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Became an Academy Self-Inflicted Blackmailer chapter 105

105 – Method of Apology (2)

-Dante That person has lost his memory.

He lost his memory.

The saint said so.

-There is a high possibility that you or I cannot recall what we saw in the past.

And that would not be wrong.

There is no way to be sure…….

Even so, other hypotheses do not fit Dante’s changes at all.

Even more so, if it is a loss of memory, then everything makes sense.

Dante changed.

Without your knowledge.

At least, there must have been some variable that was different from the past and future he saw.

Jibril was firmly convinced of that much.

And after hearing the saint’s story, I realized. This is an opportunity, but at the same time, it is also a crisis caused by one’s own mistakes.

Jibril clearly remembered what he had done to Dante.

How could I forget? No matter how much the cause was put forward as a justification, now that we know the circumstances behind it, it is just an atrocity.

I tried to harm someone who knew nothing and someone who had not yet committed anything.

‘You’re so foolish, Jibril. You… ….’

He was disgusted by his own behavior.

How can people not know what’s ahead?

This is also a topic that proudly boasts about seeing the future.

I just blindly believed that my thoughts were right. No, it was fanaticism.

I committed a sin. I made a mistake.

Dear Dante, I did something I shouldn’t have done.

…… Come to think of it, he has always shown himself to be different from what he knew ever since we first met.

He must have seen every single one of them in his own eyes.

‘But you didn’t notice anything strange…? ….’

Jibril clenched his fists and bit his lip. Isn’t that so foolish?

He was even more distressed by the fact that maybe he hadn’t noticed.

Yes. It’s not that he didn’t notice. Even though he probably knew, even though he subconsciously realized the existence of something strange, he didn’t stop.


Because he blindly trusted the future he saw.

Because he never had any doubts.

‘…… ‘Stupid woman.’

It was indeed so. She says she is a stupid woman. It’s ridiculous.

In my heart, I wanted to go back to the past and stop myself.

…… But, I know I can’t do that. I knew it well.

It made no sense, so I couldn’t ignore it any longer.

I made a mistake.

The relationship was distorted.

What has already happened cannot be undone. So what should you do?

Isn’t the answer obvious?

From noble mtl dot com

First of all, the distorted relationship had to be at least restored to its original state.

Even if it can’t be a plus, it shouldn’t be a minus.

“…… It’s shameless. I want to ask for forgiveness. I want you to know how. “If there really is a way.”

So Jibril made his choice. She resolved to do what should be done and what should be done first.

There is nothing to say. Apology and apology. And asking for forgiveness.

Maybe it’s something I should have done the day I got slapped, the moment I heard that stinging advice.

So even though it is too late now, there will be nothing to say.

However, I had no choice but to do it with the excuse that ‘it wouldn’t work out anyway.’

I think that is a little, no, a lot of cowardice.

I tried to kill one person.

Attempted to kidnap a person.

It is wrong. It was no different from a clear evil deed or crime.

So I had to pray.

Even if you are not forgiven, it is something you must do.

Because there is no other way to know.

“…… Sorry.”

However, Jibril inadvertently lamented at some point. It’s nothing else.

Because he realized that his words were not organized at all.

Is this an apology or reflection? Or is it coercion?

Isn’t it like they are forcing forgiveness?

‘Fool, idiot… ….’

Jibril closed his eyes tightly and muttered to himself. He was reprimanding himself.

I thought he might have added something he didn’t need to say.

But I repeat, there is no way to undo what has already happened or what has been said.

A look of resignation fell on Jibril’s face.

…… Even though you are seeking the other person’s sympathy, your feelings of remorse are not false. That much could be said clearly.

It means that you are not unaware of the weight of your mistakes.

So, I am asking for forgiveness.

So, I’m looking for a way.

-If you really can’t find another way other than killing me, then just get out of this job. I have no intention of entrusting my friend to such a coward.

The saint definitely said that.

Jibril remembered those words.

I couldn’t forget it. Those words flew at me like a dagger and stuck into my heart like an awl.

She called herself a ‘coward.’

Jibril laughed. Isn’t this an accurate expression?

I couldn’t find anything to refute.

“… ….”

Jibril’s eyes closed again.

And I think.

That’s why she doesn’t want to remain a coward anymore.

At least they will find a way to make up for it.

Still, I couldn’t forget the glimpse of the future that I saw in her first moments.

She couldn’t live forever with the horror of such a future holding her back.

That was foolish.

This is even more foolish than now.

So I won’t do it.

‘If you really lost your memory, I.’

Jibril buried both of her hands in his chest.

Now it was time to come to my senses.

‘I hope you don’t find your memories.’

Isn’t this a situation where I’ve already heard harsh words from two people, twice?

I can no longer hide like a reclusive loner.

‘Even that may be a sin against you.’

I had to find another way, and I found it.

It’s a sloppy plan, though.

Even so, I couldn’t think of any other measures beyond this.

For Jibril, this was the best.

‘I will no longer avoid responsibility.’


She raised her head.

“You probably guessed it too. I glimpsed your future and came to you to prevent it. I was trying to kill you. Even though I think it’s terrible, I can’t bear to say anything…….”

And then we make eye contact.

“Even now, the principle of action has not changed. Because I came here to prevent the future. So I won’t tell a lie.”

As I promised, I will not avoid it anymore.

“However, I will not cause any more trouble to you and your life. You don’t have to truly forgive me either. “I don’t shamelessly ask for that kind of mercy.”

If you say you can’t stop shaking, does that mean you have no sense of purpose? Or is it a problem that can be excused as something that cannot be helped?

…… I wasn’t sure, but at least I knew it wasn’t very pretty.

Jibril reluctantly continued his speech, even though his face was red with shame.

“Well, I just want to stay by your side. I want to stay and watch. I just want you to tolerate it. Today, I came here to ask for that permission…….”

“… ….”

There was no answer from Dante.

He just remained silent with a stern expression.

Jibril felt a bitter emotion prick his heart. Well, it’s probably something that can’t be helped.

It is an inevitable reaction.

Considering what he did to him, he was showing a lot of patience just by not kicking him out right away.

Yes. I just feel grateful.

‘Come to your senses, Jibril. ‘Shouldn’t you speak well?’

Jibril made up his mind.

Now is important.

Even if he considers me precious, at least not to become distant. To that end, there isn’t much he can offer.

So, I had to speak well.

If you want to persuade by using non-existent speech and rely on sympathy, you can do that.

“I think I can be of help to you.”

First of all, put into his mouth ‘your utility value’ that you can present to him.

“Although astrology is a skill with clear limitations, the things it can do within those limitations are quite extensive. “It will definitely be of great help to your life.”

“… ….”

“I will treat you as my superior and use my abilities for you. Although he has many shortcomings, his abilities will still be useful. For sure.”

It doesn’t matter if there is no answer.

Still, you must not be discouraged.

I had to work hard until it worked.

Because that’s the only way.

“If you ask me to take responsibility for what I did, I will. I will accept any punishment. “I won’t avoid it.”

Jibril bowed his head once again.

It was such a polite greeting with many implications.

“…… “Please forgive me.”


“… ….”

Still, Dante did not give an answer.

Does not open his mouth or shows any reaction.


Finally, he turned around and started walking away from Jibril.

Jibril’s eyelashes fluttered without even realizing it.

‘…… Of course, I do.’

It felt like his heart was going to drop, but he thought even that could not be helped. It is an unavoidable responsibility.

Reactions that must be handled.

It is wrong to even feel disappointed and upset by such a reaction.

Jibril just slumped his shoulders.

…… I did everything I could. I said everything I could.

If you still fail, you have no choice but to accept it.

Maybe everything went wrong the day we first met, when he put on the wrong button.

“Huh, ugh.”

A weak voice escaped Jibril’s lips.

I didn’t shed any tears, but I should say that my heart was throbbing.

Even though I knew I wasn’t in that position, it wasn’t easy to control my emotions.

As of now, she also did not feel any worries about her future.

But for now.

For now… ….

‘Jibril, you are such a stupid idiot… ….’

I just feel responsible for my previous mistakes.

Not being forgiven is quite difficult.

“You’re such an idiot.”

And then a cold energy touched Jibril’s forehead.

It happened right after.

“…… ?!”

Jibril looked up at her in surprise.

Still, her cold energy caught up with me.

“Cha, car. “Eh.”

Jibril’s voice rose for a moment, then lowered for another moment.

As she spoke, her voice fluctuating, she inadvertently touched her forehead.

“…… Ah?”

And she realized. The fact that her own forehead was touched by a wet towel.

To put it bluntly, it was a trivial identity, but Jibril just blinked her eyes blankly.

Raise her head and look away. She suddenly looks to where her towel was sticking out.

In other words, she looked at Dante’s face.

Jibril looks up at Dante with a dumbfounded expression.

Dante laughed for the first time.

“I think you look better with that stupid expression. “He’s a lot dumber than I know, so it just fits.”

“Huh, huh?”

“I don’t need to talk about trivial things anymore, so just show me your forehead.”

In response to Jibril, who was literally making an idiotic voice, Dante grabbed her by the chin.

With a little bit of force, that is.

Jibril’s body stiffened, and Dante placed the towel on her forehead again.

“Homi, look at the torn forehead. “How do you film something like this?”

“… ….”

“Well, is that so? “The shock must have been so severe that the child looked a little dizzy.”

After roughly cleaning her wound, I put away her towel and this time bring cotton and cotton swabs.

Soon Jibril found a first aid kit next to Dante.

Did he disappear to get that a little while ago?

‘…… Why?’

Jibril’s expression turned blank again.

It was an unusually colorful change in facial expression.

Of course, Dante guessed her intentions to some extent, but she did not dare to say what she said.

Considering the scar, it is best to treat her wound as quickly as possible.

Her feelings for her may not have completely resolved to the point where she says useless things.

“…… “You don’t have to apologize anymore.”

However, she just says something different.

Answer to Jibril’s story.

“They weren’t really taken to the East, it was just an attempt. Well, as a result, I escaped on my own…….”

Dante’s touch was not very delicate, but it was enough to roughly treat the wounds that had appeared on her.

Literally wipe off the blood and roughly apply ointment. And she roughly finishes it off with a Band-Aid.

“I don’t know how many times I’ve heard you say you’re sorry. Your sins are truly deep, but they are not something you should hang your head in. “Even though I deserved a little slap in the face.”

Jibril looked at Dante.

I just stared blankly.

“…… So are your cheeks okay? “I think I hit him a little hard back then.”

And then it suddenly occurred to me.

The other day, she said what her saint said to her.

-I’m just saying that this is what happened.

These words came out in passing when we finished talking and were leaving the forest.

-You thought wrong in the first place. What are you doing when you’ve already met once? You’ve had a conversation with Dante.

She just chuckled and spoke as if she was absolutely certain of her thoughts.

-Dante, I’m talking about people being foolish and affectionate, so they can’t do something like that.

In the first place, Dante is not a person worthy of destroying the world.

At least the current Dante is definitely like that.

-Well, even if I regain my memories, does that matter? In any case, so that the current personality can be maintained, all you have to do is overwrite it with more memories.

Isn’t that exactly the role a friend can play?

The saint said so.

And the appearance of the saint who said that.

Even in Jibril’s eyes, she seemed very noble.

“…… Are you listening? Hey.”

Jibril shut her mouth. She felt like if she didn’t do it now, a lot of stupid noise would come out.

So she just squeezed her lip and bit it.

As it is, she cannot bear to answer.

In the end, Dante had no choice but to scratch his cheek and open his mouth.

“Well, anyway, that’s true. It seems like you want to be forgiven, so I’ll give it to you. Okay? She understood that she was sorry, she accepted that she was wrong, and now there are no feelings left. Okay, finished organizing.”

In my own way, it was my way of receiving an apology.

An attitude so blatant that it is obvious to the eye.

At that, Jibril let out a hearty laugh without even realizing it.

…… I feel even more responsible for what I have done.

‘Did I try to kill this person? ‘You don’t listen to what I’m saying, and you just believe what you see?’

I feel like I did something really bad.

Jibril evaluated himself that way.

“…… Thank you.”

However, she did not reject her opponent’s tolerance.

Because I was not in a position to refuse.


So, she just decided to move for what she could.

She lifted her body helplessly and began to undo the front buckle of her cloth.

“Although my body is poor, I hope you can enjoy it… ….”

“…… No, what kind of bullsh*t is this?”

And Dante was disgusted.

Became an Academy Self-Inflicted Blackmailer

Became an Academy Self-Inflicted Blackmailer

아카데미 자해 공갈범이 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a game set in an academy. “You will be able to handle the power of lightning.” “As a sister product, there is a flaming caustic pain.” It seems that one or two screws are missing, but for now, I have obtained a plausible ability. “Hey, calm down! Put down that sword, and I-I will work harder…!” “This choice is not like you! Don’t give up, trust the people around you a little more!” But why are they like this?


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not work with dark mode