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A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 214

When he faced the Demon King, his head quickly returned to his extreme survival instincts.

The Demon King slowly approached me as if looking at a puppy.

A cold sweat started to flow from my back at the leisure and boredom contained in that gait.

[boy! Stay focused! If you are nervous… .]

When the demon king who finally arrived in front of me tilted his head, he could barely move his heavy mouth.

“mi… you are very pretty! and! You are dazzling… I feel like I am blind!”

[…] boy?]

‘buy… Apostle?’

“… puff.”

The demon king, whose eyes widened at my words, covered his mouth and smiled a little. After an hour, I ignored his voice and spoke quickly.

“I’ve only heard rumors that she’s a beauty, but in reality she’s even more beautiful! Wow- how can your skin be so pale?! What’s the secret?!”

“Ugh… I hate sunlight. It has been over a hundred years since I last went to this castle.”

The Demon King gave a subtle expression and nodded his head slightly. In that look, I saw a glimmer of hope.

‘fat… I can live!’

It was not enough for me to fight the demon king by myself. In order not to die, he had to wait for the reinforcements to arrive.

“ah! Such a trick… ! It is a secret that is difficult to perform even if you know it! That’s why your skin is so white! It really makes my heart flutter just looking at it! line… If it’s not rude, can I touch it?”

“Ugh… Are you not a warrior? Aren’t you here to cut off this neck?”

The demon lord tilted his head at my question and grabbed his slender neck with his white, flawless hand.

‘okay! Break it as it is!’

I wish the Demon King went crazy like that and broke his neck, but the Demon King just stroked his own neck.

“… Yes? ah! Warrior! Hero – I’m a conscript. I didn’t come here for support. I was forcibly evicted. You damn human bastards! Amy Abbey exploded bastards! I was living in peace! I’m not saying that you suddenly see me and enlist in the Allied Forces to catch the Demon King! Because these are pure bad guys? Yes?”

“… puff. Oh, are you a conscript? Still, everyone dreams of my neck at least once, right? Maybe if you cut it, you can get billions of dollars anywhere, whether it’s an empire or a kingdom… ?”

The demon king slit his neck with his black claws. Black blood dripped from the demon king’s neck just by swiping how sharp his nails were.

Seeing that, I swallowed dry saliva.

“ah! Millions of dollars! There are stories like that! But actually, seeing the Demon Lord, you are so beautiful that you don’t have enough billions of dollars? I’m more attracted to licking the Demon King’s soft feet than a billion dollars! I! Seriously!”

I said it with as much sincerity as I could and gently bent down. please… please… .

“Ugh… Really? You’d rather lick my feet than a million dollars?”

“Yeah! please! Will you let me lick the feet of the noble and beautiful Demon Lord? Please do this!”

“My feet are a bit sensitive… Huh- what are you going to do?”

“please! It is my lifelong wish! wish! It’s the moment I’ve been dreaming of since birth! I am so desperate that I even grab my shoes from the stone steps!”

‘buy… Are you a priest? The opponent is the Demon King. you are my buy… Now what is this… .’

Shut up you bitch You don’t have to live for once.

‘dog… dog bitch?! Now, what a habit of talking to God! Apostle! Apologize! Apologize oh oh oh!!! I am the Earth God!! Earth God!’

“Ummm… Yes. Because it’s a lifelong wish… .”

Suddenly, a large chair made of human bones was placed behind the demon king, and the demon king sat lightly on it, crossed his legs and stared at me.

Those black eyes seemed to grasp my intentions, as if they were looking deep into the depths, and my heart sank for some reason.

At that, I hurriedly knelt and grabbed the Demon King’s white feet. The coolness of the demon king’s feet flowed through my hands.

[cow… boy? The opponent is the Demon King!!]

f*ck you too You look backwards now, but what is the use of being a Demon King and being a hero!

The white toes of the Demon King, reminiscent of tofu, wiggled as if to try it.

Then I slowly and gently brought my mouth to my feet. Actually, there wasn’t that much of an objection. The demon king’s feet were as pure and white as snow, and that’s what Andrea had done for me in the first place.

“Ugh… Are you really doing it?”

“Yes, of course. I am serious.”

“Ugh… I feel good. Do more.”

When I slowly raised my eyes, the demon king’s eyes were curved with arcs. At that, I moved my tongue even harder with a little reassurance. As if the demon king’s feet were the candy in the legend. My tongue quickly and gently washed the Demon King’s feet.

‘buy… Are you a priest? Wake!! That’s the Demon King! Devil!! Uh-huh- My apostle is sucking the demon king’s feet!! my… My points are gone!! Where!! Point Yaa point

[that… boy… I came to catch the Demon King, but licking his feet is a bit… . No, in the first place, everything a boy did was like that, but… .]

“Ugh… After a while, a person I like has arrived. Bell just sits idly.”

“haha! I’m good at this again! I’m good at massage too, can I do a little for you?”

“Uh-huh, try it.”

The Demon King, who sat comfortably on the chair, narrowed his eyes and nodded. Its posture was so defenseless that I almost grabbed the sword handle, but I struggled with it.

‘… You have to wait until the perfect moment comes.’

And in fact, the Demon King was beautiful enough to be comparable to 1.0 Kiana in appearance alone, so there was no objection.

The bright red dress the Demon King wore showed his shoulders, and I slowly massaged the exposed Demon King’s muscleless shoulder.

“The Demon Lord has very soft shoulders. How could I touch such a beautiful body… This is truly a family honor.”

“Ugh… Are you really good at massages? Go ahead. A little deeper.”

The demon king’s soft hand grabbed my hand and pulled me down. I was so startled that I almost drew my sword, but I barely persevered and followed the demon king’s lead.

The place my hand touched was the soft chest of the Demon King of a suitable size.

‘buy… Apostle?’

[…] boy?]

I wondered if it was right that I, the hero of mankind, was doing this, but the copulation king’s hand was already moving faithfully according to his instinct. The Demon King’s breasts were soft like tofu, and it was fun to touch.

‘If you are a real man, you should see the opportunity and suck the gallbladder. It’s not difficult to touch a beautiful woman’s breasts.’

‘Ahhh!! my point!! tell me to stop! stop touching it! Why are you caressing the Demon King!! I’ll even suck your p*ssy?! I can’t even suck!! Ahhh- my point!!’

“Huh- Do you really like this guest?”

“I am sure you will like it more.”

Seeing the demon king’s abyss-like black eyes looking up at me, I lowered my hand a little further. The Demon King, who frowned at him for a moment, slowly loosened his braided legs, and I took the essence of the copulation king in my hand.

I moved my hand with a little more power to the hand of the Demon King who gently loosened my pants. The demon king took a deep breath in the hand that contained the essence of the copulation king and bit my item into his mouth.

I was terrified of him, but I smiled and moved my hand a little faster.

The demon king’s eyes looking up at me with an object were still as dark as the abyss.

‘The warrior who ate the Demon King.’

Maybe it’ll be pretty good?

[me… I don’t know anymore!]

‘Stop it!! Don’t have s*x!! Why are you, a warrior and an apostle, having s*x with the Demon King!! hey!! Don’t suck your p*ssy!! Aww!! my point!! How did you build it!! stop! Stop oh oh oh!’

… Isn’t that what you built?


“You fight pretty well. It’s the first time I’ve seen it.”

Seeing the old wizard smiling bitterly at himself, Luke nodded his head slightly.

The long cone hat worn by the old wizard had long since burned down, and his wand was almost in pieces. The wrinkles on the old wizard’s face almost doubled as well.

Luke sighed a little as he looked around.

‘… Is this the only thing left? No, are you glad that you still have this?’

The power of the devil was as desperate as the mighty force he felt. Luke rallied the panic-stricken army and used his swordsmanship to fight the devil, but to no avail.

The soldiers were caught one by one by the tentacles from the devil’s back and were eaten by their torn mouths. To stop him, Luke took out all his magic, but there was nothing he could do other than buy some time.

When everyone gave up in despair, the old wizard’s wand shone.

“… 500 times the gravity!!”

The old wizard, who pointed at the demon with his wand, shouted loudly, as if he had rejuvenated, and the movement of the demon that had put a whole soldier in his mouth stopped.

“Five… I can’t last long!! Hurry up in this gap… !!”

Even before hearing the old wizard’s words, Luke was running. Luke, who attached the amulet containing the sword to the sword and raised his energy to the limit, without hesitation for a moment, pierced the sword into the heart of the devil.

As Luke moved, the soldiers, who were terrified, grabbed their weapons and rushed at them, and the demon became a beehive in an instant.

“Cheap!! Those cheeky human bastards!!”

At the end of the clichéd lines, the vicious and fearful demon turned to ashes.

‘… To win this.’

Luke looked back at his own hand holding the sword.

“Knock… This made it difficult for me to see my grandchildren.”

The old wizard’s remorseful young voice caught Luke’s attention.

“Have you used your life?”

“right. Even I, who had become a great wizard, was an opponent that was impossible with normal magic. Still, it’s a good deal for you young people to live with this old man’s life, isn’t it? Fortunately, that demon’s magic resistance was weak.”

It seemed that the wrinkles on the old wizard’s face were not Luke’s misunderstanding. Luke bowed his head in homage to him.

Looking around the soldiers who had not yet escaped from the aftermath of the battle, Luke slowly stood up.

He didn’t have the time to lead them, but someone had to lead. Of these, he was the closest to him.

“… Let’s take a break for a while and move on. The corpses of my colleagues will be collected separately later, so please be patient for now even if you feel bad.”

People nodded at Luke’s words. He was a young man whose name was not known, but the performance he had just shown deserved recognition.

“Young man is pretty good. It will be big in the future.”

“… Big is relative.”

Recalling someone from the old wizard’s words, Luke smiled bitterly and shook his head.

The soldiers wandered around, looking for identity cards from the corpses. After a while they lined up in front of the black squares on the wall.

‘I really hate to put it in my mouth, but there is no slogan that suits that much.’

Seeing the soldiers staring at him, Luke licked his tongue and opened his mouth.

“For the continent.”

The slogan he made gave them a noble cause, which made them willing to walk, even though the road to death was clear.

““For the Continent.”

The stiff-faced soldiers fixed their weapons and followed in solemn voices.

they all knew Right now, going forward is the same as going to die.

“… For the grandchildren!”

In the midst of the solemnity, the old wizard shouted in a playful voice.

“How old is your grandson?”

“It’s still in the boat.”

“It is certain that he will be dignified, resembling a grown-up god.”

“Chuckle. so be it! My son is stupid, but my daughter-in-law is a smart wizard, so my grandchildren must be brilliant! Knock off!”

Luke laughed bitterly as the old wizard’s hand trembled as he gripped the half-broken wand.

Even if their power is poor.

Even if I could die if I passed that black square.

Because they are all heroes who have gone a long way for their respective families or fortunes.

I couldn’t stay here because it was scary.

Because they valued something other than their own lives.

“For the continent.”

Seeing everyone who was ready to die, Luke spoke with strength and passed through the black square.

Then the scenery around them changed with a familiar feeling of dizziness, and they were standing in a huge hall.

A beautiful woman was sitting with her legs crossed in the center of the hall, which was quite neat unlike other places.

“hand… You have a guest. Ahaha!”

The woman’s red dress had a skirt raised, and the chair was soaked with water. There, the woman’s face was dangerously red, and it looked as if she had even exercised her hideous roughness.

‘… shit. No one.’

Luke looked around and let out a small cursing inside.

Luke felt nothing about that woman. That said, that woman is a strong person who is far different from ordinary people, but there is no way such a beautiful ordinary person could be in the middle of the Demon King’s Castle, so that woman was definitely the Demon King.

“… It seems to be over.”

“Hall hall. It’s a pity that this old man is a comrade.”

“It is an honor for me. Wizard.”

Luke grinned bitterly at the old wizard’s joke, pulled out the few talismans left, and fixed the toothed sword.

“… for the continent.”

As she shouted a slogan like a spell and was about to unleash her scarce power, someone came out from behind the woman’s chair, changing her outfit.

At the familiar silhouette, Luke narrowed his eyes and looked at his opponent, then felt a subtle emotion.

‘Why is that bastard over there? not. He’s a piece of garbage, but his power is named-class, so it’s sure to be helpful. You have to forget your personal feelings for now.’

“haha… Humanity’s hero came first. Maybe this will help us see our grandchildren again.”

“sign… Humanity’s Hero!! We can! Let’s cut off the head of the evil demon king!!”

“Hero of mankind! Hope of the Continent!”

The gloomy atmosphere suddenly changed with just the appearance of Aiden. At Aiden’s fame, Luke spit swear words to himself.

‘He’s like a dog, but it’s better to get help from him than to die. Even if I roll in the dog poop, I’m better off… . I haven’t even hugged a woman yet.’

Ironically, Luke’s regret that he thought was the last was a woman.

Aiden walked out next to the woman and looked at the people, wiping something off her mouth. It was as if he was looking for someone.

“It’s just garbage… ?”

Aiden’s expression, which was bright at first, gradually darkened, and in the end, it turned into a face that looked like he was chewing poop.

After confirming all the soldiers, Aiden shook his body and raised his voice at once.

“What are you doing?! You ignorant mothers and fathers all exploded! Can’t you see our demon king as beautiful as if his beauty could reach the sky!! Come on, get down on your knees and bow your head!! You ignorant orphans who don’t even know this beauty!!”

Aiden’s desperate anger spilled over, and the party was momentarily at a loss for words.

“… Because you don’t have to be so angry. self.”

The accident stopped when he saw the smiling Demon King gently swiping Aiden’s arm. It was the look of a woman in love that Luke had never seen before.

“I can’t stand being rude to my darling! Because my woman is precious!”

Luke couldn’t stand the swearing at Aiden’s expression of a line that would only appear in a romance novel without changing his expression.

‘I… I… What kind of bullshit is the one to kill this time!!’

Luke resented the sky for making him born at the same time as Aiden.

“Kneel down and show respect to our Demon Lord! These mothers and fathers exploded!!”

In the end, Luke burst into tears at the fact that he was weaker than that scumbag.

“You see that? I must have been unable to hold back the emotion of seeing Darling’s overflowing beauty.”

“Child… You too… I don’t know!”

Luke cursed the sky at the sweet conversation like a newlywed couple.

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

용사 아카데미의 노답 유급생
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
The crazy 🅱🅸🆃🅲🅷 has returned and life has begun to twist.


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not work with dark mode