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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 877: : All Not Easy to Deal With!

Chapter 877: All Not Easy to Deal With!

As for Wang Baole, he immediately retreated as the army moved. Those who retreated alongside him included the butler and Daoist Gu Mo. There were also the commanders of the top and second-ranked Violet Gold New Dao Sect armies and more than ten Soul Conduit cultivators from the two sects among his team.

As the main army advanced while Wang Baole’s team retreated, the two sides instantly pulled away from each other. As the main force of the two sects rumbled into the distance, the butler, Daoist Gu Mo, and the commanders of the top two Violet Gold New Dao Sect armies gathered in front of Wang Baole. As their gazes met, they all bowed towards Wang Baole with cupped fists.

They were already told of the general plan in secret, but they didn’t know the specifics. They were only told that Long Nanzi was the leader of the operation and that they needed to follow his every command.

Seeing how everyone gazed at him, Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and didn’t speak. Instead, he spread his Divine Will to sense the direction of the main army. Since he didn’t speak, the others all remained silent as well. After they waited in silence for about an hour, a wave of Planet realm divine power seemed to spread from the battlefield far away and was noticed by Wang Baole instantly.

But even then, Wang Baole still didn’t move. Instead, he waited until the Divine Will avatar he secretly placed among the main army saw the Heavenly Spirit Sect army engage and the two armies clash. After seeing the Heavenly Spirit Sect’s sect lord and right-hand elder, Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and finally calmed down a little.

Is the left-hand elder not here…Wang Baole’s gaze flashed. But he wasn’t afraid of the Left-Hand Elder, who had lost his body, so he spoke calmly.

“All of you, follow me!” After speaking, Wang Baole flicked his body and headed for the Eternal Star from another coordinate. The location of that coordinate was the place where the royal family made arrangements according to the Sovereign Patriarch’s judgment. At the same time, as he unleashed his speed and neared the Eternal Star, Wang Baole felt the concentrated aura there that contained royal bloodline disturbances!

The aura was extremely intense and like a compass. While it gave Wang Baole a more accurate judgment of the enemies’ coordinates, he also had some doubt in his heart. Truly… everything seemed to go too smoothly this time.

I still feel that something’s weird.Wang Baole blinked. Suddenly, his heart jolted as he unleashed his Demonic Eye Art to see whether it would have any effect on the Eye of the Eternal Star. But the imposing Eternal Star ahead didn’t have any response at all.

Could it be that my previous guess was wrong? Do I not have the right to control the Eye of the Eternal Star?As Wang Baole pondered and became more cautious, he slowed down a little. He got closer and closer to the Eternal Star, and when he finally saw the other side of the battlefield, he felt extraordinary heat on his face. It was near the boundary of the Eternal Star. In fact, from afar, it seemed like a gigantic piece of land stuck onto the Eternal Star!

While the land was insignificant compared to the Eternal Star, it seemed to be made of a very special material that could withstand the high heat coming from the Eternal Star. And as he neared and concentrated his cultivation into his eyes, Wang Baole could faintly see many cultivators surrounding He Yunzi and two others as though they were performing a ritual.

At the same time, when he raised his head to look at the extremely imposing giant Eternal Star and saw the smoke-like aura it dispersed, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of respect in his heart.

He was very clear just how astonishing the Eternal Star’s power was. Several books in his Dark Dream back then and the records of the Vast Expanse Dao Palace made Wang Baole understand many things, albeit not completely.

For example… the outer side of an Eternal Star had nomological power. It was like an invisible shell. When entering and exiting, one needed to find some special weak spots before being able to pass through. If they couldn’t find a weak spot… flying willy-nilly would be akin to having a sharp sword which could drop at any time above one’s head.

Of course, if it was only the outer portion, like the location of that piece of land, everything would be fine. The Eternal Star Fire Wang Baole obtained when he returned back then was obtained in the outer area.

After these thoughts flashed in his mind, Wang Baole narrowed his eyes as he looked towards that piece of land again. As he saw the Divine Eye royalty, the Divine Eye royalty noticed him too. Some unrest appeared among the crowd. It was as though they were astonished to see Wang Baole.

Everything seemed to be normal on the surface, but, perhaps due to his suspicions of the Sovereign Patriarch’s true intentions, Wang Baole still felt uneasy. So he narrowed his eyes and bellowed, “Soul Conduits, descend first. Charge over!”

The surrounding ten or so Soul Conduit cultivators dared not oppose him and could only charge out while gritting their teeth. As they neared the piece of land, they descended. Spell disturbances spread from within the land immediately. As rumbles sounded, several Heavenly Spirit Sect Spirit Immortal cultivators immediately retaliated alongside He Yunzi and the other two princes.

This scene was still very normal, and it was a given that the Heavenly Spirit Sect would have defenses there. Seeing the descended Soul Conduit cultivators get overpowered, a cold glimmer flashed between Wang Baole’s eyes.

“All Spirit Immortals, descend!”

The butler, Daoist Gu Mo, and the two army commanders from the Violet Gold New Dao Sect looked at one another before speeding out. As they neared, they immediately charged into battle. The battlefield became more intense instantly, and rumbles kept sounding out. The cultivators of the royal family didn’t have high cultivation levels, and the number of casualties shot up in a flash. At that moment, as a low growl echoed, the left-hand elder’s silhouette appeared on the land. He first threw a vengeful glance at Wang Baole, who was still in the cosmos and hadn’t descended, then immediately attacked.

Although he had reconstructed his physical body, the drop in his cultivation level was unavoidable. But even though he was no longer a Planet realm, he still had combat strength that exceeded that of normal perfected stage Spirit Immortals. Therefore, his attack instantly caused the battle to become a stalemate. In fact, Wang Baole’s side faintly seemed to be on the losing end.

Even the avatar Wang Baole left on the main battlefield turned anxious after it sensed the Heavenly Spirit Sect’s sect lord and right-hand elder fighting. It led a portion of cultivators to try and charge out of the battlefield as though it had received intel.

There should be no more issues!Wang Baole struggled in his heart, but he naturally couldn’t give up the chance he had now. So, as a cold glint flashed between his eyes, he suppressed the sense of uneasiness and headed towards the piece of land on the Eternal Star with a flick of his body!

Although Wang Baole carried things out viciously, he had a cautious personality. That was especially so after experiencing so many things. They made him trust his gut feeling a lot. Therefore, after faintly feeling uneasy previously, he made the Soul Conduits go over first and made the Spirit Immortals descend. However, he didn’t get too close himself.

Although this method was a little selfish, this was the reality of a cultivation world. Wang Baole felt that the reason all life cultivated was to be able to control their own lives and not be influenced and controlled by others.

Thus, he didn’t feel that his actions were wrong. It was only when he saw that no accidents were happening as the battle commenced after the Soul Conduit and Spirit Immortal cultivators descended that he heaved a sigh of relief. But even though things were like that, and even though he seemed to charge down at full speed, he suddenly stopped the moment he neared the Eternal Star’s land. He raised his right hand and waved it. Instantly, two Spirit Immortal puppets flew out from his storage bag, charged towards the Eternal Star land, and started killing.

Not only did he do that, but to make things more realistic, Wang Baole even made another avatar with some of his essence and controlled it to enter the Eternal Star land and attack together with everyone.

Those were Wang Baole’s cautious tests. And after his gaze flashed slightly, Wang Baole suddenly made it look like he had a huge change of expression as he displayed panic in his eyes and growled.

“It’s a trap, retreat immediately!” As Wang Baole spoke, his body retreated. No matter how one looked at it, it seemed like he discovered something and wished to leave quickly.

In fact, he even resisted the pain and had the avatar he dispersed self-destruct to delay a possible pursuit.

But his Divine Will was locked onto He Yunzi, the other two princes, and the left-hand elder, whose cultivation level had dropped. He observed the changes in their expressions and minor details as he retreated thousands of feet away, but he didn’t notice anything wrong. Instead, he noticed that they seemed to be stunned. When they didn’t stop the butler and others from retreating after hearing his words, the last wisp of unease in Wang Baole’s heart suddenly dissipated.

“I might have thought too much. Let’s finish the battle as fast as possible.” A cold glint flashed between Wang Baole’s eyes as he let out a big laugh. His body turned into an afterimage as he charged into the land outside the Eternal Star at maximum speed.

The moment he stepped in, his Divine Will locked onto the left-hand elder. He was just about to attack when a weird smile appeared at the corners of the left-hand elder’s mouth. The other two princes of the royal family looked anxious, but He Yunzi also had a weird smile on his face.

The smiles of the both of them made Wang Baole’s scalp go numb, and his pupils suddenly shrunk!

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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not work with dark mode