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Genius Warlock Chapter 118

118. Edith (3)


Edith, wearing only running and panties, leaned back on the chair and asked.

“Well····. I didn’t know you could eat like this.”

Oliver replied as he entered the room and saw the staff laying out all sorts of unknown food on white tablecloths.

The table was full of food I had never seen before. It looked pretty expensive.

“I understand. I didn’t even know this world existed when I was your age.”

Edith pulled out her wallet naturally and took out a thick bundle of bills.

The employee took the bundle of money and left without a sound.

Edith immediately picked up the bowl of cream and chocolate and began to eat it with a spoon.

It was truly a bizarre sight.

At first glance, it seemed like an outrageous act, but somehow it fits perfectly and feels natural.

Oliver also ate with him.

Edith, who was eating cream, looked at Oliver and said at once.


“…what did I do wrong?”

“mistake? no····. Rather, there is no mistake. knife and fork. Did you learn meal etiquette separately?”

“no. It’s just an imitation of what the master used to eat in the past.”

“It’s amazing. To use this shitty tableware, I paid a lot of money and even got tutoring, but I’m just a street fixer who lives on the price of human meat and blood. It’s something I’ve felt since ancient times, but it seems like God is a filthy unfair person.”

It’s unfair… It was quite arbitrary for what the rich man of this city was saying.

An average person would be unable to hide his displeasure no matter how patient he was, but Oliver just listened calmly.

Because he knows and acknowledges that he is a solver who lives on the price of human meat and blood.

So I didn’t get angry or upset.

Rather, it was Edith’s side who frowned.

Even after provoking so much, he didn’t even budge.

He led conversations and negotiations by provoking people and pulling them out of the bottom.

Conversely, it was also said that people who can’t see the bottom can’t figure out how to deal with them.

It’s like talking to a doll rather than a person.

So Edith took a different approach.

“…what do you want to ask? If it’s a question to ask after giving up 200 million Randa, it seems like a pretty important question.”

“Can I ask first?”

“Of course, let’s talk comfortably. It’s like a game. truth game. I used to play a lot of games like this with girls back in the day. I’m excited.”

“Then, without being kind, I would like to ask first. Can you tell me about Mr. Duncan?”

Oliver asked, recalling the beautiful light he had kept in his arms.

If there was any helpful information, I had to gather it.



“her····. Why are you curious about that?”

Oliver shook his head to think of a plausible reason.

“····I don’t really know, but Miss Jane seems to have a lot of trust in Mr. Duncan. Duncan seems to like Miss Jane, too.”

“Well, I told you to take care of it, so there must have been time to get to know each other.”

“By the way, such a person is trying to kill the young lady……. I wonder what the reason is. It seemed like there was something I wanted to do.”

He knew Duncan wanted to build something like a Pinkman office and become a powerhouse, but Oliver pretended he didn’t know and asked if he could hear any additional information.

Fortunately, this was not a bad idea.

“I want to get revenge.”


“okay. to the wizards. Did you know that Duncan came from a wizarding family?”

“no. All I know is that it’s just magic hypertrophy.”

“Magic Hypertrophy. Literally, he has so much magical power that he can’t use magic. Because of that, he was kicked out of his house as well as his matopian department.”

“Are you Duncan?”

“okay. Competition is fierce on the floor there, so if you think it’s defective, you throw it away. Since most wizards are psychopaths who are obsessed with eugenics… Oh, wait.”

Edith ripped off a large turkey leg, dipped it in cream, and devoured it.

“It’s delicious…. Still, Duncan was a tough guy, so he didn’t despair there and tried to get revenge by seizing power in another way. I started working as a problem solver, then joined Pink Man and eventually learned the know-how and became independent.”

“Is there any reason to be independent?”

Oliver asked, genuinely curious. If you were a Pinkman executive, I think he would be big enough.

However, Edith vehemently denied this.

“Of course it is. A solver, a Pink Man, or an employee of the month, in the end, a minion who basically takes a small amount of money and takes care of other people’s work. Not much different from slaves 3000 years ago. If you want to be big enough to take revenge on the wizard, you have to run your own business.”


Oliver was silent. It didn’t sound like Edith was just saying it was bad.

There was obviously malice in his words, but at the same time there was also a clear conviction.

It was pretty interesting.

“…But why were you working for Edith-sama?”

“Because it failed. I watched and picked it up… This is interesting. If you succeed in business, you can break free from slavery and become your true master, but if you fail, you become an untouchable that is no better than a paycheck slave. That’s why most people call themselves slaves. ‘Cause I’m scared Thanks to this, society runs efficiently. Is it fun?”

“Yeah, that’s interesting……. It’s amazing again.”


“Mr Duncan. He looked pretty good.”

“Killing people well and management are two completely different fields. Pink Man also interfered… It’s natural. Would you leave a guy who wants to become independent by secretly stealing his own know-how? Then you are sick.”

I couldn’t agree, but I nodded.

Anyway, it was pretty interesting.

It’s not as good as beautiful light, demons, and black magic, but the story of this world was also interesting.

what to say Would it be said that the interaction of several people causes various phenomena?

“Now it’s my turn. Why are you looking for books about the devil? I think that’s why I took this job in the first place, but I’m curious as to why.”

“May I ask why you are curious about me?”

“It’s a stupid question. Dozens of regular Pinkman members alone, two talented solvers. Of course I’m curious that the warlock who even killed Duncan covets books about demons… For what purpose? Are you a pervert who wants to destroy the world?”

It’s purpose…

“Because I just want to meet you.”

“You want to meet the devil? just?”

“Yeah, is that weird?”

“Well·····. He tries to destroy the human world, and every time he appears, a small town as well as a huge city. Is it weird to just try to meet a demon who, at worst, ruins the world? Of course, it’s not strange.”

“Sorry, were you sarcastic?”

“Of course it’s crazy! What did you check?”

“Oh, thank you. I’m confused. But I am serious.”

“Why do you want to meet the devil? Would you like to make a wish?”

“A wish? Do I have to have something like that?”

“Usually it is. make me rich let her love me please heal me please make me young Let me live longer… no, forever. same thing Otherwise, why would you want to meet such a dangerous demon?”

exactly····. For that, Joseph dedicated his disciple Andrew to the devil, and eventually tried to kill Oliver as well.

Then, suddenly, a question arose.

“Has Edith-sama ever been like that?”


“You have the devil’s book…. What wish do you have?”

“····no. It just happened by chance for business.”

Edith lied. The necklace hung around his neck with him exuded some magical power.

It seemed to have some sort of sabotage effect that prevented him from seeing emotions, but to no avail for Oliver.

I was going to ask about this, but I gave up. Because this state was fun enough.

So the conversation continued.

“…a business?”

“There are some geeks like me who collect these things just because they want to show off or collect. I just got it because I like to approach them as a hobby in order to have natural contact with them.”

That statement itself was true. And it was interesting.

To collect books about demons because of a desire to collect rather than just knowledge. It was amazing.

“Of course, there may be humans who are really obsessed with it, but I have no way of knowing that… So, do you really want to meet the devil for no purpose?”

“It’s not that there aren’t many.”

“under! Also. what?”

“I’ll look into it for now, but if I can’t figure it out, there’s one thing I’d like to ask you later.”

“What do you want to ask? What?”

“It’s about beautiful light.”

Edith frowned.

“What is beautiful?”

“It’s a beautiful light. Sometimes there are people who emit that kind of light. It’s also one of the reasons I came out into the world.”

Oliver said quite frankly.

“I’ll turn… There are a lot of crazy people among the Warlocks. I didn’t know there were crazy people like this.”

“Is it weird?”

“Damn it… Yeah, let’s hear it first. What specifically is that beautiful light?”

At Edith’s question, Oliver took the test tube out of his arms.

A test tube with Duncan’s beautiful light.

Outwardly, there was no difference from ordinary objects, but Oliver could feel the subtle beauty.

Unfortunately, Edith didn’t seem to feel it.

He looked at the contents of the test tube and soon lost interest and returned it to Oliver.

“I don’t know what is beautiful. Don’t be silly and ask more realistic questions. What is your name? That’s my real name.”

“This is Oliver. How did you know?”

“Among the people working on this floor, how many people actually use their real names? However, you are more docile than I thought.”

“Because you promised?”

“Oh, is it a caution to keep promises?”

Edith shrugged her shoulders and spoke sarcastically. Oliver replied calmly.

“Well, it’s not that grand. I kept it because I had to protect it.”

“her-! Be honest. Then another question. Did you really only live in the basement?”

“Half. Up until a year ago, I lived in a mine. Afterwards, Master picked it up, so I learned black magic.”

“… I didn’t hear it wrong now, did I? You’ve only been learning black magic for a year? No. Excluding the period of working as a solver, is it about half a year?”

Oliver affirmed silently. It was actually shorter than that, but I didn’t feel the need to explain it.

Edith once lied. This seemed to be ok.

“Where did you learn it?”

“It’s wine ham. Do you know?”

“It’s about being one of the small towns with little to see being eaten by Randa. It is said that one of the mainstays of the place is making a large-scale investment in the city… Wine ham?”


“Well, another question. Why did you come here?”

“The reason I came to Landa was to greet Master.”

“Something isn’t right? Is your master here?”

“It’s actually a corpse. You are in Area X.”

“Sorry. Who killed him?”

“I am. You were trying to kill me.”

Edith looked surprised and was silent for a moment.

“·······Right. Your master tried to kill you and killed you. I’m sorry. I must have felt betrayed.”

“Not much. He must have a case too. I understand. Of course, he will understand me.”

“Is that so? ·····The solver job, then who recommended it? I wonder what the fuck.”

“I did the solution because the person who helped me recommended it. In fact, I think it’s fine.”


“Yes, among the jobs I can do, the income is good, and I think it’s suitable to find a black market.”

“Black market? Ahh····. It is better to go through the black market to find those materials.”


Olivo let out a low voice as if he had suddenly realized a mistake.

“It’s a surprise····. what?”

“I made one mistake.”

“It’s a mistake.”

“I had something to ask Nina-san. I forgot.”


“I’m Nina-san of the Horse Guns, and she’s a fixer from Pink Man who was hired to protect the young lady.”

“I know who you are. The bastard I ate with Duncan.”

“Five····. Did you know? I thought you weren’t interested.”

Edith was speechless for a moment. It was like an unintentional blow to the point.

“…you’re talking weird shit. I’ve seen Duncan from behind, so of course I know.”

“ah····. is that so?”


Edith lied again, but this time it passed. It was more fun to just leave it as it is.

“What are you asking anyway?”

“It’s no different. I was going to ask where he bought his blooming pilgaret. But somehow, I missed the right time to ask and killed him.”

At first glance, it sounds very creepy, but Edith asked with a smile.

“Why Pilgaret? You don’t look like a drug addict, do you?”

“There is something I want to know.”

“I want to find out. I’m curious what it is, but for now, let’s put it off for later pleasure… Suddenly, I make a suggestion.”

“Are you suggesting?”

“okay. How about coming under me?”


“You killed Duncan, so there’s a place for me. how is it? I think it’s right for the one who killed it to take over. I will treat you as you ask me to.”

Oliver was slightly surprised by the unexpected offer. However, that was just that.

“Well···. Thank you for your words, but I have no intention of getting a job anywhere or under anyone.”

“Oh, I don’t like s*x, is this?”

“no. I don’t mean that, I just don’t really want to belong anywhere.”

Edith tightened his eyes and glared at Oliver sharply.

There was no special power, but nonetheless, his eyes had the energy to see through the opponent.

“What is the reason? If you come under me, even if your income is second to none, would you be able to easily access the black market you are looking for?”

It was definitely the right story. The reason why I became a solver in the first place was to use the black market by building connections with big players.

However, it was not a form of employment.

“…you are right, but I still hate it. Wherever I belong, I have to spend a lot of time there, and I think I have to do things I don’t want to do. I hate that.”

“Ho-oh…. Interesting. A master rather than a slave?”

“Yes? no. It’s not that grandiose-“

“Ah, okay. Don’t be shy. I don’t like that. Deception is absolutely fucking stupid.”

Edith just cut it off. His voice and his emotions were so serious that there was no room for further investigation.

increased tension. Edith said limp again.

“····anyway. If that’s your intention, then I wouldn’t recommend it any more. I hate hanging on to anyone.”

“Thank you for your understanding.”

“But you have to be careful.”


“This city is as dangerous as it is rich. From what I’ve heard, you seem to be a rare case that can even extract magic power, so be careful. People who are passionate about research like people like you.”

“If you like research, who are you talking about specifically?”

“Well? let’s think about it People with no imagination are dying. In particular, you will need more of it. A lonely wolf who does not belong to a group is likely to be a target regardless of the size of its power.”

Edith’s words were sincere. He was giving sincere advice.

“Thanks for the advice. You are kind.”

“under. under. under. ···· Are you kind? I?”

“Yes, you respect my opinion and give me advice. ····They also served food. You are kind.”

“······You are trying to confuse whether you are an idiot or a madman.”

“Is that so? By the way, may I ask you a question this time?”

“Oh, yes. try. what? What are you curious about?”

“What do you think of Miss Jane?”

Oliver asked.

A completely different question from the flow of conversation so far.

Edith didn’t like it.

“Of course my fucking illegitimate son-”

“- Edith. You must not lie about this. Did you promise to answer honestly?”

Oliver cut Edith’s horse for the first time.

Edith flinched as if stabbed by a knife, and his expression hardened quickly.

“Why are you asking such a question?”

“Well·····. I’m just curious.”

“Cibril. I’m curious about everything.”

“Oh, if you don’t want to answer, you don’t have to.”

“hahaha····. Are you kidding me now?”

“sorry. Don’t get me wrong. If you don’t want to answer right away, you don’t have to. It’s good to have these kinds of answers spontaneously.”

Edith was displeased, but welcomed it at the same time.

Regarding Jane, he was sensitive.

“… I feel like I owe this somehow. I feel like I lost.”

“It’s not like that, so it’s okay.”

“I’m not okay. It’s been a long time since this has been like this, so it’s a lot of fun… All right, I’ll pay you something else.”

“Something else?”

“Yeah, I know a few black markets. Including places that handle medicines. let me know there guarantee your identity. So stop playing this fucking game at this point.”

“ah····. thank you.”

Genius Warlock

Genius Warlock

천재 흑마법사
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Genius Warlock mtl The tale of Oliver. An orphan boy from a Mine, in 19th century Europe, filled with Magic.


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not work with dark mode