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A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 161

There was a great commotion in the opposing camp. He probably didn’t expect it to be so easy.

Now that you realize the immutable truth that fakes can’t beat real ones.

After a while, someone on horseback from the middle of the opposing camp came forward slowly.

He was riding a black horse, which was unusual at first glance. The black hair was dripping with luster, as if it had been lubricated, and was equipped with a lot of luxurious looking equipment.

And the man sitting on it was equipped with a spear with a curved tip that was likely to be 2m and thick black armor. It was an unusual window to shine in the sunlight on a sad blue day.

It was an opponent whose spirit was not unusual. The individual’s strength was slightly below the highest level, but he felt that he was more difficult to deal with because he was above the horse, whether he was good at horses.

Could this be a bit difficult?

The opponent, who came forward slowly, stopped at a distance where they could hear each other, swung the spear in his hand and released his hand.

“Are you the swordmaster of that rumor?”

The man’s voice was thick, as if speaking in a cave.

I loosened my neck to respond.

“Yes. I am the famous swordsman.”

“friend? Why are you raising your voice?”

“Quiet. You’re talking to people right now.”

“Hey hey hey hey.”

Lee Ji-soo, who had expressed doubts, shook his head again.

“It’s a fun look, but it doesn’t look like it’s suitable for a diary. He’s good at swordsmanship, so it would have worked for those of us who have been ignorant so far. It will be hard for me. I will show you what a true horse is.”

When the man finished speaking, he pulled the reins and the black horse raised its front paws and inflated his body. The figure of the man was hidden by the size of the black horse. Seeing the horse’s thick muscles, Lee Ji-soo gave strength to his body.

I hate to admit it, but as the man said, unlike his previous counterparts, the man was difficult to deal with. Up until now, my opponents were all f*cking bastards, so I rode Lee Ji-soo out for fun, but I couldn’t do my best while riding on Lee Ji-soo’s back in the first place.

Apparently, Lee Ji-soo was slower than me, and the center of gravity was not right. And I didn’t even get the reaction I wanted, so riding on Lee Ji-soo’s back was a pretty big penalty for me.

And now, the opponent is strong enough to feel gritty, so it seemed difficult to deal with Lee Ji-soo while riding on it.

However, I couldn’t give up without sticking with it.

As he watched the black horse scratch the ground with his paws, he pulled the reins.

In response, Lee Ji-soo swung wildly, turning his hands in a circle, and scratching the ground with his feet. It looked like he was fighting a momentum fight with a black horse, but he didn’t seem to care about the black horse.


The black horse snorted and ran wildly to the ground. Contrary to his serious appearance, he lacked patience.

In the original story, it is normal to start by sharing good wishes with each other.

“Once you move left and right as much as possible, disturb it. That quadruped animal must have a hard time moving left and right. Don’t be afraid.”

“Hey hey hey!!”

Lee Ji-soo nodded her head and sprinted to the side with her feet. In the meantime, perhaps because of training, Lee Ji-soo’s movements were quite agile.

The opponent who came all the way to the front pierced me with a spear, but unlike the previous opponent, the speed was quite good. I drew my sword and swung it to slash both the spear and the opponent at once, but the opponent swung the spear subtly. He raised his sword to follow him, but Lee Ji-soo’s reaction was a bit slow.

My sword split the air at the center of gravity, and the opponent’s spear pierced me like that. I forcibly turned around to avoid the opponent’s spear, but I couldn’t completely dodge it.

He felt a burning pain in his arm and blood splattered on the floor. An elongated scar, halfway between a scrape and a cut, formed on my forearm. Of course, when the energy and divine power were returned, the wound healed quickly.

“Hey hey hey!!! Are you okay, comrade?!”

Embarrassed, Lee Ji-soo hurriedly moved and turned to the side, but the black horse moved swiftly and pursued us, not like a quadrupedal animal. The horse strangely broke its legs, turned its head, and ran to the side.

“What the f*ck is running sideways!!”

Confused at the sight of the horse running sideways, he grabbed the sword.

“Our horses are trained to run from side to side every day!! It’s moonshine!!”

The man shouted an odd technical name and swung his spear. Contrary to the great technical name, it was just swinging a little harder, but even that was a threat to us now.

“Center of Lee Ji-soo!”

At my command, Lee Ji-soo firmly planted her feet on the ground and lowered her center of gravity. In the center, which was better than before, I narrowed my eyes and stared at the approaching window.

Time slowed and the opponent’s window slowly approached.

When the opponent’s spear approached right in front of me, I swung my sword full of energy.


His opponent quickly moved his arm to retrieve the spear, and I instinctively bowed my upper body to follow him, but I couldn’t follow him because of Lee Ji-soo, who was still standing.

In the meantime, the opponent’s words were slurred and he stepped backwards to widen the distance.

Again, in such a tense situation, it was slow to respond in words. However, there was no way that Jisoo Lee and I, who had just formed a duo, could not communicate without talking to each other.

“after… It’s a sword skill that’s not worth the title of a swordsman. It would have been difficult if it wasn’t for the equestrian battle. But on horseback, I do not lose to anyone.”

“What is he saying now. You asshole bastard.”

Although he was violently swearing at his opponent’s words, the situation was definitely not good.

I think it was a big shock that I was injured, so Lee Ji-soo was trembling.

“don’t worry. Because it’s not over yet.”

“under… But because of me, the invincible revolutionary duo… ”

He stroked Jisoo’s trembling head and thought about the number of cases. No matter how good my swordsmanship was, my sword could not reach it when the opponent was so mean.

However, the title of ‘Sword Demon riding a cow’ was disappointing to go down and fight. I don’t want to throw away such a cool title… .

While we were pondering, the opponent ran at us again.

If you get down and fight, it’s f*cking shit, but it’s a shame that you’re riding a horse. As I spit out insults and grabbed my sword, a flash of thought ran through my head.


you can get off

There are plenty of excuses to make.

I raised the corners of my lips and whispered in Jisoo’s ear.


“I’m Ahn Ik-doo. He is famous for being the best horse rider in the Republic. The individual’s abilities are between the best and the advanced, but when riding on a horse, it is said that the long distance of the spear and the height and power of the horse make it equivalent to the highest level. Of course, it’s not really comparable to the best, but… .”

Seo-ah looked at Aiden worriedly and said.

Aiden, who had collided with the general, spewed blood from his arm, and heard a small scream around him.

“That… dummy! I was obsessed with strange things and knew I was going to work from the time I rode it all day and night! Must dry!! That idiot is hurt!! Stop it!! I’m not worried about that idiot, our general is getting hurt! Get another idiot!”

“Princess! Calm down! Today’s Aiden is a longevity representative who went out on our behalf. It is natural to bleed on the battlefield. And it’s not even a big wound… .”

“What did you say! Blood is yours to shed! Isn’t that how you get paid?! Whether you go out and bleed or die, you who got the money do it! Because he’s just an idiot!”

The knights were sweating in order to stop Kate from running out on the road. Meanwhile, Kate’s fists hit some of them, and they fell to the ground. Perhaps the power in his fist was quite good, so his armor was distorted in some places.

Andrea ignored them and tasted Aiden’s blood splattered on the ground.

“Let go!! let go! It’s an order!”

“However… .”

Seo-ah was dizzy in the noisy surroundings, but she tried to ignore it and concentrated on Aiden. Aiden was being pushed by his opponent even in the eyes of Seo-ah, who did not know how to use swordsmanship.

The opponent continued to press Aiden while swinging a long spear, and Aiden kept pushing back to see if he and Lee Jisoo did not match. Seo-ah put her hands in front of her chest and tightened her chest, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the scene.

“I admit it! you are strong!! I don’t think I can win like this.”

Aiden, who had been pushed back, abruptly stopped and shouted loudly.

He stopped the spear his opponent was wielding and looked at Aiden.

“I didn’t want to get it out of here, but let me show you the pinnacle of horsemanship. Let’s eat with a grateful heart… ”

Everyone held their breath and looked at Aiden.

“What kind of dog is that? What does he know about horsemanship… I’m anxious… Stop that!”

Kate, who was waving her fists in the air when heard by the knights, pointed at Aiden and shouted. The others nodded at Kate’s words and looked at Aiden with anxious eyes.

“… It is the pinnacle of horsemanship. Your swordsmanship is great, but riding a woman is not horsemanship. Still, he’s a swordsman, so he’ll have an idea… I look forward to it.”

“Technology cannot advance if we are trapped in such narrow thinking. ruler! take a look!! Peak!”

Aiden shouted loudly and drew his sword into the sky. The gray sword gushing out from the sword caught people’s attention.

The figure riding on a woman’s back was a bit ugly, but the way he was proudly lit up in front of tens of thousands of people, the swordsman’s dream state, was comparable to that of a hero.

“The pinnacle of horsemanship!! A fusion with a horse!”

Suddenly, even Kate was mesmerized by the sight and waited for Aiden’s next words.

“I… Did that idiot really learn horsemanship?”

Kate muttered a little as she looked at Aiden with mysterious eyes that were a mixture of reluctance and anticipation.

Everyone held their breath as they raised their swords, waiting for Aiden’s next words. Even in the presence of tens of thousands of people, there was not even a small noise.

And everyone’s eyes gather-

“Autonomous driving!!”


Aiden shouted proudly and jumped off Lee Ji-soo’s back, and Lee Ji-soo, who had been bowing her upper body, straightened up again and spread her arms. It was like the beginning of a circus troupe.

“ruler… Autonomous driving?”

The opponent stuttered at that dignifiedness and furrowed the eyebrows exposed under the thick helmet.

“Yes! Autonomous driving is being able to perform individual actions without having to talk to each other by becoming one with the horse! How could this not be the pinnacle!”

“Hey hey hey!!”

Aiden spoke confidently, fixed his sword, and Lee Ji-soo, who made a cry, quickly jumped and took a seat on the other side of Aiden.

In the end, Aiden and Lee Ji-soo were in front and back with their opponents in between.

“You just proudly declared that you would do this great job!!!”

Everyone swallowed their saliva at Kate’s startled voice and shook their heads.

“… Are we going to play jokes now?”

The opponent fixed the spear and pulled the reins again.

“If you’re a f*ckin’ guy, don’t use those f*cking words! let’s go! Jisoo Lee!!”

“Hey hey hey!!!”

When I put my feet on the ground, a sense of stability came, and my confidence soared again.

Yeah, riding a girl is good, but standing on my feet is much better.

The man who looked at me and Lee Ji-soo for a moment looked at me to see if he had set a goal and pulled the reins. The black horse raised its front paws again, showing off its majesty, and then quickly ran towards me.

It was the right choice to hit me first, the more intimidating of the two, but he saw Lee Ji-soo too easily.

“Forefoot kick.”

Lee Ji-soo, who suddenly pulled out the pistol, muttered while aiming at the back of the horse.

The opponent ignored that Lee Ji-soo and approached me at high speed, sticking a spear at me. Then I adjusted my posture and grabbed my sword.

The opponent on the black horse was too high for my sword to reach, but it didn’t matter.

I, who is all in one, believe in my favorite horse, Lee Ji Soo.


Soon after, Lee Ji-soo’s pistol blew out.

“Hey hey hey hey!!”

The black horse staggered, dripping blood from its butt. The opponent forcibly pulled the reins to calm the horse, but there was no way the black horse with a chewy butt could calm it down.

Still, the two of them slipped on me because of the speed at which they were running. The man’s face, looking at me, was contorted to look good.

“I’ll send it to you, so don’t be embarrassed.”

The anticipation felt from the sword was unusual. The sword spewed out anticipation and fluttered its tongue like a person about to eat. I smiled at such a sight and cut my sword at the opponent who fell to me.

“The pinnacle of horsemanship! Cut a horse in half!”

The black horse he boasted couldn’t stop my sword, and the thick armor he wore couldn’t stop my sword. In the end, I stopped until I cut down my black man, my black horse, and even the flashing spear.

The man and the horse, split in half, slipped next to me and collapsed.

“Live happily there!”

As he brushed off the blood-stained sword, the sword quickly soaked in blood.

– Whoops! It’s mixed with horse blood! It tastes awful.

You should eat evenly. It’s not good for your body if you’re picky eaters.

Unlike the last time, a small cheer erupted this time.

When I turned my head, the soldiers of the opposing camp had their heads bowed. And the flag, which had been firmly raised between them, slowly descended.

They were accepting defeat, as if the figure that had just emerged was their last move. Before going to the capital in this way, they even seized the last castle.

Since I took the initiative to deal with all the diaries, wouldn’t this be enough to be a war hero?

‘A war hero, a sword spirit riding a cow.’

It is truly a name that anyone can covet.

“Comrade Aiden!! Did I do well?!”

Lee Ji-soo was so excited that he ran to me and ran all over the place. Every time it happened, her large chest that moved continuously drew my attention.

“okay. Good job. This will pave the way for our undefeated history.”

I went back to my camp, stroking Lee Ji-soo’s hair, who was rubbing my hair like a real word.

“Then, are you afraid that you’re flirting with me today too? Hehe!”

Lee Ji-soo, who was rubbing her hair, looked up at me and asked with a red face.

I nodded and turned my head slightly. Our face turned red and we could see the distorted camp.

I won, but why do you look like that?




… hold on?

… more?

hard… .

In the corner of the dark room, Luna continued to grind her teeth. Then, when the nails grew, I plucked them again. Nonoha was led by Luna and moved through space several times.

In the last space movement, there were a lot of things that looked like demons around, and Luna slaughtered them like insects with one finger. Even so, the sight of them gathering their wreckage and building them once again made Noh-ha’s heart flutter.

‘… Garbage cleaning on time, garbage cleaning on time, garbage cleaning on time.’

Since then, Luna has moved through space several times, clearing out anything she can see, whether humans or demons. Among them, there was not a single opponent who blocked Luna’s magic.

And after a few moves, they settled in the place they are now.

Nonoha guessed that the current location was the magic kingdom, given that there were a lot of people with walking sticks around and the old men who brought food were wearing large cone hats.

The old man had high expectations for his white beard, so he had small expectations of anger, but each time he left food and ran away with a blue tired face as if he had seen a ghost.

Nonoha took a small deep breath and set the food in front of Luna. Still, he was more used to it than before.

I don’t know why, but Luna didn’t harm Nonoha. From time to time, he looked at Noh No-ha and then turned his head as if he had given up.

However, the pressure of the huge mana, the crushed corpses, and the magic that prevented them from leaving the room made Nonoha suffocate.

Nonoha, who has been taking care of Luna, has recently been feeling a little sympathy for Luna. The fact that even if he turns everyone else into rats, he doesn’t harm himself, makes Monoha weak and makes him look back at Luna.

After that, Nonoha slowly looked at Luna and grasped it. It was Luna who used high-level magic that was hard to guess the level of, but her mental state was similar to that of a child. A child whose all attention was focused on Aiden.

I don’t know what made Luna that way, but Luna didn’t pay any attention to it unless it was related to Aiden. It was hard to describe such a fanatical obsession as love.

It was a daily repetition of repeating Aiden’s name over and over again, and then moving to space and building things around him as if he was going to work when the time came.

“Nin-nin. ninnin.”

After preparing the food and taking a deep breath, Nonoha slowly opened her mouth.

Crackle- Crackle-

But Luna was preoccupied with biting her nails as if she couldn’t hear.


Nonoha opened her mouth again to convey her intentions.

“… ok ok.”

Luna nodded her head slightly and sat down in front of the food. The bare arm exposed under the robe broke Nonoha’s heart.

Such a weakened heart momentarily clouded Nonoha’s judgment. No, I didn’t want to be confined any longer.

“Nin nin, nin nin.”

“… really? Can I come see you now?”

Luna creaked her head as if it was broken as she pulled out the long leash around her neck. The end of the collar, which was the part to hold onto, was in a state where Luna licked all the skins off.


Luna’s smile, who smiled brightly to brighten the world, lightened Nonoha’s heart.

Suddenly, going out with Luna, who was angry, thought deeply about whether it would be annihilation of ninjas.

‘I’ve done enough.’

Aiden would take care of it anyway, and he smiled at Luna, who skimmed through the meal and worked hard.

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

용사 아카데미의 노답 유급생
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
The crazy 🅱🅸🆃🅲🅷 has returned and life has begun to twist.


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not work with dark mode