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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 97

97 – 2. ■■’S Summoner (42)


“…f*ck, why are you following me?”

“Isn’t it because you said that? Think of it as receiving the usual karma.”

Damn it. I tucked my tongue at Lucia’s scolding, and finally turned my gaze to what I had been ignoring all along.


Then he began to smile ferociously. I finally looked back, and that feeling made me feel even worse.

I would like to commend you for the grit that has followed us like a stalker until now, about 30 minutes after we finished eating, but I hope that you will pour out that obsession on other guys other than me. Even that guy isn’t even in the 3rd year that he dropped out yet.

The cadets of the 1st year S class, who had been challenging in real time, were quickly defeated and caught up, like a dog waiting for the right time to play a prank on its owner.

It wasn’t a metaphor, it was like a real dog. f*ck me cause I feel like a dog.

“My junior. Are you that strong? Don’t you want this store? You won’t be able to easily win against an opponent who ignores and looks down on you~ Let’s fight a little bit as a test, huh?”

That’s the sound of coming over there.

In the midst of this, his face was smiling in an attempt to convince me, but the veins protruding from his forehead and the murderous intent he couldn’t hide at all were clearly visible, making it rather threatening.

If you think of Japan’s yakuza, that’s exactly what they look like. It was so typical that it felt rather friendly. It would be really perfect if there was even a ventilation hole on that head.

‘Isn’t it boring…’

I felt it when I saw him fight before, but I think that man is definitely crazy about fighting.

If it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t invite you to fight while splitting the room like that after hearing that. If you want to fight like that, you’d better grab someone else and fight…

‘Well, it must be because that’s impossible in the first place.’

The reason why he doesn’t run amok is simply because he’s in the 3rd year and I’m in the 1st year.

He just got a chance to fight a freshman like this under the tacit permission of the school, but originally, I shouldn’t have anything to do with this guy.

At least, would it be to the point where I would personally challenge that man to a fight like that morning?

If you take a look at the structure of what’s going on this time, it’s based on the fact that we, the first year students, fight against the third year students.

This is not the academy’s consideration to compete with opponents who are worthy of their fraction and class.

If we succinctly summarize the contents set by the school rules, a cadet in a higher grade cannot unilaterally challenge a cadet in a lower grade to a duel.

But the opposite is possible. It is a simple genocide that the upper one presses the lower one, but the opposite is the opposite. I allowed this because it would be a good stimulus for others.

The upper cadets will grow more vigilantly so as not to fall behind the lower cadets, and the lower cadets will devote themselves to catching up with the upper cadets as quickly as possible.

Aiming for such an effect, the lower extremity was permitted.

However, that would be extremely unfavorable to the upper-class cadets. One of the things to prevent such a thing is that the authority to set up a duel is given to the person who received the application.

And that applies equally to this one.

So, when the minimum condition of someone in the 1st year S class defeating one out of 10 students has been cleared, do I have to do bothersome work with no benefit whatsoever?

For the shop? It is said that if you collect 10 points, you can get something from the academy, but it would be useless to me. If I make up my mind and want it, I can purchase it with money, and if that is not possible, I can ask that woman, Se-Rin Lee.

In the first place, he must have moved to get the things he wanted so much. I don’t know if it was before, but now I have the power to do that.

Thus, now that I have no desire to fight, that man’s feelings are probably dying.

Originally, it would be normal if I challenged you to fight, but since I’m completely ignoring it, I can’t fight because the proper conditions aren’t established.

“Or, what… are you just talking slickly and actually jumping out of fear?”

Once the duel begins. For that only purpose, they hang around like this, repeating tricks under the guise of quarrels and conciliation.

“Isn’t it a waste of time? It keeps barking noisily.”

Of course, I’m not the type to fall for such a simple provocation.

From noble mtl dot com

It seems that I want to raise my voice on purpose to give the impression that I am running away, but if I had been a person who put great significance in the eyes of others in the first place, I would not have done such a thing until now.

Of course, the reason I keep insisting on speaking short words about that man is because I accidentally spoke short words.

Until now, if you’re a senior, you’ve always said honorifics, but that’s just to avoid giving a negative impression from the start. It’s not because I’m hoping for a plus.

But with this man, I had already gone beyond the minus and broke through the hostility, so I didn’t need that. Why, it’s weird to start with a half-speaking language but later go back to the standard.

There may be some who say that it is not up to me to decide, but up to the listener, but I think it is just a matter of whether or not one is convinced by oneself.

No matter what I do, life is for people who appreciate what I do. So, rather than trying to pick up spilled water again, it is faster to cover it up with something else sprinkled on it.

That’s why I’m continuing to speak rudely under the guise of talking to myself.

The other side gets angry at such half-hearted attitudes, but they can’t do anything about it, so they keep following them around like this. I wonder if anyone would look like someone who was awkwardly separated from the group.

Thanks to my Se-Rin Lee, my level of ignorance was so high that Ban Tae-woong and Lucia next to me all put on apologetic faces.

The place we are heading to is the infirmary. It was to check the condition of Cheonmi, whom Taewoong Ban had mentioned, before eating.

Since I’ve left contact with the device, there won’t be any misunderstanding.

“That, Shinwoo. You keep following me, but just fighting… Isn’t it?”

“Uh, no.”

“I guess so…”

As Ban Tae-woong sighed and sighed while holding a snack he could easily eat, Lucia, who had been following him, glared at me with a twinkle.

What can I say? I also want to go to class or somewhere else and go to sleep, but I’m stuck with them because I’m afraid he’ll do something strange.

I don’t have to be the first to do it, but there is a possibility that the other side will be the first to do it. Even if I mess with that guy with that, I need proof that there is no fault on my side, so I’m stuck like this.

Unlike me, who comes up with rumors here and there, these guys are sincere and leave a good impression on those around them, so it’s perfect to use as evidence.

If that’s not the case, why bother hanging out with them?

“Oops my foot slipped, yes!!”

As expected, verbal appeasement and disputes were useless, so he began to engage in physical manipulation.


Considering that he slipped, he kicked a stone on the street with an accurate kick.

In that brief moment, I could see that Pom, who even poured a feeble mana into blowing a car, didn’t do such a thing for a day or two. Did that idiot forget that he caught people’s attention?

The stone, which rotated rapidly at a speed that would have struck me in the blink of an eye if it was someone else, flew right into the back of my head.

I used the [Focus on Combat], Which I had consciously suppressed from the moment the fight started, and sighed lightly in the elongated time.

Thanks to Heize’s constant presence around me, he could get a rough idea of the situation through the [Link] Without having to look back. If you keep going like this, a stone hits your head.

Of course, since it is an ordinary stone that does not contain magic or anything, it is weaker than the body of an Awakener, where magic resides. Even if he was beaten without preparation, there would be no vital wounds, let alone wounds.

However, it must be a very bad feeling.

I tried to avoid it by twisting my head slightly to the side, but a good idea came to me and I stopped.

At the same time, he handed over his magic power to Heize, cutting off the space.

Feeling is to create an invisible wall. I made it with a pinpoint aiming exactly at the place where the stone and my head landed, like a barrier.

Unlike the actual barrier, the concept that it cannot be crossed is forcibly inserted into the space itself, so it is impossible to know what kind of manipulation is taking place from the outside.

It was the moment when the Spirit’s strength and specialty, stealth, shined.

From there, I ordered one more drink to amplify the sound resounding in the disconnected space as much as possible. So that it rang so loudly that even a person from afar could hear it.

The last one is my acting. I remember as much as possible when I was hit by a gun in the past, and I manipulated my body as delicately as possible by adding the assistance of the shadow.

It is a bonus to spread [Charisma] Subtly to focus attention on where I am.

One, two, three


A sound echoes from the back of my head, and at the same time, my vision staggers forward as I will. The stone crumbled and scattered like powder, as if it could not stand the space that Heize had cut off.

I could see the eyes and mouth of Ban Tae-woong, who was leaning towards me inside the slack watch, slowly widening. However, what surprised me more than Ban Tae-woong was the empty-bodied Kaz.

He must have made such an attempt knowing I would avoid it. However, when I opened the lid, more than what I wanted appeared.

What about you? It can’t be like this, but the proof is that she looks at me with a very embarrassed expression.

As if I didn’t mean to do that, I left behind his hardened figure and grabbed the back of his head, which was unnaturally tilted forward.


Perhaps thanks to the haze control, part of the bouncing stone dust was intact. I pretended to pop it and added my blood stored among the byproducts to the hive through the shadow of his hand.

Maybe it’s been a while since it’s been stored, but it’s half-dead blood, but that’s the same result even if you do a thorough examination later.

First of all, the important thing is that there is intact evidence that this blood is mine. Even if you raise an objection later, it will only result in strangling yourself.

‘It’s strange that there’s no wound but it bleeds, so I’ll tear it up a bit.’

I had to build resistance due to [Torture] And [Sadism] Anyway, so it should be fine if I tear it in moderation. There was no need to forcibly hurt him, and he used his shadow to break through properly.

The fact that more blood flowed compared to the wound is enough to explain that the Awakener’s unique natural healing power was well displayed. A wound that was neither too big nor too small was completed.

With a tingling sensation, there was an aftershock that seemed like my head would break, but I endured it by clenching my teeth. This will make your expression look more natural.


The sound of swallowing breath came slowly from the side. Only then did I cut off [Focus on Combat] And put the time back to normal.


I sighed as long as I could, feeling the flow of liquid running down my neck and cheeks from my hands on my head. It’s a bonus that [Charisma] Is added and even the life is added.

Because of that, the steps of Lili and Lucia, who were about to approach me, stopped for an instant. Yes, it is better to reduce the information that can be given as much as possible. If the two of us come closer and feel strange

Tuk, tok

Blood drips on the floor. Ban Tae-woong, whose expression completely hardened, looked back and said with a growl.

“Senior, I think this has crossed the line.”

As soon as those words came out of Ban Tae-woong’s mouth, the eyes of those around him who had barely heard who Ban Tae-woong was were gathered at the empty pussy Kaz.

Even for those who don’t know Ban Tae-woong, it’s clear who the bad guy is in this situation.

“No, that, ha…!”

As if the situation was very frustrating, he said he was rather dumbfounded and began to pat his chest and let out a heated breath.

Didn’t it turn off moderately?

I, who created this situation, smiled inwardly and held the stiff back of my head as if to stop the flowing blood. Lili, who flew up to my back on a book, deployed her healing magic and healed her wound.

“Does it hurt?”

To be honest, it hurt terribly.

Because my skills go beyond the body and affect the soul and spirit. It worked so well that I wondered if I would have spent less time producing the EM series if I had known the existence of these skills even a little earlier.

No, maybe this skill was created because of the creation of the EM series?

…Now that establishing a causal relationship was ambiguous, so when I brushed my head off like a habit to get rid of my thoughts, Lili’s expression hardened even more, as if she took it as a bad meaning.

“Can you hear me? How many of these?”


“Smile. Hurry”

STR check. Are you trying to simply check if you have had a stroke? Even after recovering with magic, I have a lot of worries.

That bothered me, so I raised the corner of my mouth and lifted one side of her hand up and down without listening.

“…It’s okay, so stop making a fuss. Because my head is ringing.”


When she showed her cynical attitude as usual, Lili let out a sigh as if her heart had finally calmed down, and now she narrowed her eyes and began to compose the magic anew.

“Clean, ice and snow, complex.”

When the three quickly combined magic circles overlapped and completed one magic circle, the blood that clung to my skin quickly crumbled like powder and disappeared.

Looking at how cold he felt for an instant, it was probably because he had frozen the moisture contained in his blood using ice magic as a base and peeled it off.

As for how to separate what was stuck to the skin, it was an unknown area, so I just assumed it was that way. Carrion’s characteristics are also similar, so he must have figured it out.

“If you want a fight like that, I will do it for you.”

“No, that’s why I have business with you, not you…”


Ban Tae-woong called the Guardian even before Binboji Kaz finished his words. In response, the Guardian immediately appeared, scanned the two, and finished preparations for the duel.

Ban Tae-woong pulled out a sword from his waist and aimed it at it, and pulled out a Japanese sword, telling Kazu, who had been sighing heavily at the situation, to do whatever he wanted.

“Three effective hits in 1v1. Disagreement?”


“…It’s nice that it’s hot. How nice it would be if he was like you.”

“Focus on the battle. Seniors.”

With those words at the end, Ban Tae-woong quietly raised his mana. As if he had intended to do his best from the beginning, the magic of black gold bounced like a bolt of lightning, scattering tingling energy all over the place.

“If you don’t, you will get hurt.”

As Ban Tae-woong’s emotions were contained in the energy that started to bounce like crazy, I felt proud. Yes, I would have been really sad if I had been blindly watching.

No, weren’t you seriously contemplating whether this bastard was a real human infant before the sad thing?

Bewildered by Ban Tae-woong’s attitude, Kazu, who raised his mouth fiercely, began giggling and laughing.

“Yes, this is good!!!”

At the same time, a vivid red aura began to flow around him like smoke. Unlike Ban Tae-woong’s overwhelming mana, it was calm, but the energy contained in it was real.

Ban Tae-woong’s expression became more serious with the heavy energy that seemed like he would suffocate just by approaching, and his energy was neatly trimmed accordingly.

A mana that seemed to crush and eat him and a mana like a conquering volcano were intertwined.

As short sparks started to fly here and there from the clash of magic and magic, the gap between the two was immediately apparent.

‘Ban Tae-woong is a bit higher.’

Even in this obviously unfavorable situation, the smile on Kazu’s face did not disappear. He laughed even louder as if he was rather happy.

From noble mtl dot com


“The madman.”

Ah, it just slipped through again this time. What if it’s true though? My words are fuzzy, but it’s true that he went crazy at the point Lucia and Lily agreed.

Being able to enjoy a battle in this situation must not be normal. In that respect, I had to see that I was properly caught by a madman. Just like yesterday, as soon as you become an adult, Iljin must be very ferocious. It is certain that the luck is dirty because a bomb is scheduled to explode at any time.

I’m really annoyed that this is all done by a new kid. I can’t help it even if it’s unfair to say it’s a false name. That’s why you didn’t do well from the beginning. Shibala.



The moment when the two people’s stretched breathing overlapped


Swords and swords crossed.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode