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Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness chapter 325

325 episodes

It was also as expected. Dahyun Jeong, who went out of the city, hunted the remains of a level 7 monster by herself, and after that, a handsome guy who seemed to have been possessed by something followed.

Dahyun Jung saw me and greeted me with a smile.

“I’m back.”

“great job. How about a California monster?”

“It felt a little more outrageous. But once you get used to it, it will be easier to attack.”

“In a big place, strength becomes important.”

“Yes, I think so.”

Even monsters have regional characteristics, but it is said that American monsters are usually linear and show strength.

It’s not that hard to cook a strong idiot.

Dahyun Jeong was the most active in hunting in Korea. There is probably no monster that can withstand the fact that it can squeeze in a monster’s weakness and slash it with all its might.

“Your skills are there. Putting power first is ignorant, but it’s also the most reliable way.”

“It is.”

“Anyway, it was hard. And over there?”

I’ve heard of it already, but I said, glancing at Alex Simon.

It’s good looking, but it’s not to my taste. It seems more tangible than expected. Do women like that kind of face?

[According to my big data, this is the preferred face of women. And he knows how to change his expression to suit the environment. Look, I’m pretending to like you because I make eye contact with you.]

Well, if you saw it from the back alley, you would have written it by hand.

“It’s Alex Simon, Headbreaker.”

“They told me that I was a fan. He’s a famous actor here, but he’s also a really good actor.”


“… … .”

The intention was obvious, so Alex Simon turned his head and looked away. If I knew it, Dahyun Jung would know, but it’s a bit strange. don’t you notice?

[Is there a human in this world who is more ignorant than you?]

There are many things I want to refute as to whether I am ignorant, but if it is Jeong Da-hyun, it is quite possible.

Since your perspective on justice has changed, you have always been focused on hunting.

The guy next to him didn’t seem like that.

“So you are interested in hunting monsters?”

“I do a lot of activities, but I try not to lose my identity as an Awakened. Of course, there are many concerns about the direction of becoming stronger. The fact that the Black Princess has become stronger here is of interest to many Awoken.”

“That one too?”

“That’s right.”

Here, Black Princess was Jeong Da-hyun’s English nickname.

He seemed to have thought a lot about how to translate what was called Rachal-nyeo in Korean, but he didn’t seem to be able to say either Devil or Demon.

Dahyun Jeong was unfamiliar with it, but after hearing Rachalnyeo’s English translation, she made a compromise to be satisfied with the Black Princess.

By the way, Alex Simon, I don’t feel any sincerity in this guy’s words.

“Are you really interested?”

“… That’s right.”

The face isn’t like that at all. Since it was Jeong Da-hyun’s first hunt, I wondered if it wasn’t possible to show it properly.

[It’s not like that just by looking at it… … .]

No, then you just have to show the right thing.

“Then I think I should show you the right thing.”


“He said he was interested in getting stronger. If we do it our way, we can get really strong. In fact, there are several Awoken who became superhumans with this.”

Of course, talent plays a big part, but if you can endure it, you can become superhuman.

[As long as you live and endure it.]

“Then go.”

“Come on, wait… … !”

Alex Simon’s expression changed and he tried to stop him, but it was too late.

Eventually, he gave up and followed.

And hunting together for a few days.

Alex Simon, whose expression was dying day by day, ran away on the third day.

I haven’t even started properly yet.

It’s like a guy with no guts.

* * *

“They are quite talented.”

The face of the Phantom we met again became brighter. They said that Jung Da-hyun’s parents’ case worked out better than I thought.

There is no part to verify my skills, so the Phantom will take care of it and do it well.

“I don’t care anymore, so take care of yourself.”

“I will, and.”

The Phantom seemed to have something more to say, but he hesitated. As I was waiting for something, I carefully looked into my eyes and spoke out.

“It was not my will to attach Alex Simon to Jeong Da-hyun. It’s a move by one of the intelligence agencies to bring Dahyun Jung to the United States.”

“Are you flirting with Jeong Da-hyun?”

“I heard it was unlikely, but it was disastrous.”

It is said that the face of the intelligence agency, which said that if Alex Simon was mobilized, would be 100% successful.

So is that guy.

It’s a golden opportunity to become strong even if the handsome world fails, but you can’t seize it.

“You said you wanted to be strong, but you don’t have the guts.”

“You must have been quite shocked to see your hunting. The assigned mission has also completely failed.”

He said that the task he was given was to seduce Jeong Da-hyun, but he didn’t fall over at all.

Rather, it is said that he suffered trauma from the hunting method beyond his imagination.

Is it just that traumatic? Dahyun Jeong’s method is an innovative method that utilizes the habits of monsters to produce maximum results with minimum effort.

I was traumatized by seeing it on a board that wouldn’t be enough even if it was included as a textbook on how to hunt right away. He was a weak, weak guy with only a smudged appearance.

[Not everyone in the world is like you. You and that human woman are unique.]

well It’s just that our methods are not yet understood. I hope someday you will understand.

[I have a big dream.]

“You don’t have to be annoying.”

“Don’t let me care. Now, let me tell you about the league headquarters.”

The information I wanted started coming out of the Phantom. The league’s headquarters was originally set up separately after independence when under the control of a party, and it is said that it is unlikely that it will be used as the current headquarters.

If we had to classify it, it was at the level of a major base known as a base.

I looked at the Phantom silently.

“Didn’t you tell me you were going to tell me where you came from?”

“Because it is one of the most important places. And in fact, it is also the place where the three evils, including Argos, still gather.”

it’s a joke However, if it was a place where the core was, and if the core is gathered, there is room to argue that it is a stronghold.

No, in fact, it was strange to know the location of the stronghold called the Heavenly Fortress, rather than the shame of being deceived, to leave it alone.

“Why didn’t you fly when you knew the location?”

“Because it’s a fortress.”

The league’s base is said to be a natural fortress where the exchange fee is unreasonable even if the Awoken flock. Originally, this place was owned by the party, so I know how difficult it is to attack.

After all, isn’t that where the Awakened are?

Besides, that’s not what I want to know.

“Can’t we just launch a missile?”

“There are no hackers here.”

“I’ve heard of it.”

“He played a decisive role in keeping us out of the league.”

A hacker is a villain in the league’s 12 palaces, and he has a gift that can disable all electronic devices.

This made it impossible for the party and the United States to attack the league’s stronghold even though they knew it. This is because when a missile is launched, the hacker who hacked it directly hit the place where the missile was launched.

After taking a lot of damage from that, the party is suffering from not being able to hit the stronghold of the league, which has been exposed.

I heard it once before, but it was a pretty interesting gift.

I think I’d like to bring it.

“Hackers would be annoying.”

“If we just deal with him, we can hit several strong points in the league right away.”

It is said that the status of hackers in the league is that great, and it is said that it is the power that makes the party and the United States unable to move freely.

Right now, it is said that it is on the same level as Argos, surpassing Blackhounds and Hellmasters in terms of difficulty.

It looks like they’re using me to get rid of that power. It’s in line with my goal of eliminating the League, so I’ll pretend I can’t win and move on.

“It sounds like it might not be there, right?”

“It may not be. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s the most important base in the league. Maybe we can learn about leagues we don’t know about.”

The rest is up to me to figure it out.

It was a shameful statement, but it was more comfortable to say.

“Okay, then give me the information.”

“Let’s make it easy to see.”

Phantom readily accepted.

* * *

The data on the base of the league received from the Phantom only confirmed the location.

In it, it was written lengthy about how difficult it is to attack the fortress, and the strategic value and advantages of the fortress, but these were not things that would come to my ears.

I wanted two things.

One is to destroy the stronghold of the league.

The second is to catch hackers.

He coveted the gift of hacking to disable electronic equipment.

“But maybe there are no hackers.”

I wanted to attack with hackers in the league’s stronghold. So I thought I’d make the hackers stay in that base.

The next day after receiving information about the league’s headquarters, I went to see Herbert.

Washington was a long way from LA, but it didn’t take long to get there by high-speed flight.

Even though I had contacted them in advance and arrived, there was a riot when I showed up at the White House. Herbert, who was the party, came to the White House to greet me with a casual expression.

“Long time no see, Headbreaker. It’s still a speed of action beyond imagination.”

“It’s convenient to come here.”

“Come inside.”

Herbert greeted me politely. Heading to the Oval Office in the White House, I took a seat he recommended.

He brought down the coffee for me to drink and put down the Coke himself. Then he praised my high-speed flight.

“It’s a skill that MLB and NBA players would be thrilled to see.”

“If I had this ability, I would work as an Awakened.”

“Well, so is he. So it was no fun.”

Herbert smiled bitterly as he recalled the sports world that had begun to regress with the advent of the Awakened who showed physical abilities that surpassed humans.

Still, he said he was thankful that he was relieved of the pain.

“What pain?”

“The team I was cheering for was the last in ten thousand years.”

Herbert was said to have been a fan of the NBA team, the New York Knicks.

Isn’t a team in a big city usually a strong team?

I guess I haven’t been able to

“So what did you come here for?”

“I have a request.”

“If it is a request from the head breaker, a distinguished US guest, of course, we should listen to it in a forward-looking manner. Say anything.”

I didn’t feel burdened by the way he acted as if he would really listen to anything.

“I would like to spread the information that we are going to attack the league base.”

“… … .”

“It’s better if you act like you’re actually hitting a missile, not just words.”

“Wait, do you know what it is asking for now?”


Then I don’t know anything.

Herbert, who seemed to listen to everything, changed noticeably to a passive attitude.

Instead, the seriousness subsided. This is better.

“I would like to hear more.”

I explained my plan.

I accepted the party’s offer and decided to raid the league’s stronghold, but I wanted to take this opportunity to catch hackers as well.

However, the position of the hacker in the league was kept in strict secrecy. This is because some of the league’s bases exposed above the surface are being protected by the existence of hackers alone.

It was also difficult to hit the US or party informants because they did not know the location of the hacker.

It was said that it was okay to strike simultaneously, but a single failure soon becomes a painful mistake. What if a missile flies where the hacker is and hacks it and hits the city?

On that day, the political life of a politician comes to an end.

No politician, no matter how patriotic, can take such a risk.

“If you prepare in secret, you will get into the ears of the league.”

“Do you think they will be deceived?”

“Be deceived.”

“I want to know the reason.”

“The fact that I accepted the party’s proposal must have been passed on to the League. When the party regains its power, it’s obvious who will be the first to fly.”

That’s the US government.

“… … .”

Herbert frowned and nodded.

“Impatious politicians want to build a record. Citizens will be thrilled if we announce that we have blown up the league’s stronghold with a bold decision, isn’t it?”

“Not a bad offer. Not a bad offer.”

Herbert drank the Coke at once, feeling thirsty. I thought that the burping would come out of that, but with a nonchalant expression, I buried myself in the chair and let out a long sigh.

“ha! I’m really glad you don’t have much interest in politics.”

“I’m not going to be interested, so don’t worry.”

“Instead, please promise me one thing. If we blow up our stronghold and catch the hacker, can we take the ball to our government?”

“However much.”

I don’t care if it’s the party or the government, if you give me help, I can claim it as my own.

“We will cooperate.”

* * *

[Why do you want to have hacking so much?]

Yong-yong asked me as I left the White House.

You mean you haven’t been around for a long time?

“Are you asking because you really don’t know?”

[How much do I know if I know about humans? Are you also doing this for fear of being hit by a missile?]


Unbelievably, Yong-yong was asking because he really didn’t know.

It’s hard not to notice what you can notice with just a little thought.

I clicked my tongue.

“Hacking can disable all electronic devices.”


“Then if you have that, you can disable all CCTV and cameras.”

[CCTV? camera? Wait, you… … .]

Yong-yong’s eyes widened as if he had just noticed.

It’s just that you’re so slow

“The constraint of place disappears.”

For example:

One day I have someone to kill.

However, killing him all the time can be quite annoying.

If it was the old country, of course, they wouldn’t care. Of course, I still don’t really care.

But what if hacking can eliminate even that annoyance? After openly attacking in broad daylight where there are no witnesses, they destroy CCTVs, cameras, black boxes, and smartphones.

Then there will be a complete assassination.

Korea is a country with a very good presumption of innocence. Here I even have the privilege of non-arrest.

No one can call me the culprit without evidence even if I have a heart attack.

“Perfect assassination becomes possible in broad daylight.”

Just imagining it is thrilling.

[…] … .]

Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness

Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness

미친 빌런이 정신을 되찾음
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness mtl The return of a crazy, catastrophic villain


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not work with dark mode