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Genius Warlock Chapter 132

132. Fatigue (4)

Oliver saw three men.

Three men in white robes.

Blonde, caught, bald.

He seemed to be a Mattel employee, but seeing the magical energy flowing through his body, he was no ordinary employee.

In fact, just by looking at how well Oliver’s attack was blocked, it was easy to see how much.

“What is Barbary?”

“A savage who can’t use magic.”

“In other words, it is an inferior species.”

The detective wizard made ice under his feet like Baine Shadow and bound Oliver’s feet.

It was quite fast. Ice holds magical power, so it consumes people’s vitality beyond simply being cold.

While Oliver’s feet were tied, the bald man turned his arms into steel and then touched the steel wall to absorb the iron, raising the weight of his arms and slamming Oliver with it.

KANG ━━━━━━━━━━!!!!!

After being hit by a steel arm, Oliver flew to the other side of the hallway and was thrown into the wall.

The shock was considerable.

The wizard caught seeing it gave the bald wizard a pint glass.

“Hey, you ignorant bastard. What do you do when you hit it so hard? Even if it’s an Amman laboratory rat, it’s the worst when it’s healthy.”

“no·····. I didn’t faint.”

The bald man shoved his hand into the steel floor as if he had noticed something.

When they controlled it with magical powers, not physical forces, the hard steel floor shook like dough and swelled up like pillars.

Faba Baba Baba Bak!!

Parrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr _ -!

A huge steel wall rose, blocking the shadow of Oliver, who was approaching secretly.

It was quite surprising. I’ve never been blocked like this before.

The detective wizard panicked and stepped back.

“You bastard-! cowardly.”

“sorry. Everyone seems to be strong… I’m in a bit of a hurry.”


Oliver, who quickly ran and narrowed the distance, swung his quarterstaff and said.

The detective wizard quickly defended his body with ice armor, but it was okay.

Although it was a powerful magic, Oliver was stronger when he concentrated his firepower.


Something quickly popped between Oliver and the Detective Wizard.

A blonde sorcerer, his legs turned into those of a beast rather than a human, and he held a sword made of magic in each of his arms.

“Oh, thank you.”

“You are in debt.”

While Jebbal and the blonde were talking, Oliver quickly looked around.

A detective wizard who wants to reorganize, a bald wizard who prepares to attack, and a blonde wizard who exudes high-output magical power and absurd vitality.

I didn’t really know much about magic, but these were out of the way somewhere. And it was dangerous.


Oliver stepped back. I increased the leg output of the black suit to increase the speed as fast as possible.

But what is this

The blonde wizard caught up with the beast’s legs and turned his sword into a spear to attack Oliver.

Bye bye ━━━!!

The magic spear and the quarter staff covered in black suits collided and made a roar.

“Oh-! A recipe for street garbage!”

“The wizard too. They all say that magicians locked in the lab are weak.”

“Because we are special!”

With those words, the blonde wizard raised one hand and drew the magic to it.

The sortie wasn’t too bad, but it was okay. Oliver was faster.


The little minion that came out of Oliver’s arms shot the Hat Bullet he was holding to match the magic that the wizard had gathered.


The sky-blue magic exploded like a bomb. Of course, even the hand that was gathering magic was not intact.


A blonde wizard who stopped acting for a moment due to pain.

Oliver didn’t miss the timing and quickly swung the quarterstaff.

Wow! Swipe! Wow-!!

The sound of a blow from three places.

He broke his leg, shoulder and side. But that wasn’t the point.

As before, the taste was weird. The density of muscles and bones was so high that it could not be thought of as normal human muscles and bones.


Just as I was about to finish, ice approached the floor.

Ice with the same magical power as before.

Oliver stepped back. But this was a mistake.


Pointed ice flew at great speed and pierced Oliver.

Fortunately, thanks to the black suit, there was no direct damage, but instead, the vitality that made up the black suit was greatly reduced.

Although the instantaneous power was inferior to that of the Lightning series, it did continuous damage like poison.

Wow Woo Woong ━━ 콱 !!

Moreover, a steel column suddenly jumped out of the wall and hit Oliver from the side.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Not only that, but it was pressed like an insect and made it impossible to move.

Damn it!

I could feel the cracks in the black suit.

It was a suffocating situation enough, but the enemies seemed to be lacking even that.

The bald mage had come running to smash Oliver with a larger steel arm than before.

“I give up on catching very safely. You can treat it anyway.”

As soon as the blonde and Jeokbal agreed, the bald wizard concentrated his magic power on his steel arm and prepared to wield it as hard as he could.

In that brief moment, Oliver quickly shook his head and figured out how to react.

A steel pole that presses on itself. A steel arm about to slap. Limited black suit.


“Don’t die.”

Saying so, the bald bald threw a steel fist at Oliver.

Oliver made five layers of black shields by predicting where they would be hit, and also focused on the black suit.

And one more.

Using the snap of his wrist, he moved the quarter staff and placed it on the bald wizard’s chest.


[Ras Boom]

Kang ━━━━━━━━━!!!!!


A loud explosion sounded along with the sound of steel crashing.

Oliver flew backwards, the bald wizard’s chest sunken like a scoop of ice cream.


A mage sorcerer who kneels while vomiting blood. It looked pretty sick. Of course, Oliver was also sick.

Concentrating on the black suit on the hitting area, the other areas behind her became virtually defenseless, and she suffered bruises as she flew backwards.

At this point, I felt the need to not only do black magic but also exercise in earnest.

Even if it’s not as good as Joe, he can endure any kind of injury.

‘Well, can I ask Joe a favor? Or who is the manager? Then what was his name? Oh, I’m tired.’

Oliver felt a throbbing headache because he hadn’t slept.

My head was hurting, and my body started to feel heavy, and thanks to that, I got up staggeringly.


When the blonde wizard saw the fallen bald wizard, he flashed his emotions of anger and ran quickly.

By maximizing the horsepower output.

“How dare a fake bastard tell us…!”

The blonde wizard left the bald wizard behind and ran straight to Oliver.

The amount of mana was so high that it came out of his body.

He swung his magic spear across the steel pillar and threw it at Oliver.

A heavy sound that cuts through the wind.

Oliver re-armed himself in a black suit.

This time, without sparing, it consumes quite a lot of emotions, so that it is fivefold.

His entire body was covered in black, and black smoke was spewing out in the middle.

Oliver swung his quarterstaff in that state and bounced back a steel pole that was flying towards his opponent.

Steel pillars flying back with a loud roar.


The blonde wizard cut the pole again, narrowing the distance towards Oliver.


Along with the cry of the blonde wizard, I could see the magic that secretly enveloped the surroundings.

It was too late for Oliver to sense the magical power for a moment as if he had been given a special spell.

And that wasn’t the end.


At the same time as the magic was activated, it sucked in moisture from the air, causing everything around to freeze.

Floors, ceilings, walls and Oliver.

Although not completely, ice cubes were attached to various parts of Oliver’s body, continuously consuming the life force of the Black Suit.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Not fatal, but annoying.

He kept dropping his stamina and freezing his body with the cold, limiting his actions.

There were other times.


The blonde wizard approached Oliver at once and swung his spear.

Without trying to remove the ice, Oliver avoided the spear.

In the meantime, the ice cubes attached to his body grew bigger and bigger and became a lump.

Looking back, it seemed that he was not simply consuming his life force, but was sucking in some of his life force with his magical powers to grow more ice.

‘Is this method similar to black magic?’

“Where are you selling your mind!”

The blonde wizard shouted and swung his spear from left to right.

Thanks to the condensed magical power, the black suit was torn, leaving a horizontal scar on Oliver’s chest.


hot pain. Red blood dripping on the floor drop by drop.

The blonde wizard turned and kicked Oliver’s chest with the beast’s leg.

A loud bang rang out and Oliver flew off and hit the wall again.

Today was a very hard day, and maybe that’s why my head hurt more and more.

Tired. Tired. Tired.


As he sighed from exhaustion, ice crystals all over the place covered Oliver’s body like mold.

The cold air ran through his body, pierced his skin, penetrated his flesh, and reached his bones.

“Now I see a response.”


The blonde wizard turned a spear made of magical power into a double sword and inserted one into Oliver’s thigh.

“Okay penetration. Remove Motivation. End of capture… How’s the mark?”

“uh·····. are you okay. You can treat it right away.”

As the detective wizard spoke, the blonde wizard sighed in relief.

truth, not pretense. They seemed to really care for each other.

After checking, the blonde wizard looked at Oliver with irritation, anger, and anticipation of revenge.

“Hey, Mr. Are you a funny guy?”

“Do you know me?”

“Kukkuk…. Do we look stupid? Maybe I can’t recognize people as much as I wear a leather mask.”

Oliver was silent, thinking he was too easy. With him, the window frost on the wall began to cover Oliver’s body.

A black suit that is getting thinner and thinner.

The blonde wizard laughed.

“hahaha. He said he’s missing a screw, but it’s true. Even in the midst of this, his expression is calm… fun. Very fun.”

“I can’t change my facial expressions very well. Even if I practiced, I couldn’t do it well.”


“Yes····. And first of all, I apologize. If you are offended by making a fuss.”

The blonde wizard’s expression grew worse and worse.

He wanted Oliver to be afraid or to disassemble, but he was angry when he didn’t.

He showed malice.

“turmoil? don’t worry. ‘Cause I’m rather happy Honestly, do you know how worried I was that you wouldn’t come? I’m glad you came. It wasn’t a waste of money to pay an old sow a lot of money to buy a rat.”

Tired. Tired…. Cant’s words flashed through Oliver’s mind.

He might have taken Rothburn to lure Oliver in.

I guess that was probably true. Ahhh····. I fell asleep. I was so tired that the headache got worse and worse.

“Hey, let’s do that and pass out. First, we need to treat Mark first.”

“Wait a minute. This bastard’s unlucky poker face is shaking little by little… why? Do you feel any remorse that a rat was kidnapped because of you? Warlock subject?”

“no····. I’m just embarrassed to break my promise.”

“promise? Are you slowly losing your mind because of the cold? hey, get rid of this I’m going to freeze to death.”

“Then let me pass out. It’s a rare case of that bastard, so if you say oh, your magic will be sucked up.”

“What are you worried about? Are you covered in ice and not strong enough to lift your fingers?”

“By any chance, what happened to Rothburn?”

Oliver asked in a low voice. In a low voice like a person who is frozen to death from the cold.

The blonde wizard looks at Oliver like he’s not! ‘ he replied with a small smile.

“don’t worry. I’m still fine…. ok let’s do this After thoroughly testing you, I will extract your trait factors and plant them on that little boy. Aren’t you lonely? Even though it will be excruciatingly painful.”

It was a mockery, but Oliver took the point in another part.

“It’s still okay…. Not yet····. thank you.”


Oliver did not answer the blonde wizard’s question. Instead, he said something else.

[Impre War]

With those words, the black suit that remained faintly on Oliver’s body broke the ice and attacked the blonde wizard in front of him as if making a last effort.

like a lump of mud.

Although the amount was small, the blonde wizard panicked at the sudden approach of a mass of emotions and thrust the magic sword deep into Oliver’s thigh.

Intense pain running up the thigh.

Oliver held it tight and opened his upper body, released from the ice restraints, and pulled out the test tube.

[Impre War]

The second Imprision was emotional enough to completely swallow the blonde wizard.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Not only that, but he could also force the mass to miss the knife lodged in Oliver’s thigh.

“ね-! this······!”

Oliver grasped the magic sword embedded in his thigh and felt the magic of composing magic. Then, roughly in the opposite direction, he took ownership as it was.

“What, what?”

The wizard caught holding the bald head jumped up in surprise.

Oliver poured the magic he had just taken control of into the ice everywhere.


With those words, part of the control of the ice passed to Oliver, and the frost on all sides struck his master and his bald comrades.


“Turn it off…”

Oliver quickly tied his wounded leg with a handkerchief.

In this state, even if they were to be defeated, it would not be easy to take Rothburn.

My head hurt again. body is cold too. I had stomach ache.

By the way, it had been over a full day since I ate.

‘····No, half a day?’

Suddenly, I remembered what the old man at the bookstore had said.

If you don’t get enough sleep, your cognitive and memory abilities will decrease.

I fell asleep. Why the hell did you come here…?

Anyway, I needed something to supplement my stamina.

“Replenish stamina…….”

At that moment, Oliver saw the blonde wizard wrestling with Inprejon.

His overflowing magic and vitality.

The book said it was impossible, but Oliver tried without knowing whether his head was spinning or not.

“… well.”

Oliver takes a deep breath.

With that breath, the life force of the blonde wizard entered Oliver’s mouth.

With him, the blood stopped, the wounds healed, and the temperature lowered by the ice gradually recovered.

“Oh, that’s better.”

Genius Warlock

Genius Warlock

천재 흑마법사
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Genius Warlock mtl The tale of Oliver. An orphan boy from a Mine, in 19th century Europe, filled with Magic.


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not work with dark mode