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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 622: A Familiar Face Returns!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

With the real-time synchronization between the mission stone stele and the Spirit Internet in place, Wang Baole’s second announcement was the creation of a new post—a mission administrator!

The administrator’s job was to assist cultivators—who were either training outside the Dao Palace or unable to return directly to the Dao Palace due to other reasons—by collecting the items obtained from the mission from these cultivators, submitting them to the sect on the latter’s behalf, and allocating the awarded battle credits to the latter. This would save a great amount of time for Dao Palace disciples. After all, the journey to and fro wasn’t short.

This idea had been Sect Lord Xu’s. It was akin to the courier services found in the Federation. Prior to Wang Baole becoming a Grand Supreme Elder, it would have been challenging trying to propose such a new post. After all, a great deal of trust and risk were involved.

Wang Baole’s current status resolved all such problems. In addition, the new rules dictated that only Federation disciples could become administrators.

Of course, there were still many other details to be ironed out, including the issue of compensation should problems arise. There was no need for Wang Baole to worry about those though. Sect Lord Xu was there to sort everything out.

The first two announcements led to Wang Baole thinking of the third one, which was… to set up a Loans Pavilion… with his and the Federation government’s credit as basis!

The Loans Pavilion would be open to all Dao Palace disciples. Personal credit ratings would be set up for everyone. In addition, different credit limits would also be given based on their ranks. Each loan given would earn interest!

The impact of the third announcement was akin to dropping numerous Anti-Spirit Bombs on the Vast Expanse Dao Palace, shocking every disciple and displaying Wang Baole’s and the Federation’s wealth at the same time!

The Loans Pavilion was backed by both Wang Baole himself as well as the Federation government. It meant that the credits placed with the pavilion were guaranteed security. Loans given out were also guaranteed to be collected back, with interest.

Wang Baole’s level of cultivation might not be high enough to provide assurance, but his status and rank ensured that few would dare default on a loan. Everyone had come to know his character as they witnessed his rise to the top. They knew how vicious and merciless he could get… Sun Hai had set a memorable example!

The consecutive issuances of these three announcements would completely transform the Dao Palace as well as countless lives. They were practical changes though. No one would wish to forgo them after getting used to the changes. It was difficult for most people to forgo convenience after having gotten used to it.

There were a few who realized what Wang Baole was trying to do and protested the new measures, but Wang Baole had both authority and Feng Qiuran’s support on his side. The voices of dissent were gradually lost in the crowd. In addition, Wang Baole wasn’t interested in gaining this small minority’s approval. What he wanted was to achieve convenience for the majority.

“In fact, they can curse at me while they continue using those services!” That had been Wang Baole’s exact words when Sect Lord Xu had voiced his concerns after Wang Baole had proposed the idea for the Loans Pavilion.

Those words had convinced the Sect Lord. He had bowed deeply and gone ahead to execute Wang Baole’s plans.

Those three measures were implemented. As the Dao Palace began to undergo a steady transformation, and as some people grew lost amidst the changes, Mie Liezi started to panic.

Wang Baole and Feng Qiuran had joined forces during this period of time, and many things began to spiral out of his control. He was powerless against them. Without rhyme or reason, Daoist You Ran resumed his past neutral stance, abstaining from voting on all matters. Mie Liezi grew increasingly anxious while his displeasure towards Feng Qiuran and Wang Baole intensified.

He had seen the changes that had overtaken the sect. He had seen the convenience the Spirit Internet had given them, the dangers it brought along, as well as how it had chipped at his power. If he continued to allow things to unfold in this manner, he had a feeling that the Dao Palace would soon be assimilated with the Federation. Then, it wouldn’t simply be difficult to tear them apart, it would be impossible to do so.

There was something else that Mie Liezi found unacceptable. In his heart, the Dao Palace reigned supreme, and outsiders who hadn’t received the Dao Palace’s acknowledgment were all beneath the Dao Palace!

With Wang Baole’s rise in power and his series of new initiatives, the status of Federation disciples had risen greatly in the Dao Palace. Many Dao Palace cultivators had even grown accustomed to that. They subconsciously felt that everyone was now equal.

All this contributed to Mie Liezi’s anxiety. However, he knew that with Wang Baole and Feng Qiuran joining forces, he had little chance of retaliating against them.

That was why he told himself to grit his teeth and shoulder on while waiting for his chance!

When his chance came, and he decided to strike, he would stir up a huge storm, summon chaos and destroy order, and overpower everything in his path!

With that thought in mind, Mie Liezi decided to retreat into seclusion. He would strengthen his cultivation and, at the same time, spend more time guiding his disciple, Dugu Lin, whom he had placed his hopes on. His desire was for Dugu Lin to reach his breakthrough as soon as possible.

As a result, control over the Dao Palace fell to Wang Baole and Feng Qiuran during this period of time. There was naturally no disagreement about the arrival of the third batch of Federation Seedlings. The proposal was passed smoothly. Their arrival would take place a month later.

By using his authority, Wang Baole hid from Feng Qiuran the fact that he had demanded the presence of two people in this third batch!

The first was the Martian Colony’s Deputy Governor, the giant tree!

The second was… Li Wuchen!

The identification of new seedlings was under the Federation’s internal purview. In addition, Feng Qiuran had no way of knowing that Wang Baole had accessed the Hyacinthus Tree’s memories. As a result, she paid no attention to the incoming third batch of Federation Seedlings. It was this oversight that resulted in Li Wuchen’s presence amongst the hundred Seedlings a month later. Feng Qiuran saw the slightly lost and nervous look in Li Wuchen’s eyes as he stood in the array formation. Her breathing quickened instantly.

Wang Baole pretended that he didn’t notice. Feng Qiuran had her suspicions but found no appropriate channel to voice them. She could only hide her doubts while staring past the crowd and at Li Wuchen, a myriad of emotions flashing across her eyes.

Li Wuchen had seen Feng Qiuran, but he didn’t recognize her at all. On the other hand, he was quite familiar with Wang Baole, who was seated next to Feng Qiuran and surrounded by numerous cultivators. Wang Baole seemed to have done very well for himself.

A mixture of feelings and jealousy surged inside Li Wuchen almost instinctively. The Federation was aware of Wang Baole’s newfound status. They had received news of it recently, and it had created quite a commotion.

He had only found out just before his arrival. Regardless, it had been just as shocking. He sighed, troubled. He had some conflicts with Wang Baole, and Wang Baole believed in an eye for an eye, so Li Wuchen believed he was going to be in for some hardship. He had developed feelings for one of Wang Baole’s juniors whilst in the Ethereal Dao College. This increased the anxiety he was feeling now. He lowered his head and stole a glance at the crowd. His eyes landed on a young lady from the Ethereal Dao College. Hidden beneath the mix of feelings shining in his eyes was a certain softness.

Mei’er might be stressed because of Wang Baole. It doesn’t matter if I suffer a little hardship as long as Mei’er is free from troubles. It’ll be worth it! Li Wuchen kept his breathing controlled and prepared himself mentally. He stepped out of the array formation with the rest of the Federation Seedlings and greeted Wang Baole and Feng Qiuran with cupped fists.

What he didn’t know was that he wasn’t the most nervous person in the entire third batch of Seedlings. The person who was secretly trembling the most, and feeling the most nervous, was a middle-aged man standing nearby!

He was… the giant tree, also known by many as their Fellow Daoist Osmanthus.

His anxiety had reached a peak. He had asked around and found out that he hadn’t originally been included in this third batch. Wang Baole had been the one who had demanded his presence.

That had terrified the giant tree. He wailed inwardly and raged sorrowfully. He hadn’t expected this wretched Wang Baole, who had ruined his plans in the past, to rise up and become the Grand Supreme Elder of the Dao Palace within a mere few years!

There is no justice in this world! The giant tree and Li Wuchen raged inwardly, while troubled with their own worries. They greeted Wang Baole meekly while the latter simply grinned widely, his eyes occasionally landing on the both of them.

Feng Qiuran wasn’t her usual self either. She forced out a few words then left in a hurry, intending to send a voice transmission to Li Xingwen via the teleportation array formation. She was going to ask him why he had allowed Li Wuchen to return.

Wang Baole watched as Feng Qiuran left. He said a few words as well before leaving and heading back to his palace. The third batch of Federation Seedlings was dispersed. Just as the other Federation cultivators began leading them away to get these new arrivals familiar with the place, Sect Lord Xu shouted out.

“Fellow Daoist Osmanthus, please wait a moment. The Grand Supreme Elder requests your presence in his palace.”

The fretting giant tree, who had just released a sigh of relief and been lulled into a false sense of complacency, shook upon hearing that. He turned around slowly. He was silently screaming inside his head. He dared not reveal anything on his face though. He gritted his teeth and nodded.

“Fellow Daoist Osmanthus, we are old acquaintances… there is something I’m not sure if I should tell you.” Sect Lord Xu looked at the other cultivator with regret.

“Please share your thoughts!” The cunning giant tree immediately lifted his head upon hearing that and gave the Sect Lord a deferential bow.

“Some people are destined for great things. If you could seize the opportunity presented to you, even past conflicts can be resolved and transformed into a chance for you to ascend to greater heights. Such things are not impossible!” Sect Lord Xu gave the giant tree a meaningful look as he spoke softly.

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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