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Academy Assassination Genius chapter 90

Strangely, the forest was darker than last year.

The geography of the test site is known in advance through last year’s experience.

However, the forest at that time was not covered with thick fog like it is now.

‘It seems that there is a simple terrain change.’

Holding the weapon halberd with one hand.

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Juliet moves forward with vigilance.

Beside her was her faithful lover, Romeo.

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Juliet could feel the sudden darkening of Romeo’s complexion.

“What is going on? My dear Romeo?”

“Oh, sweet Juliet. After all, you can’t hide it from the way it is.”

He pointed to the in-ears he was wearing and said.

“Because of the fog or because of the distance, I lost contact with Team B.”

“That is a big deal.”

“I didn’t say anything before we lost contact. It doesn’t look like it was attacked, but… .”

“You never know. It’s because they’re in their first year, which is called the golden generation.”

Having said that, Juliet naturally couldn’t help but think of what happened at OT.

Two people who are among the strongest in the first year.

The memory of the day when the two of them fought and lost against Namgungik and Hanjo.

‘As it was a place to test the first year students who entered, it wasn’t all power. Even if there were no restrictions, I wonder if I would have been able to beat them… .’

A minor concubine of the Namgung family.

Namgoong-Ik’s strength was somewhat within the expected range.

A genius of the Namgung family who abandoned his sword.

His anecdote was a widely spread story known to those in the know.

‘However… I’d rather fight that kid, I don’t want to fight the other one again.’

She was quite uncomfortable with Hanzo.

A dirty, messy fight.

The skill itself wasn’t that great.

It was first-class in terms of deceiving the opponent through distance adjustment, gaze, breathing, etc., and taking the flow of the fight.

‘Among the 3rd or 4th year, even among the instructors, there are few people who can fight with that level of skill.’

On the other hand, the power itself was ambiguous.

I came back later and thought about it.

Considering that he, like them, was artificially limiting the use of mana, the front and back seemed to match.

‘Besides the memorization I used for containment, I didn’t use any weapons.’

I heard that Hanzo uses a sword with an unusual appearance.

A sword with a flat tip that looks like it’s broken.

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Just because the Swordsman fought without using a sword would have been a significant handicap.

‘I hope he is here.’

Lava fields, glaciers, deserts, caves, plains, forests, beaches, and so on.

Of all the places, the odds of Hanzo being here were low.

Unfortunately, the odds were low, but not zero.

She noticed an abnormality among two students who were moving with the Romeo and Juliet couple.

This was after one of them disappeared.

‘I didn’t hear any popularity or sound… .’

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Juliet felt cold sweat run down the back of her neck.

Someone is hiding in the fog and targeting them.

The three of them immediately grabbed their weapons and stood on alert, but a shriek was heard immediately.

“town… !”

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Just as the mist swallowed it, the other disappeared too.

In the direction he disappeared, Romeo shot the sword energy from the end of his rapier, but it couldn’t reach something beyond the fog.

Romeo and Juliet, of those who entered the forest, only two remain.

He must have passed by and attacked people a couple of times, but he couldn’t feel anything through the dense fog.

“This… It’s dangerous.”

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Juliet raised her alertness to the maximum level as she gripped the halberd with both hands.

She even began to doubt whether the person they were dealing with was the same person.

* * *

[Why are you so weak?]

After defeating the second graders with a series of surprise attacks, Maegu said in a surprised tone.

Even if I die, I won’t say I’m strong.

Of course, I also know very well that I am not one-sided defeating because I am strong.

Learning how to deal with surprise attacks and assassinations is a bit later.

Apart from classes, if you had experience in surprise attacks and assassinations, you wouldn’t be able to defeat them so easily.

Other than those two, it seems that there weren’t many such experiences.

‘It’s only open up to 2 doors, so there’s no need to worry about running out of mana.’

As long as you don’t overuse mana-consuming skills like Chukji, you won’t run out of mana.

‘All that’s left is two now.’

The problem is that the remaining two are a Romeo and Juliet couple.

If it was just one of them, it might have been worth trying.

Dealing with both at the same time is difficult no matter how you think about it.

‘With your <hallucination> ability, you can make other people’s appearances as well as mine, right?’

[The details may be a little off, but at least those who hang out with you can do it right now.]

‘This is possible. If the target is in front of you, it shouldn’t be difficult to create a hallucination by following its image.’

[Who do you want?]

‘Of the two, the female side.’

Romeo and Juliet.

They both look like lovers who only know love.

Compared to Romeo, Juliet is more cold and calculating.

Even if you create hallucinations, Romeo’s side will be more easily fooled than the cold Juliet’s side.

[Considering that it is in the fog, it will not be easy to distinguish hallucinations.]

Mana flowed towards Yodo.

Will Romeo be able to distinguish the real Juliet from the Juliet created by Maegu as a hallucination?

* * *

Romeo couldn’t help but doubt his own eyes.

his beloved fiancée.

After all, there were two Juliets standing in front of him.


“Don’t be fooled. I don’t know what number they used, but that one is fake.”

“If it were you, you would recognize it right away, right? Romeo?”

But he couldn’t answer the question of the two Juliets.

From appearance to voice.

It was because her tone and even her little habits were the same as the Juliet he knew.

“You can’t tell who’s real, are you?”

“I don’t think that’s possible, Romeo.”

Beads of sweat began to form on Romeo’s forehead at the questioning of the two Juliets.

His eyes started to move quickly.

I don’t know what method he used, but he couldn’t have perfectly copied his appearance.

He observed the two Juliets carefully because there must be differences from the Juliet he knew.

In the meantime, I was able to discover a minor difference between the two Juliets.

‘… Juliet over there doesn’t have a little mole on her neck.’

A small dot in the gap between the collarbone and the neck.

This is the proof of the real Juliet that only he can know.

Upon discovering this, he poured mana into the rapier without hesitation.

The sword, loaded with vivid sword energy, was hurled straight at the fake Juliet.

“I did a good job copying the beautiful fiancée, but my eyes can’t be fooled!”

Romeo swung his rapier with confidence.

Although my vision was blurred due to the fog, I found clear evidence that it was a dot. There was no need to hesitate.

But there was one thing he overlooked.

“Ro, Romeo… ?”

“… !”

The real one made by imitating one’s true self, and the real one with only dots hidden by illusions.

It is said that the dot he used to distinguish the fake from the real was also a hallucination.

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Juliet managed to block Romeo’s attack with her halberd, but her arms that blocked the attack were shaking.

No, it’s not just the arms.

Her whole body was trembling slightly.

‘Wrong… !’

Romeo felt a fear he had never experienced before gripping his throat.

He could understand the feelings of the death row inmate who prostrated himself on the guillotine.

My head was completely white, and I dropped the rapier because my hand was weak.

“Jul, Liet… .”

He called his lover by name in a thin, trembling voice.

If I had been angry, if I had scolded him, I wouldn’t have been so afraid.

“why? Romeo?”

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Juliet was laughing.

But Romeo, her lover, is well aware that the laughter was made up.

An ending created by a wrong and hasty judgment.

He even forgot that there was someone hiding in the fog and targeting them.

This is because it is beyond their strength to respond to the crisis they are facing right now.

After the hallucination in the form of Juliet had already disappeared.

However, the cool air flowing between the two only increased their momentum.

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Juliet opened her mouth.

“Are you wrong?”

“No, the mole on the neck… .”

He immediately closed his opened mouth.

Excuses don’t work.

Rather, it only infuriates.

He immediately got down on one knee.

And the moment I tried to hold her hand.


She escaped Romeo’s touch.

Romeo’s heart fell.

* * *

The two hallucinations he created disappeared by themselves as he consumed all the mana he had instilled.

A total of two hallucinations, one hallucination that imitates Juliet’s appearance and one to cover the real point.

If the situation had just been captured by the magic tool, the image of the hallucination would not have been captured.

Literally hallucinations.

It didn’t have substance, it was just an illusion of the eyes.

[The original girl did it, but I think it was a bit harsh.]

‘Yeah, I didn’t want that much.’

Although it was intentionally digging a trap to induce Romeo.

It was because he thought that distracting the two of them for a moment would be enough.

[For now, isn’t it as intended?]

‘It’s not as intended. It’s a bit different from the original plan, though.’

According to the original plan, I was planning to ambush those two right after they were psychologically shaken using hallucinations.

But the reason I’m not is because I don’t have the confidence to run between them.

[It seems that you are not ignorant.]

‘I have that kind of eye. I can’t just watch that look forever. I should have done it even if I knew it was ignorant.’

The preparations were finished early.

Even right now, you can use the axis to close the distance and attack.

Romeo let go of his sword and bowed his head on his knees.

I can’t find any war intentions in him.

It seems like it will be easier to defeat than I thought, but the problem is on Juliet’s side.

‘Although the psychological factor is a factor that cannot be ignored… . I don’t know if I made a mistake.’

She couldn’t find any gaps in her cold life.

Even if you are wrapped in darkness and hidden in the fog, you will react to my surprise.

The current Juliet was more dangerous than Lee Tae-baek, who had just come out of Gwangma-dong.

Academy Assassination Genius

Academy Assassination Genius

아카데미 암살천재
Score 8.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
a novel that I have read for a long time with affection [The main character is cut to pieces by the assassin’s sword. And he died just like that.] “What?” But this is the end of the novel! “Wtf, how can this be the end!” a well-over 5,700-character critique sent full of rage And when I woke up again, I was a character in the novel. I am the assassin who has to kill the main character!


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not work with dark mode