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Abandoned Priest at the Hero’s Party chapter 51

Freedom Bell

– Layton. I hate to pretend to follow my words on the outside and have different thoughts behind the scenes.

– Having a son. A child with a deformity that does not fit into a blood relative.

– I killed that handicapped kid. Your wife married someone else.

-If you give birth to a deformed child even if you receive another man’s seed, then that year should be discarded.

Even if I close my eyes and cover my ears, I can still hear the cries.

Duke Shmira’s ridicule was repeated in the man’s head. continue. eternally. And forever.

The loyalty and loyalty he had devoted so far returned to his deceased son and his wife, who was sold to others. And he has already fallen to the floor helplessly, waiting for death.

‘I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you!’

I didn’t even have the strength to grind my teeth, so I could only vomit out anger in my head, but I knew it.

No matter how much he vomited the curse in his heart, Duke Shmira wouldn’t hurt a single hair of his head. Come to think of it, who else is to blame? He was the only one who gave his allegiance to such a master.

How funny did he seem to Duke Shmira? How ridiculous would it have been to see himself contributing to her back?

In the end, the backbone became a solid broth and was only sucked on the side, and he was completely betrayed and fell to the bottom of the abyss. Until his last life, he became the food of the bullet spear and was used as its nourishment.

This isn’t too bad, isn’t it?

Tears of blood flowed from the eyes that had already lost the light. Those tears were lamentation for himself who did not use it even though he had obtained the servant of the commandment, and it was the sorrow of a servant who was betrayed by his master.


However, there are some things that can only be understood by falling into the abyss.

These are the feelings of those who he directly dropped into the abyss.

‘Who can you blame? I just got my money back for what I did.’

A hybrid that does not maintain the bloodline of a vampire.

Layton really thought so of the deformed child born every time. He really thought so, until his wife took her seed and gave birth to the hybrid.

He did not feel even the slightest guilt while working to suppress the parents who wanted to protect their children with the power of domination and then kill the children. It was only after hearing that the Duke of Shmira had killed his child. I could only now realize what sin I had committed.

His tears were also an expression of that guilt. It is a sin that cannot be repaid forever.

What would you do if you realized Now he can’t even apologize.

If we all die and realize something, we will die without changing anything anyway.

There was nothing to complain about that helplessness. Humans pray to God at times like this.

Not only the god he believes in, but also the ankle of the evil god Oberta, whom he would not normally have been able to see, and pray mournfully. This is impossible for demons or vampires, the races abandoned by the gods.


Rejected by all the gods of the continent including the five ministers, Viscount Layton remembered the majestic and majestic angel of the night at the last moment.

I had never met, heard a voice, or received a revelation, but I remembered the mysterious god that the angel would serve. A priest who does not know what he serves, the god that Kyle serves.

Somehow, it seemed that God would hear his prayers.

At least he didn’t seem to be ignoring himself. It’s just a feeling.

No one knows whether the God of Hope will hear his prayers or not.

‘God, whose name is unknown. I am Layton Valencia, the eldest of the Valencia family.’

Of course, no one heard the prayer that could not be uttered.

But I decided to make sure he was listening. Viscount Layton put a smirk on his lips and continued his prayer. The object of the ridicule was himself.

‘I was given the title of Viscount from the Empire, but now I am just a sinner.’


A small voice was heard in his arms.

The Viscount, who could not hear the sound, continued to pray quietly. His cognitive state was no longer normal because he had been sucked in too much blood.

‘I’m fine no matter what. It’s okay if this body is torn to pieces. Please give me one chance. One chance to ring this bell.’

What he sought to achieve as a servant of the commandments was his own freedom, but now it is different. Freedom wasn’t the only thing he needed.

Duke of Shmira. A woman who only thinks of her subordinates as consumables. She must no longer rule over the vampire.

I only realized it after I suffered. She is a woman who will have more than enough to grind all the vampires in order to achieve her success. As long as he could bring freedom to his clan, he wouldn’t mind being thrown into hell. As a servant of the commandment, the Viscount wanted to give freedom to all.

‘Even if I can’t, you will. Please give us freedom. Even if that freedom strangles me to death, I will gladly accept it.’

Is it because Layton’s prayers reached heaven? Or is it because Duke Shmira broke his promise?

Or was the glass bottle that had been hit by the shock when he fell, broken only now?

The reason is unknown, but the result is the same. The Viscount’s forelimbs became damp.


Water trickled through the cracks. Holy water from the baptist’s water bottle flowed through Viscount Layton’s body. Wherever he passed, blood stopped, wounds washed away, and life returned.

After a while, his hand, which had not yet moved, trembled. Guns returned to his eyes, and his pierced abdomen healed as if nothing had happened. His left hand stroked his tummy, which didn’t leave a single scar.

‘Hey, this is…’

Viscount Layton, who had come to his senses, got up hastily, put his hand in his bosom, and looked through it. The moment I took out the cracked and leaking bottle, a shiver ran through my body and my head felt numb.

Hey, is this a coincidence? No, it can’t be.

Even his sensible Viscount could not believe in him. The moment he realized that God had protected him, suddenly a tremendous amount of courage surged within him. Even Duke Shmira was no longer afraid.

It’s already dead once. Is it worth more than two deaths at most?

He came to his senses and left the battlefield. When a passing maid saw him and said hello, Viscount Layton stopped her and gave her instructions.

“Is there anything you guys need to do right now?”

“If it’s something you have to do… no, not really.”

“Did the queen or the princess give any special instructions?”

“Yes, it is.”

For vampires, top and bottom clothes are natural. The maid didn’t even ask me why. If a higher person instructs you, you can do it. That’s the life of a vampire.

“Then go around the castle now and tell everyone you meet to come to the basement. Make sure to spread it all to vampires lower than me. Be sure to put the word “my instruction” on it.”

That’s good at times like this. The maid left without questioning Layton’s orders. She soon found other personnel and told them that Viscount Layton had called in the workers, and they joined the spread.

At the end of a wave of one calling two and two calling four, almost everyone heard Layton’s assembly instructions.

The process was as natural as flowing water, as everyone higher than Layton was absent. Because their queen, Duke Shmira, temporarily left the castle to escape from the princess, and most of the other Lords were killed by the reapers.

The walking baby did not save anyone alive. Anyone involved in sifting could not escape from the hand of the Shinigami.

“Is everyone here?”

Viscount Layton was not surprised to see a larger crowd than he had expected. After coming back to life from near death, he became a fanatical believer in the will of God.

Even a coincidence was seen as a sign that God was helping him. It seemed natural that almost everyone in the castle had gathered at Layton’s orders.

“Sir. May I ask what you called us for? Is this something related to the top again?”

A vampire politely stepped forward and asked Layton. Their gaze on the Viscount was warm, because although he killed the deformed child according to the will of Duke Shmira, it was not their son or daughter. Viscount Layton was much more popular than he thought.

The Duke of Shmira is a person who can’t get his job done only when everything goes his way. She has a habit of blaming the mental power of her subordinates when something goes wrong.

At this time, the Lord class who presented a slightly objectionable opinion was Viscount Layton, and it was possible because he was a smirk. Although he sometimes disagreed with Rod’s opinion, he did not bump into each other head-on, and only slightly rebelled from behind.

“Do you believe me?”

“sure. If it’s what the Viscount says, then of course I believe it.”

“Among the Lords, who is there for us as much as the Viscount?”

Of course, even in this way, Shmira offended him. Nevertheless, he was not targeted until he was stabbed with a spear today, because he is the largest source of money in the estate and runs the top to earn money and luxury from the outside.

Perfume, bags, dresses, jewelry… Since the Duchess was a talented person who brought things that could not be supplied by itself, it was left untouched even if it bothered the eyes.

Of course, after holding hands with Harmael, she was able to make a deal with her subordinate, the Demon Merchant, Olok, so the value was lowered, so she was struck with a spear.

It was because he overlooked that Viscount Layton’s true value lies in his abilities, not his superiority. It was because everyone did not know how precious the subordinates who made money were when they were just spending money.

The fact that Viscount Layton was the one who manages the livelihood of the estate, there was no way those working-level workers could not know. Of course, the view of Viscount Layton was also good.

Compared to other Lords who abused the power of domination and treated them like slaves, this person was a literal gentleman. At this, the Viscount nodded and took the bell from his bosom.

“What is it?”

A vampire who saw the bell tilted her head and opened her mouth.

The Viscount replied briefly.


After a while, the bell of the commandment rang. The bell wasn’t loud enough to ring the world, let alone a castle, so small that it couldn’t even fill a single cellar.

But the moment the bell rang, everyone in the room felt a great vibration. It was not something external, but an inner trembling.

Eight melodies that cannot be described by anything else swept them all, creating a gentle ripple. Something inside tilted like a reed caught in the wind and made a sound.

The sound that would determine the fate of a race beyond one person was played within everyone, and it became music as they embraced each other. The sweet music that no one had ever heard was played for about ten seconds and then disappeared.


One of the vampires, who had been dazed by the sound that was not of this world, realized something and shuddered.

The shudder soon began to spread, and there was a burst of exclamation.

The great chain of beings that bound them. A class that was born that could never be denied.

The power of domination was no longer there.


So no one noticed the baby, who was toddling with Layton as a target.

When the baby heard the bell, he stopped walking in surprise. In the eyes of those who entered the ranks of the gods, Layton and other vampires saw things that vampires could not see.

For a moment, the child who was looking at Layton quietly gave up his heart to kill him and left. Shinigami was born without anyone knowing, and left without anyone knowing.

Death will bloom like a flower wherever it goes, welcoming the arrival of the gods, but at least Vlad Territory has been freed from the evil spirits of the gods.

As babies usually do, it will reach out for food when it is hungry.

As babies do when they grow up, they will soon start looking for toys and playing with them.

How far can this baby grow? It will depend on how powerful the dark part of the human mind is.

Abandoned Priest at the Hero’s Party

Abandoned Priest at the Hero’s Party

용사파티 버림받은 사제
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Kyle, the priest chosen by the nameless god. abandoned by his colleagues


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not work with dark mode