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Became the Final Boss in a Magical Girl Game 273

Chapter 273 – The Last Hero

[Uijeongbu wealthy village housing collapse, no casualties. Local government ‘accident due to water pipe explosion’]

[An engagement between a beast slayer and a monster in the Grand Canyon. Strong concerns about the destruction of the natural landscape.]

[Arizona Evelyn Explorer repair complete. Netizen raises suspicion, ‘Isn’t it often broken recently?’

[World Union ‘Conservation of the Grand Canyon will be the top priority’]

[National sister Chae Bo-young’s mini-concert, all seats are sold out!]

I was sitting on the sofa reading an internet article related to the case, and smiled when the bedroom door opened and Adele sneaked out of her.

“Why? No more sleeping.”

Wearing the puppy-pattern pajamas she had bought for her, she came over rubbing her eyes and casually sat on my lap.
Then she stretched her arms out to the left and right.
I’m dying to see her begging for a hug with her blurry eyes.
I asked again after holding her in front of her.

“Aren’t you sleepy?”

“I can’t sleep because Jihyeok isn’t here…”

“I think you just woke up from a good night’s sleep.”

“It’s not…”

“I see. Let’s say no.”

Leaning back on the back of the sofa, I touched Adele’s body.
Her body is warm and soft, probably because she has just woken up.
I’m playing with Adele’s body like that,


Shine outside the window! There was a light, and after a while, thunder was heard.
Adele was startled and put her arms around her neck tightly.
I said, patting her on the back.

“It looks like it will rain. The eyes that say come do not come. Are you very surprised?”


“The Doctor will see you tomorrow evening.”


“He said he would have a one-on-one interview as a refresher.”

“This one-on-one…? I do not like it! Scary…”

Well, the doctor did punish me a little scary.
After hanging Adele from her body, I went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of strawberry milk she had bought.
I put a straw in there and brought it to Adele’s mouth, and she sucked the milk out of her side.

“If Adele shows enough self-reflection, she won’t scold her too much. Avoiding is not a skill. Let’s just meet, listen to one voice, and shake it off. Did you know?”

“It’s scary…”

“I will tell you not to scare me.”

“Really…? Will the doctor listen to Mr. Jihyeok…?”

It’s a problem because I heard it very well.

“Do you not believe me? It’s sad.”

“Again… Again!”

“Are you thinking ahead? Sorry.”

Before Adele could grumble, I passed the situation naturally and went into the bedroom.
Then he laid Adele on her bed and yanked back her nightgown to make sure her vulva was properly hidden.
The belly is very white. It’s very well covered.

“Go to bed now. Skip the bedtime prayer today.”

“Yes…? You can’t skip prayer…”

“I’m skipping today. I want to sleep right away, too.”


Adele, who muttered at her as if she didn’t like her, finally nodded her head.

“I know. Then come lie down next to me.”

She seemed totally oblivious to what had happened in my relationship.
It worked to keep her awake while giving her pleasure.
It was fortunate for me.
Because I hate to see Adele praying for repentance, tormented by her guilt.

I thought as I lay comfortably next to Adele.

‘What will happen now.’

The fact that the vulva was created in the body of a person who uses divine power was an unknown territory even to me.
I can’t really predict how it will change.
But one thing is certain.
That Adele can’t get away from me anymore.
That’s it. Let’s sleep now


The next morning, near the doctor’s house.
I met the doctor in the car, and she raised the corners of her mouth as her long, red nails tickled my chin.
I asked after gently stroking the doctor’s untidy bobbed hair.

“What about Sylvia?”

“At home. Is Adele at the officetel?”

“Yes. She’s sleeping there Call her cell phone number 2 and she will wake up.”

“Can she come back late at night?”


Today was the day Sylvia and I went to see Stella.
In order to imprint the owner on the last remaining Aether, he intended to return just by looking at his face.

“Adele thinks I have a job, so she takes care of me in moderation. Preferably until dawn. And since she is very afraid of her sister, soothe her well.”

“Are you afraid of me? Why?”

“Adele has a soft temper, but my sister was very angry. Admonish me moderately today.”

The tired doctor replied.

“I see. Then I will go to Israel with Adele.”

“Israel? Why are you there?”

“It is a holy place for many religions. Adele will love it too.”

“Can you come in a day?”

“If you’re late, isn’t it as good as being late?”

It’s not like that.
After sharing a deep kiss with the doctor, I went to her house as she left for the officetel.
After ringing the doorbell and waiting for a while, the front door opened carefully and Sylvia came out.

“Why did you ring the doorbell… Uh?”

Surprised, she looks up at me.
Her hair is wet as if she just came out of the shower.
Her outfit is a simple white tee, and short shorts that barely reveal her thighs.
Her well-groomed legs catch the eye.

“Ji, Jihyeok… How is this place…”

I smirked at Sylvia, who stuttered her words.

“What and how?”

“The doctor said he was going to have an interview with Adele…”

“I’m not here to see Dr.”

“Okay…? Does the doctor know you’re here?”

“I know. This is the way we just met. So will you move out of the way?”

“Ah, yes…”

Realizing that she was blocking the door with her whole body, Sylvia pressed close to her side.
I leisurely went to the table to sit down and offered Sylvia her seat.

“Sit down.”

“That… I was really scolded by the doctor…”

I think you know that I came to pay my soul.
I burst into laughter and said.

“I’m not trying to scold you, so sit down.”


Sylvia sat across from me with a modest gait.
She tilts her head and thinks for a moment, then she asks.

“You… Have you been here? It’s nothing else…Because the behavior is natural.”

It was a familiar place, so I couldn’t pretend to be a stranger.
Hurrying up with an excuse, I answered.

“I came often. Before headquarters starts operating in earnest.”

“Oh, I see…”

“Miss Sylvia.”


“This case was very careless. You know?”

Sylvia’s face turned pouty at those words.

“Ho, I didn’t mean to scold you…”

“Answer me. Do you know?”

“I know… I know…”

“That’s all right.”

“…Is it over?”

“Yes, it is over.”

Sylvia was momentarily confused.
If it was going to be this short, she seemed to wonder why she had come.
Placing her heel on her table, I tapped her glass with my other hand.
Then Sylvia startled and stared me in the eye.

“Why, why…?”

“How much energy did you use?”

“…That’s… 16 percent…”

16 percent…
The time the two fought could be seen as short.
However, the consumption is quite high.
Adele used up that much too… Did the unstable mental state of the two eat away their energy?

The powerful villains of the underworld should be sent to Earth and left to these two to deal with.
So until you corrupt it, I think it’s best to keep it at 100%.
I need to fill it all out today.


“Uh… How’s Adele?”

“I am much better.”

“I’m glad… Can I meet you?”

“I will meet you tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow…? Not today? After the interview with Dr….”

I clicked her tongue and cut her off.

“Did you forget?”

“What, what…?”

“Today is the day we go to the concert.”

“I know…But how can I enjoy a concert in this mood? Adele and I first…”


I pulled her chair back and stood up, and went and sat next to Sylvia, who opened her eyes wide in surprise.
Then I pressed my face close to her face.

“If Adele was that concerned…She shouldn’t have gotten into a fight in the first place. No?”


Sylvia hung her head as if she couldn’t find an excuse.
Perhaps it was because she had just finished taking a shower, her body smelled fragrant and tickled my nose.
She put her hand on Sylvia’s thigh and started rubbing her gently, causing her startled jump to her feet.

“S-Stop it…! I’m not in the mood today…”

I stood up silently and approached Sylvia.
She backed away from her every step I took.
Then he slammed his back against her refrigerator and bit her lower lip.
It was similar to the office of the president of the company.

I approached Sylvia with a grin and slightly bent her knee and put it between her legs.
After that, one hand was over Sylvia’s shoulder and the other was stretched to the side of her waist to seal all the holes that would escape.

“Jihyeok… This is the doctor’s house…”


“Ka, there might be a camera…”

“Why is the doctor installing a camera inside his house? I don’t know if it’s outside.”

Her thighs squeezed her tightly against mine.
Her whole body was tense because she was nervous about her situation.
I put the hair on the side of Sylvia behind her ear and said.

“Adele is fine. Rather, she wanted to reconcile with Mr. Sylvia.”

“I, really…?”

“Yes. We’ll be able to meet tomorrow so don’t worry too much and go see the concert. It’s Chae Bo-young’s performance.”

“I didn’t know you liked Chae Bo-young that much…”

“She likes all Koreans. So, what is the answer?”

“.. Go… You can just go see…”

“Does it sound like you’re forcing yourself to answer?”

At those words, Sylvia lit her twin wicks.
She stretches out her fingers and pushes her against my breasts, she says.

“I said go. The teasing ends here.”

Sylvia was always like this.
If I set the mood in a strange way, I get flustered, but suddenly climb up and clear it.
That’s right, the female knight should rebel a little so that the training becomes more enjoyable.
It’s a bit unfortunate that it’s not physical resistance, but it’s a bit unfortunate that if you show a non-nod, you’ll quickly give in again.

“Move away… I’m thirsty.”

Thirsty? Then you should drink water.
Leaping away from Sylvia, she opened her fridge door and pulled out her mineral water bottle.
I yanked it off, and before she could say anything, she gulped the water and held it in her mouth.

Then she grabbed Sylvia’s thin jawline and spread her tongue between her tightly closed lips to let the water flow out of her.
She had bitten her gum before that, letting a little bit of her blood leak out, and she hadn’t forgotten to mix her malice into it.


At first she was frightened and her body stiffened, but after a while she began to pour the water I pour into her mouth down the back of her throat.


The noise emitted by the device reverberates through the living room.
Seeing that the sound was quite loud, Sylvia seemed to think that the level of this skinship was very high.

I stood still, drained all the water, and removed my face.
Then Sylvia stumbled, her legs loosened, and, holding her chair back with her hand, leaned against her and let out a hard moan.

“Heo-euk… Ugh…”

When I approached Sylvia and put her hand on her shoulder, she moved her arm and pushed my hand away from her.
Wiping the water from her own mouth with her arm, she glared at me.

“What are you doing…!”

“You said you were thirsty, so I gave you water.”

“Crazy…! Haa… You really look like an idiot… The water tastes weird…! It’s raining…!”

To say that I am corrupting the Holy Blood mixed with malice… Goyan Jigo…
By the way, whenever you like it and drink it, now you come and curse.
A little bit of a smile on the corner of her mouth is covered and I say that.
It’s funny how you like it while invading. He wants to become a tsundere when he gets corrupted.
I said, shrugging her shoulders.

“I’m getting ready.”

“What are you talking about… Leave already…?”

“Yes. I am going to buy clothes.”


“Are you going to the concert in sweatpants? It’s not.”

“…. Okay.”

Sylvia staggered into the bedroom and shut the door.
I’ve seen everything already, but I’m more shy than Adele.

After a while, Sylvia, wearing long pants and a warm coat, came out with a flushed face.
Looking forward to shopping with me.

‘I must have taken good care of Aether, right?’

She’s definitely not the type to run around, so she must have taken care of it.

Became the Final Boss in a Magical Girl Game

Became the Final Boss in a Magical Girl Game

마법소녀물 야겜 속 최종보스가 되었다
Score 7.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I, who used to be a magical girl yagame fanatic, became the final boss, the demon king. Is this… crazy?


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not work with dark mode