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Became an Academy Self-Inflicted Blackmailer chapter 153

153 – Evil Dragon (2)

What is the most important body organ for a dragon?

Sharp claws that tear everything apart?

Brave wings that dominate the sky?

Or is it the extremely strong body itself that can handle the endless sea of mana?

Wow… ….

It wasn’t like that.

The correct answer is the heart.

Heart of the dragon. I.E. Dragon Heart. It is an endless source of mana and the core driving force that makes the body move.

If there was no heart in the first place, the dragon would literally be no different from a wingless eagle or a toothless beast of prey.

Let me put it another way.


“…… Big, wow!”

As long as the heart is properly positioned, the dragon is invincible.

There was no one on earth who could stand against them, and even the divine beasts of the East had no choice but to avoid the air in front of them.

‘Why…… !’

Bahamut knew that fact better than anyone else. Isn’t it obvious?

He was truly one of the dragons of mythology.

I can’t not know. I know it well.

The dragon’s heart was clearly powerful.

So, what changes will happen to the human body that contains the heart of the dragon? How much power can you gain?

It may vary depending on the ability of the person handling it, but at least the body is no longer human.

Transcendence from birth, rigid body acquired through acquisition.

It is a coincidence and something that should be called a miracle.

For humans who were born inferior, it could be said to be the greatest blessing of all.



This is the body of a dragon.

At this time, I was being beaten helplessly.

A flying fist. It’s delicate. It must be said that it is very thin and thin.

It meant an arm that looked like a dry twig that would break if struck.

Even after seeing such a scene, Bahamut was unable to respond properly.

Would it be a very humiliating admission that I wanted to do it but couldn’t?


For a moment, the light fills the field of vision, and blue flashes swirl in a straight line. If you don’t dodge, you will get hit.

From noble mtl dot com

I could no longer think of the idea of blocking.

The moment you move your feet to somehow push your body back -.

“Yes, no!”

What kind of method is this? The girl’s fist, orbiting like a hazy fog, follows his escape route without a single error.

And then the next blow.


“… ….”

The shock shook his body as it had done all along, but Bahamut did not scream.

This time.

I just bit my lip.

I could taste the taste of blood.

‘…… How on earth?’

The heart is inside the body. That was certain.

I can still feel that presence.

Isn’t the appearance of a pair of horns sprouting from the forehead and wings that help it occupy a little space also due to that ability?

More than anything, the energy filling my entire body at this time was definitely that of a dragon.

Moving and striking. It was in the form of a martial artist, but it didn’t matter because he had taken human form quite a few times.

I thought that would work.

But, I guess it was a mistake.

Somehow things weren’t simple.

I had a lot to say, but I could use all kinds of descriptions to explain and express the emotions I am feeling right now.

If I were to summarize it simply, it was like that.

‘…… That guy has the upper hand.’

I am not talking about a higher level of proficiency or level.

Even though it is a similar concept, it is slightly different.

There was no room for other interpretations. She was superior to him.

“… ….”

Needless to say, the heart of the dragon. Dragon Heart.

‘…… ‘This is it.’

Bahamut swallowed dry saliva and moaned at the same time. Was it admiration or sighing that came to mind?

In an instant, his Dragon Eye was activated.


The inside of the wall of ‘Dante’, which begins to rotate violently, soon begins to take on a black color.

The power of Bahamut. In other words, the power created by the evil dragon’s heart.

‘I guess it was like that.’

That’s why it was visible to him now.

The body of a magical creature, deep inside.

In the gray world created by the manifested dragon’s eye, only the ‘blue heart’ had color.

…… It was the heart of a sky dragon.

“Mister, I feel a bit uncomfortable looking at you.”


It was then. Flugel’s palm pushed Bahamut’s body back for an instant.

‘Pfft…’ ….’

Bahamut swallowed deeply and frowned.

It wasn’t a strong blow, but my insides were shaken.

And when she raised her head, a girl standing a little away with a strange and strange expression as if she was genuinely uncomfortable was popping her fist.

It appears that there was no intention of hiding it in the first place, as a blue energy hovers around it like a haze.

Suddenly Bahamut rolled his eyes and looked at another figure further away.

This is Tsumei, who claimed to be a witness to this sparring, or what could be called a betting duel.

“Did you move it?”

Bahamut asked without much thought, but Tsumei did not answer right away.

I just narrowed my eyes for a moment and looked at Bahamut wearily.

For her part, it was her first conversation since meeting in almost a hundred years, and she couldn’t help but feel aggrieved because it was the first time she had said it.

Of course, the relationship between the evil dragon and the annihilating dragon was just that, so I didn’t feel much regret…….


Anyway, Tsumei gave an answer to that question.

She nodded her head succinctly.

“Because my sister wanted it.”

And what I added is the inside story from ten years ago. Sky Dragon’s wish is to pass on his power to his daughter.

Therefore, she accepted the request and carried out his will.

The birth of the golem, its origin, was just that.

“I see… ….”

Bahamut did not say anything more than that.

Actually, it was none of my business.

The relationship between these four, including Yongje, was originally like this.

Do not interfere too much.

As was the case with the dragon emperor and the evil dragon, as was the case with the slayer dragon and the heavenly dragon, there were cases where their relationship became closer -.

In the end, there was no obvious superior/subordinate relationship or superiority/inferiority between them.

It’s not something to worry about.

This is even more true now.

“…… Phew.”

Bahamut took a short breath and closed his eyes at that point.

It was not something worth doing during a battle.

Right now, Flügel didn’t necessarily show any consideration to the enemy whose view was blocked like that.

Pick the ground straight and draw a curved trajectory with your smooth legs.

A blue energy that clearly did not belong to a human settled on the pure white bare skin that did not seem much different from an actual human leg.

A collision will occur soon. It was certain.

Flügel was confident.

This is the end.

Victory is yours, and the winner of the bet will also be this side.

The foolish ending of the evil dragon who overestimated the power of his heart.

That was all the meaning of this short engagement that Flügel thought.

Actually, it was a natural thing.

How much difference is there between the heart of a dragon that has already belonged to a dragon and the heart of a dragon that was initially adjusted for use by the dragon soul?

In addition, the golem in the form of a girl that she uses now is so great that its physical strength alone is comparable to that of a sword master.

A fight you can’t lose even if you want to.

That was the end.


Flügel stretched out his legs without even bothering to drive away his distracting thoughts.

It was lifted straight up and then brought down in a straight line.

And the heel, stretched out like that, immediately hit the ground.

Roaring sound.



So, Flügel was slightly embarrassed. He blinks his eyes blankly in the rising dust.

Again and again, her feet touched the ground.

“… ….”

The photo was taken not of the opponent, but of the exact position he was standing in.

‘…… ‘You avoided it?’

I thought she wouldn’t have the ability to avoid it. At least that’s what she did considering the way she showed herself.

Was it a mistake?


It was at that moment that the electric current flew.

Flügel’s body trembled greatly.

The moment she turned her head, the person who came into view was Dante. To be clear, should we say that Bahamut is Dante on the move ‘now’?

Anyway, it was a shocking thing.

“hehehe, hehehe. Are you going to use ‘that’? To me?”

Flügel flinched very slightly and let out a faint voice.

Even so, my eyelashes were fluttering.

The reason was nothing special.

It’s a thunderstorm.

Now, black thunderbolts were forming in both of Bahamut’s hands.

Thunderstorm mixed with the energy of a dragon.


Looking at that scene, Flügel swallowed dry saliva without realizing it.

Was it nervous?

“…… hehehe.”

No. It’s just a conditional reflex reaction.

Flügel’s body began to heat up with learned heat.

“Oh, no. “This is not the time.”

If there is one fortunate thing in this deeply deplorable situation, it is that she came to her senses relatively quickly.

She woke up her senses and hurriedly controlled her breathing.

And then take your stance again.

Chuck! She raised her fist.

“I’m surprised, man. I never thought they would try to attack my heart like this. Ha, there really is no such lethal mental attack.”

“…… ?”

I tried to spit out the words, but of course, from Bahamut’s point of view, who was diligently using his brain skills, it would have been no different from the nonsense he used to beat the baton in his sleep.

He looked blank for a moment.

It was because he didn’t properly understand the meaning of the words, but Bahamut soon gave a serious look as if it didn’t matter.

“I admit it. “I underestimated you, Celine’s daughter.”

And the words spoken contained their own meaning of apology.

Apology for the neglect, and proof of determination to take things seriously now.


In an instant, black lightning swirled around Bahamut and struck him again.

Along with the chill, thunderclouds begin to gather.

“…… Still, I can’t lose. “I don’t know what this duel means to you, but my will is as firm as ever.”

Are each and every word spoken slowly directed at Flügel? Or is it a promise to yourself?

Bahamut couldn’t pinpoint it either.

I just admit what I have to admit.

The opponent was strong.

It was not an enemy that could be easily defeated, and there was a need to do everything possible.

So don’t avoid it.

“I must meet my lord. “It was something I gave up on once, but now that I have the chance, I have no intention of hesitating.”

In the first place, the evil dragon’s fighting style was not one-dimensional form of force, such as close combat.

Rather, it is magic and magic.

If I were to give an example of a technique that was often used, there would be something like a great magic that ascends to the sky and pours out pitch black meteors.

Coincidentally, the human body he now resides in, and the supernatural power within it, are abilities that are quite compatible with the evil dragon’s fighting style.


With his eyes wide open, Bahamut spoke to Flügel.

“After defeating you, I will take over this human’s body and head to the East. “This is not a promise or resolution.”

In addition to a voice that never wavers, the tone is extremely firm.

Bahamut spat out one last word.

“This is a declaration.”

“…… Joy.”

As if he felt quite a bit of displeasure at those words, Flügel openly distorted his expression.

“Do you think that will work out the way you want?”

And the moment she tried to generate full-power mana.


A bolt of lightning struck the space itself.

A brief thunderclap, but that wasn’t the end.


A thunderous roar that erupted one beat late. No, it was actually thunder. It’s definitely the same concept.

Bahamut stepped on the ground once and stretched out his hand.

Thunderstorms gather. The dragon’s energy was also concentrated there.

Two different energies mixing together in one place.

The great wizard’s fusion technique, which was bound to be rare, was contained there.


Bahamut caught the timing accurately.

The timing can be said to be perfect.

It is fired.


It was brain power.


The beam of destruction, which was literally no different from the dragon’s breath, flew straight towards Flügel without bouncing anywhere.

Flügel did not avoid it either.

Put your arms behind your body. He opened his hand wide, then curled his fist again.

Celine’s energy was there.

The essence of the Blue Dragon, which now belongs to Flügel.

Flügel thought.

‘I can’t lose.’

This fight has a very important meaning not only for Bahamut, but also for herself.

It had to be that way.

Actually, she knew.

This is the evil oath of the seed of evil.

‘I think my aunt still thinks it’s the devil’s doing.’

Of course, that wasn’t wrong either.

There was definitely something else.

Flügel muttered this to himself.

Solvent Carsilion.

The real culprit was him. I knew that very well.

Because all the dragons within the inherited memories hated him.

He complained endlessly.

He had legitimate questions.

He wanted to kill by any means.


Flügel had no intention of ignoring their hatred.

This is not just about fulfilling their wishes.

The individual’s desire for revenge clearly played a large part in the scene.

‘…… ‘Mother’s enemy.’

The reason Celine died was because of his terrible atrocities.

She had no choice but to commit a massacre that she did not want.

Isn’t it all because of the Yongje’s incomprehensible nonsense?

I couldn’t forgive.

At least I will personally listen to the thoughts in that person’s head, judge them, and, of course, beat up that vicious dragon.

So, this will be a confirmation process, so to speak.

‘I am strong.’

Flügel knew.

I know my strength now.

Even if you look at it objectively, it is an outstanding ability. Excellent and powerful.

If we were to measure it by human standards, wouldn’t it be easy to pass the Sword Master level?

That is why it will not waste its strength.

With this power, personal goals can also be achieved.

-Paying the price for the sin of the Dragon Emperor who abandoned his people.

From noble mtl dot com

For that, I had to defeat Bahamut.

Maybe there is no relationship.

Even so, he was a dragon who once served the Dragon Emperor and was an evil dragon whose strength was almost equal to that of him.

If you can win against him, your chances will be higher.


‘We win.’

Do it seriously. I will deal with it without being playful.


Flügel gritted his teeth harshly.

And he raised his head.

What comes into view is the attack of Bahamut, who is approaching closest at this moment.

How should I express that?

A third energy that is a mixture, fusion, or integration of the brain energy and the power of the dragon?

If not, something crude, just put together like clay?

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

It was a power that cannot be determined.

So, we fight back with all our might.

“…… Phew!”

I take a deep breath and purse my lips.

The power contained in the clenched fist was showing a fierce flow that could not have been any better.

The judgment and thought that it would be okay to just stick with it like this.

Flügel carried it out immediately.


If I had seen this scene from afar, I would have been unable to bear it and couldn’t help but exclaim in amazement.

A truly spectacular scene where black and blue clash in a chaotic manner, clashing with each other without a single step back.

The energy explodes.

The space vibrated.

Everything was colored with light.

“… ….”

“… ….”

There was silence there.

The conflict that seemed like it would never end finally came to an end.

“…… Cough.”

After such a short but long silence, what was heard was the sound of Bahamut spitting out black, dead blood.


He fell down.


Although he was covered in blood as well.

“…… Ugh. Really.”

Still, the one standing was Flügel.

She closed her eyes tightly and opened them.

“I won.”

Then, he smiles lightly.

It was just a meaningless laugh.

Became an Academy Self-Inflicted Blackmailer

Became an Academy Self-Inflicted Blackmailer

아카데미 자해 공갈범이 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a game set in an academy. “You will be able to handle the power of lightning.” “As a sister product, there is a flaming caustic pain.” It seems that one or two screws are missing, but for now, I have obtained a plausible ability. “Hey, calm down! Put down that sword, and I-I will work harder…!” “This choice is not like you! Don’t give up, trust the people around you a little more!” But why are they like this?


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not work with dark mode