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Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness chapter 39

39 episodes

A hellish map of the people was unfolding, filled with screams everywhere.

Executioner Woo Wu Wan looked at the scene he had made with his beheadings on the floor. Whenever the scars engraved on his face wiggled, the villains standing around trembled.

One villain asked Wu Wu Wan carefully.

“There, Boss. What should I do next?”

“I am resting here today. Get everything you need at once. I’m going to Cheonan tomorrow.”

“All right.”

The villain whose expression brightened and left. Not long after, as the houses burned down, the executioner had other thoughts.

“The league is gone, but I don’t give up.”

From the time the League landed in Korea, the Executioner hoped to join. I wanted to leave this country that relentlessly stigmatizes the villain if something goes wrong because I can’t tie the Awoken. And in the world of leagues, where people are treated according to their skills, they wanted to acquire a stronger power.

He longed for the power to roam the world as he pleases, the power to slaughter the unsightly.

The executioner radiated life by touching the scars carved from his right forehead to his left cheek.


This scar was caused by the Berserker.

It was his purpose to kill him. When he said he would join the league, I was looking forward to a final decision, but on the contrary, he destroyed the league’s forces, and the union went overboard.

Now, to join the league, they had no choice but to go abroad. His plans to join the Korean league and gain strength have already been shattered.

From one to ten, Berserkers were of no help.

What moved the villain gangs was nothing more and nothing less.

The finale will be Cheonan, which has become a sea of fire. After that, he plans to quietly escape to China and join the league.

In the meantime, the villains who finished the loot returned with joy. They are all ephemerals that will soon die.

“Relax and then go.”

That was then.

“You’re rolling your skinny head again, you idiot.”


There was a middle-aged man approaching with a bayonet.

At first glance, it looks fine. He even made him look good. But the executioner’s expression hardened, who had seen the madness within.

It was Berserker.

“Who are you?”

“Shoot it out.”

After destroying and looting the villain response team, the villains became arrogant and aimed their guns at them.

Before that, Berserker moved.


When he threw the great sword in his hand, a terrifying force storm swept over the villains.

The villains within the storm range were torn to shreds without even screaming.

The villains who had gathered in that one number became contemplative.

“Hey, hey!”

“It’s a monster!”

“Who are you?”

The words of the executioner that followed ignited the fire.


“How are you, damn you?”

“Why are you here?”

“My master has something to do with your neck.”

“host? When did you join the league?”

The words of the owner made the executioner feel uncomfortable. Does that crazy guy who doesn’t know the world’s scary and runs wildly has an owner?

Berserker picked up the sword he had thrown and laughed.

“Do you think the league can become my master?”

“It’s still crazy. Today I am going to cut off your head and go to the league.”

“I wish there was a message to the liver. Cuckoo!”

* * *

Berserker and Executioner met once three years ago.

The executioner invaded Berserker’s shelter while raiding the hunting team. A confrontation began when the executioner killed the Hunters and even tried to kill the Berserker.

The result was a Berserker victory. The executioner suffered severe injuries to his face and managed to escape. Even Berserker, who was exhausted at the time, couldn’t keep up.

The disastrous defeat was like hell. After that, the executioner waited for the day of revenge for three years, focusing all of his life on getting stronger.

I heard that Berserker killed Kim Young-hwan. However, he was confident that he would even kill a superman who could not even show his inaction because he grew old.

I promised myself that I would rip Berserker to pieces if I saw it again, but the moment the sword met, it returned to reality.


“Yes, you boy.”

The level is not even comparable.

I mean, when did this happen? The executioner squeezed even the power of suckling, but even pushing it away was not enough.


The executioner’s beheadings, unable to withstand the heavy force transmitted from the sword, were thrown back and pushed back.

“Kill Berserker!”

The villains faltered at the executioner’s cry. He acted as if he would get rid of the liver and gallbladder when giving a profit, but his status plummeted as he was pushed by Berserker.

But when the executioner dies, they cannot be safe either. Even the villains who realized that fact did not sit still. Each of them raised their guns and opened fire.

Doo doo doo!

“It’s like acupressure massage!”

The moment Berserker’s greatsword cut through the atmosphere, a huge force was ejected in the form of a half moon. It halved every villain standing in the way. They did not stop there, and even the walls of the building where they were located were ground to dust.

Taken from https://noblemtl.com

More than ten villains died at one time. Berserker didn’t stop there and ran towards the shooting villains.


“Do, run away!”

Indiscriminate slaughter took place. The gun didn’t work. The villains within Berserker’s range were torn apart by the force of the great sword.


A certain villain threw a grenade, but even the scattered debris could not penetrate the thick force.

In the explosion, bullets were poured on the Berserker who came forward leisurely, but they all bounced off, and all the villains they touched died.

Beep profit!

Some crazy villain even fired RPG bullets, but what he saw wasn’t shredded debris, but a smiling figure.

“This one was pretty exciting.”

The return was death.

It doesn’t work with any weapon. How did you deal with such a monster? The villains have lost their will.

“Ugh! Whoa!”

“Hey, run away! It’s a monster!”

“help me! Sal… Kuk!”

Among the villains who were over fifty, none of them succeeded in escaping, less than ten.

Amid the thick smoke and corpses, the Berserker and the executioner faced each other.

“Now we can spend some private time just the two of us. Have you regained some stamina? Those who do not run away will be highly appreciated.”

“…who sent you?”

Rumors about Berserker were not exaggerated. On the contrary, there was a feeling of being reduced because the opponent was Kim Young-hwan. He is a superman who has reached level 8. can never win

Despair fell on the executioner’s face.

“My master is the one I gave my all to.”

“Who the hell is your master?”

“Keuk, I don’t know.”

Sparks flashed in the executioner’s eyes at Berserker.

“Aaah! Are you kidding me now!”

“The weak are often teased. And the weak is you. I am also being bullied by my master every time.”

“I have trained to kill you. But why is there such a difference?”

“It’s a common repertoire of people without talent. It’s no fun anymore.”

“I gave all my time to kill you!”

The howling executioner rushed in. Berserker’s eyes lit up with madness as he watched the guy rushing like a fire moth.

“You don’t know what’s really best. death also. Looking at the sky above the sky, even after struggling with all my heart, I can only say that I have exhausted my soul after being denied everything.”


“Crying is like a sissy. I am tired now.”

The moment the executioner swung his sword, a blue force blade formed behind Berserker.

It was a gift ‘Guillotine’ that was spread out by raking up the force scattered in the air.

The world called him an executioner because he enjoyed cutting his throat, but the reason was because he had a gift called guillotine that digs into holes.

It was a secret weapon that was not unfolded in the last confrontation and was hidden.

The moment the blade approached secretly was about to cut the back of his neck, a blue film appeared on the back of Berserker’s neck.

“It’s pretty ticklish.”

“you you! how······.”

“You have to die twice.”

The executioner’s resistance was meaningless in the face of the subsequent Berserker onslaught. The sword was broken, the left hand was severed, and the right arm flew away. Berserker, who was watching the guy who had lost his strength and sat down, blew his head off without a single loss.

It was the end of a large villain who roamed around Chungcheong-do and Jeollabuk-do as if it were his own territory.

“It’s a preparatory exercise. The price of oil is almost worth it.”

Berserker, who had been habitually trying to trample his head, stopped. You must bring this to Choi Jun-ho to complete the assigned task.

For a moment, I almost made a big mistake. He’s a guy who’s already been aiming for a lot of trouble. In such a situation, it was clear what would happen if he offered an excuse.

Suddenly, the madness that had filled both eyes disappeared without a trace, and cold sweat was dripping down.

“I almost forgot. I almost died.”

It took a while for Berserker to shake off the goosebumps that had grown all over his body. The cold sweat was damp, but he was relieved repeatedly saying that the coolness saved his life.

Then he took out his smartphone from his pocket and started taking pictures of the inside of the building.

* * *

The morning after telling Berserker to stop the executioner.

As I was about to leave for work, I was flooded with calls from Berserker.

Berserker – it’s over.

We caught Berserker-executioners, and we got villains.

Berserker-[Attach photo] [Attach photo] [Attach photo] [Attach photo] [Attach photo] [Attach photo] [Attach photo] [Attach photo] [Attach photo] [Attach photo]

Berserker – I’ll embalm the executioner’s head.

Berserker – tell me if you need it.

“Have you already dealt with it?”

When I asked them to stop the executioners, they just killed them all.

As soon as I got the call, I ran with all my power.

It was a speed that was unbelievable even with the naked eye, and it was a bigger achievement than expected.

It would be over without me having to move.

Once I got the news, I went to the director’s office.


“Good morning, what are you doing early in the morning? Cheonan was supposed to leave at 11 o’clock, right?

“Berserker caught the executioner.”

“yes? ok? What?”

Jung Joo-ho took a moment to buffer at my words.

It was the evening before that information about the executioner was delivered. It was late at night that we had a countermeasure meeting and delivered it to Berserker. And now, in the morning, the situation is over.

“Hey, that Berserker caught the executioner means he killed him?”

“He said he would cut off his hair and embalm it.”

“Did this really happen so quickly?”

The Berserker was moving fast. Even I was baffled.

“Once it has been resolved, I am sure.”

“It is, but…”


“It has already been reported above. If the executioner died, I think I should explain how it was handled.”

Annoyance appeared on Jung Joo-ho’s face. In the case of execution, other villain organizations were also involved, so I was planning to report it to the upper management and request reinforcements.

“Maybe Berserker’s identity will be revealed.”

“I think it’s going to show up 100%. Because there was no government organization moving, and the mogul called the Executioner died.”

I immediately remembered what the president had said. It should be assumed that you know it roughly, but I’m not sure how it will change when it turns out to be true.

First of all, it is unlikely that a bad reaction will come out when we see Jung Joo-ho’s reaction.

“Let’s meet Berserker first.”

“I? why?”

“If the Berserker is revealed, I have to manage it, but if I have to keep pace, wouldn’t the director be comfortable? Can I hand it over to the External Cooperation Bureau or the Daema Water Defense Front Bureau?”

“Of course not.”

“Then let’s go see you.”


When I said my words, Jung Joo-ho nodded with a shaky expression on his face.

* * *

To meet Berserker, Jung Joo-ho took Choi Jun-ho and three National Protection Agency Hunters to the inner house of the National Protection Agency outside Gwangmyeong.

No matter how much the world has changed, Berserkers are helping the country. The world is spinning strangely.

Even this unrealistic phenomenon became a reality when he saw a Berserker entering the house.

“This is Joo-Ho Jung, the head of the National Security Agency. Nice to meet you.”

“This is Berserker Lee Kwang-jin. It is an honor to meet the Director of the National Guard.”

First impressions were that he was a normal person. There was a gleaming gleam in his eyes, or a smile with a meaningful meaning, but it didn’t bother him too much.

“Thank you for arresting the executioner. I was taken care of.”


He nodded once and said nothing. If I had a bad feeling, I would have poured out something, but there is none. Are you really crazy?

As Berserker entered, he held out a box in his hand.

“This is the head of the executioner I have embalmed.”

When I opened it slightly, I saw the face of the executioner, Woo Joo-wan.

“···Has confirmed. Thank you again.”

“I just did what I was asked to do.”

It was consistent throughout the whole time, but it was more comfortable. What if Berserker is respectful? Then I would have been more suspicious.

the guy is crazy

So I came here thinking of a crazy person, but I was confused because I wasn’t a crazy person.

I couldn’t understand why this normal man was called Berserker.

“This case has revealed some of Berserker-sama’s cooperation with the country. Are you okay?”

“It happened because I was acting my own way, so it’s something I have to endure.”

What is this normal reaction? Aren’t we supposed to make a fuss saying we don’t usually understand?

Jung Joo-ho was engulfed in confusion.

The Berserker he knew was the craziest of all madmen.

But why does Berserker feel like a normal person?

Have you gone crazy? So the madman has a disease that seems normal.

Jung Joo-ho, who was confused, got the answer from a nearby place.

“Instead, I will no longer bother you in the three countries, including the National Guard.”

“That’s good news.”

“Shouldn’t we be more happy?”

“Kah ha ha! Good. Are you okay?”

Yes, Choi Jun-ho is that guy.

No. 1 credit for making his hair thinner and chief Choi Myeong-guk making it cheap.


“No, nothing.”

Looking at that guy, looking at the Berserker, I felt it had a mild taste.

Since capsaicin is poured every day, the ordinary spicy taste is inevitably mild.

‘I’m sorry for nothing.’

Jung Joo-ho apologized to himself for pointing out the craziest villain he knew as the Berserker.

* * *

Taken from https://noblemtl.com

Most of the hunters belonging to the Republic of Korea state are employed for the purpose of maintaining public order.

Taken from https://noblemtl.com

Most of them are defensive against attacks by monsters, including arresting villains, but there are also teams for hunting.

However, in terms of treatment, they could not keep up with the guilds, so the number was not large and the level was not high.

The government offered a number of benefits to have a good hunting team, but treatment was lagging behind in every way. As a result, there were very few hunting teams with reliable results.

The only advantage is that the first priority is given to securing a hunting ground.

However, there were many monsters and there were many hunting grounds.

“Level 7 Black Wyvern Appears! Say it again. The remains of a tier 7 Black Wyvern have appeared.”

The sudden burst of variables confuses the hunting team.

This is where the remains of Level 5 monsters appear, but the Remains Level 7 monsters, which should be located far away, have appeared.

“Why is the Black Wyvern here!”

“Captain, what are you going to do? There aren’t even a few hunting teams around.”

“I heard that the ecosystem is changing recently, but I didn’t expect it to be this much.”

In an urgent situation, the team leader made a careful decision.

If the surrounding guild hunting team was summoned and responded to, it could be annihilated.

“I advise the hunting team around us to retreat, and we will also retreat. And call the superman.”

“Yes? However, the current superman has not been tested for hunting.”

A young hunter from the same team said with a dissatisfied expression.

Although he was the youngest superman, he was a half superman who had not yet formed a hunting team.

They want to entrust their lives to him who hasn’t been properly verified.

However, the leader shook his head resolutely.

“Being level 8 at that age means you have talent. Even if you do not have hunting experience, you will be able to deal with the 7th level of harmfulness.”

“Anyway, I see.”

The young Hunter, who was about to refute once more, nodded.

“We contacted them right away, and we divided them into three groups and disturbed our gaze. Come on, move!”

Soon after, the invitation call was forwarded to the Blue House.

Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness

Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness

미친 빌런이 정신을 되찾음
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness mtl The return of a crazy, catastrophic villain


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not work with dark mode