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Genius Is Taught by Geniuses Chapter 87

087 – Teho (2)

Teho doubted his ears.

“The graves of giants? Are you talking about the cemetery of the giant warriors?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

The giants gather the remains of the warriors who died fighting on the battlefield at once for a temporary burial.

After the war is over, the temporarily buried corpses of giants are excavated, cremated, and bone powder is sprinkled on the ground.

So it was almost impossible to find the tombs of giants who were buried intact.

“Elder Teho knows the value of the tombs of giants.”

“I know. The weapons and tools used by the giants are all made of mithril or black iron alloy, and the bones of giants are no different than natural manastones. And the soil that covered the corpses of the giants is fertile, so any crop can grow.”

The physical structure of a giant and a human is not very different from the outside.

It’s all the same, except that it uses an auror on both arms, legs, and one head.

However, it grows from a minimum of 10m to a maximum of 15m in size, and the weight increases from 7t to 15t.

Considering a 1.8m tall human, the weight is close to 500kg to 800kg.

Still, the body silhouette is agile overall, and the bone structure is not much different from that of a human.

If such a giant had bones made up of the same calcium content as humans, his ankle bones would break as soon as he walked.

However, in the literature, it is written that the giants ran and fought fierce battles against the forces of the demon king of annihilation.

How is this possible?

That’s because the giant moves with his auror even when he moves one finger.

This means that the muscles and bones of the body are friendly to Aurors, and the legs and spine, which have to support the heavy weight, are almost as good as natural manastones.

“Then the Marquis of Baros and the Kingdom of Gillion wanted the land of the Suin Autonomous Region so much….”

“Yes. That’s right. The poaching of the beasts is the second reason, and he must have intended to occupy the land of the beasts and obtain the tombs of the giants.”

It was too strange for the Marquis of Baros to simply believe in the Kingdom of Gillion and oppose the Empire.

The Marquis of Baros is almost impossible to achieve economic independence without the support of the imperial state.

Even if it is called agricultural land, the land is barren, so the agriculture that can be built is limited, and the industry is not developed either.

At the most, it was about trading business with the Kingdom of Gillion, because the Marquis of Baros did not want to establish a kingdom that was economically dependent on the Kingdom of Gillion.

“There are natural manastones that can be used for 300 years, as well as the relics of giants, so it would be no problem to support a country the size of the Marquis of Baros.”

“There is also the effect of creating jobs, so the public sentiment must have turned to the Marquis of Baros.”


Teho tapped the calculator in his head.

The reason for going to Victory this time is because of the chimera laboratory problem, but the biggest reason was to end the poaching problem.

To be honest, from the standpoint of the Suin Autonomous Region, it is inevitably a disappointing position for the Empire.

As the Beasts lost Masarai’s bone needles, their power was weakened, and they lost the power to protect themselves, so they have no choice but to rely on the power of the Empire.

But when the tombs of giants came out, the story changed.

The Empire is developing rapidly, and the amount of Mana Stones used is increasing every year.

The manastone mines concentrated in the vicinity of Victory also dried up, and while they were looking for a new manastone producer, the ‘Tomb of Giants’ came out like fate.

This was no different than a diplomatic item that could be made on an equal footing with the Empire.

“Then what the Suin Autonomous Region wants is the right to develop the tombs of giants.”

“Yes. Further details will be negotiated in the Empire.”

“Where are the tombs of giants?”

“I’ve never heard of it exactly, but I’ve heard it is the Black Rock Mountains, about three days southwest of the border of the Marquis of Baros.”

“Come to think of it, there were a lot of poachers in the Black Rock Mountains to the west.”

Teho patted the table and fell into thought.

Teho is a beastman who has experienced many human experiences.

In Teho’s perception, humans were very greedy characters.

Rather than looking into the distant future, it was a race that was trying to somehow take advantage of the clear benefits in front of them.

In particular, the nobles and wealthy had a strong tendency not to lose a single one, so they were contemplating how much to give in this diplomatic relationship with the Empire.

But how could you just hand over useful information to the beasts like this?

This was something strange.

“By the way, can I just give you this advanced information? If I were in the imperial position, I would pay money to the beasts to buy the land where the graves of giants are, and pretend I didn’t know.”

Teho’s distrust of humans was almost ill.

Do you doubt and doubt even Tigris’ words that saved Rami and Raon?

It is the attitude that one should have as a representative of the Suin Autonomous Region, but expressing it out loud and just thinking about it is different.

‘It’s more like you’ve been hurt by humans rather than not believing what I’m saying.’

The attitude that he wanted to cross even a certain stone bridge was that of a merchant rather than a beast.

There was nothing more tiring and difficult than talking to someone who had the mindset of a merchant.

However, the amount and quality of information that Tigris knew was overwhelmingly greater than that of Teho.

“Is there something wrong with the tombs of giants?”

“Yes. That’s right. They say there is a sealing spell at the entrance to the tombs of giants.”

Because they have a mana-friendly body, it is possible to seal them with original magic, but they believed in magic even more.

No, to be honest, humans were unique.

There were many races in the history of the continent, but only humans and elves were the only races that used magic to create certain phenomena by weaving mana into a certain rule.

“We need an excellent shaman to unlock that seal. Just like Captain Teho.”

“Are there no good shaman among humans?”

“If you look for it in Fogwood, you’ll find it, but it won’t be easy to find. Spirits are the only magic handed down to humans, so I don’t know if I can solve the ancient magic used by the giants.”

Teho tilted his head.

“How did the Marquis Baros solve the spell if there were no good shaman among the humans?”

“According to Isaac, there seems to be a great shaman on the side of Gillion Kingdom. Therefore, it is said that the seal was temporarily lifted when exploring the tombs of giants. But, as you know, the relationship between the Kingdom of Gillion and the Empire is now irreversibly deteriorated, so it is impossible to ask for that shaman.”

“Because the Kingdom of Gillion conducted a chimera experiment on beasts.”

“Yes. you’re right.”

Only then did Teho logically understand that the Empire had unlocked the information on the tombs of the giants.

“The Empire is taking the Chimera Lab very seriously.”

“Because they did chimera experiments under the ecliptic. Aside from the dangers of the chimera experiment, this is a challenge for the imperial family.”

So far, the reason for wanting to establish diplomatic ties with the beasts has been explained logically well, but the reason he reached out to the beasts rather than the kingdom of Gillion was because the emperor was thinking about the kingdom of Gillion.

‘You’re human after all.’

It was then that Teho was somewhat relieved.

Humans or beasts do not always make decisions based on rational judgment alone.

Logic and reason are the means, and the setting and driving force of the goal we want to achieve comes from emotions.

It was one of the truths Teho learned while living in the human world for over 20 years.

“Are all questions answered now?”

“Yes. That’s right. I guess I wasn’t being too rude.”


Teho suddenly looked into Tigris’ eyes.

The eyes of Tigris were too emotional to be called the eyes of a knight who protects justice.

From the moment we met, Tigris smelled of bitter regret.

‘······Certainly different from other humans.’

Teho prides himself on knowing humans best of all the beasts living in the jungle.

Because Teho was one of the different species everywhere in the world.

When he was young, Teho hated being confined in the jungle, and wandered around the world developing a spell that could disguise himself as a human being who was the most useless to the beasts at the time.

Sometimes working as a mercenary and sometimes as an adventurer, mingling with humans, Teho experienced with both feet and two eyes how wide the world was.

If I could describe the life story of such an experience in one word, it would be as follows.

The world is beautiful, but humans are ugly.

In this era of peace where demon kings, witches, giants and dragons disappeared, mankind fought and extorted in search of something to hate rather than harmony.

So Tigris was a geek like Teho.

Unlike humans who seek only goals to fight, Tigris is proposing harmony over a common enemy.

The problem was that it was because of emotions, not beliefs or justice, but it was not strange considering that Teho also traveled with simple emotions.

‘I think it would be good to learn more about Tigris.’

Tigris is a human who has all the power to represent the Empire and have diplomatic talks with Teho with overwhelming force enough to kill the Marquis Baros.

If such a human being was swept away by certain emotions, it would be no different than a disaster.

After pouring all the tea into his mouth, Teho opened his mouth.

“Lord Tigris, would you like to see divination?”

Tigris tilted his head when he suddenly said that he would look at the fortunes.

“If you say divination, do you mean that you will look at my future?”

“It’s more like giving advice on what to watch out for than explaining the future in detail like the prophets do. If it is difficult to understand, you can think of it as just looking into the future.”

I am well aware of divination.

Read at noblemtl.com

Just as the psychic I met at Fogwood last year saw Lenny and said that it was ‘a statue to carry a ghost’, discussing the possibility of it happening in the future was the point.

As for what is different from the prophets who have seen the future in the land of mystery, the future they speak of is fixed because the prophets have really seen the future.

However, because divination is about discussing the possibility, depending on the choice of the other party who heard the fortune-telling, he could overcome the crisis or take advantage of the blessings that had come.

“Can you see why you’re asking me to do divination?”

“It’s just that I’m personally grateful to Sir Tigris. Because you saved Raon and Rami. And among the beasts, there are only so many shamans who can use magic to foretell the future. So it wouldn’t hurt to take a look.”

In Teho’s expression, doubt rather than gratitude was read.

Tigris could barely understand why Teho was trying to give him divination.

‘You’re trying to gauge me through dots.’

Teho would like to see what kind of person Tigris will become in the future.

To be honest, there was nothing wrong with receiving Tchrist because he had many questions about his own future.

Tigris nodded.

“It wouldn’t hurt to look at the dots.”


Teho pulled out a small lucky bag from his pocket.

It contained various seeds and small pieces of bone.

It was clear that the seemingly insignificant thing was a magic tool.

“There are three things I see. The present, the nearest future, and the distant future.”

Teho waved his hand once.

Then all the candles surrounding the restaurant went out.

It suddenly got dark, so the eyes went black for a moment, but Teho made a white flame without any prior preparation.

“There is one thing to note. It is not right to blindly believe in this point. Because, Lord Tigris, you are inferring the future by looking at your past and present.”

Tigris nodded because he was already rolling.


“Tricia, would you mind stepping back for a moment? The future doesn’t seem right because the place the light is going serves as a beacon that illuminates the future.”

Trisha walked away from the table without saying a word.

The flame’s strength wasn’t strong enough, so Trisha only went back a little, but it was engulfed in darkness and disappeared.

“As you may know, witchcraft innately requires a price. Usually, negative energy comes in return. Things like human pain or blood or life.”

Teho’s voice hums as if speaking in a cave.

The echo penetrated deep into Tigris’ internal organs, forcing Tigris’ heart to calm down.

Sorcery had begun.

Teho took a small marble out of his arms and picked it up.

The bead had the image of a tiger engraved on it.

“However, it is a little different when you have such a shamanic relic. The holy relic acts as the executor of the spell, paying the price for it. So you don’t have to worry about the cost of your magic.”

Teho asked a simple question.

“Before the divination, can you tell me the date of birth and place of birth of Sir Tigris?”

“April 8, 318 on the Lucet calendar, Stern, the capital of the Norbert Frontier.”

“All right.”

Teho started muttering a strange spell for a while, then threw the seeds and bone fragments in his hands on the table.

The seeds and bone fragments collided and scattered at will, forming strange shapes.

Teho opened his mouth.

“What do you see in these seeds and bones?”

Tigris responded immediately.

“There are large and small windows facing me.”

“How many?”

“It cannot be counted.”

Teho was momentarily speechless and then opened his mouth.

“You have a lot of enemies. Sir Tigris.”

there is bound to be a lot

Are there one or two who want to tear the Tigris to death?

Not only Rota and Arphem’s family, but also the high priests and paladins of the Gillion Kingdom and the Lux Church will be targeting Tigris.

“How do you feel?”

“It’s okay.”

“You are very arrogant.”

“Do my feelings matter too?”

“Because the divination depends on what Lord Tigris thinks of these enemies. It’s interesting anyway. It’s okay…”

Teho looked at the fortune teller for a moment and then opened his mouth.

“The spears here each extend towards the heart of Lord Tigris. But if you feel that nothing is wrong, you have a strong feeling that you want an attack to come.”

Tigris was slightly surprised by Teho’s point.

It was exactly what Tigris was aiming for.

Rather, Tigris was hoping that they would come in after the Tigris.

Then you will be able to kill all your family members without hurting the people around you.

“But you better be careful. Since you said there are countless, it means that Sir Tigris has never known you. I think it would be better to take proper protective measures.”

“Yes. All right.”

“Then let’s move on to the next point. This is the near future.”

As Teho reached out, the seeds and bones all fell into Teho’s hands.

“What do you mean by the near future?”

“It is relative. It could be tomorrow or it could be 10 years from now. But, Sir Tigris, the future of the matter you are most concerned about may be shown.”

Teho threw the seeds and bones again.

However, the bones and seeds began to roll around the table in a more complicated way than before.

Teho also expressed a slightly bewildered look as it was the first time this had happened.

However, his expression only changed and he did not open his mouth.

This was because the moment Teho opened his mouth, he could influence the magic.

The bones and seeds that started rolling for almost a minute eventually stopped.

“What do you see?”

“I see a man with both arms cut off.”

“Can you recognize who it is?”

Tigris nodded.

“yes. Morita D. Griff. He’s a man whose arm was cut off in a duel with me.”

Genius Is Taught by Geniuses

Genius Is Taught by Geniuses

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Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Genius Is Taught by Geniuses mtl He had a genius for swordsmanship, but he was arrogant. Another chance. I won’t be arrogant anymore. And I will go back to the past and teach young geniuses who had different orders. Because that’s how I don’t follow my mistake.


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not work with dark mode