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Academy Slave Instructor chapter 116

116 – I Didn’t Say I Won

I Didn’t Say I Won

The events of equestrian competitions are more diverse than people think.

There are quite a number of events, from simple horse racing to team events including tactics, and dressage that competes for comprehensive abilities.

The most popular among them is, of course, horse racing, where you compete against competitors.

From noble mtl dot com

Similar to bullfighting, in which three people form a pair with a smuggling wall in between and push the opponent to the opponent, it attracts people’s interest because it is simple and cheery.

On the other hand, dressage requires considerable skills such as comprehensive ability to handle horses and communication with horses, but competitions that seem to be played alone are less exciting than other events, so there is little interest.

There are only a few people watching the dressage event, which clearly shows the sadness of an unpopular event, except for the participants’ families.

However, since it is not popular, even if there are only a few people watching, the faces of those gathered cannot be ignored.

If you look closely, you can find members of famous knights or important military posts.

If horse racing, which simply runs quickly, or mounted charge, which is measured by individual skills, is gathered by those who specialize in that field, it is easy to identify talent because dressage requires comprehensive abilities in horsemanship.

Since it is one of the few events that outsiders can enter, those related to knights or the military, or nobles who want to recruit them into their own forces, turn on their eyes and look for talented people.

Some people don’t care about equestrian competitions and are aiming for school students who are about to graduate.

The situation of those who are full of greed for talent. Anyway, the academy students try to prove their skills in the equestrian competition.

The same was true of Philia, who participated in dressage.

Taking Agnes for private lessons, she gets better and strokes the horse she named Piyo.

It was a subtly cute name that didn’t suit a horse, so we could get a glimpse of her taste.

“Let’s go, blood.”

As Philia commands in her soft voice, Piyo purrs and brushes her hair and steps forward with her light steps.

Dressage also includes artistry, so the jockey’s posture is also important.

While her horse is moving, starting from her horse’s gait, trotting and stopping, Philia guides Piyo in a stable position.

It was a boring game to those who don’t know, but those who have a good knowledge of equestrianism take a close look.

The fine control of the jockey was important in Piyo’s movements as he passed the obstacles erected throughout the stadium with smooth movements.

In the arena of dressage without a host, only the sound of Piyo’s horseshoes can be heard.

Neither the judges nor the crowd watch Philia and Piyo in silence and you can hear her applause as she passes her last hurdle and greets her audience.

Unlike other stadiums, there are no cheers. It was a steady, respectful applause.

Participants competed once and the winner of the dressage match, where the person with the highest score won, was Philia.


“It was a great skill. Even in our knights, few people can ride horses so well.”

“Thank you, Viscount Grant. Vice-captain Rowell.”

When Philia wins with a high score, even though she looks decent on the outside, her greed for talent draws her.

Already-known talents like Violet, Sojeta, and Diana are highly competitive and it is not easy to take them at will.

So, their purpose is to work behind the scenes with unknown but talented academy students at a meeting like this.

Besides, if it’s Philia, isn’t it the main character that the forces that hate the 2nd Prince faction want to take away?

There were a lot of people, especially ordinary nobles, who wanted to hang on to her.

Philia wasn’t an idiot who couldn’t notice such intentions, so she responded moderately and raised her ransom.

She didn’t like this kind of thing, but she didn’t mean to break the plan Rai and Sesset had drawn up.

Not only did he escape from the brilliance of his family, but the family was targeting him, and it was essential to survive.

She gets the most attention, but Philia looks at the academy students around her with envious eyes.

The academy students who participated in the dressage are surrounded by their families and talking.

There were academy students who were depressed because they couldn’t win, and there were academy students who were embraced by their mothers with bright faces regardless of the result.

Even though each of them looked different, they were a harmonious family.

“……What are you doing?”

Philia glares at her rai for stroking her own hair without her permission.

She didn’t even know he was watching a dressage match.

“What are you doing? I’m just complimenting you. Shall I bring you a bouquet of flowers to congratulate you?”

“…… That’s enough.”

Although she grunted, Philia did not reject her Rai touch.

She also wants to be stroked more.

She has never been stroked on the head.

She may have received it from her mother if she went back to her childhood, which she doesn’t remember, but she was not in Philia’s memory.

One thing is clear.

Even when she was a baby, she was never petted by her father. Even her family doesn’t expect such warm affection from someone they see as a tool of politics.

So Philia couldn’t resist Rai’s caressing her hand.

She was too warm to refuse.

“As expected, Philia climbed the stairs of her adulthood…”

“Shall we prepare the oil drum for dinner?”

“Will it be an oil barrel? I’ll buy a lot of magic scrolls. I can’t forgive Lycan.”

Philia, who heard the conversation of the academy students preparing to set Rai’s house on fire with her jealous eyes, panics and panics, but Rai doesn’t mind and strokes her hair.

The image of Philia, always sincere and confident, with her face blushing and only her head bowed like a mild sheep, came as a new feeling to the male academy students.

Since the dressage match is not popular, there were few people who watched it, so the aftermath was not big, but those present were definitely an incident that fell for her philia.

In addition, Rai’s resistance also increased one by one.

* * *

“Ah! You beat Chapter 13! How powerful is this with a single horseback charge!! Asran’s potential is still limitless!!”

The crowd reacts and cheers to the loud emcee’s voice.

Athlan, who had never received such a reaction before, was embarrassed, but his eyes were smiling as if he was not in a bad mood.

The rules of the mounted charge are simple.

It is how much you can break the tombstone in front of you with three horseback charges.

For the safety of the academy students, it was not possible to adopt the rule of attacking each other, but the scene where the tombstone is destroyed is very exciting, so it is fun to watch.

Since there were not only guests from outside but also academy students, it was easy to see how popular the horse-riding match was.

Actually, the final match of the horse charge match is pretty flat.

The higher you go, the more tired you are because you have to charge three times per match.

Rather, there is a saying that the preliminaries are the most fun, so the participants who have to charge dozens of times to the finals check the opponent they have to face and adjust their stamina appropriately.

However, there was no such thing in Asran.

I did my best to charge from the beginning, and I must have repeated it dozens of times until the final, but I can’t see any signs of getting tired.

No, on the contrary, the more I practice, the more proficient I am. I just passed the record with an attack.

“Are you a monster? Aren’t you doing something behind the scenes?”

“It’s still worth doing. Why don’t you improve your stamina?”

Aslan smiles at his opponent, Gonzalo.

I’m not bragging, I really still have stamina. In addition, receiving moderate tension from people’s interest, Asran’s skills were gradually improving as if experiencing his actual battle.

“I’m full of spirits. Looking at you makes me feel like an idiot.”

This is what he said, but Gonzalo was also doing well.

However, Gonzalo had clearly grasped his opponent’s skills and conserved his strength since the preliminaries, and his match luck was good, so he was able to exert his full strength, which was different from Asran.

It’s a rule to take turns breaking the tombstone once in a while, so Gonzalo alternates with Aslan to charge on horseback.

– Kwaaang!

“Gonzalo 11 cards!! It’s a pity!! This widens the gap with Aslan! Currently, there is a 4-card gap, but will the finals decide the winner in vain?!”

While Rai was eating snacks while listening to the voice of the moderator, Aslan’s older brother Lulz approached from behind.

“Instructor Rai? Can I talk to you for a moment?”

“Ah, Mr. Lulz. As much as you like.”

Rai, who has already had several non-interview interviews with parents, naturally greets Lulz.

When I met Duke Andres, I was nervous that Rai would also be caught, but he was not interested in anything other than Aria, so he passed without incident.

“First of all, I’d like to apologize for bothering the instructor.”

“It’s annoying sometimes, but it’s not bad. Listen carefully.”

Ray’s answer was honest because he was taking care of Aslan because he was living on his own.

However, Lulz still looks apologetic as if he thought he was considerate of the Skape family.

“I heard that they even give private lessons. When I heard from Damian, he said that he has great skills. Thank you for teaching Aslan.”

“Just teaching with other kids.”

Damian, his instructor, once came to take Aslan.

Damian, who came during the training session, looked at the training process and Lai, and left only to bow his head and ask the young master to take care of him.

Aslan laughed at her because she was scared, but it was a great thing to acknowledge her skills and set an example in such a situation.

Rai only told the truth, but Lulz looked at him with admiration as if he thought he was humble.

As Rai ignores the burdensome eyes, Lulz soon turns his gaze to Aslan, who is riding the black horse.

“That guy is highly anticipated by the family. Not only his grandfather, but also his father, me, and younger brother all care about him.”

“I don’t like that guy who says he’s getting high expectations.”

“Yes, that’s right. You’re looking straight at that stupid guy.”

Ray continues to ignore Lulz’s eyes, who look back at him with admiration.

It looks like the bean pods have been thoroughly washed.

“It must have been burdensome since I had been expected by my family since I was a child. I was such an ugly older brother that I didn’t even think that I would have such a burden because I was such a strong kid.”

This time, Rai looks at Lulz.

To think that a guy like Asran had an older brother like him, the brothers were so different.

“My father did not meet the family’s expectations. It was because there was no Mujae. Maybe that’s why he is so obsessed with him. As if he would be healed of his unhappy childhood through Aslan.”

“Even that doesn’t justify it.”

“Yes, that’s right. It’s wrong. I’m not asking you to understand this. I’m trying to convince my father and keep saying it’s wrong. However, I think the instructor should know whether it’s wrong or good. .”

In hindsight, it’s an insult to the family head. Exposing the shame of the family was something that could not be done with courage alone.

It meant trusting Rai who accepted Asran, and he had to have the boldness to honestly accept and reflect on his private affairs.

The more they talk, the more Rai looks at Lulz with admiration.

“This is a small but kind gift.”

“No, if you get paid…”

“Please don’t say no. It’s not a bribe, it’s living expenses for Aslan living in the instructor’s house. The Skape family can feel at ease if you reduce the instructor’s burden even a little.”

The money bag that Lulz held out was quite heavy.

What kind of family is the Skape family?

Noticing that the weight in her hand alone is a considerable amount, Rai nods with a solemn expression.

“Okay. I’ll take care of Asran’s living expenses.”

“Please write as the instructor wants.”

Lai, who has a solemn expression but is happy with the windfall, naturally packs her pockets.

She was even given assurances to write whatever she wanted.

Unaware of Rai’s regretful feeling that if she had given her a day earlier, he would have gotten a piece of her gamble.

“I haven’t learned the sword, but at a glance, my skills have improved a lot. You may not have listened well, but this is all thanks to the instructor.”


Rai shook her head and denied Lulz’s words.

“The Skape family would consider Aslan lazy, but he’s more diligent than you think.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it’s easy to misunderstand because of his attitude, but Aslan is constantly working hard in his own way. Yesterday, he practiced horseback charging until dawn, so I had to stop him.”

“Ah… Do you work that hard?”

Lulz, who knows the usual Aslan, stares blankly at her sister, perhaps surprised.

She got a lot of money, so she had to pay lip service.

She actually sleeps dry, but it’s noisy and I just kick her ass, but she’s up to her words.

Because if lip service is good, big money might come in again.

Asran, who was well received by the audience, prepares to charge her horse.

From noble mtl dot com

Since Gonzalo was the first to attack, the winner will be decided with this attack.

The difference is four. So far, Asran’s average was 11, so even if he made a mistake, 5 was enough.

The atmosphere in the arena is that the winner has already been decided.

“Even if you pull a horse, drinking water is the horse’s will. Likewise, I couldn’t have come this far without Aslan’s will.”

“You’re the older brother, but you didn’t even know him properly… It’s embarrassing.”

“I thought so too at first. But I’m working harder than anyone else and I’m showing the proof now. Look, who wins.”

Rai looks at Aslan with his confident face.

As if to prove Rai’s words that it’s natural to show your skills as much as you put in effort, Aslan was showing off his good skills.

Lulz seems to have been moved by the words, and his eyes on Aslan are new.

Emotions such as anticipation, joy, and excitement are contained in the eyes.

“Let’s go, black horse.”

With a confident voice, Aslan runs towards the piled up tombstones.

The spirit of Aslan, who raised a great sword high enough for an adult to hug, was like watching a great knight.


– Kikiiik

When the black horse, which is completely different even to the tombstone, suddenly stops, Aslan, who was pushing her body forward, swims in the air and flies away.

Athran, who had flown away, fell sprawled on the floor, and the arena became quiet as if a rat had died.

“Ah! You damn horse!”

Asran jumps up and gets angry, but the opportunity to attack has already been blown away.

The winner. Gonzalo.

Belatedly, laughter erupts from the audience. And in proportion to that, Lulz’s face blushed.

The sound of laughter grows louder as Aslan fights back and forth with the black horse.


“I didn’t say win.”

Rai makes excuses while avoiding Lulz’s staring gaze.

Academy Slave Instructor

Academy Slave Instructor

아카데미 노예 강사
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
war hero. become an academy instructor


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not work with dark mode