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Build a Human Empire by Creating Clans chapter 102

A second gunfire followed in the midst of stuttering in bewilderment.

pop! pop! pop!

The patrol boat crashed helplessly, followed by screams.

The new naval gun was a weapon that reduced the range but increased the killing power. In the case of the long gun barrel, the penetrating power increased along with the range, so there was a problem that the shell penetrated the hull and fell into the sea.

If the shells only penetrated, the killing power would not be high, so it was planned to reduce the range and penetrating power by using short barrels in reverse, but to make the cabin muddy.

“Sah, save me!”

“Cheuk! Kuck!”

The effect was clear. Coincidentally, the opponent was also appropriate.

It was an opponent who did not take any action because he did not even know the existence of the new naval gun of the expedition fleet. The enemy became a corpse while watching leisure such as taking a nap or enjoying tea time within a direct distance.

“Go up to the deck!”

“Combat posture! Battle posture!”

A call close to a scream followed.

There were about 200 sailors on each patrol boat, but less than a tenth of them reached the signboard. It was because the crew got on the deck before the sailors did.

The distance between the frigate and the patrol boat was only a few meters.

It’s nothing to jump over.

“Stop! Enemy pilotage… billion!”


After occupying the few decks, the family blocked the stairs.

Why go down the stairs and risk it?

Even if you’re still guarding the deck, the guns will take care of it.

Perbung! Perbung!

“This, what this…”

And the flagship of the patrol fleet watched it.

The moment the gunfire exploded and the battle began, the flagship realized something was wrong, unfolded the sails, and tried to assist. However, the battle was over in a matter of minutes.

The dwarf captain’s head was cracked like an egg by Rachel’s mace.


The captain of the flagship shouted when he saw it.

“Turn the bow!”


“Don’t come closer! retreat! retreat!”

He was a dwarf who was ridiculed as a dwarf, but he was a warrior no less than that.

But die in vain? The ship was captured?

It was obvious that he would meet the same end.

‘vampire? or human? Although he does not know his true identity, he is an enemy of the representative system. The enemy has come out to sea and is messing around with something. I have to inform the home country.’

As the flagship fled, it raised its signal.

The signal sign means retreat.

However, no ships responded.

it’s all captured


The captain gnashed his teeth.

Humiliation and anger boiled over.

“I don’t know what kind of trick they used, but it’s like this…”

“The enemy is pursuing!”

The captain looked back with a distorted face.

The flagship of the expedition fleet was chasing with its sails raised.

“At this rate, we will catch up!”

“Faster… faster! Keep your distance!”

The patrol boat was a large ship.

Considering the purpose of the patrol, it was too big.

The reason was simple. Because the representative system was issued.

Who would dare to touch the representative system? It was because he was arrogant.

Because it showed the prestige of the representative system and placed an order on the assumption that force should be projected, even though it was a patrol boat, it boasted a size comparable to that of a fairly modest combat ship.

“The enemy is leading the ship!”

“Oh, no···!”

As a result, pride tightened his neck.

Despite running at full power, the distance to the frigate gradually decreased.

The distance has narrowed from hundreds of meters to tens of meters, soon to several meters.

His subordinates ran that short distance and cut the captain’s throat.


“Your stomach has grown again.”

Fisher smiled at the captured vessel.

Three of the four patrol boats were hit several times by guns and had holes, but it was judged that there was no problem with navigation. No matter how hard you hit it, the shell is a round lump of iron.

It was not easy to sink a ship with guns unless there was an explosion. Even more so, patrol boats were close to battleships in terms of size.

“I will send it to Tishreddon for maintenance. With a little remodeling, it seems possible to attach naval guns.”

Fisher returned the expeditionary fleet, including the scavengers, to Tishreddon. If you stay anchored on the coast, you’ll only get noticed by the patrol fleet like now. I wasn’t going to come back right away after meeting Vlad.

Then I packed up my supplies and headed to Vlad.

There were no enemies on the way as the landing site was within the territory of Mycenae. However, contrary to expectations, the destination was not the imperial palace. Vlad was not in the imperial palace.

‘Did the imperial palace be occupied?’

Vlad was already at the edge of a corner. I was taking turns while moving my place of residence, and the place I visited looking for him was not too far from the front line.

【Lv. 87]

A lower level than when we met in Wallochia.


And the magical power covering Vlad.

It was a strange magic that I had never felt before.

I clicked my tongue inwardly because I knew the owner of magical power.

‘It’s almost eaten.’

Vlad’s haggard eyes met mine.

At that moment, magical energy shone in her eyes. It was two conflicting magical powers, and they collided repeatedly, rising and sinking like a shimmering flame.

Each of them is fighting over the dominion of the body.

Flinch, flinch, Vlad’s body trembled.

Soon, the owner of the body was determined for a while.

The owner was not Vlad.

“Long time no see, I can’t say.”

I looked at Tiamar with a wry smile.

Vampire Consulting (3)

‘no. It’s not Tiamar, to be precise.’

From noble mtl dot com

Tiamar is asleep in the kingdom.

Tiamar in front of her is her remnant.

The remnant is wearing Vlad’s mask.

‘The holy relic Vlad acquired is one of the weapons that Tiamar made with all his might. However, only a small portion of my soul was contained in her armor, and the rest was the soul of Akakosk, the evil god she swallowed.’

The dragon may rule, but it is not dominated.

It also applies to the evil spirit that corrupted her.

He deceived her and reversed the spirits of the evil spirits that had become one.

‘Akakosk has paid the price for his pride. The price of conceit of being able to control a dragon. As punishment for the evil spirits, Tiamar used some of Akakosque’s soul when she needed to share her strength, such as making weapons or creating creatures.’

It was the holy relic that Vlad had obtained.

‘The soul has a will. As if the ring with Vlad’s soul whispered to me. The soul that Tiamar puts in the relic also radiates its own will and seduces the user. If you fall into temptation, your body will be taken away like Vlad now.’

This was the reason for saying that it was a remnant of Tiamar.

Tiamar’s soul contained in the relic was only a small fraction, unlike the soul contained in the pendant, it was not strong enough to break the seal of the Church.

The magic power emitted by the holy relic belonged to Akakosk, who occupied most of the soul.

Likewise, the will contained in the holy relic was good enough to be considered Akakosque in terms of proportions. Of course, even if it’s just a small part of it, Akakosque is a soul controlled by Tiamar, so it has Tiamar’s memories and thinks according to Tiamar’s will.

‘The reason why the will of the holy object became stronger is obvious. This is because the connection between Tiamar’s soul and body in the relic has become stronger than before.’

This proves what I was concerned about.

The seal is broken and Tiamar is waking up.


The pendant trembled.

When was the last time the pendant shook?

When he faced Tiamar’s magical power in Germania.

Other than that time, the pendant had never trembled.

‘Souls are reacting to each other.’

At least a small part of Tiamar’s soul resided in the holy relic.

The soul in the pendant and the magnet attract each other like magnets.


Vlad raised an eyebrow.

I looked down my neck for the pendant.

He must be feeling the reaction of the soul too.

Even if you don’t feel it, you will know.

It must have absorbed Vlad’s memories.

“Stay away.”

Vlad beckoned, and the servants left the tent.

Vlad, who lost the imperial palace and lived a wandering life, stayed in a tent.

It is similar to a ger, a tent that Mongolians sleep in, but the place of installation was not on the ground, but on a huge cart pulled by dozens of bulls. The cart moved along the march and was moving at this moment.

Rumble, rumble…

I waited for Vlad’s words on the rocking cart.


Vlad took his eyes off the pendant and glanced at me.


“What do you mean?”

“From what I remember, you weren’t such a great person, but that guy over there says something completely different. Wouldn’t it be interesting to say the same thing differently?”

Are you saying something completely different?

The guy over there will point to the pendant.

Judging from the way he spoke, the current Vlad was Akakosk.

If it was Tiamar, he wouldn’t have called himself a bastard.


I reached into the collar and grabbed the pendant.

Then the shaking of the pendant stopped.

It’s like whispering a secret and being caught.

The trembling stopped.


I laughed and checked the pendant.

I thought the soul contained in the pendant would talk to him.

I know so many things, but the existence of the pendant was the first time in this life. I didn’t know what effect the pendant would have. I didn’t expect that the pendant would talk to Vlad like I was sending thoughts to my followers.

“There must have been a spy.”

Kwak-ah, when I put strength on my hand, the pendant trembled again.

It seemed to be saying something, but I couldn’t hear it.

“I didn’t say anything against you, I want you to explain.”

Vlad said with a low laugh.

I loosened my grip and looked at him.

“What did you say about me?”

“You are a human god, and you are the rightful successor to the Lord.”


I narrowed my eyes.

You say I’m Lord’s heir?

He never said anything like that to me?

And what does he mean?

“The reaction is not funny. If it had been me in the past, I wouldn’t have reacted that way. To be his successor means to be the master of this world.”


I reacted sullenly.

The title of Lord’s successor doesn’t mean much.

Doesn’t even the Daedaeje, which he heads, consider him an old man in the back room? If you come now and shout that you are the successor, you will only buy useless vigilance.

“The world has changed so much. At least when I was active, it wasn’t so messy.”

Vlad laughed at my reaction.

“In the first place, I didn’t even remember the race of humans. They might have existed, but they weren’t a worthy race that I had to remember. However, a successor to the Lord appears from such an inferior race, and the race that worshiped him as the only god is claiming to be a god without even qualifying as an heir.”


“Isn’t it really funny? Maybe there’s an epidemic going around. There are a lot of tribes that claim to be gods. Just a thousand years ago, the only god was Lord. He was great enough to reject me and kill me. And Tiamar and the child’s brothers and sisters were all praised as descendants of the gods and sang of eternal order.”

It’s like waking up from a dream, I told the muttering guy.

“Have you forgotten who broke the order?”

Vlad smiled bitterly.

The will that dwells in him is the soul of Akakosque.

Akakosque, who became one with Tiamar and then was devoured in reverse, smiled shyly at her will.

“I didn’t want it to look like this. Things just went unexpectedly. If you look at history, don’t you? Even a revolution that started noblely changes while drinking blood. That’s what the world is like now.”

“That’s a long excuse.”

The guy shrugged.

I didn’t ask any more.

I’m not a guy to feel guilty about.

I’ve tried persuasion countless times before, and all of them have failed.

“The world tree is just a tree, and my ancestors are just dwarfs with good hands. When the fire of the rod reached it, the world tree was worse than firewood. The craftsman’s arms melted like water. The era when everyone bowed their heads in front of the road. Rod could do anything.”

It’s because it’s an existence that has exceeded the maximum level in the setting.

He truly had the ability to perform godlike feats.

“But what did you do? It didn’t make my race rich, nor did it make me worship myself as a god, but I dominated the world by sprinkling the pretense of order.”

I nodded without speaking.

I added Lundlingen after the name Edar.

What did you say about the etymology of Lundlingen?

Didn’t I mention that the dragon lord, Ailetrione, was a pseudonym used to spread civilization to elves and dwarves? In terms of his previous life, his name is like Prometheus in Greek and Roman mythology.

Rod was such a being.

“To imitate mortals with omnipotence… how foolish is this. look The result of spreading wisdom to a race that was more savage than you today. As Rod weakened, the people who worshiped him as a god turned their backs on him. Now each of them is running amok claiming to become a god. A tribe that is less than half of your qualifications. Isn’t it funny?”

I snorted a sullen laugh.

What does that story mean to me?

There was something else I wanted to talk about with him.

“This story seems boring to you. But you know it’s not a story that has nothing to do with you. You are Lord’s successor. A new order must be established.”

“Rod never told me he was an heir.”

“You don’t have to talk to decide, right?”

Vlad took his fixed gaze away from me and looked at Mersephone.

Mersephone stood still beside Rachel.

Because I can’t hold you in my arms until here.

He was like a child pretending to be an adult quietly.

“Ira with wings. Could it be a messenger that delivers the word of God?”

His eyes turned to Calliope.

“It’s like a sharpened knife.”

Next was Rachel.

“I feel a strong sense of trust here. But I have a lot of greed.”

Leaving the startled Rachel behind, she looked over the rest of her household.

“What about the rest, just keep going.”

The attendants frowned.

“Are you going to take these things and act as Lord’s successor?”

At that moment, magic power exploded from Vlad.

【Lv. 89]

【Lv. 91]

【Lv. 93]

The level rose rapidly.

Just like the Lizardman’s incarnation, Kuirau.

The magic power emitted by the soul wrapped around Vlad’s body.


Rachel grabbed my collar. You must have realized the true nature of magic.

Vlad was flowing with the same magical power as when the monster erupted in the middle of the city when the darkness was raised in the great battle of Germania and swallowed the city.

That is the magic of Tiamar and the evil god. It was the power that put Vlad on a par with elves and dwarves, and it was a tremendous power that he could do without claiming to be a god.

‘It must have been the power that must have been released through the medium of the holy relic.’

The holy relic was nowhere to be seen next to Vlad.

It is to emit magic without the medium of a sacred object.

Vlad himself became the vessel that holds the magic of the holy object.

In other words, he was eaten by the holy relic.

‘A stupid thing.’

I clicked my tongue inwardly.

He knew that Vlad would be eaten by the holy relic.

Even in the previous episode, he was eaten by the holy relic.

But the pace is unprecedentedly fast.

‘When you saw me, it was not completely eaten, as I had resisted for a while with the initiative of the body. But it’s a matter of time. Even if you take your hands off the holy relic, it’s like he’s become one with the relic, just like Tiamar.’

deed deed…

Magical energy filled the tent and the cart shook.

A suffocating pressure weighed down on me. However, the iron man trait was activated soon and the pressure was erased. The family members were also under pressure, but they only frowned slightly.

Magical power ran through my whole body like an invisible hand. If there’s even a little bit of a gap, it must be the intention to dig inside. But there was no gap for me. When I lightly waved my hand, the mana was disturbed.

“Stop kidding.”


“Unlike Vlad, you have no reason to fight me.”

Vlad looked at me with his mouth shut.

He asked why there was no reason to fight.

“Cutting the power of the race belonging to the representative system. Isn’t that your purpose? Because when your body fully awakens, there should be no one who can stop you.”


“I also need to break the power of the representative system for the survival and prosperity of mankind. If so, it should be seen that the purpose of each other is the same. Is there any reason to fight an opponent with the same goal?”

Vlad let out a smile.

“Yeah, right. I have no reason to fight you. now.”

Now, the word “was strong.”

“At first, I just reached out randomly to try and improve this damn situation, but seeing you, I change my mind. Did you say Edar, human?”

“Eddar Lundlingen.”


The boy clapped his hands and laughed.

“You don’t intend to hand over your soul to me, do you?”

Soul has two meanings.

Tiamar’s Soul Fragment and My Soul.

to say both at the same time

not even worth answering

“Well, of course. So Tiamar and Lord over there would have made you their successor. I understand a little bit why Lord thought of you as his successor. I have only touched a tiny bit, but I have seen one side of your soul.”

“Stop talking nonsense and get down to business. I’m not here to waste time talking to you. Originally, what you wanted was not me, but the power to face the representative system.”

“It did.”

Vlad clapped his hands and nodded.

“You said you brought that strange weapon. Then what should I do? Because it’s not the plan I had in mind. The guy who proposed to me died a while ago. Wouldn’t it be okay if I left it to you?”

Vlad said in a tone that quickly lost interest. The guy’s interest was in me, but when he talked about it out of interest, his words were powerless as if he was already bored.

“Isn’t it that you won’t go back right away? leave it up to you If you need anything—”

The sound of the trumpet interrupted the speech.

It was a sign of the enemy’s appearance, so he clicked his tongue.

“I guess we have to postpone the story for a while.”

I led my people out of the tent.

At the same time, blood relatives waiting outside went inside.

The cart stopped moving, and the army, which had been slowly moving according to the cart, began to move busily. On the western horizon, a group of what appeared to be enemies was approaching.

It was a mix of elves, dwarves, and lizardmen.

Build a Human Empire by Creating Clans

Build a Human Empire by Creating Clans

권속 생성으로 인류 제국 건설
Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Right after I was possessed, my family exiled me to the place of exile. And got the ability to ‘create a family’. [Randomly creates a clan.]


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not work with dark mode