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Avoid Former Co-Workers chapter 59

59 – 59. Class Assignment Test (1)

After the subjugation and sweeping of Canolatl one after another, peace has returned to the academy.

The damage to the academy and students was not great, and it did not take long for the situation to normalize thanks to the time spent caring for the trauma of the students.

Thus, the test that was forgotten for a while, buried in subjugation and defense, returns again.

“Finally… Finally…”

“Please. Please.”

“Please let me be promoted this time…!”

The class placement test, where students’ skills are evaluated and the class placement process will be conducted, has arrived.

The academy’s class assignment test, which had been postponed and postponed, was eventually led by the Archduke, not the Noble Union, which had been dragging its feet.

Students have been fully prepared while waiting for today.

This time when each student’s class is set is filled with tension and nervousness.

Professor Meuniher, who finished preparing for the exam, came up to the campus podium.

“As notified, this class placement test will be conducted in Dalian.”

With that one word, the joys and sorrows of the students are mixed.

The former lower class students who are intimidated by the word Dalian, and the former upper class students who are enthusiastic about the word Dalian.

So far, when couples are involved in class assignment tests, the majority of cases where the upper class and the lower class are openly determined.

It blocks access itself or restricts movement, and when it is tied up like that, it usually retires with an ejection attack.

No matter how talented the vanguard is, even their hands are tied to the rules presented by the Noble Union, and a test to thoroughly reject the vanguard.

That was the Dalian test.

However, it won’t be like that this time.

“Previously, students who took the test received a magic badge, looked at its durability, and decided to win or lose. However, this time, random opponents will be matched against each other within the Talbrt arc. That’s the test you will take. Of everything.”

If you look at it like this, it was surprisingly a simple notice that was not like that. If that was the end.

“However, if you focus only on winning and losing, you will get a serious nose injury.”

Since the difference in the nature of the position was obvious, the Dalian test, which was often included in the class assignment test, was usually determined by victory or defeat.

If students wearing magic badges receive a certain amount of attack in the training room and the light of the magic badge turns red, they are defeated.

Simple, but clearly, the long-distance position, which can emit elemental magic from a distance, was an extremely advantageous method.

But what did you warn me about this time?

He said random sparring opponents are matched up. Within the Thalbrt Arc.

I don’t even know who the opponent is, and the place called the meeting room changes within the Talbrut arc, and I don’t know which field will come out.

If you think about it carefully, the situation has become the same as during the end-of-semester evaluation.

Just before the test full of variables began, the time to make a choice came to one person.

‘What should I do now?’

I was troubled because I had two options.

One option is to skip this test, so as not to run into former colleagues.

Another one…



“That … He said he would listen to anything before, you know.”

“Hmm? That’s what I remember…”

I left those words because I was grateful and sorry for Sylvia who worked hard with me. If there is anything you want, please ask.

Dealing with Oh Soft Terra, Sylvia fixed her role by giving a blow to the others, which was a huge help.

Even during the sit-in in the Alkaid Hall. Thanks to Sylvia’s patience and stopping one team from going first, she was able to pass the last minute that Professor Dahlia mentioned.

In fact, it is no different from the hidden protagonist of the siege under worse conditions.

So, even on a humanitarian level, he naturally wanted to repay Sylvia.

“But it’s not long before the exam starts. You’re going to say that now?”

The problem was that the zero timing was odd.

“Yes. It must be now.”

“Uh… Ok. Tell me then.”

What on earth is it that they set the mood as if they were announcing important matters ahead of the class placement test?

Still, it was polite to respond properly when looking at Sylvia, who seemed to have made a firm decision.

“I hope you don’t fall over Eoyeongbuyeong this time.”

“Hmm? Going over?”

“Your image keeps getting weirder. In fact, you are the main player in the defense of Osoptera, but you deliberately left it… I’m really upset.”


“I want the other kids to see you straight this time. So… I hope this exam doesn’t go overboard like the defense of Osoptera.”

I didn’t know. I didn’t think Sylvia would have kept it that way.

I didn’t know about it until the end of the semester evaluation, so I thought so, and in the beginning of the semester evaluation, I only remembered what I was asked once.

She didn’t really care or ask after that. So, she thought, this time too, she naturally pretended not to know Sylvia and handed her over, she thought. It is true that the gaze of others who were originally directed at me was not particularly good in quality.

However, with one request from just now, Junon finally found out about Sylvia’s true feelings.

‘As expected… That’s why she deliberately followed her even then.’

Why did Sylvia, who hates the smell of her blood so much that she vomited after the defense of Osoptera, stayed by her side?

Just because we’re friends? Wouldn’t that be lacking in something?

Because of her personality, she would have endured as much as she could.

It was clear that she had endured it several times, and that she had swallowed the nasty fingers and gossip directed at me one by one.

If Sylvia hadn’t put up with it, she might have looked like the Michelle she met in the cistern.

She could guess that the reason Sylvia accompanied her to the dormitory that day, smelling her blood, was to rid her of prejudices and prejudices even a little bit.

“…You want me to shake off my current self?”


Sylvia’s face naturally turned bright when Junon noticed it.

The first thing she recognized was that he was a good and upright person, and she wanted Sylvia, whose life was turned upside down with Junon’s help.

At the same time, she is what Sylvia asked him now.

I wanted him to be recognized by everyone by revealing his skills and character, not being surrounded by rumors and bad gossip.

“Yes. This is your request.”

Ironically, Junon was contemplating between two options until Sylvia spoke to her.

From noble mtl dot com

But now the answer has been given.

“Let’s meet in class A. Sylvia.”

“Yes. It’s a must!!”

Second, I decided not to choose the option of taking the test to avoid the Tembris party members and heading to the lower half.


I sometimes think of Aris without even realizing it.

Oh, the appearance of Erika, her colleague who was left alone as the members of the seat left in the battle against Soptera.

‘I can’t concentrate. It’s before the exam.’

Although it was because of the other guys, there is no disagreement that it created anxiety.

And ironically, what immediately comes to mind is Junon, who solved the situation and cleared up his mistake.

The sight of Erica’s stomach being pierced is still a nightmare for Aris.

Of course, it can’t be compared.

The formation chosen by Junon, the siege chosen by Junon, and even the results summoned by Junon.

An important test is right in front of her, a placement test, but her hand won’t come off the forehead where her pink bangs are lifted.

Even though Charlotte gave that advice, she still held it in her head as if the scene overlapped like her aftereffects.

“I thought you would be the most relaxed. Aris.”

A colleague of hers, who looks like her older sister despite her age, with her brown bobbed hair that goes well with her indifferent face, spoke to Aris.

“…Don’t worry, it’s none of your business, Senia.”

“Even if people worry about you, you’re picky.”

“Who wants to worry? That’s what they call remoteness.”

Even though they are on the same team, discord exists.

My feud with Senia was quite frequent.

However, the atmosphere is quite different today.

“No matter how much you don’t like it, you’re on the same team. It’s obvious that you’re in bad shape. How can you ignore it?”

As expected.

“You’re doing it on purpose.”

“Hmm? Well?”

It must have been revenge at that time.

She couldn’t apologize to Senia, who said she was leaving her team because she was getting on her nerves in the mock battle room.

But she just wanted to be grumpy.

“It’s not even a mock battle, Senia, do you have a reason to point out me?”

“Oh, that’s right. I’m so sorry for being so obnoxious.”

“It’s good to know. So, can you stop doing that next time?”

“Yes yes yes.”

As she was doing this, she remembered the first time she met Senia.

Did she bump into her due to a conflict of opinions during the first mock battle? She would come up with first impressions of her that she couldn’t remember.

I didn’t really like the arrogant and carefree look on his face or the way he spoke in a way that seemed to deflect people’s words. She’s the exact opposite of her personality. I think we clashed a lot because her opinions collided with each other because they were really opposite personalities.

But unexpectedly, when she gets angry, she gets angry properly.

At that time, what she received from Senia was worrying. Sincere concern for her colleague.

I don’t know why I can’t help but think of Erica who was quite angry now, but thanks to that, I can’t think of Erica anymore.

“You look fine today though?”

Senia said with a grin. Before the exam, she was worried about Aris, so she came to visit her, but she didn’t have to worry too much.

It didn’t look like Aris would fail her test.

“…Sorry Senia. I guess it was because I was sensitive back then.”

“If you’re sorry, do well on the test. Aris. Then I’ll take care of you.”

Aris handed over the apple at just the right timing.

Then she smiled and answered, Senia headed for her exam room as if nothing had happened.

“What are you saying? Unlucky.”

Aris muttered to Senia who turned away with a smile.

“Let’s not think about anything else. Let’s start with the exam, Aris.”

The team still lacks a lot, and in order to become proficient, the only way is to learn from experienced people and professors.

After the team leader, Goden, was promoted from the class assignment, he said let’s learn a little more.

She was able to bury her accidental misstep this time with the help of her colleague.

All that remains is to take the exam straight.

But why is her particularly dark black hair more visible today?

“Let’s meet in class A. Sylvia.”

“Yes. It’s a must!!”

“So, don’t look at the guys who are going to fight against you. Take them down and come. Meet them as soon as possible.”

With those words, the conversation between Sylvia and Junon comes to an end. Then he went into the exam room and hid his face.

There was a somewhat meaningful part to catch at the end of the conversation.

In addition, as soon as he entered, the whispering voices around him also irritated his ears.

“What’s the point of knocking down all of them without looking at them?”

“Don’t you know something about the bracket this time? If you told Sylvia about it…”

“Yes. That professor seems to care about him very much.”

Those who looked down on him were watching every word he said, so it wouldn’t be strange if he was suspected.

At this, the girl who was brushing his pink hair back opened her mouth.

“Does it sound like you ran away openly when dealing with Osoptera?”

“Even, running away. That…”

“It was dangerous for us too, so we couldn’t help it…”

“That almost killed Erica. At least the people you ignore endured until the end. You just don’t want to admit that you guys are inferior to him, do you?”

I wonder what to say, but they keep their mouth shut again.

Since Aris, the protagonist of this defense, said that, he had nothing to say.

At least, if it was an easy opponent, he might have fought back, but it would be rude to compare Aris’ achievements with them.

They were busy running around looking behind them, so they couldn’t even shout at Aris, so the flow of the conversation was completely overturned.

Aris wants to add a word at this time.

“If that’s not the case, let’s prove it with this test. You guys are better than Junon.”

After adding that, they sneered and hurriedly walked towards the exam hall.

It was an obvious provocation. To stimulate those whose defeat is certain.

“Of course I can prove that much!”

“We didn’t run away. It’s a strategic retreat. I’ll prove it with this test.”

“I was worried that I would lay the groundwork first. I hope you don’t run away like a coward in this exam.”

“So even if you didn’t run away!”

“Hey, that’s fine. You can just go in and apply it.”

If you twist it literally, prove it with this test.

Aris made a sarcastic remark and almost put the three of them into the training room.

Thanks to that, I didn’t become more suspicious of Junon’s words, leading to a worsening atmosphere.

‘…Although this may not be enough.’

Attracting attention was the only thing I could do.

He has a huge debt.

The life of a comrade. Own life. In addition, there may be something more behind it.

To Junon, she made a somewhat impulsive judgment based on her memories that she hadn’t even found since their first meeting, and started attacking her.

It was because he was going to block them from entering the Thambris party.

For a similar reason, Junon must have heard that from Erica.

However, he did not seem to have any interest in the Thambris party from the beginning. He just wants to have no contact with the Thembris party.

The more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I think of it, the more I think about it.

But not anymore. I know the emotional girl who did the job spared her co-worker’s and my life.

So it’s not difficult to prevent Junon from becoming disadvantaged in this way. The problem is that I can’t make eye contact yet.

As if she had become a high treason, Aris had just been startled and shivered for no reason even though Junon had passed into the exam hall from a distance of three steps away.

‘…But this is better.’

To listen to the man who nailed him not wanting to be associated with Thembris Party and prevent his name from being known, for better or for worse.

That was all she could do for her Junon now, so she said.

─Room 5. Applicable students, please prepare.

‘Everything will be fine with time.’

I hope that one day, as she did with Senia, she will be able to express her apologies while making eye contact with him.

Avoid Former Co-Workers

Avoid Former Co-Workers

전 동료들을 피해라
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I went back to the time before everything happened. So you have to avoid your former colleagues. Because I don’t want to die the same way twice.


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not work with dark mode