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Academy Light Attribute Vampire chapter 31

31 – Avoidance of Liability

The next day.

“… Even though that happened the day before, I still have to go to school.”

“You’re saying things for granted. In the first place, the other kids didn’t even practice.”

Because it was a practice that I received through application in the first place.

It is also the reason for giving extra points.

I walked into the classroom with a tired body and sat next to Selina, who had a pale face.

Now it’s almost a fixed seat…

“You look tired? Didn’t you sleep?”

“… Who is it?”

“For whom?”


A thrill. Selina’s eyebrows narrowed.

… Is it me?

No, why the hell.

“I haven’t seen Elena’s eyes since I left.

I must have comforted you very warmly?”

“No, what can I say about that… As a friend.”

Selina answered, pouting her lips.

“Friends. It’s good.

She goes from being friend to friend to being girlfriend to something.”

“No, what do you care about in the first place…”

Getting her word out She saw Selina’s bloody eyes and shut her mouth.

… I almost died.

To be honest, to some extent, Selina’s heart is in a state of awareness.

‘Because they pay attention to the extent that I can’t help but not know…’

Every time I read a novel, it was really frustrating to see the insensitive main characters.

Looking at it now, all those bastards know that.

No, it’s not normal to feel pressure when girls who are hard to see in real life approach one by one.

Especially if you’re in the same situation as me right now.

There was so much to do.

You don’t know how the future will unfold.

It’s a similar principle to how hard it is to get a confession before enlisting in the army.

The scale was different.

… Fortunately, Selina also vaguely understands that I have a problem with her.

She had no choice but to stick out her flippers like this for a while.

When the time comes, I’ll seriously think about it.

Whether it was a comedy. That was a tragedy

“…Just kidding.

Actually, I have been practicing lately.”

…That didn’t sound like a joke at all.


“Yes. The one you showed me the other day.”

That’s it?


You’re talking about Professor Bergen’s Shading Ceremony.

“… To be honest, I was a little surprised when I first saw it.

Even in that way, it is possible to operate form manipulation. Do.”

“I didn’t make it, it’s just Professor Bergen’s way.”

Selina tilted her head.

“…? But you didn’t show that in Professor Bergen’s class, did you?”

“You said you wouldn’t show it in class. You said it was your own way?”

“Then did you learn from Professor Bergen separately?

Did you reject Professor Lina’s apprenticeship and then join Professor Bergen?”

Um… How can I explain this?

“No. I saw Professor Bergen use it once during the raid the other day.”

“… What?”

Selina sends a suspicious look.

“So now. I didn’t learn it properly, I only saw it once. That high level

You used Mana Manipulation right away in battle?”

… It sounds so absurd when you hear it like that.

“It’s true in words, but…”

“…I knew that, but I’m really exhausted.”

Selina puffs up her upper body on her desk. She murmured as she fell on her stomach.

“Some people can’t even feel it even if they hang around all night.

I was also famous for being a genius after all…”

“…Blood magic might have a slightly different mechanism.”

“Be quiet. It’s more miserable if you are comforted awkwardly.”

‘No, really, I could just do it.’

However, if you say this, it is clear that you will have to face fierce eyes again.

I was quietly sitting in the smartwatch community and scribbling.

Are you tired of going to school?

While looking around for a post asking a certain professor to share an assignment.

It was seen that the number of views increased overwhelmingly for the newly posted article.

[Must read tips for 1st graders] (New!)

‘Oh, I can’t stand the tips.’

Direct click.

[hahahaha. I’m writing this year to give some tips to freshmen this year.]

From noble mtl dot com

Let’s check the contents.

Roughly, he is a 2nd year martial arts student currently enrolled.

He said that he would solve the questions he had when he was in first grade.

In a certain professor’s class, you have to show a certain kind to get good grades.

Which restaurant in the city is good value for money, and the academy student discount is applied.

Small tips were organized and written.

‘It’s a good tip…’

Doesn’t that sound like a lot of useless information?

It was then.

[And there are rare kids who want to earn pocket money and gain practical experience, right?

But I couldn’t do it because it was prohibited by school rules. This is a bit of an unspoken rule….]

I found something that looked a bit interesting.

You can save the money and use it later to buy weapons or elixirs.

Because actual combat experience is what I desperately need the most right now.

‘… I’ll write this down and use it later.’

The professor came in while I was filming hard.

“Today there are instructions.”

“After one month of admission, basic subjects such as ‘basic mana response’ disappeared.

Now, more practical subjects such as weapon skills and 1:1 mentoring training are added.”


Of course, it would be nice if you could handle a weapon.

To be honest, there is no doubt that this is a subject I am not confident about.

So today’s first class has been changed to a weapon skill class.

Twenty minutes later.

Class A changed into training clothes all at once and went out to the gymnasium and lined up in a line.

“It’s been a while at the gymnasium.”

“I see. Isn’t it the first time since the ranking test?”

“All the kids come. It’s because you’re just lazy.”

“How diligent Ji is.”

Since the children are all talking.

A beast woman approached from a distance with a erratic gait.

Wolf ears sticking out from loosely maintained silver hair.

Sharp eyes with annoyance.

A cool exposure and a strong and voluptuous body in light clothes.

Her face was marked with scars, like those of a warrior who fought back.

“… Nice to meet you. My name is Kamir, who is in charge of weapon training.

I’ll handle it gently in the beginning, so don’t be too scared.”

Despite being a woman, she had a very easy-going personality.

A character that has its own weight within the academy, to the extent that it has been mentioned several times in the work.

After a brief greeting, it was time for each of us to choose a weapon.

Seongjinha was straight away choosing a sword and adjusting her posture.

Shin Jong-gil is a spear. Grade and Selina are daggers, etc.

Those who were already dealing with weapons finished their weapon selection in an instant.

… What do I choose?

First of all, there are typically swords and spears as weapons that are easy to learn.

It is the most common weapon and is said to be able to produce great destructive power compared to its proficiency.

Of course, I don’t know the details.

…Quietly looking down at his right wrist.

The pattern of the sword wrapped around the wings of light.

The holy sword.

If I can handle the holy sword in the future.

It’s good to think of training for swordsmanship unconditionally.

There is no doubt that the performance of the sword itself will be excellent as well.

If it goes as I thought, it will be of great help to my constitution.


“Huh… There are a lot of kids who chose swords this time…”

Professor Kamir is smiling sinisterly from a little distance away.


If that person is the person I know.

You should never choose a sword in the beginning.

That person was sincere enough to be called a madman when it comes to swords.

Of course, if I could properly learn swordsmanship from someone like that, it would be perfect.

That person believes that ‘talent’ has the greatest influence on handling weapons.

Because of the nature of beastmen born strong by nature.

Because he was strong from the beginning, he couldn’t teach the weak how to become stronger.

So, he is more sincere, but he pays great attention to talented people like Morhan.

I used to show obsession.

That persistence made even Morhan tremble…

If you show a bad side from the beginning, you will be abandoned.

I’d rather show a good figure after a little practice…

Let’s keep conflicting inside like that.

“Can’t you choose yet?”

Professor Kamir approached and talked to me.

Looking around, most of them had finished choosing their weapons.

“… I was worried because I had never handled a weapon before.”

“I’m worried.”

“Yes. Which weapon should I choose?”

Professor Kamir thought about it for a moment. He raised his head and opened his mouth.

“Hmm. In my opinion, there is no objective answer to weapons.”

He pulled out the hanging dagger and continued.

“Even with this dagger, there is no doubt that it is a fairly ineffective weapon.

The reach is short. It is also difficult to inflict critical hits. Even in a power fight, they are pushed back.”

Then lightly turn the dagger forward and hold it in reverse.

Hong hong hong hong!

He hacked through the air at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

“But in the hands of the skilled, the moment they close the distance

It becomes an incredibly tricky weapon. There are only pros and cons to weapons, but there is no right answer.”

Then he returned the dagger.

You can change your weapon at any time, so I turned around and told you to choose quickly.


‘No, so what should I choose?’

In the end, let’s roughly choose a dagger and move to our seats.

On the first day, I really wanted to take it lightly. A simple theory and compatibility of weapon skills.

After explaining the future training schedule, the class ended.


After school.

Today is the day the members of Team 2 decided to go out to eat together after a long time.

When I went out to the meeting place.

For some reason, Belle was the first to come out and lay down on her bench, sleeping.

“Long time no see Bell! How have you been doing?”

Belle has been due to recent production and assignments.

It’s been a while since I saw her face as she’s been stuck in the studio for a week.

“Huh…? Ah. Lai.. Long time no see.”

Always look sleepy.

Bell’s face looks exceptionally sleepy these days.

“The assignment must have been difficult… Take care of yourself.”

When I said words of concern, Bell shook her head.

“Annoying… the day before… cramming.”

Apparently, the assignment period was ample, but it seems like I was tired of staying up all night due to the hassle.

If you look at the products he brings from time to time, his skills are really good…

It’s a problem because I’m naturally lazy.

“Lai..Body…are you okay?”

Are you talking about the injury you received from practice recently?

“Ah. Well, once you get the healing magic, it’s fine.”

Bell quietly rose from the bench and was held near her waist.

“Careful… Worried…”

Something touches my heart.

It feels like a pet welcomes me back home after a long time..?

“Thanks Bell. I’ll be careful.”

You pet Belle’s head.

It’s hard. And came in stronger.

Anyway, it seems like you have good friends.


Belle’s hand climbs up her thigh.

Even if I pull her body back to try to take it off, it sticks and doesn’t think about falling off.

No really, this kid.

“You’re all there.”

Fortunately, the rest of the kids rushed in and succeeded in removing the bell.

It’s only been about three days.

I said hello to friends I hadn’t seen in a long time.

“It’s been a while since Morhan too.”

Morhan replied with a warm smile.

She said she went to the sea this time and her skin was quite tanned.

“… I guess I’m the only one who played on the weekend.”

When Mi-rae Yoon fell out of the competition, she said that in a fit of anger, she turned down love calls from other places.

Anyway, I need to know something like a child..



“Somehow I didn’t like the look in your eyes…but.”

Yoon Mi-rae grabbed Elena, who was hiding behind Morhan.

“Why have you been so restless since earlier! What did you do wrong in practice?”

“Ah.. No, it’s the future, it’s not that..!”

Fluttering in her ears, Elena scrambled out from behind Morhan.

‘… I said I couldn’t see it.’

“Oh, hello! Lie! Long time no see!”

Please… You’re making me feel awkward too.

At times like this, it would be best to treat them casually.

“Yes. How have you been doing?”

“… Didn’t we meet until yesterday? What are you doing so awkwardly?”

“E. That’s right!! Ahahahaha.”

He behaved awkwardly for a while.

After a few words of conversation, he seems to have gotten used to it and smiles as brightly as always.

Fortunately, I don’t seem to care that much.

She glanced at her occasionally while she was eating, although her eyes met a few times.

The dinner came to an end without incident.

She chats while eating dessert like that.

She went to her dormitory and prepared for sleep.


After a simple wash, jump into bed.

“Oh, come to think of it, today is…”

Monday is the day I have to call Adela.

Originally, I didn’t set a specific time.

‘Because Adela calls whenever she has free time.’

In the end, I decided on a time every Monday.

I’m sure you’re always busy too.

The love for a younger brother is extremely strong.

‘Let’s see.’

I lay down on the bed and called Adela.



A voice that is heard before the dial tone even rings once.

-Hello. Rini?

‘… No, I only watch smart watches all day long.’

Adela has considerable mechanical properties.

Sending text messages or checking the community is not possible.

That’s why the phone is the only way to deliver the news.

The phone was answered very quickly.

-Rye? Ah. Can’t you hear..? What to do… ?

Ah. I have to answer

“No, older sister. I can hear you.”

Now, calling Adela an older sister has become a habit.

Strangely, I didn’t have that much resistance to calling Adela my sister from the beginning.

-Ah.. I’m glad. How is it? Is your school life okay?

Is it because he looks like a mother who sent her son to the army…?

So, as always, are there any problems in life?

In the middle of a conversation about clichés such as whether you eat well and eat well.

-… Nothing dangerous yet, right? They said that all practices were also cancelled.

It’s hot.

To Adela, who is overflowing with worries even though nothing has happened.

After training, I was hospitalized for a while due to mana exhaustion.

She couldn’t say that she fought the forces that raided the school and she followed up to her second year practice.

“…Uh. Then. You’re still in first grade…”

Adela because she is not from the academy. She was always just faking things like this.

‘I feel a bit of remorse, but…’

-Yes. Even if you go to practice, grades are not important, so you have to think about your body first. Got it?

“Sure. You promised your sister before you came to the academy.”

The snowball is rolling too big.

I’m worried that she’ll be able to take care of herself at this rate.

-If that’s the case, I’m glad. Oh right!


-I think I’ll have to go to the academy soon!

At that time, she tried to invite me to eat together after a long time.



-Where is a good restaurant nearby? Do you go somewhere with her friends often?

… The situation.

If Adela finds out about the current situation…!

“Uh… Well, you know it’s a restaurant. But what is your sister doing with the academy…”

-It’s a little hard to tell because it hasn’t been announced yet.

Why? Already excited at the thought of seeing you after a long time?

Are you excited to see your sister after a long time?

It’s not really a real brother and sister conversation.

If I had said that to Subin, the nutmeg would have come flying.

‘That’s not important right now.’

“Uh…Uh! Nice I thought she wouldn’t be seen until vacation…”

-Yes. Oh, it’s time to sleep, right? Take good care of your body health. I’m just doing it like now!



The phone was disconnected.


‘What can I do?’

Let’s lie down on the bed with a slightly mental expression.

Neneto, who was lying around reading a book, started talking to me.

“Why? What’s going on? What did your sister say?”

Neneto only knows that I have a sister.

I don’t even know that his sister is Adela.

If I knew about it, it would surely cause quite a stir, so I hid it on purpose, but…

“… I don’t know.”

I leave the future work to the future me.

Repeating the words that can be said to be the crystallization of irresponsibility.

I closed my eyes.

Academy Light Attribute Vampire

Academy Light Attribute Vampire

아카데미 빛 속성 뱀파이어
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a novel I was reading. But… what is this again…


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not work with dark mode