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Academy Light Attribute Vampire chapter 44

44 – Martial Arts Tournament (2)

A little break in the middle.

At some point, Kirna came to the seat next to me.

“…? Why?”


“No, you came to the next seat…”

Why did this little boy suddenly…

“Be careful.”


“… Since the grade is specialized in interpersonal combat, it could be seriously injured.”


You did something.

As soon as the brackets came out, he rushed over and wanted to say something.

In the end, it seems that he came to make a tsundere statement of concern to me.

She turned her head and saw the cute Kirna…

‘… I can only see the top of my head because I’m short.’

The palanquin is very neat.

“…But you have to support the grade, don’t you?”

“What are you talking about, I’m here to tell you to quickly surrender because Grade wins.”


And makes a gesture of turning her head.

… But I can only see the top of my head.

Anyway, the swaying twin tails are cute.

‘It’s such a big deal that you worry about me like this.’

I need to take care of him a little bit later.

“If that’s the case, don’t worry.”

“… I don’t even know if I get seriously hurt.”

“It’s okay, so tell Grade.”

At least for now, I can never win.

“… Filthy arrogant.”

Kirna looked at me with a slightly bored expression and walked towards the bench across from her.

…Wasn’t that a bit unlucky?


“It’s definitely the first day, so it’s a little dull, isn’t it?”

“… Even though it’s only us, isn’t it too frivolous in terms of tone?”

“How about it! I’ll only be able to see you anyway.”

The VIP room in the arena.

The Queen and Adela were talking.

“Still, even though it’s a freshman, the overall level is high.”

“That’s right, she’s not the heroine of the famous Beinhardt family.”

“…Because I’ve been known as a genius for quite some time.”

“Well, there may be hype in families that love their children undeservedly, but there is no smoke coming out of the chimney.”

The Queen’s eyes turned to Selina, who was sitting next to the lie in the waiting room.

“By the way…”


“There are only girls around him.”

… Even so, Adela’s state of mind was quite complicated.

Did you have a good relationship with the Beinhard family’s daughter?

From the beginning, we sat together in the waiting room and talked.

I wanted to go somewhere soon after, but he approached an elf girl who had been defeated in a duel and showed me her encouragement.

‘…You take good care of your friends.’

I’m assuming that’s the case here.

A small vampire girl approaches and talks to her after the bracket is announced.

I remember seeing it somewhere… Ah. Was she a child of the Richerti family?

Contrary to my worries that I am lacking in social skills because I am only at home, I seem to be making friends better than I thought.

‘Last time in the city…’

Aren’t the children presumed to be Rai’s friends chasing after him?

By the way.

‘..Aren’t there any male peers?’

Since Seongjinha has such a blunt personality, she didn’t expect that she would become close with her in the first place.

Aren’t there too many female friends?

“Brother Lai was handsome.”

Queen Diana started teasing Adela with a mischievous laugh.

“Aren’t you saying you’re going to get married before Adela?”

“…A marriage.”

“Well, it’s normal to have at least one or two fiancées when you’re as young as your younger brother.

Good looks, good family, good skills? Aren’t those kids the number one groom?”

… That’s obviously true.

If she hadn’t hidden Rai’s existence, she would have been flooded with her marriage by now.

I don’t know if it’s the old Rai who was sickly.

As the queen said, the current Rai was a talent that any family could covet.

In particular, Adela is forbidden from marrying as she is the Queen’s bodyguard.

But what if it is known that Adela has a younger brother?

… It will probably cause quite a stir.

Socially and politically.

And the wavelength is,

It will take Rai away from normal everyday life.

She’ll be better while she’s at the academy, but…

‘…Why is rai?’

Is she trying to walk a difficult path on her own?

A word of that child’s clear will as he looked into my eyes.

-I don’t want that kind of life.

It was the first time Rai had such an expression.

And that one word became a sufficient catalyst.



…I let out a sigh.

It is impossible to hide the existence of Rai forever.

Because he’s acting conspicuously in a place where the eyes of the outside world affect him like that…

It’s only a matter of time before Rai’s identity is revealed soon.

‘I’d rather…’

She kept her mouth shut and lost in thought.

The queen looked at Adela with a slightly embarrassed expression and opened her mouth.

“…I was kidding, Adela. You don’t have to make that hard face…”

“.. No. I was thinking about something else for a while.”

“If Adela is serious, she has a scary face. I think she should smile a little.”

“… I’ll try.”

“Though I pretended to laugh a little when I said that… Uh! Brother Lai’s turn!”

At the Queen’s words, she hurriedly turned her head and looked at the arena.

Two vampires standing in the beating sun.

One of them was lightly warming her body as the queen said.

On the other side…

“Did you say grade…? Those eyes…”

“It’s a half-vampire.”

Line pink eyes.

Looking at the list of contestants I received in advance, it was a student with a high score of 3rd place.


“Half-vampire, if related to the Richerti family.”

“..The descendant of ‘that man’.”

At the time of the war between hardliners and moderates.

The Blood Ghost Knights broke through the castle gate in an instant, and one person stood in the way of Adela.

-… I’ll take care of the hair.

After slowly emerging from the shadows of the collapsed castle wall,

A man who single-handedly blocked Adela’s advance despite being outnumbered.

Although it is not well known externally.

The duel with that man was one of the toughest fights even for Adela.

A person who fell in love with a human and stained the family blood.

Although it is only now that the perception of marriage with other races has improved a lot.

Before the Queen took office, the Vampires had a closed structure.


The queen’s eyes turned to the arena.

Adela also stared at the stadium with her cold, sunken eyes.


“… Bye.”

“Yes, nice to meet you.”

Actually, I’m not very happy…

Slightly remote location.

He said hello with a light smile as if he was having trouble with the grade.

“I didn’t expect to see you this soon.”

“By the way, I expected at least the round of 8… But the round of 32.”

“Isn’t it the final?”

“The final is…”

I quietly turned my gaze and looked at Seong Jin-ha, who was sitting in the waiting room.

He was also looking at the stadium without closing his eyes, as if he was interested in this match.

“… It’s too much. Not even a rival can count.”

“Looking at what you’re doing.”


I said this, but…

Grade is never an easy opponent.

A drop of sweat dripping down my forehead wets the area around my eyes.

‘It’s a hot day again…’

Standing in the stadium with nowhere to hide under the pouring sun.

I can feel the heat on the floor rising up.



To have such a hot body.

– Cheo-eok.

It is also proof that I am under the ‘sun’.


That was also the reason I couldn’t lose


Use coercion to break the floor a little in front of the running grade.

Stone fragments are scattered all over the place, obstructing Grade’s vision.

It took time to transform the shape of the shadow.

We needed cover to buy time.

‘If there is no cover.’

You can make it.

A fleeting moment when the movement of the grade stopped.

I quickly put both hands into the shadows.

“But if you’re like me, you should reveal at least one tile…”


“I can win!”



Let’s hit the floor with all our might.

The arena floor cracks and the disproportionately fragmented floor bounces off.


– What?! What just…!

…On a floor like this, Grade’s specialty, agile footwork, is inevitably limited to some extent.

“..Tougher than it looks.”

Grade also showed a puzzled look as if he didn’t know I would come this far,

I soon regained my composure and listened to memorized words in my arms.


Are you trying to compete with a ranged attack?

In that case.

He stretched out his hand behind his back.


In an instant, the body flies through the air and reaches the level of the grade.

Aerial maneuvers are a bit familiar now.

‘If I just give you a shot like this…!’

The moment you pull your arms back wide to attack…!


The new type of grade suddenly disappeared.


Let the target you were aiming for disappear.

Out of the stadium due to kinetic energy that has lost where to go…!

‘No way..!’


I succeeded in landing by momentarily turning my body and releasing mana upwards.



As I hurriedly changed direction, I ended up sinking myself to the ground.


– Excellent.

As I stood up, pieces of stone fell from the hem of my clothes.

‘Definitely not suitable for writing in a confined space…’

It was then.

A dagger stabbed through the thigh with a cold touch.



It hurts terribly..!

I looked back to where the dagger had been stabbed.

There, from the shadows, only the upper half of his body was revealed, Grade was stabbing his second dagger.


It is not difficult to block an attack as long as it is within sight.

As soon as I hit the dagger with the gauntlet, the new type of grade disappeared into the shadows again.

“…That was it.”

Grade is the moment I suddenly jumped.

Hidden in the shadows.

‘Even so…’

The very act of hiding in the shadows.

I know that I put my arm in the shadow.

Not only can you not breathe in the shadows, but all your senses are paralyzed.

‘But he goes inside and dodges the attack and counterattacks…?’

In a situation where all five senses are paralyzed, you won’t even be able to tell whether you’re facing up or down in the shadows… !

Without time to complain, the figure of Grade was revealed again in the shadow of the broken floor fragments.


I barely succeeded in blocking the attack.

“… Mole catching?”

Once again, the figure disappeared.

… sh*t. Don’t break the floor.

On the contrary, it was like giving Grade a place to rampage.

‘As it is…’

From noble mtl dot com

Of course, Grade needs to periodically come out of the shadows to breathe.

Because you don’t know where it will come from in the shadows of the various fragments scattered around you.

It was the worst situation in which an attack could be allowed at any time, from a distance or from a short distance.


Release mana into the shadow to search the surroundings.

‘… It doesn’t come out.’

Even if you use detection, which is used to search for monsters when searching for gates.

I didn’t have the jaw to detect the figure of Grade, who was supposed to be in the shadows.

… What to do when dealing with invisible enemies…


In the ground?

Something that suddenly came to my mind.

When I was the first gate helper.

Vampire woman, the technique Reina taught me.

I hurriedly looked around.

Fortunately, there are not many fragments that rise high enough to cast shadows.


I walked towards the center of the arena.

Standing still, he spread mana widely as if rooting into the ground.


‘… What are you doing?’

In the shadows, Grade observed Rai’s actions and waited for her gap.

I felt suspicious about Rai’s sudden strange behavior.

Unlike the past, where he stared at the shadows around him in preparation for his surprise attack.

Standing still in the middle of the stadium with eyes closed.

‘Did I give up?’

… It can’t be.

At least the appearance of ‘Rye’ that I’ve seen so far.

Anyone will know that he is not an opponent to be caught off guard.

In that case.

‘Go with a ranged attack.’

The five senses are paralyzed.

In this state, even the grade that has been training for a long time can only perform simple movements such as moving over the shadows.

To get the dagger out of your chest, you have to climb over the shadows.

‘…It’s just a fleeting moment anyway.’

If you use the fragments well, pull out the memorized skill in an instant and come back into the shadows.

Even a lye that exhibits rapid mobility will not be able to react.

Raise your senses as much as possible and move over the shadows.


Let’s rise above the shadows like that.


The moment you revealed your face above the shadows.

There was a sound of something exploding.


Grade’s body was forcibly pulled up to the ground.




It divides the mana rooted in the ground little by little into the shaded area.

I had to stand in the middle of the arena due to my constitution where mana’s control range was narrow.

Because manipulating mana while maintaining the link was not an easy task.

I couldn’t do anything other than that…

– Cool!

Now like this.

I succeeded in pulling out the grade from the shadows.

The moment you emerge from the shadows.

Explodes the split mana to hit her.

From Grade’s point of view, it must feel like he was hit once as soon as he opened his eyes in the middle of his sleep.

With a dumbfounded expression, Grade went back into the shadows.

But after a while…



The results were all the same.

..Go inside a hundred times. As soon as it comes out, I’ll give it a shot.

Has Grade also been aware of that fact?

I came out of the shadows and grabbed a dagger and took a stance.


The problem starts now.

Now, this strategy is for me to stand in the middle of the field.

Other actions are valid only when nothing is done.

It is said that even if it flies and attacks again, it is useless if the grade hides in the shadows.


Induces a large attack from the enemy.

“Ha ha… Ha ha…”

Grade won’t be able to fight for a long time because it allowed continuous attacks.


I am also in a situation where blood continues to leak from the stab wound on my thigh.

Here, we had to bet on the number of bets.

“Is it here?”

“Uh… I’m just tired.”

Above Grade’s right eye. And blood flowed.

…The moment he came out of the shadows, he must have been cut by a stone fragment from the explosion.

“Yeah. I don’t want to show my hand any more.”

“…What’s still left?”


Grade smiled bitterly.

“That’s expected.”

Let’s lower ourselves as if Grade would jump out at any moment.

I also collected the mana distributed on the floor and blew mana into the gauntlet.


A dark red aura leaked out between the joints and began to emit menacing sounds.

‘… One shot.’

It’s impossible to approach from my side anyway because of the injured leg.

If that’s the case, I’ll win with a counter at the right timing.


Grade kicked off the floor and started running.

Stepping on the fragments on the floor, chasing the approaching grade with irregular movements with its pupils.



She pulls her arm back, timing it just right.

And that moment.


Suddenly, Grade pulled out another dagger from her bosom,

He threw it at me, just as he was running.


Turn your head to avoid the dagger flying towards your face.

The appearance of the grade.


The head spins like crazy.

‘Is it gone?’

‘Are you hiding in the shadows…?!’

‘The dagger is a trick…!’

… A dagger?

The moment I thought that far.

The body automatically spins. And changed direction to the back.


The one who jumped out of the shadow of the dagger and attacked me from behind,

Grade’s embarrassing crimson eyes were right in front of him.

As I was rotating my body elasticity.



Slammed Grade’s body into the arena floor.

Academy Light Attribute Vampire

Academy Light Attribute Vampire

아카데미 빛 속성 뱀파이어
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a novel I was reading. But… what is this again…


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not work with dark mode