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Became an Academy Self-Inflicted Blackmailer chapter 147

147 – Club (2)

The moment I thought about the club, it was a plan that suddenly passed through my mind.

If you think about it, there was a club.

Of course, I knew well which club I should join and what activities would be best and how much growth efficiency I could extract.

There’s no way you wouldn’t know.

‘But now that things have come to this, there is nothing we can do.’

The only problem is that among the clubs I can join right now, the so-called ‘honey-sucking’ places are already at capacity.

From noble mtl dot com

So what should we do?

Anyway, compared to other playable characters, I was taking a very different path, so I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to pioneer a new path for myself.

In other words, it is the creation of a new club.

‘You can think of the club activities that start in the second semester as spending the equivalent of three regular lectures, so let’s say you can use that as you wish. Hmm.’

The academy’s clubs basically had mandatory activity hours.

Should we say that it is the primary turning point of this academy, along with the major subjects chosen in the second semester?

So how important is that time?

If you choose the right club, you can almost freely choose the direction of growth and development.

Of course, I would need to participate in some activities according to the policies of the club I joined, but if my brightly conceived plan was successful, there was no longer a need for that.

There was no room for problems to arise.

That’s right, all I have to do is appoint someone I know as the manager and set the club’s rules to something close to 100% free activity.

If that happens, it will truly be the completion of the best environment.

I will be able to focus on heart training in my own way, and as long as I fit the theme of the club well, I will have a path to use it in some way in the future.

For example, if you create a new club with the feel of a ‘travel club’, there will be a reasonable justification for obtaining permission to go out.

In the middle and second half of the second semester, two weeks of time were given to focus solely on the club without lectures, which was even more icing on the cake.

For example, take advantage of that time and stop by Yeongsan again. Wouldn’t the range of choices of things you can do become wider?

The autonomy of the club was fairly guaranteed to the extent that such an application was possible.

‘It’s really okay.’

I thought it was a pretty good plan, even if it was hastily concocted. I felt overflowing satisfaction with my plan that was completed like that.

Okay, in any case, it is now a conclusion.

The plan was perfect. That was true, but there was only one final path left.

Of course, this plan needed collaborators.

This was also the reason why I never tried to create a club myself during my previous play. I guess it can’t be helped.

How can a freshman who has only spent one semester since entering school have any acquaintances from upperclassmen?

No matter how ideal the plan was, there was no way to get it right the first time.

Okay… ….

“Please, sister.”

Now, things have changed.

I had Eve!

I passionately held Eve’s white hand with a sparkling gaze and earnest expression.

Even though Eve flinched at my skinship, she didn’t bother to pull her hand away.

“…… Huh, junior? “Of course, there’s a club I’m already a member of, right?”

Unfortunately, Eve only tried to resist a little. Well, it was still okay. It was all within the expected range.


I immediately raised my voice, widening my eyes as if I was slightly surprised.

“Oh my gosh, I never thought you would already have a club to belong to! I didn’t expect that. In addition to student council work, you are also carrying out club activities…….”

Even Eve would have noticed that the tone was somewhat contrived, but whatever. Eve could only nod her head slightly, pushed by my momentum.

And judging by the look in his eyes, he seemed to be expecting me to understand and back down.

Is that possible?

“You shouldn’t overwork your body like that, sister. No matter how young we are, we need to take care of our health in advance. Isn’t it? Sister.”

I slowly started working, giving her the title she preferred.

Yes, everyone knows this, but health is important.

Eve is already assisting Lucius as the vice president of the student council, and is also preparing step by step to become the academy student council president next year.

I think her enterprising appearance is truly amazing, but she also needs to have some time to rest.

I pointed out that part and got straight to the point.

That’s right, the club conversion(?) Plan prepared just for you.

“If you make our club, my sister will be able to relax really comfortably during that time at least.”

“Ugh… ….”

Eve groaned at my words. Is it still not enough?

I quickly added a word.

“How about I massage your shoulders?”

“…… Huh?!”

It’s like being a door-to-door salesman. I looked at Eve with bright eyes.

Now I have done the best persuasion I can.

Even though the comment was only half-joking. Eve seemed quite intrigued by the prospect of having time and space to relax, and slightly twitched her shoulder.

Yes, I didn’t say it, but I think I knew that running the student council and club in parallel was close to being unreasonable.

I realized that this decoy operation was quite successful.

Was the bait as expected great?

“…… “Yeah.”

At that moment, Eve glanced at me with glancing eyes, as if the scales in her heart had tilted just a little.

And then he said.

“Now that I think about it, unlike the student council work, the swordsmanship club didn’t have a big role for me. Especially since I didn’t hold an executive position… ….”

He subtly lets people know by saying something like, “It won’t be a big problem even if you leave the group.”

‘It worked.’

That allowed me to see that her mind had already taken the bait I was gently waving.

I am grinning on the inside.

“Yeah, but? “There is something I would like to point out.”

Isn’t Eve suddenly saying something like that? Aren’t you done with what you want to say yet? Is she

Or does she want to ask for something?

Either way was good. It really didn’t matter.

Because I am in a position to receive help from her.

If there is anything I can do, all I have to do is to accept it calmly.

“Are you going to massage other places besides my shoulders?”

“… ….”

I thought that much.

But, something is a little strange.


“As you know, we’ve been traveling around a lot together these days. So is that so? “I was having a hard time because I kept feeling a little stiff.”

Despite the change in title, Eve continued speaking. As if he really meant what he said, he tapped my thigh with his fist.

At the same time, there was her, subtly squinting at me.

“… ….”

What is it? What should I do? Want me to massage your legs?

So what about me?

After a really short but heavy moment of silence, I asked her.


Just three syllables.

“Of course.”

And it was an immediate answer.

I remained silent.

I roll my eyes for a moment. She reflexively lowered her gaze, but soon realized that Eve was wearing a skirt and restored her gaze.

Eve smiled softly as if she knew something, but as if she didn’t know…….

“Senior, that.”

Anyway, I called her again to ask her sincerity. Eve nods as if asking to talk.

I continued speaking immediately.

“Anyway, wouldn’t that be a bit strange? “It looks like it.”


And Eve, as if she had predicted what I said, crossed her arms without much change in her expression.

At first glance, his eyes looked like he was worried, but…….

“Then I won’t be the manager either. “Please find another senior.”

Rather, there was no time lag between those words.

She turned her head without giving her space.

…… Just a moment ago, at what point was there something to pout about?

‘I don’t know.’

However, I may not have had a choice.

Anyway, I wanted to create a club.

There were a lot of things I had to prepare for, and other than that, there were quite a few things I wanted to do.

The best way to do that is to form a club and have free time, and it might be okay to endure a little embarrassment for that purpose.

‘…… ‘It’s not a bad exchange condition, is it?’

When I thought about it, it was like that. Actually, it’s not me who feels embarrassed, but Eve.

I still don’t know why such a mysterious request is being made… ….

“Okay, I understand.”

In the end, I had no choice but to nod. Yes, as a little brother, wouldn’t it be possible to relieve my sister’s fatigue?

It’s just a massage. Again, it’s a massage.

Anyway, I briefly made eye contact with Eve to signify that I would accept(?) The conditions, and only then did Eve uncross her arms with a satisfied expression.

“Okay, I should have done that a long time ago.”

“Then you are creating a club…… ?”

“Of course. Just wait a moment, little brother. “After all, work related to the creation and closure of clubs falls under the jurisdiction of the student council.”

Eve smiled brightly and smiled brightly, stretching as if she needed to get up soon.

That’s how this story ended.

There were transactions with terms that were a bit difficult to understand, but all you had to do was go to Seoul. Anyway, I think it’s fortunate that the club creation project seems to be going smoothly.

‘So what’s left now is recruiting new members?’

Of course, just because we crossed the most difficult hurdle did not mean everything was resolved.

There were still a few remaining issues.

One of them was the recruitment of members.

Of course, you will need to meet the minimum number of people to create a club.

“Umm… ….”

The cafeteria after Eve left for the student council room in the main building, shedding a meaningful smile as if she was so satisfied. Outdoor table there.

I quietly leaned back and thought about the faces of each and every person I knew.

Okay, who would be good as a founding member?


Fourth main episode, [Imperial House].

It was definitely not a love affair.

As far as I know, the third episode was originally [The Appearance of a Demon], And even if it was changed to [Demon of Devastation], The fourth episode should have been [Dragon in a Deep Sleep].

In other words, a story related to solvents.

But the story has changed, the situation has changed a lot, and it has been a long time since the correct history was properly established.

So, maybe Yongje’s case may have changed in some way, but… ….

‘Still, it seems like something is coming.’

I thought it would definitely happen and did not lose my mind. In the first place, unlike the demons, no incidents related to the Dragon Emperor have occurred yet.

At best, Flügel returned to his normal state early on.

‘Even that is more closely related to the Three Kings than to the Dragon Emperor.’

That’s right. I think it will probably come.

The beginning of [Dragon in a Deep Sleep].

In other words, this is an incident where a strange person from somewhere who worships the Dragon Emperor comes directly to the academy.

I remember that his primary purpose was to check the condition of the Flügel sealed underground, and perhaps to amplify the curse.

But hasn’t Flügel already woken up?

He has regained his normal state and has been on the ground for half a year to begin with.

Whether it is in a game or in reality, it is inevitable that the dragon emperor’s worshiper will achieve his goal.

As a result, he changed his plan late.

Not by checking Flügel’s condition, but by catching Tsumei off guard.

In the first place, since almost 99% of dragons were annihilated, the biggest obstacle to the Dragon Emperor was none other than the slayer dragon.

‘Maybe he was trying to bring down the mountain, that bastard?’

I knew the worshiper’s secondary goals, and I also knew the means they used to achieve those goals.

Collapse of the academy on the city’s high ground.

And seeing Tsumei’s state of confusion and loss of reason in her crowd due to such a collapse, he targets none other than her.

Of course, he is not the Dragon Emperor himself, and is merely a worshiper. How could he possibly kill Tsumei?

According to the description of the story, it would roughly go something like ‘excessive loyalty clouded the ability to judge.’

Anyway, that’s not what’s important.

In the end, the point is the collapse of the academy.

Because Tsumei won’t die anyway.

The clear condition for this episode was the collapse of the Academy. This is a question of whether or not it can be prevented.

If nothing much had changed, I just had to act accordingly.

So, first of all, don’t pay too much attention, but if possible, pay some attention and look for any traces.

If it really passes without incident, it’s not that bad.

Well, what is the true conclusion now?

“Would you like to join the travel club?”

“… ….”

No matter what, the recommendation from the club was the priority.

First of all, shouldn’t we gather at least five people?

So, I was walking around the academy campus looking for a familiar face.

And in the meantime, the first ‘familiar face’ I encountered was the young man in front of me.

“I don’t participate in club activities, Dante.”

The name of such a young man is Lucius Romanea El Pale.

You will be the student council president of the academy and my cousin.

He came up to me out of nowhere and blurted out a word. Unexpectedly, he declined to tell my story in a polite manner and with a detailed explanation.

“One of the few privileges that the student council president has is not being obligated to participate in club activities. “In order to focus on the work of the student council as much as possible, I have not joined any separate organizations, and I have no intention of joining in the future.”


That’s definitely something I didn’t know. It’s the student council president’s privilege.

It was natural for something like that to exist.

Anyway, I didn’t really recommend it, but I just scratched my cheek and turned around, saying it was unfortunate.

The purpose was simply to have a short conversation with Lucius and check his attitude.

[…] ….]

In a way, it was Dante’s request, and at the same time, it was ‘my’ thoughts and feelings.

It was incoherent, but I guess that’s the right thing to say.

I think I’ve said this many times, but right now I feel like I’m 70% myself and 30% Dante (?).

I was curious on the inside. There was an expected reaction, but for now.

How does he view me and Dante?

‘Well, he’s just calm.’

I expected it to some extent. I believed that at least she wouldn’t be hugged by me, shedding tears like Eve did.

‘But, even considering the personality differences, it seems like there isn’t too much mention…….’

It was at that moment that I remembered that thought and tried to follow Lucius’s presence behind me just in case.


Just then a call was heard.

A much lower tone and voice.

I just turned my head slightly, and Lucius, who made eye contact with me, surprisingly touched his lips as if hesitating for just a moment.

It was definitely a sight that was not easy to see.

I don’t know what to say, but I also had doubts and curiosity at the same time.

I’m waiting patiently.

“…… My father.”

The first words Lucius spoke were about the emperor.

His red eyes looking at me became slightly blurred.

“He is seriously thinking about how he can hand over the position of Archduke Ernesia to you as quickly as possible. “Soon, Howard’s title and other remaining properties will be transferred to you.”

“… ….”

“Of course, I know it won’t look good on you. “To me, your father didn’t seem like a very good adult because he didn’t approach you directly over the past few days.”

This time, it was different from before. What is mentioned directly is the words about me and the imperial family’s private affairs.

Lucius continued talking without avoiding.

That seemed quite surprising to me.

He didn’t say anything until the end, so I thought he wasn’t paying attention to me.

“Title and property. I’m not trying to end my atonement with just those things. This is just a matter of returning what you were originally supposed to receive…….”

First of all, I didn’t give any particular answer.

From noble mtl dot com

Lucius just continued as if he understood.

In fact, for a moment, I couldn’t understand the reason for that expression of understanding, so I had a question mark in my mind…….

‘Oh, you understand how I feel?’

Well, whatever.

“…… You don’t need to treat me like your older brother. You don’t have to call me brother. “I’m not asking for that.”

Lucius continued talking anyway.

With an uncharacteristically bitter and somber expression.

“However, I remember this much.”

He spoke to me.

“I will think of you as my younger brother. “In a different sense than Eve, you are my younger sister.”


“Even if you have no choice but to regard me as a blood relative who is not even a blood relative, I will continue to find ways to help you in my own way. Therefore-.”

He paused briefly, then looked at me and parted his lips again as if showing courage.

“…… If you need help, come to the student council room at the academy. “Whenever that happens, I will try my best to fulfill my role as an older brother.”

And before I can come up with an answer, I nod to myself.

It was as if this was the end of the matter, or as if he was sorry for holding me back.

“Finally… …. Thank you for not violently breaking off my relationship with Eve. “Even though he doesn’t look like that, she has a very soft heart.”

Soon he made eye contact with me and turned his body.

Then I glanced at him for a moment as if he was a little hesitant.

“…… Well, I view your relationship favorably. So, it’s okay if you don’t care about me. “Let your relationship take the direction you both want.”

Soon, he left, having let out such a mysterious voice for the last time.

The awkward expression at the end, which was not typical, is particularly memorable.

I remained deeply silent and stood motionless until I could no longer see Lucius’s back.

And soon enough, the trace of Lucius disappeared completely.


I returned the emotionless eyes that had opened at Dante’s request to their original state, and muttered to myself in response to his words that bothered me.

“…… So.”

What happened between me and Eve?

Lucius: Are you saying that you know that my younger sister is also my cousin…? … ?

Became an Academy Self-Inflicted Blackmailer

Became an Academy Self-Inflicted Blackmailer

아카데미 자해 공갈범이 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a game set in an academy. “You will be able to handle the power of lightning.” “As a sister product, there is a flaming caustic pain.” It seems that one or two screws are missing, but for now, I have obtained a plausible ability. “Hey, calm down! Put down that sword, and I-I will work harder…!” “This choice is not like you! Don’t give up, trust the people around you a little more!” But why are they like this?


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not work with dark mode