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Gender Reversal Politics Chapter 3

3. Uncomfortable interest

The fact that Na Hye-ri was appointed as the chairman of the sponsorship did not mean that the future was open.

It was because after the election of the National Assembly member was confirmed, bills flew in from all directions.

I don’t know how many thousands of tickets I earned for you. If it wasn’t for me, you would have been cut out in vain in the document review. Even though I didn’t show it, I took care of you behind the scenes. It was like this.

Of course, if you owe money, you have to pay it back.

The problem was that even people who had never helped me would put a steel plate on their faces and attack them.

Even before my term of office began, I was just the elected person, but there were already people trying to ask for favors.

“Suho. Noona won’t talk long. Find one job.”

“You said older sister, right now?”

“Korea Technology Finance Corporation, or Korea Venture Investment. Even if you plug in one person, they won’t come out behind your back. I have a friendship that I have built up over the years, so please help me a little bit. It’s my nephew’s business.”

… Isn’t there a lady who suddenly claims to be her older sister and proudly demands that her nephew find a job?

“Me, Suho Lee? … I’m sorry, but I have unavoidable circumstances, so I don’t think I’ll be able to go to work after June. Oh, it doesn’t matter if you make it 5th grade instead of 4th grade instead. Good luck in the future!”

I’ve never offered to serve as an assistant, but suddenly, a person who puts her saliva on one of the secretary’s seats appeared.

What was even more funny was the fact that they weren’t even close friends.

No, maybe it’s because they’re not close to each other, so they might be asking for it openly. If it works after stabbing it, it’s a jackpot, and if you get rejected, it’s okay to just f*ck and curse.

‘… People like this aren’t a burden to me.’

What was difficult to deal with were those who approached by selling the family name.

Among them, my mother’s acquaintances, who are serving in the police force, were in trouble.

“Mr. Actually, I am a long-time friend of my mother. I once worked at the Seoul Metropolitan Government Office and Songpa-seo together.”

There was one lady who was a police officer who actively pursued her by mentioning her relationship with her mother.

His rank is sergeant major. She’s friends with my mom, but if you’re a police officer, it’s time to think hard about her promotion. At that time, her friend’s son had become a member of the National Assembly, so she must have visited.

However, after I declared that I would run for proportional representation, I hadn’t even talked to my mother for several months. Even after the election was confirmed, I did not receive a congratulatory phone call.

You might say that it’s only natural that you welcome your child now that he’s been successful, but… In fact, her mother was against her candidacy from the beginning. Not because he didn’t want to see his precious son suffer in a harsh world, but because it was an obstacle to his career.

You’re losing the election anyway, and if you run, you’ll get in the way of being promoted to superintendent of public order, so don’t run.

She started as a constable and if she rose to the rank of police officer, she would be satisfied, but her mother didn’t seem to be that satisfied.

Of course, that desire was the driving force and I was able to climb up to that position, but there is no reason for me to sacrifice.

So, ignoring her mother’s disapproval, she ran for office and was elected again. Although she was lucky, the value of her winning certificate did not change.

‘It’s surprising. I thought you wouldn’t even look at my face for a while.’

Did her mother change her mind when I was called the real member of parliament? Or does she have a different purpose?

Unfortunately, it seemed to be the latter.

“We met yesterday as well, and as expected, the love for children is special.”

“You mean my mother?”

“Yes! Sure. The fact that their children are active members of the National Assembly could actually be a hindrance to their success, but they didn’t seem to care at all. Of course, this is natural, but the police are an organization that is very sensitive to promotions, hahahaha.”

She could have said what a big deal she was when a mother brags about her child.

But she was not a normal office worker. Although she did not graduate from a college of engineering, she rather received a premium because she was a police officer. She gets along well with the veteran chiefs and section chiefs of front-line police departments.

‘If you give me room, I’ll get tired later.’

If she misbehaved, she might end up lobbying for the promotions of her mother’s subordinates.

Actually, even when she was young, she fell into a swamp because of her mother.

When she was playing golf, she thoughtlessly responded to the request, “A senior close to her mother asked me to watch her tee shot practice for 10 minutes.” She had a hard time, and she was called to the practice range several times right after the tournament.

After getting a bowl of dumpling soup at a shade house, we played a round of 4 hours.

Women who talk obscenely every time they make a successful putt.

The sagging feeling of deprivation that comes right after giving free golf lessons.

Even if you say I was too young at the time, it’s my fault if I get hit again now.

Rather, it was right to cut it resolutely.

“Mr. I hope for a smooth relationship in the future….”

“I will not aspire to the Public Administration and Security Commission overseeing the police.”

“Yes? What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“I have no intention of making an uncomfortable phone call to the National Police Agency at the end of the year. It may sound cold-hearted, but since I am a family member of the police, I think it’s right to be careful with your conduct. Even if you make one mistake, it will turn into a tale.”

“… hahahaha.”

“Don’t listen too hard. It’s because I’m over-cautious.”

“That… no. I understand.”

You could criticize me behind my back for not being mean, but it was much better than giving an excuse. If a rumor circulates, “That bastard accepts requests,” It will be recognized as a good restaurant in an instant.

It was a bit complicated when I thought that this kind of daily life would continue for the next four years.

To be honest, I could have predicted what the future would hold.

If you come to me with strange expectations, give me a request, and send me back with a nice word, then you will hold a grudge and damage my reputation. There will even be cases where the person who used to curse like that comes back and pretends to be friendly.

‘Is there anything special? It’s not like I didn’t know the floor was like this anyway.’

The fortunate thing was that I didn’t have much expectations from the political world.

A place where even politicians with an upright image do mean things behind the scenes, and even openly corrupt politicians sometimes do good things for a change of heart.

If you keep in mind that if you act naive, you will get straws stuck in your back, it was just a world where people live.

And it wasn’t just about being tired.

Actually, there was one piece of good news that made me smile just thinking about it.

The point was that even in the midst of suffering like this, the price of coins was steadily rising.


Only one week after the general election. The price of ‘Mana’ I had had increased by more than 20% in that short period of time.

It is pointless to look for reasons for coin fluctuations, but it seemed to be the effect of many favorable articles.

『Americans who became millionaires with coins made by Koreans… Kimchi Coin is leading the market』

『Korean Blockchain, led by a genius born in 1995, secures stability through sophisticated design』

『Stella-Mana, why is it in the limelight during the market regulator?』

It didn’t seem like they were just popping it up for nothing.

A coin issued by a young man who is still in his 20s has rapidly grown in weight and has become a major coin with a market cap of tens of trillions of won.

To be honest, I was excited. It is not only popular in Korea, but it is said that institutional investors in the US mainland are also flowing in, so it is inevitable.

Even if I thought it was a bit excessive, there was nothing wrong with it from my point of view. Even if you sell right now, you will be able to secure close to 500 million in cash.

500 Million won was a huge amount for me.

Politics used to cost a lot of money.

However, I wasn’t too worried about political funds because I was proportionate. If you don’t do nonsense, you can run the lawmaker’s office with a surplus.

It would be a lie if I said I wasn’t greedy to make a lot of money apart from political funds. But if you earned more than the right amount (I don’t know how much), you could get into trouble without committing any particular crime.

Actually, there were already signs.

[Is that mana or something that makes a lot of noise lately? Did you say 10500? You don’t have to worry about political funds in the future.]

[First-age success, middle-aged husband, poverty in old age. 3 Bad things in life! I hope that Lee Su-ho, who has a prosperous future, will not fall into arrogance and debauchery. I am so worried because there are many young people who are obsessed with data that has no substance.]

[Next week for the second birthday & We’re having a simple first birthday party, so come and have a meal~]

From noble mtl dot com

Even now, subtle nuances of talk were coming.

All the senders were related to the Peace Party in some way. High-ranking officials working in the company, former members of the National Assembly, and reporters who have been with the Peace Party for a long time.

It seemed that he had somehow figured out that I had fun with coins.

Of course you can have interest. In the midst of this, if there was anything suspicious, it was that I had never informed anyone around me that I had more than 10,000 mana. Even Hyeri Na never mentioned the specific number.

‘If I had to question it, I wrote down the information I had when applying for nomination.’

In the end, it meant that those who were now on the street had seen my nomination papers. Or the people who were in charge of the nomination screening were babbling.

A situation in which the Party should assume that it is generally known.

First line, proportion, youth. It was a relatively weak position among members of the National Assembly, but it was difficult to lose attention due to non-political issues.

Yes. Rather, let’s dispose of it at the right time and forget it cleanly.

It was an idea that came to my mind while looking at the chart that was still showing bullish bullishness. Money is good, but now was the time to focus on politics. If you spend the first half of your tenure in a careless way while only looking at the charts, you may regret it later.

And the point of comfortable ripeness arrived sooner than I thought.

Late that evening.

Suddenly, the price of mana began to skyrocket.

Gender Reversal Politics

Gender Reversal Politics

남녀역전 정치물
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Lee Soo-ho, member of the National Assembly. He wore a gold badge at a young age and succeeded in coin investment, but somehow his life doesn’t seem smooth.


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not work with dark mode