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Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness chapter 124

124 episodes

It is called cheonggeoram.

It was my feelings when I saw Jung Da-hyun.

How can you refine my blunt ideas so sophisticatedly? If it were me, I would never have taken into account the habits of monsters and the behavior they have towards their families. In this way, I would have captured the entire family of monsters.

It’s a maternal instinct, and I just realized that it was a failure.

Clearly, Dahyun Jeong was a disciple with a taste for teaching.

If I had come across Dahyun Jung’s ideas early, I would have caught one escaped entity while hunting the Earth Dragon.

Taken from https://noblemtl.com

My mistake at the time was that I hatched the Hetzling too early. If it had maintained its more intact form, they would have thought it was alive and pulled out the rest.

Now that I think about it, it was not enough.

“I still have a long way to go.”

It was the moment when I realized that there was still a place I had to devote myself to. On the other hand, realizing this seems to be the beauty of teaching Dahyun Jung.

“there… … .”

Was it because of the harsh criticism on the first hunt? He seemed to be paying little attention to my next evaluation.

“Well done.”

“no. Rather, I learned a lot more.”

Although he showed humility with words, Jeong Da-hyun’s expression brightened.

“Anyway, I think it would be difficult to carry this with me.”

“Is that so?”

“Let’s get in touch.”

We called in the Huntsman’s Dept.

While waiting for them to arrive, I put together the information I got when dealing with monsters.

There was a unique connection in my head. It was similar but different to how the puppeteer linked the puppets. If the puppeteer was controlling the doll without will, in this case, it felt like a window of communication had been established.

One thing is clear, there is a high probability that Ryu Gwang-cheol was staying in the place where the link was connected.


Several large trucks began to come in in the distance.

After a while, when we arrived at the place, the disposal group looked at the monster we had hunted and gave a startled expression.

* * *

The president patted his chin and fell into thought. The story that Choi Jun-ho left after visiting the Blue House a while ago was quite a shock.

“What do you think about Choi Jun-ho’s story?”

“It makes sense.”

Chun Myeong-guk agreed with Choi Jun-ho.

“It’s far from systematic, but I don’t think there is anyone who can follow Choi Jun-ho’s superintuitive sense of the field. What he saw would be close to the truth.”

“Pyongyang is not far from the hunting point. If we detect any traces of Ryu Gwang-cheol’s gift, then what Ri Yu-cheol confessed would not be a lie.”

The story of Ryu Gwang-cheol’s entourage and the information that Choi Jun-ho obtained by rummaging through the brains of monsters had to be regarded as true.

Cheon Myeong-guk also agreed.

“I think it is true.”

“I think so too. By the way, isn’t the process of finding out the information funny? Are you teaching monster hunting like that these days?”

Cheon Myeong-guk immediately shook his head.

“Choi Jun-ho’s method is unique. No, it’s dangerous. I would have done it because I have full control over the situation, but if anyone else is going to do it, I will rip it off.”

“You could say it was level 7. naughty girl… No, Dahyun Jung is also amazing. You use your vacation to develop your hunting skills.”

“It is a talent that the world would have noticed if it wasn’t for Choi Jun-ho’s superman. She is now 24 years old, 22 years old.”

That said, Dahyun Jung’s existence was already known all over the world beyond Korea.

A faster pace of development than Shilo, who once took the nation by storm. And an Awoken with an upright conviction who chose justice over beautiful looks, wealth, and honor.

Dahyun Jeong has all the elements that people can go crazy about.

There were even rumors that a foreign guild was preparing a contract worth more than 1 billion dollars to take her.

The president smiled sweetly.

“It is rare to see an Awoken with such a sense of justice and enthusiasm. It’s a blessing to be part of the government. The only downside is that you don’t have a good relationship with your parents. Are you still bad?”


“In that part, we have no choice but to intervene at an appropriate level. If the war of nerves escalates, promising talents may lose their way or be leaked to other countries.”

There are many moths in the world who will jump into the fire pit in order to recruit talented people who may dare to dare to have Choi Jun-ho.

Chun Myeong-guk knew what the president meant.

“I will take action.”

“Don’t make me believe it.”

* * *

Investing doesn’t stop

It was a reaction to the north advance led by the current government.

Even those who were initially negative changed their attitude when it was rumored that Choi Jun-ho would come forward.

Shinsung Group took the lead here, followed by large guilds and conglomerates.

The fact that they moved the Republic of Korea was a story with a high probability of success.

In particular, the support of ordinary citizens, who were not awakened, was close to madness.

There is hope that if the government takes over the three plains of North Korea, which the government is targeting, it will be able to escape from the chronic housing shortage and food shortage.

The three plains were vast plains, and if they are cleared cleanly, it will lead to securing a safe place to live in addition to food production.

The threat of monsters is everywhere, but in modern times, the most dangerous place has become a mountain.

Korea, which already has many mountainous areas, succeeded in defending the necessary bases, but it is because of these mountainous areas that it failed to establish many safe zones from monsters.

“That is the power of the brand Junho Choi.”

“… … .”

As the person involved, I was calm, but Sejeong Jin had a triumphant expression as if it was her job.

Somehow I feel embarrassed

“I especially like the fact that they clearly expressed their intentions in the United States. We have expressed our intention to invest in the United States and Japan, and we have been criticized in China.”

China, which claims to be a direct stakeholder, has lashed out at North Korea, saying it is causing reckless sacrifices.

However, according to Cheon Myeong-guk, the compromise was discussed behind the scenes.

Since they can’t eat it right away, they are planning to set up a fish farm.

If that’s the case, give us something else to stop us.

Jin Se-jeong was unaware of that fact, but was looking at the situation relatively accurately.

“If only Choin shows off his cool side here! nice! It’s going to be a really cool picture.”

“It would be difficult to draw like that.”

“yes? why?”

“Because it will move quietly from behind, not from the front like a hero.”

“Oh, I see. That’s too bad. If Choin showed a heroic image, he would have been able to become a world star.”

“… … .”

I think it’s really fortunate that I didn’t become a world star.

As soon as I fell into disappointment, my recovery was quick.

Jin Se-jeong suddenly smiled broadly.

“So I am! I can decorate even this with the mysterious charm of Choin.”

“… Incredible.”

“You’re a talented woman who makes Choin propose a new contract!”

I can’t deny that you’re right.

The effects of Jin Se-jeong’s idol worldview and the work of named malicious commenters are so great that the criticism of me, which often appeared on TV, has decreased considerably, and the voice that I should be treated as a villain has disappeared altogether.

It is a great harvest just to make the element that made me worry about it disappear.

“Oh! And my malicious comments are being exported to foreign countries. In particular, the reaction in the United States is very hot! If you were in America, you might have been chased and shot by a hacker?”

You’re making crazy noises casually.

For some reason, I feel like there are no more normal people around me.

Dahyun Jung and Sehee Lee too.

“Anyway, don’t worry about making the image of Choin! I will do my best to help you become a plus.”

“… All right.”

I should thank Jin Se-jeong for doing her best, right?

I was a little confused as to why I had to confuse this.

“But what about moving quietly?”

“I will quietly return to my home base.”


“If anyone asks, keep it a secret.”

I’m thinking of deciding whether to go back and infiltrate after just spying.

First, I went to Kaesong.

* * *

“I don’t like having to come to a village like this.”

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Xian frowned at the desolate landscape that could not be seen as a trace of civilization.

I have visited this place three times, but nothing has changed as if time had stopped.

The subordinates around them also nodded their heads in agreement.

North Korea, which maintained the framework of the former state, was thoroughly destroyed by demons and returned to its primitive era.

Now it has become an uninhabited land where demons run rampant, resembling hell.

This is a land that China should one day occupy. But looking at the sights now, it was not a very coveted land.

“At a time like this, Zhang Zi-dong should be there.”

The death of Zhang Zidong, who was in charge of the three northeast provinces and a promising superman, was regrettable. If he had been less aggressive, he would have survived and helped out, but his disgust has ruined everything.

From here to the absurd death of Namgoonggi.

As a result, the party’s recent policy has changed to a hold on North Korea.

It was judged that there was no means to recover the North Korean region for the time being.

However, it cannot be given to Korea.

The party’s decision is to make as much delay as possible while reviewing whether or not to support Ryu Gwang-chul.

“There are monsters everywhere.”

At the same time, a subordinate’s cry was heard.

“Boss! It’s a monster!”

He looked embarrassed, but Wang Xian raised his hand and stopped it.

“Okay. This is the realm of ‘he’.”

At that declaration, the escorts withdrew. It wasn’t a number they could stop them from going anyway.

As Wang Xian said, the demons only watched from a distance and did not move. Each one seemed unusual.

Wang Xian accepted it as an armed demonstration by Ryu Gwang-cheol.

What a masterpiece for a subject that dominates a small town.

He didn’t like it very much, but he held back the instructions given by the party.

An old city close to ruins appeared in the eyes of Wang Xian and his party after driving for about an hour.

“This is… … .”

“They say it’s Shin-Pyongyang.”

It would not be strange to say that the ruins of a war had already occurred. It was dizzying as there were broken buildings and rubble everywhere.

But the more I went into the city, the cleaner it started to get. And when they reached the place they claimed to be the ‘Jin Seok Palace’, everyone burst into exclamation.

He was showing off his splendor alone to the extent that his existence itself felt unrealistic. It was hard to imagine how many people’s hard blood must have been squeezed out.

“Let everyone take care of their facial expressions.”

At Wang Xian’s order, the men took care of their facial expressions before getting out of the car.

After a while, when we arrived at the palace, a man in his 40s greeted us politely.

“Welcome, welcome to the President’s Palace in Pyongyang. Minister of Foreign Affairs.”

“I can’t see Comrade Ri Yu-cheol, who usually came to meet me.”

“… He is currently on an important mission. I will see you.”


Wang Xian nodded and the man who came to meet him took the lead.

The inside of the tin palace was even more different. Luxurious interiors, antiques, and artworks were displayed as if all the wealth of the city had been collected.

It seems to be true that the former administration robbed the secret warehouse.

Finally they arrived at the reception room decorated in red and gold. A handsome man in his early fifties who was sitting on a fancy chair got up and greeted Wang Xian.

“Five! Long time no see! Minister of Foreign Affairs. how have you been?”

He is Ryu Gwang-cheol. Wang Xian shook his hand and nodded his head with a trembling expression on the hand that patted his shoulder.

“It’s been a while, Liu.”

“Thank you for coming this far. Come on, sit down.”

Wang Xian, with a confused expression on his face, sat down. And Ryu Gwang-cheol, who sat at the top, crossed his legs and smiled.

“Yeah, what did you come here for?”

“… … .”

I was arrogant. Although he was ranked in the top 20 in the party, it was not the attitude of a single city-state ruler.

This means that you know that you are in urgent need now.

They didn’t like the current situation, but they spoke out because they were the ones who regretted it.

“I know that the south is preparing for a large-scale advance north.”

“Yes. What.”

Wang Xian sighed inwardly at his sullen attitude and continued his conversation.

“In my home country, I want President Ryu to keep South Korea in check.”

“Check it out, I’m taking a quest right now. This should go into pricing.”

Seeing Ryu Gwang-cheol smiling, Wang Xian sighed inwardly.

Although he calls himself a president, Ryu Gwang-cheol was a close-knit merchant.

It’s also not faithful.

So I didn’t want this to happen, but I was bitten badly.

However, it was the current situation in China that had to borrow the hands of such scammers.

“I don’t ask for much.”

Ryu Gwang-cheol’s demands for saying this were always excessive.

It was the same this time.

After haggling for hours, Wang Xian shook his head.

“Absolutely impossible.”

“Then the negotiations are broken.”

That was then.


A hugely muscular tiger with a body length of over 7 meters appeared and acted as if it were running towards Wang Xian.

“Hey, what is this!”

“Ah, that’s fine.”

Wang Xian, overwhelmed by the monster, trembled. This is a harmful level 8 monster that has nothing to see.

Looking at Wang Xian, who was terrified, Ryu Gwang-cheol smiled and stroked the monster’s head.

“I recently became a special friend. I named it saber-toothed tiger. Isn’t it wonderful?”

“Yeah, yeah… … .”

“You don’t have to be so scared. If it’s my ‘request’, you’re a gentle kid.”

Emphasizing the word “request” was quite intentional.

This was an obvious threat.

But there was nothing to stop it.

Wang Xian clenched his teeth, trembling with his hands and feet, trying to somehow hold out.

As if savoring the appearance, Ryu Gwang-cheol relaxed to the fullest.

“Of course, we are not making excessive demands on the returnees for free. Of course, there must be a present.”

“Come on, a present?”

“Anyway, I didn’t intend to ignore the actions of the southerners. So I sent a taster.”

Ryu Gwang-cheol revealed that the diplomatic corps sent to the South had lost contact.

Only then did Wang Xian realize why Li Yu-cheol did not come to meet him.

If you show indulgence in front of a head breaker… The result was obvious.

This guy is a madman that should never be dealt with.

Ryu Gwang-cheol’s main point was next.

“I have made a special ‘request’ to my friends. You can look at the results and give your answers.”

Ryu Gwang-cheol asked his friends, two demons, to step on their individuality.

* * *

When I arrived in Kaesong, I had no time to rest.

While I was figuring out whether to go north tomorrow, a loud alarm suddenly sounded, and a report began to be delivered to me.

This was the attack alarm of at least the 8th level of harmful monsters.

What matters is that there is not one.

The person in charge came running to me with contemplation.

“Two! Two plus-level monsters are attacking with their personalities.”

“Are you coming separately?”

“Yes! However, even though the two are quite close, there is no sign of a collision. This… … .”

It’s Ryu Gwang-cheol’s work.

It would be retaliation for smashing Lee Yoo-cheol and hunting lizards.

Without thinking for too long, I ordered the person in charge.

“Evacuate all citizens.”

If you don’t want to die, you’ll run away.

If you ignore the evacuation advisory, there is nothing next.

When I was a civil servant hunter, I said that I had to protect one citizen until the end, but that was bullshit.

I do not have the spirit to protect the citizens while dealing with monsters.

“Well, what about Superin?”

“Let’s buy some time.”

“Oh, I see!”

The person in charge who reported it hurriedly went out.

I was left alone in a space surrounded by emergency warning sounds.

I didn’t know the bundles of money would roll on my feet.

“… I couldn’t go because I was afraid of the crowd, but only the two of us?”

He described this situation like this:


Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness

Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness

미친 빌런이 정신을 되찾음
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness mtl The return of a crazy, catastrophic villain


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not work with dark mode