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A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 190

The historic wedding had quite a bit of noise, but somehow it came to an end.

In the first place, the Empire had sent invitations to most of the kingdoms on the continent to announce its health, so there were too many people to count on him.

Aiden, the hero who killed the dragon, was officially recognized as married to the three imperial princesses, the saint, the wizard of the century, and so on. All of them were impressive beauties, but there were so many that it was difficult to memorize their names.

“… Whoa. So, did you go with the Imperial Swordsman as well?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

The man looked at the eyes of Princess Prata and answered cautiously.

“… Yes. It happened anyway. Whoo… .”

Prata pressed on her temples to calm her throbbing head.

I never expected that there would be such a fuss at a wedding with a lot of people.

‘Even if polygamy is tolerated, the riot… .’

In the beginning, polygamy was common in the empire, so it was not new to have a large number of wives.

However, it is polite to hold the wedding separately because I had the minimum conscience as a human being.

In a situation beyond the limits of the accident, Simma came and collapsed, and Benedict was rushed to the Unmelting Kingdom.

The problem was that the Imperial First Sword was also included in the ring free distribution group. I don’t know if she knows what she’s up to now… .

It was strictly forbidden for the Imperial First Sword to start a family after the previous incident where the family was weakened and the Imperial First Sword was transferred to another country.

‘Eponine, what about that child there… .’

The problem was the arrangement of eponines. If it was simply that the first sword of the Empire made a marriage vow, it would be good to cancel him and bring him back… The problem was that Eponine came forward and declared the Empire’s First Sword as Aiden’s government.

Marriage was forbidden for the Imperial Swordsman, but the government tolerated it. Before Kiana, he was the best swordsman in the empire for generations, so he tolerated it because if the government put restrictions on them, the backlash would be severe.

However, the problem was that the first sword of the Empire was a woman. If it were a man, having a few governments would not be a problem and he would have seen it as one of his abilities, but it was a different story when the first sword of the Empire, a woman, took up the government on his own.

In the end, the image of a woman government in the empire was no different from that of a prostitute.

Prata felt the world spinning as soon as she saw Kiana, an innocent virgin, succumbed to Eponine’s words, raised her hand and declared herself to be the government in front of everyone.

‘no. still… Because I have tied up all the necessary people.’

Prata shook her head to clear the negative thoughts. Unlike before, the present empire was in peril. The damage suffered was great, and the loss of the upper ranks of the Imperial Knights was also great.

In such a situation, it would not be strange if any of the strongholds of the empire listed above were transferred to another kingdom. They were tied together by marriage, so if you catch Aiden, the rest will be resolved.

‘okay. let’s think good You’ve been humiliated, but you’re still united. People from the Republic side also came in. If you don’t know anything else, it’s clear that a woman who can read the truth will be useful.’

Prata nodded her head to organize her thoughts. Other than that anyway, there were a lot of things he had to solve now.

“… Yes. First of all, we do whatever Aiden Ball wants it to be.”

“Yes. All right.”

The man was relieved to see Prata regaining his calm face again. There was nothing strange about the road going wild, but Prata was calm.

It was clear that this would be a boon for the Empire in the future.

“So where did they go?”

“They said they went to the Golden Sand Island. He said he borrowed the whole thing… .”

“Isn’t that place famous as a luxury tourist destination? What money does that child have… . no way?”

“… Yes. They say the treasury has been opened.”

“this… this… this… .”

“Therapist! Therapist!!”

Watching Prata fall by the nape of the neck, the man hurriedly called the therapist who had been waiting for him.


“Heng! Do you know how expensive this place is?”

“Is this the famous Golden Sand Island?!”

Seo-ah reacted exaggeratedly to Kate’s words, which raised her chin.

Seo-ah stayed by Kate’s side all the time, making Kate feel better.

Thanks to such efforts, Kate, who seemed to cry at any moment after the wedding was shattered, returned with a cheeky face as usual.

“right! Also concubine! what do you know! I borrowed the whole golden sand island. This is it!!”

“Heh heh! Whole Golden Sand Island?! It is famous as a luxury tourist destination! It wouldn’t be a penny or two… .”

“You idiot!! concubine!! Who am I! You are the imperial princess, this is what you say! This is nothing!!”

“Wow! After all, Kate-sama is amazing!!”

“Hmm… . Am I like that?”

Simple Kate quickly put a smile on her face at Seo-ah’s words and began to brag about it.

When the eyes met with Seo-ah, who reacted eagerly to him, he secretly raised his thumb out of sight. Then Seo-ah smiled and nodded her head slightly.

I admired the view through the window a little. Outside the carriage, a heterogeneous landscape spread out. True to the word “Golden Sand Island”, there was a beautiful sandy beach that seemed to have been made by melting gold, and green trees and grass boasted freshness on it.

There was no one wandering around as if it was true that the whole island had been rented.

“… Aiden. i love you.”

“Ah Andrea.”

Andrea, who was sitting next to me, looked at me with hazy eyes and held out my trembling fingers and took my hand.

Andrea has been that way since the wedding. It was all I could do with a blank expression as if I had received a big shock, then look at me and say that I love you.

“Comrade Aiden! That p*ssy is tickling! Please check… . Aww!”

“Where is this stray cat going to climb?! and you! Why are you taking it off!! No clothes?!”

Kate grabbed the hair of Jisoo Lee, who jumped up to me with bright eyes as she saw the opportunity.

“In the beginning, there were no clothes!! Let go of this!! The revolution must unite!”

“synthesis… coalescence?! Why are you doing that here!! This horned thief cat!! Put on some clothes!!”

“This is comfortable!! And if you’re like this, Comrade Aiden will give you a look!!”

“What?! Hey, I’m an estrus baby!! Can’t you stand that moment?!”

I tried to ignore Kate’s gaze, who opened her axe-eyed eyes as she looked at me. No, if anyone has such a large and coveted chest, they will have no choice but to look at them.

“ah… !”


“Why are you here again?! She is a saint!!”

As soon as Lee Ji-soo finished speaking, Andrea took off her saint’s suit almost as if torn. Her white, moderately raised breasts were exposed as if she had never seen the sun. However, Andrea took off the lower part of the dress and took off her underwear at once, as if it wasn’t enough for her.

Andrea, whose face turned red at the unintentional gaze, bowed her head, spread her legs, and gently showed me an important part of her with her finger.

“hey! Close your eyes!! Why is he like that!! hey! what are you guys doing!! You must be crazy!!”

Andrea threw her clothes everywhere as if it were a signal. Seo-ah looked at me and took off her clothes, folded them neatly next to her, and forcibly took off Seo-yoon’s clothes as well.

Luna, who was sitting on my lap, snapped her fingers and took off her frayed robe.

“After all, isn’t it that there is no one else but us? Let’s all return to our original human nature!! I’m afraid to change it to a golden sand revolution naked island instead of a golden sand island!! Don’t be shy about that cliff girl, take it off!”

“that… what is that… How could he be so manly in a public place… .”


“Let go of this! Don’t do it! I told you not to touch it!! If you keep doing this, I will hit you!”

“Don’t pretend to be needlessly expensive! Our comrade Aiden’s f*cking topic!”

“f*ck… How the f*ck can you be so vulgar… It’s not like that… There is the word government!!”

“Aren’t the government or the f*cking motherf*cker just a bitch anyway!! The best bitch in the empire!! Take it off!!”

“What vulgarity is that… put… Let it go! what power! aah!!”

“Ahaha!! The best bitch in the empire right now! Did you say that?! It suits you!”

“this… what is this… priest! Please dry this woman!”

With each movement of Lee Ji-soo’s hand, Kiana’s firm body gradually revealed, and I pretended not to hear it. There was something irresistible about Lee Ji-soo’s actions, and Kiana’s clothes were torn off immediately.

The sight of Kiana crouching with her hands covering important areas gave me strange excitement.

“What are you doing?! These idiots are real!! red year! Why are you taking it off again?!”

“Kate-nim, Vicky-sama was like that from the beginning.”

“Something really weird… . hey! where are you looking!! This horned bastard!!”

Kate spat a curse into Aiden’s rolling eyes, but no matter how much she cursed and shouted, Aiden’s gaze never turned to Kate. At that, Kate slowly became anxious.

The naked women were showing off their charms, which Kate couldn’t take her eyes off of. In the meantime, the self with the penalty of clothes gradually disappeared.

‘… no. This time, we have to solidify the seat of Jeongsil.’

Kate bit her lip and gripped the seams of her dress. However, at the thought of taking off the dress by herself, who had been screaming like that until recently, her stiff hands did not move.

“Hererelele! Come on, Comrade Kate, stop bouncing around and go back to your original nature!!”

“Hey! what are you doing! Aww! Why is this power so… .”

A woman who looked like she had rabies approached her just in time and held out her hand, and Kate resisted, pretending not to win.

As if he had any skill, Jisoo ripped Kate’s clothes off in an instant.

Kate blushed and turned her head at the ugly freedom she felt as she stepped out of her uncomfortable dress.

Kate slowly raised the corners of her lips to Aiden’s eyes, which she met only then. How much did you starve yourself for the wedding?

“Then it’s Comrade Aiden’s turn!! Comrade Aiden is also afraid to throw off the yoke of the world and return to his original human nature!”

I pondered for a moment at Lee Ji-soo’s words, then set Luna, sitting on her lap, to the side and gently took off her clothes.

“jean… I’ll do the cleaning!! Seoyoon!”

“In front of everyone in shame… Aww!”

Seo-ah grabbed Seo-yoon’s hair by the question mark and shoved it between my legs. Then he squatted down next to him and poked his face.

“I… what… What?”

“What a greedy twin! And you’re the most bitch in the Empire, don’t you know that?!”

“… I have cancer… It’s not a bitch, it’s the first sword of the Empire.”

“Ah, how long are you going to deny it! Take a good look! If you’re the best bitch in the Empire, of course you should be able to do it!”

“my… I gave something like that to the priest… ?!”

Kiana covered her face with both hands, but she gently spread her fingers, illuminating her transparent golden eyes.

“… Aiden Aiden Aiden. But I’m the captain… .”

“You’re doing well, Luna.”

“Okay ok. I can stand it. For Aiden, this kind of pain… .”

Luna smiled brightly at my compliments while shaking her hands.


“Gosh! Comrade Cheon-oh, what else did you pick up and eat?!”

Chun-oh, who had been quiet in the corner and had forgotten, spit something out of his mouth as usual. On the way out of the capital, I found Chun-oh picking up something on the road and eating it and burned it together.

‘But why is he naked?’

He hurriedly turned his head at the nudity of Chun-oh, which gave him a strange sense of guilt.

“… Aiden.”

Andrea grabbed my hand and gently brought it to the writing on her stomach.

‘When the hell did you get those letters?’

I had a question, but I didn’t bother to ask. He felt Andrea’s tender tummy cut in his hand.

“I love it. It’s like I’ve become Andrea’s master.”

“… ah! Aiden is my master. master.”

As soon as I finished speaking, Andrea hugged my hand and whispered.

When I saw the saint Andrea calling me master, I was filled with excitement.

“… iced coffee! Stay away!! Turn it off!!”

“town?! What kind of evil is this… .”

Seeing my expression, Andrea hurriedly pushed Seo-ah away, and then hit her in the face.

‘How can you look at my face… Don’t you know the timing?’

Andrea, who had a lot of mouth in her mouth, raised her head again with a happy face.

Then, looking at me, he swallowed a large saliva and trembled.

“Hey!! crazy!! dirty!! looking at it here!! What a virgin is that!!”

Kate, with her face full of water, ran wildly down the street.

At that time, the carriage operated by magic stopped and the door opened automatically.

“really! dirty!! Heck!! Whoo… .”

Kate was the first to get off the open door and spit on the sand. After wiping her face for a while, Kate raised her head.

“ruler! Everyone get down!! Fantastic Island!! Home of Ale Bird! It is a golden sand island!!”

Kate, excited again, ran around and spread her hands wide.

His large chest trembled beautifully.

A small town built on a sandy beach shining like gold, that was the Golden Sand Island.

To make sure there were no monsters or threats around, the small town had only low buildings, no fences or castles. Only the Ale Birds I saw at the market one day were gathered around.

“Because I borrowed the whole thing! All you have to do is hold on to the building you like! Since I am a sincere person, I will show you great generosity! Each person spends one Aiden for one day! republic! you are! A day with Brown and the little boy there! Twins, one day together! okay?!”

With a hand on her waist and a stern expression on her face, Kate pointed a finger and said in a firm voice. All the women nodded at Kate’s words.

“Ugh- I can be satisfied with myself in one day.”

Vicky, who had been sleeping all along, stretched out and got off the carriage last.

As I watched it, I felt a chill for no reason.

‘But one day at a time… ?’

I looked around at the women who stood naked and looked at me.

‘Nine holes… One stick… ?’

The number of sticks was overwhelmingly insufficient.

“ruler! After all, it was my wedding! Write from me!!”

Kate flashed her hands and screamed and ran and folded her arms. At Kate’s words, the others seemed to understand. They reached an amicable agreement regardless of my will.

“what’s the matter? Worried? You are responsible for what you did. I’m confident that I’ll satisfy everyone, so I didn’t put it like this, didn’t I?”

Seeing me in contemplation, Kate smiled playfully and grabbed my hand and put it between her chest. I was afraid of that softness that seemed to melt.

“Hey- there. Would you like to relax with me?”

“… It’s nice to hear that.”

“You might get hurt, so I’ll go with you.”

“Seoyun, let’s cook. I’m going to show Seobang-nim the fruits of my practice so far!”

“… okay. I knew it. What stupid… .”

“Comrade Chun-Oh, would you like to hunt a revolutionary ale bird with me? We still have a lot of turn left… Ah! That’s sand! Thousand-Oh Comrade!!”


stick… There are too many holes to fill.

For the first time, I was afraid of mating at the sight of the noisy surroundings.

“Come quickly!! I don’t have time, so I have to spend as much as possible!!”

[The ordeal of the king of mating. Boy, be strong.]

– Don’t just enjoy the boys, I also got a fresh ray pier… .

Suddenly, in my heart, I had a firm resolve to face the ordeal.

If I overcome this ordeal, I will be reborn as a true king of mating.

“Hey!! Fingers there… ahh!! Be patient! that… I’ll be in soon!”


Looking at the back of the two of them moving away, Luna struggled to hold back her trembling hands.

I want to rip that cheeky piece of garbage right now, but… , because Aiden hates it.

Then, all of a sudden, Luna remembered how Aiden said she was moved the last time she watched him roll with the red trash.

‘Pain in a different sense… . It’s Aiden’s way of loving.’

Luna nodded and followed Kate and Aiden quietly with a determined face.

‘It’s going to be painful, but… I’m going to prove my love to Aiden.’

Luna’s face was already smiling brightly.

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

용사 아카데미의 노답 유급생
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
The crazy 🅱🅸🆃🅲🅷 has returned and life has begun to twist.


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