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Became the Academy’s Weakest Bookkeeper chapter 35

“Ugh… I feel bad…”

iron puck.

The honors class girl wearing a pure white uniform and old-fashioned badges on her chest was feeling very uncomfortable because of the unpredictable weather.

Not only did the glasses get steamed due to moisture, but also the inside of his clothes became sticky, and he felt a profound sense of disparity in his body condition.

In addition, the pure white uniforms that cost a lot of money were also soiled with mud.

“I’m really annoyed, why do I have to be humiliated like this because I’m an elite because of the failing class?”

Her name is Angelia Vivian.

The only daughter of Count Angelian, she was a student with great magical talent and is now studying in the Honors Class.

She now hated the confrontation itself with the failing class.

Isn’t it natural, even if he attacked several stupid wizards in the failing class, he was able to knock them all down by himself.

Tiny 1st and 2nd circle magics? It was possible to destroy everything with his excellent and great magic.

Vivian was confident that she would achieve an overwhelming victory no matter what kind of magic she attacked.

To be honest, I thought this match was a waste of time, and I wanted to finish the match quickly and see my majestic figure.

But right now, isn’t it like a loser who lost a war, not a wizard who won an overwhelming victory?

In addition, the humidity is high, and the unpleasant feeling is an added bonus.

Vivian frowned and spit out complaints and complaints.

” ..don’t complain.”

The man in the front line of the group broke Vivian’s complaints at once with a loud voice.

The man who gave the impression of a lion living in the meadow turned his head and looked at Vivian.

“Think of the number of people who will be looking at this situation right now. If you pour out complaints and complaints in this situation, it may sound like an insult to the principal.”

” “

Vivian was not confident to face the blue wall that was staring straight at her.

Men were the knights who were called unrivaled geniuses in the honor class where only geniuses gather.

The name of the man carrying a large sword on his back and moving heavy steps was Luis Garcia.

He was a man who cleared away annoying enemies with muscles trained through extreme training, and gently defeated enemies using his family’s unique great swordsmanship.

So Vivian was secretly afraid of the man in front of her.

Garcia’s size was similar to that of a non-human…like beast, so Vivian instinctively considered Garcia reluctant.

“Chit, then I want to finish it as soon as possible. I have to go back and write a report quickly.”

Still, he was a wizard who had to say something, and he did not live up to his dignity as a wizard to bend his pride with a sense of intimidation.

Vivian pouts her lips and complains.

Vivian sincerely thought that it would be in her best interest to go back and write one more report, in case of wasting time in a place like this.

Because the students in the failing class they will face do nothing to improve their magic.

“It’s a place to win glory, especially in this competition, even high-ranking figures from the outside have come. I think it’s our role to let them know the health of the empire.”

“So! You mean you can get them to their knees quickly?”

Vivian smiled and pointed her finger into the forest devoured by darkness.

And the students in the failing class are slowly starting to reveal themselves in the forest.

He was wearing a mix of green and black, so it wasn’t easy to tell them apart.

Vivian was able to pinpoint their location using her unique magic detection.

Of course, in order to use magic, the opponent had to expel magic to detect it, but magicians with the ability to detect are rare.

Vivian was proud of her natural magical talent.

“All ready for battle.”

As Garcia’s cold words fell, swords were pulled from the waists of the students in the failing class and the Knights Department.

Although the weather was gloomy and there was no spectacular scene where the swords were shining, it was safe to say that the sight of multiple knights drawing swords at the same time was spectacular.

“Quickly defeat the failing gangsters and occupy Point B, everyone, move forward!”


“Let’s defeat the bastards quickly!”

“It’s no fun if it’s too bland.”

Garcia rushes forward as soon as the horse runs out.

And the students with swords following them.

For ordinary students, they would feel a sense of pressure from their charge, but those who had quite a bit of swords knew it.

That there is no sincerity in their charge now.

For them, the battle now was a common prank and an interesting game.

coo coo.

The wizards, led by Vivian, also started reciting their own spells.

The air in the atmosphere catches the change and begins to run madly, and the essence that covers the world begins to be twisted by the spell.

Magic, a spell that twists the essence of the world.

A miracle that turns fantasy into reality by twisting phenomena that shouldn’t normally occur in the world through spells.

And the miracle began to be manifested by the wizards.





A faded window in a space filled with raindrops.

Flames from someone’s pretty hands.

The heavy gravity that tears and twists the law.

A bright light in the plain eaten by darkness.

Magic that can be called a miracle.

He drew his sword and began to fly towards the students in the failing class who were standing firm with a determined expression.

” no..! “

“I can’t..!”

“…to step back…?”

However, their magic never reached the students in the failing class.


“Go into the forest!”

“I’ll send the communication to the captain!”

It was because the students in the failing class were pulling the wires backwards.

They were already waiting outside the magic range, and when they saw the magic being cast, they immediately started running back.

Also, although the students of the Knights Faculty grabbed their swords and ran forward, the plain that had already turned to mud was binding their feet.

“Ah! Mud!”

“Go ahead! Those bastards run away into the forest!”

” catch! “

No matter how evil they shouted, the mud grabbed their feet and did not let them go.

And while the mud bought time, the failing students were able to safely return to the forest and hide.

“Damn…! These cowards!”

“Garcia! Give me the order to chase right now! I’ll chase you down and catch those bastards!”


The origins of motives that begin to ring in your ears.

However, Garcia let their resentment out.

As they say, there is no guarantee that you will catch them even if you pursue them to the end.

What if you run in a forest where you can’t see an inch ahead and get caught in the trap they set up…?

Garcia was worried about the worst that could go wrong.

Knowing that emotions alone shouldn’t be used in battle, Garcia always wanted to keep her cool.

Minutes of conflict and worry.

And Garcia made a quick decision.

“Wait here.”

Garcia raises her right hand to stop the motives from pursuing them.

“What?! Waiting here?”

“Don’t be ridiculous! They say I’m enough on my own!”

“Are you giving this time to cowards who don’t have the courage?”

From all over, voices of criticism toward Garcia flooded in.



Garcia thrust her huge sword into the ground with all her might.

Fragments of mud bounce around, and the plosive sound of air hitting the ground cuts through the atmosphere.

The voice that had just criticized Garcia’s sudden action fell into silence in an instant.

” …. “

” …. “

The faces of everyone who criticized Garcia until recently began to rot in an instant.

There was something to be said, but those who were well aware of Garcia’s power had no choice but to keep their mouths shut when they realized the meaning of Garcia’s actions.

“The command rests with me, meaning that I also have the power to execute summary executions for those who disobey the commander on the battlefield.”

Garcia’s cold words began to hit everyone’s ears, including Vivian.

“If you have any dissatisfaction, please tell me at any time, if it is a reasonable opinion, I will accept it, but if it is an opinion that is not absurd in my judgment.”

Garcia’s greatsword begins to hum.

The runes engraved on the greatsword, a special rune handed down from generation to generation from the Garcia family, started to vibrate with light.

“I will be summarily executed here.”

” …shit. “

” …suck.”

They were dissatisfied with Garcia’s words.

No one has been openly complaining about Garcia.

It was because the actions and momentum that Garcia just showed was a life that even a small town kid could feel.

“Then what are we going to do from now on? We have to go into the woods anyway.”

Vivian pursues Garcia with her sharply forged eyes.

Garcia nodded in response to Vivian’s words and began to add more.

“Vivian is right, we have to go into the forest anyway. But now is not the time. Let’s make a detour and find a way to quickly break through the forest.”

“Why are you so frightened?”

Vivian asked Garcia a question with a somewhat dissatisfied expression on her face.

In fact, Garcia pointed out by Vivian is terrified. That claim was to some extent correct.

In fact, Garcia was overly wary of possible traps and surprise attacks, so she cut the front line back.

Vivian, who had been with Garcia for a long time, had doubts about Garcia’s unusual appearance and only asked a question.

“We are the honor class, Garcia. We are the treasures of the future of the Empire. We are the people who will rise high and the talents will blossom in the Empire. Besides, Garcia, you are one of the greatest geniuses of all of us… right? You’re not the Garcia I knew.”

Garcia moved her legs and stood in front of Vivian.

Garcia was too big to cast a shadow on Vivian’s face, and the height difference between the two was overwhelming.

Nevertheless, Vivian did not give up on her claim.

Is Vivian not afraid? There may be parts of that, but Vivian was basically a wizard.

The wizards did not communicate physically, but through spells and mana, so Vivian was confident that she would not bend her opinion in front of Garcia.

” ..Vivian.”

” ..why? “

Garcia calls Vivian softly.

When her name appeared, Vivian shook her body slightly.

“The commander must always be cautious, if you lead them into the woods and there are traps infested? Are you going to get out?”

” ..Of course break through..”

“You sound funny. You seem to have no idea that the act of going into the forest in the first place means joining in their plan. A commander is not a person who easily escapes from the enemy’s trap, he deceives the enemy’s trap and uses it against the enemy. The person who drives them out is called a good commander. In that sense, Vivian, you’re not a good commander.”

“What, what? Everything..what did you say!!!”

Vivian tries to attack Garcia with a wand in response to Garcia’s assault on the facts.

“Let go of this! You want me to let go of this?! Hey! Garcia!

However, her actions were stopped by her classmates, and Vivian was eventually dragged back with her limbs bound.

Garcia looked at Vivian being dragged back, sighed lightly, and gave orders to those who looked at her.

” ..Let’s find a place to shelter from the rain. Team up with 3 people to find a place, and when we find a suitable place, we can come here and report it.”


– They don’t come into the forest.

– The first plan failed.

– Please give me the next instruction.

– This is a surprise squad, you can hit the rear of them right away.

“It’s not the time yet.”


The sound of rain coming from the entrance of the dug tunnel.

Louis and Rommel were collecting information from their comrades in a tunnel they had dug beforehand.

“Dr. Rommel, if the first plan failed…isn’t it a little difficult…?”

When Louis looked at Rommel with worried eyes, Rommel smiled slightly.

It was because it felt a little funny to see Louis, who was already seriously worried that the first plan had collapsed.

“…why are you smiling…?”

“It’s just a little funny, so what am I going to be if I put on such a gloomy face that my first plan was messed up.”

“That… is it?”

“Yeah, so smile, it’s still hard, but Louis, it gets harder when you put on a sullen expression.”

“I know..!”

After hearing my words, Louie decided to do something, pressed her finger to the edge of her lip and began to smile.

Embarrassed by that, I asked Louis about what he was doing quietly now.

” …What are you doing..? “

“I can’t help but laugh, even like this!”

raised lips.

And at the same time, a refreshing smile is created.

Looking at Louis who was trying to smile somehow, I moved my hand and pressed on Louis’ witch hat.

“Ugh! What are you doing!”

“Stay still, this is healing like this.”

” …profit.. “

Somehow, Louis’ dissatisfaction seemed to prick his skin.

What can I do, I’m good.

If you press on Louie regularly like this, a happy feeling fills in something.

I’d like to touch my head one more time later, would I really die?

Just imagining it, I felt a chill.

“…Then let’s try the second one.”

Having healed for a while through Louie, I came to the conclusion that it was okay to move on to the second plan by collecting the information sent by my classmates.

“Ah, I’ll give you the instructions. The platoon leaders are all listening.”

– OK.

– I’m listening.

– Give me the instructions quickly.

– ??

“Enforce the second plan.”

Their commander is quite capable, so this obvious tactic will no longer work.

If that’s the case, I’ll have to give my soul to a more advanced strategy.

Communicators that begin to respond with a glow to my words.

Soon, answers started pouring in through the communication channel.

– Confirmed.

– From now on, we will move on to the next plan.

– Good reception, I will prepare immediately.

“That’s right.”

I thought about the situation ahead, and smiled a fishy smile.

Thinking that they would fall into a trap and panic, I burst into laughter.

“Shall we start slowly?”

The real plan was from now on.

Became the Academy’s Weakest Bookkeeper

Became the Academy’s Weakest Bookkeeper

아카데미 최약의 책사가 되었다.
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Hammer and anvil, phalanx, wolf tactics, etc. I told the princess the tactics that left a name in history as if nothing. The princess then started obsessing over me. help me.


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not work with dark mode