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Avoid Former Co-Workers chapter 108

108 – 108. Charlotte Ashrelt (2)

Change was the direction he had to pursue directly.

If you just sit in the same place and wait, nothing will change forever. The principality, the academy, and himself.

Aside from infiltrating the Octagon, aren’t other things a good example? I know very well that I have to change myself for a better future.

However, it was unexpected that an unexpected change would come from the outside.

If something similar happens, and a bad precedent remains, what will happen next?

Most of them will try to avoid repeating the same result. How that goes is just different for each person.

Junon also belongs to the category of human beings, so it’s not that different from him.

Aris, Erica. As long as he felt bitter towards the two and decided to distance himself, he had no intention of staying close to Thembris.

However, there is a counterexample.

There was a person who remembered the past but did not blame himself.

The youngest of Tembris. Baron Eshrelt, who leads the Ashrelt Merchant.

Charlotte Ashrelt. She is a two year younger junior who has helped her in many ways not too long ago. She is her counterexample.

“…I will not depend on you.”

Two very bad precedents and counterexamples that seemed to refute them. Confused, Junon let out a long sigh and struggled to grab the training equipment.

That night, somehow, it was a night that reminded me of the past.


This is the distant past. At the same time, memories that will never return to reality.

The time before the regression when a girl accepts being a child and accepts the help of others.

Charlotte, who once caused runaway magic, walked, and it is only a regressor’s memory that remembers it intact.

It was not voluntary. The little girl, who could only be helped by someone else to suppress herself from running wild under her magical powers, trembled in fear as if her body had been taken away.

It wasn’t because I had a merchant’s heart that I didn’t open my heart easily no matter which team there was someone to help me with.

“Charlotte? Uh…”

“Tell me.”

“We also want to hear from you. We can’t stay like this forever.”

Michelle barely talks to Charlotte, who doesn’t change her expression, but

“It’s okay. It’s only for a while, so you don’t have to worry about me.”

“That, yes…”

It was very difficult to calm the girl who pushed away favors in the way of an aristocrat with an adult conversation method.

Even when Aris approaches with her eye smile.

“Hello, Charlotte? Can I talk to you?”

“It’s okay, Senior Aris.”

Even if Goden tries to be nice and get attention.

“When you’re in a bad mood, you should warm up your body first. Would you like to exercise with me?”

“My body is not at all suitable for exercise, so you don’t have to worry about it. Goden-senpai.”

A hard answer comes back every time.

After exchanging a few words with Senia and seeing her through Charlotte’s psychology, Senia let go of her hand early, and even though Erica, who is good at speaking aristocrats, put her words around her, Charlotte did not break her stubbornness.

The maknae’s past, when she received a lot of joy from her kind-hearted yet smart personality, and her cute appearance and body.

In her past, the words trust and sociability were virtually non-existent.

It was because the world had changed so drastically for Charlotte on the day her first magical runaway occurred.

“Here he comes.”

In an aristocrat-centered society, the presence of gossip is always welcome.

When there was something to criticize and criticize, it didn’t matter who the target was. In addition, those who have the pride of nobility use the power of power to peck open painful wounds without hesitation.

It was only Charlotte’s turn that this time rumors of a mana runaway spread widely among the nobles.

“Hey, monster!”


“Wow. That monster doesn’t even answer.”

“Isn’t it because you’re not a real person, but because you’re a monster?”

“It’s rude to be called a monster. It must be because he knows that Lady Ashrelt is ashamed of her sins.”

“Well, if I’m really sorry for my sins, isn’t it right that I don’t even come out with my restraints on?”

Nobles were originally like that. When you see the weak, you know for sure that you want to bully them and feel superior to them.

She was sick of hearing her voices, such as the fact that she was the youngest to be crowned baronet, the fact that she was slandered and complained about buying her title with money. . This didn’t even hurt. But…

“Because I saw everything nearby! Dark mana is rising right next to him! From then on, people started to… Huh? Why are you like this all of a sudden?”

“Hey… Behind you…”

“They say there’s something behind it… Huh.”

From noble mtl dot com


Gossip continued in the classroom. And that wasn’t all.

“What is this?”

“Today… These are the resignations from the members.”

Actually, it had nothing to do with status. From the moment she couldn’t restrain herself and tried to harm her person, she, Charlotte, became something everyone talked about.

To the people of the world, she was imprinted as ‘a being who never knew when she would run out of control and harm people’.

The words of people who thought they could endure enough became sharp thorns, and those thorns tore the heart of a child who had never been able to pamper him thanks to his parents who left behind only debts.

The lock in Charlotte’s heart is firmly locked at the voice of a person who hears it every day and her gaze.

To a girl who grew up too quickly, pushed away by the world, the world was miserably bringing countless solitude.

Including only the word ‘monster’.

At the time I didn’t know if the days passed like that or not. On a day that would have been no different than usual, a different wind blew.

-Keuk kuk, kuk!”

-Well done you son of a b*tch!!!

-That bastard, Junon…!

-This thunder-naked bastard… What are you doing?! Go and call any professor!

The situation, clearly audible and clearly visible even to Charlotte, must have been a scene in which someone was despised and ridiculed.

However, until just before the professor arrived, there was no resignation and abandonment, let alone obedience and submission, to the man who gnashed his teeth against the majority and rushed at him.

“Break your teeth at the world’s most useless bastard, you bastard!”

Her man persistently aimed at one person, erecting her magic barrier from those who used her magic. Since she can’t deal with the majority, she must be thinking of letting go of even one.

Soon after, the targeted target made a sound of pain, and the professor arrived and the matter was over.

Charlotte watched the whole process until this was sorted out. Until the people around her become quiet and one or two people leave this seat.

Violence. It is undoubtedly an outrageous, barbaric act.

I was walking down the street at first glance, and this sight, touched by the voice of a person I heard, was just a fist swing in anger.

‘Why do you do that?’

It was a question that arose from the girl who watched Junon until the end.

It’s something we can just ignore, but what’s the difference if you squeeze it like that?

It was a very strange thing for Charlotte, whose emotions had already become dull and worn out.

Still, that fierce resistance won’t last long.

But one day I will get tired and give up. I’ll probably do this once or twice.

She heard the voices of people she had heard again and again, and she thought that the steps she had taken would soon be followed by that person as well.


“Oh, that bastard is f*cking again.”

“If that’s enough, give up, you leeches!!”

It was again.

Even if a day passes, two days pass, a week passes.

He continued to reveal the will he had seen for the first time without breaking a single blade.


“Ah ya ya ya… Michelle… Can’t I apply it just a little bit…?”

“Stay still! You should think about the position of the person applying the medicine.”


Every time I see it, it’s the same.

Every time she came to her infirmary, she doubted whether this was the infirmary.

While I was handling the upper management tasks in one chair to fill the allotted time, Junon, who had rolled over from somewhere, was frowning and applying medicine.

‘A foolish person.’

It wasn’t difficult to investigate why that man was behaving wildly.

From what I’ve found out, is it because of the common people’s absurdity and negative gaze toward the vanguard position?

I don’t give up just because I picked it up and put a fight on it.

He was an incorrigible man who did not know how to adapt and compromise like everyone else.

As I was watching her with pitying eyes, she met my eyes. Come to think of it, she hadn’t met him since her first semester evaluation.

“That’s Charlotte? Is that right?”

“That’s right. Goden brought it himself a while ago. There is a two year age difference between you and me.”

At the mention of a two-year age gap, he was suddenly confused and flustered.

“17 Years old?! It’s much more than it looks… No, wait a minute. If not, isn’t that a bit dangerous…?”

“Junon… You know that’s very rude to Charlotte, right?”

It was something I heard a lot from people before the mana runaway.

From the outside, everyone thought I was a few years old because I was so small, but it turned out that I was much older, so I was confused because of my appearance.

It’s been a long time since I’ve heard that. For a while, all I heard was the word ‘monster’.

Maybe that’s why… Charlotte reacted without realizing it.


After putting the papers down on the table, he stood up suddenly, looking like he was going to say something to the person who just offended him.

By the time I noticed that, I had already gotten up from my chair and was about to hear a voice come out of my mouth.

The words I said in the past came out like an automatic reflection.

But Charlotte, with a single sweat dripping down her back, said she shouldn’t be like this.

“Charlotte? Where are you going?”

“Doesn’t I have to take permission to get some air during work?”

“I see… Take care.”

I ran away out of awkwardness. Maybe I was too accustomed to the reactions of people who trembled with anxiety, wondering if I was harming them every time I wore tinted glasses, or people who criticized gossip about monsters, and that reaction felt quite unfamiliar.

And then, she shook her head to herself.

“…What, really.”

When I heard unpleasant things, I gave up and resigned myself to it, but I felt it was okay to make rude remarks about whether I was too young.

Charlotte tried to relieve this unfamiliar feeling by going for a walk.

However, the walk did not last long.


Something hit my back.

I turned my head to check what it was, and it was a small pebble.

Sadly, the stone was sharpened at one point, like a thrown weapon. It wasn’t just thrown, it was clearly intended to injure the hit opponent.

With a tingling sensation, what was in her eyes was the person who threw the next stone with a sigh.

“You monster, do you know how badly you hurt my friend?”

“They said it would take 16 weeks for the treatment. They say that unless a skilled healer comes forward, you will have to live without a leg for the rest of your life… You’re just so disgustingly fine.”

“What, what are you doing… Kyaaah!”


“It’s a shame. If you got hit, I think you’d have burns on your legs.”

Stones are no longer thrown from the two.

For the acquaintances of the victim who had no hostility, it was only magic that they developed with the intention of harming Charlotte until they felt like it, not until their anger was resolved.

Although it is said that they are facing two people, Charlotte will definitely not be pushed back in terms of skills. But now the conditions are so bad.

For a girl who has gone through a runaway of magical power right now and the trauma has not yet gone, to take out her magical power again is more terrifying than ever.

To make matters worse, the aristocrats who came to watch this were poking their noses and blowing whistles.

This was, inevitably, caused by their instigation.

“Stop, stop…”

With minimal mana. It draws out a level of magic that will not run amok, and manages to beat off the opponent’s magic that is randomly attacking.

In the process, the hesitation continued and the fear only increased.

However, the opponent has no intention of quitting. With an honesty close to stupidity that he will harm Charlotte at all costs, he pours out his sincerity over and over again.

Eventually, Charlotte reached her final stage, holding her head and kneeling in her fear, unable to deploy her counter-magic.

The enchantment of her hostility touched her Charlotte’s skin and was about to burn her delicate skin.

Soo Woo Woo-

The flames were completely gone. A flame full of hostility that would not disappear without some object blocking it in front of my eyes.

“You scum. Do you guys enjoy this?”

Instead, those flames blazed in jet-black eyes.

Towards trash that doesn’t treat people as people.

Avoid Former Co-Workers

Avoid Former Co-Workers

전 동료들을 피해라
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I went back to the time before everything happened. So you have to avoid your former colleagues. Because I don’t want to die the same way twice.


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not work with dark mode