodies and rolling on the floor as they were beaten with whips. “How do I know this?”

Rem’s eyes trembled slightly. Could it be that Rem didn’t know where the Pope’s secret meeting took place?

Rem, who distributed drugs and connected them to the Pope, would have already had his eyes and ears planted there.

For example, the two gatekeepers who guarded the building were aware of the existence of drugs, but did not show any signs of addiction.

The guy in front of the cage even said that he enjoyed that crazy pleasure with the Pope, but he looked fine.

It was clear that they, too, had a way to alleviate the symptoms of drug addiction, just as Rem was doing well now.

There is no way that a single paladin would know such a method, so it means that he is connected to a high-ranking priest related to Tybaco, and it is highly likely that he is the one who poisoned the Pope.

And if it was Rem, Rem would also know everything that happened in the vagabond village.

There was no way Lem didn’t know that the Pope was enjoying crazy pleasures in a vagabond village.

“The Pope is dead. So tell me the truth.”

“you… , beat the Holy Father? Even if you were addicted to drugs, that would be impossible. “Your Holiness receives God’s blessing and never dies.”

Rem, who was talking in great excitement, quickly shuts his mouth.

‘Do you know your identity?’

The characteristic of divine power that Doukas possessed. That was the absolute power that turned Doukas into a monster.

But would he have revealed his secret to just anyone?

“Did Aston know too?”

“I didn’t know.”

Aston shook his head. It really felt like I was hearing it for the first time.

“… … If all divine power is taken away, the divine blessing also loses its power. “The Pope’s body will also be revealed within a few days.”

I can clearly see that he is trying his best to understand the true meaning of my calm words.

“Knowing that fact means that the Pope trusted you that much… … , Or it could be that you forced that fact out.”

“Kuh, keuhuh…” … .”

Rem suddenly shakes his shoulders and starts laughing. He says, looking at the ground with half-closed pupils.

“Ren Argen. They said he was an unrivaled genius who became a master at a young age. Were those rumors true? I never thought Aston would trick you while he was at Brilliant. “If they found out that much, the real Pope might be dead.”

He twitched his lips and raised his head as if he had resigned himself for a moment.

“Wherever there is light, there is also darkness. While there are plants that grow well in the sunlight, there are also plants that slowly die in the shade. “That is the law of nature and an unavoidable phenomenon.”

Rem speaks slowly, as if making a confession.

He continued, laughing like a man who had lost his mind.

“hehehehe… … . that’s right. I did it all. Everything that poisoned the Pope and brought in the Black Star! I did it!”

“why!! that is… what are you talking about. “Rem.”

Aston screamed in a fit of rage at Rem’s declaration and grabbed him by the collar with heavy breathing.

“If the entire land were turned over because the roots were rotting, how confused would it be for the other creatures living there?”

“At least… , Did you do that for that reason? At best!! Because of such foolish thoughts! “He pushed so many weak people to the edge of hell!”


Rem, who was tied to the chair, stood up and glared at Aston with wide eyes.

The gaze of the two people facing each other right in front of them burns so hotly that it seems as if they will explode at any moment.

“I hate you. This is an attitude that is biased toward the weak and considers the sacrifices of others to be natural! “Don’t think you are justice.”

“I didn’t think I was justice. “I just hope that innocent people don’t have to suffer.”

“That’s a stupid idea. Aston.”

Rem grits his teeth. He turned his head and looked at me this time.

“Why did you say you made Ducas like that? So that! Because that person full of beliefs will give up their beliefs! Have you seen the city? Did you see the expressions on Bastian’s people? They are all happy. Why? Because we gave up on the weak! “There are flowers dying under the shade, so those receiving sunlight live happily!”

He poured out the words as if he was pouring out the feelings he had been suppressing.

From Noble mtl dot com

“It was clear that the Holy Kingdom would decline if things continued like this. You would think that the continent is divided into the Baran Empire, the Rosaria Kingdom, and the Holy Kingdom, but no. It’s only temporary. On a continent where demons have disappeared and warlocks have disappeared, the influence of the Holy Kingdom has continued to decline. Eventually, the mighty Baran will reach the west and devour the entire continent.”

“So you’re helping the Black Star? “Are you trying to bring monsters to protect your land?”

Basil, who could not hear anything, also added a word.

“hehehe… , you guys don’t know. Do you think I’m stupid? no! You will know when the future approaches. “How foolish you guys are acting now!”

“It’s not worth talking about.”

Everyone’s pursuit may be different. Perhaps, just from the kingdom’s perspective, Rem’s desired direction may be better.

‘But the process was so twisted.’

It was a thought that was so extreme that it was completely lost. There is no need to continue this meaningless discussion.

“Master Basil.”


Recognizing the intention in my eyes, he hit Rem on the back of the neck, knocking him out.


“I took too many bribes. “That’s it.”

Arad calmly admitted his guilt.

“It’s nice to be honest.”

“… Did you really defeat His Holiness the Pope by yourself?”


“Tsk. “Cardinal Rem got it wrong.”

Arad lets out a self-deprecating laugh and says:

“I was looking too far up. You don’t even know what kind of monster is lurking below. “That would be the result now.”

“Sooner or later, you will be brought to justice. Arad.”

“I know. Cardinal Aston.”

Arad just smiled as if he had no regrets about life.

* * *

After confirming that Aston was safe, Ren headed to the place where the statue he had created was located.

Thanks to the fact that he was wearing a fox mask and a robe, the priests around him did not block Ren’s path.

‘The effect of the statue must be eliminated.’

If people’s respect for Doukas grows stronger, it will lead to a strong backlash against his death.

There is no telling what kind of waves it will bring. It would be best to reduce variables as much as possible.

Due to the priests’ control, all citizens are unable to come out of their homes. Moreover, the priests were flocking to the temple and the village of vagabonds because of the commotion.

“Why are you going to the statue?”

A nearby paladin blocked Ren.

“There is a blemish on the face of the statue. “We’re trying to fix that.”

“Hmm? What do you mean? “I can’t see it at all.”

“Do you know art? I can’t see that flaw! Are you asking me to put up with such a blemish on the Pope’s face? Can you afford it?”

“Oh, no… … . That’s what I think. Oh, then I’ll ask my superiors… … .”

“The Holy Father asked me separately. Are you breaking my orders now? “Can I tell you that they blocked it?”

“His Holiness the Pope… … . Ah, I understand.”

In response to Ren’s threats, the paladin hurriedly left the place.

“ah. And don’t let other people around you. “Revision work requires more detailed focus.”

“… … That’s not possible. “If there is a problem with the statue-”

“I made it. “Are you saying that I’m going to ruin my work?”

“… … All right.”

Seeing the Paladin reluctantly bowing his head and retreating, Ren checked the people around him and immediately climbed up the statue.

‘It is enough to change positive energy into negative energy.’

The energy of sheep engraved on the statue. After learning yin-yang sculpting, I was able to read the flow of energy engraved on the statue.

Ren slowly cut off the positive energy with a carving knife and carved in the negative energy.


It wasn’t a lie when I said a little while ago that more focus on editing work was needed.

It is impossible to reattach previously cut pieces. If even one mistake is made, the quality of the statue is completely ruined.

Pagak, Sagagak-.

After concentrating on sculpting for a while, quite a bit of time passed.

“Whoa… … .”

[Sculpture of Procopius Doukas]

This is a statue created by Ren Argen. A curse is imprinted with negative energy.

# Decreased devotion to Procopius Doukas.

# Slight increase in opposition to Procopius Doukas.

The information on the completed statue has completely changed. Although this was the first time engraving negative energy, Ren could not erase his surprise at the effect, which was greater than expected.

‘If there’s someone I don’t like at this level, I can curse them with sculpting, right?’

The eyes where the guns were were somehow depressed, and the overall sacred atmosphere of the statue became a little dark.

The effect achieved by simply modifying a few details. Unless you are a very sensitive person, you probably won’t even be able to recognize what has caused this change.

‘This is enough… … .’

Ren stood on top of the statue and saw where the vagabond village was.

It will take quite some time to completely reveal the collapsed basement. The Holy Kingdom would probably fall into chaos starting tomorrow morning, so preparations had to be made before then.

As Ren expected, the next day, the castle was in chaos, and as time passed, the chaos worsened.

“I heard that the Pope has disappeared?”

“Oh, really, sometimes you go into the palace and don’t come out?”

“There’s a bishop I know, and I heard there’s no trouble even in church?”


Rumors that had been heard among priests began to spread to ordinary citizens.

A fight and fire broke out in the Palace of Panthea. At the same time, Cardinal Rem and Inquisitor Arad disappeared. Plus, the disappearance of the Pope.

Even just one thing would have caused chaos, but when three of them happened at the same time, the kingdom was thrown into complete chaos.

“here! “There’s a way into the basement!”

An unexpected earthquake occurred in a village of vagabonds. The restoration of the basement, which began under the orders of Osilia and Justin, took about 10 days before they were able to penetrate the lowest level of the underground cavity.

“W-what is this?”

Dead bodies everywhere, tea bags and broken furniture strewn about.

“Ugh! Wow!!”

Some workers who were digging into the underground were sickened by the disgusting sight.

“what? “Get out of the way.”

The paladin who was managing them hardened his expression at the shocking scene and looked at the entrance leading inside.

“I think there’s a room beyond here?”

“Yes, based on the traces, it appears that this is the source of the basement collapse.”

Tuk. Tuk.

A geotechnical expert who was examining the structure while pounding on the wall muttered.

“This room in particular was built sturdily. “If we just remove a few rocks blocking the entrance, the inside will look pretty good.”

“is it.”

The paladin began moving the stones with a serious expression upon hearing the expert’s words.

thud. thud. thud.

The devastation inside is revealed as the workers quickly move the stones blocking the entrance.

“This is crazy… … .”

The Holy Knight cursed softly and stopped, and the experts and workers who followed him also froze in place.

“Right now, call His Majesty Cardinal Osilia. right now!”

“Yes, yep!!”

A worker hurriedly runs out. The Pope’s cold corpse appeared in the paladin’s contemplative field of vision.

Grave Keeper of the Fallen Kingdom

Grave Keeper of the Fallen Kingdom

멸망한 왕국의 묘지기
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
‘Decaine’ is a graveyard where heroes who saved the continent from demons are sleeping. Hundreds of years pass by, and the heroes’ achievements fade and their traces gradually disappear. In the end, the kingdom is destroyed due to the re-invasion of the demons, and the only grave keeper who honors the heroes dies. When I opened my eyes, I returned to the time when I became a gravekeeper before the kingdom was destroyed. [The job is selected as [Grave Keeper].] [Acquire 「Cat Eye」.] [Acquire 「Spirit」.] I began to see the spirits of the graveyard in my eyes. [Do you want to decree?] And it became possible to borrow the power of the souls. “Is this Decane?” “Are you the gravekeeper?” “I am the descendant of this hero.” The prince of the kingdom, high-ranking nobles, the divinity of the continent, the mercenary king, even the descendants of heroes… … . The strong people of the continent who keep coming to Decane. “When did you forget, and why do you come looking for me like this?” The gravekeeper of the fallen kingdom struggles to protect the kingdom today.


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not work with dark mode