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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 76

76 – 2. ■■’S Summoner (21)


An empty stomach is the best spice, but it is also a drug that drives people crazy.

Because when you’re really hungry, you don’t feel anything other than wanting something to eat. Have you ever tried to soothe a hungry stomach while prolonging life with a sip of water?

I have. Exactly, I experienced it in my previous life.

The pain of hunger and the frustration of not being able to get it. The feeling that thoughts are slowly being dragged down to negativity.

I think I understand the process that leads to the longing to acquire it somehow, to the point where it is pierced to the bone.

But what would they think if they were so hungry but there was a guy who was openly devouring something delicious right in front of his eyes?

I could feel that emotion intact from the expressions of the many cadets lined up around the hut.

Looking at the world as the sun tilted half way and turned to sunset, I thought it was about time, so I finished drinking the remaining can and crushed the can with one hand and threw it roughly into the corner.

It fell on top of a candle that was already sitting in the corner and made a loud sound. Their expressions frowned for an instant, as if the sound was annoying.

You’re enjoying things you can’t get on this island as if for granted, so that’s why you’re going to get mad. It’s absurd from my point of view, but they don’t seem to feel that way.

How many altruistic people are there in this world? In the first place, those who are properly in their heads are not having a snowball fight in a place like this, but they are moving their bodies and doing something.

I mean, you wouldn’t be wasting your time as if you were going to raid this place right away, but then, when you found Kalion and Graul, you were terrified and protested like that.


I got up from my wooden chair and asked them. The woman who was leading them in the midst of them said to me, as if she had judged that there was at least room for a conversation with me.

“That, those! This house, and the food, too. Where the hell did you get it from?”

My head bent to the side at the sight of him making such a confident request. I was curious about what kind of grandiose conditions the negotiations would be under, so I listened to it. Is it a simple question?

He probably thinks I got this from somewhere on the island. As if to break that idea, I accepted a can from Hive from the shadows.

“I brought the food, and I built the house.”

“What?! Lie! A house like this could be built so simply…”

I was able to know the character of that woman from the place where she immediately denied people’s words without thinking deeply.

Perhaps this woman seems to be a queen bee-style leader who controls the mood and emotions of the moment rather than a monarch-style leader who leads and moves someone.

If you dare to categorize them, the queen bee is not a leader, but more like a schemer who works behind the scenes, but scheming is only possible with a group in the first place.

Anyway, most of these types of humans are specialized in group life, so they instinctively express extreme resistance to escaping from the group.

If someone needs to go out, put someone else aside and emphasize that he did it only in a situation where he could benefit from it.

If you repeatedly secure your position like that, then you use that to manipulate the surroundings. Probably less than 20% of the people over there have been on the side of women since the academy.

It must have grown like that while moving together here.

In other words, this woman is the first to prove to them how worthy she is and how truly amazing she is.

If she succeeds, this woman will be able to safely secure her position as queen bee and at the same time increase her worker bees. If she fails, she will be in danger of losing her original workers.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with me.

It’s not worth ignoring it though, it seems like it’s still camped out in front of the house, so let’s get rid of it quickly.

This type of person is a typical troublesome type of person who constantly spends time unless he shows it with his own eyes.

It’s not that difficult or difficult, so I gave orders to Haze and Carlion to prepare the wood with a chin.

Quack! Shoot aaa!!

“…Uh, uh…?”

The magic unfolded in an instant, and at the sight of the log in front of me, and the image of me carving it out of the shadow as if it were natural, the woman kept opening her mouth like a mute who had eaten honey.

The shaking pupils, as if an earthquake occurred, represented her feelings as if she had seen something unbelievable. I must have been quite perplexed.

Are you surprised by just building a house when you can handle a crazy resource called mana at will?

It’s funny that I’m proving this here in the first place. What the hell is this woman supposed to do? Resting peacefully, my heart, which had been a little generous, narrowed again.

…A bit annoying.

“Are you okay?”


As I moved the tree aside and opened the can, I heard some gulping here and there. If you need water, can’t you just go to the river over there and boil it over a fire?

It was just so frustrating that these guys who had no confidence and couldn’t properly express themselves were the awakened people who would be responsible for this country in the future.

It sounds like you want something big, but it’s just the truth. Although they say they are still immature, it was absurd to hear that they are proud of themselves as geniuses compared to their peers when they go out into society.

Someday, I have to give up on education once.

This academy is all good, but it seems to focus on too combative classes. Isn’t it normal to teach common sense and morals instead of the position of a normal high school?

If you think about it, in the first week there were a lot of random cuts. I know it’s a consideration outside of the academy, but I wish I had skipped it from the beginning.

This is all because of the first Mercy’s bizarre doctrine.

‘Someday they’ll get entangled.’

There is no way the main character will not be involved in a delicious event like religion. Even now, there are two people around me, so it is certain that something will happen related to him.

A common thing in religious events is an all-out war with corrupt forces. Coincidentally, the seat of the saint, the highest peak of religious symbolism, is also empty.

It will be a golden opportunity for those who want to use the symbol as their own power and shake the church’s interests.

Although she is a candidate, Shin Na-rae, who clearly shows off the image of a saint, will take this secret drug unconditionally. From the point of view of her classmate Tae-woong, who was already acquainted with her, she would want to solve the suffering of her friend.

If it heats up, there will definitely be a spree or crises that can never be solved without dealing with the client.

‘It must be annoying.’

I was sipping a drink that had become lukewarm after some time and organizing my thoughts about what would happen someday, but I pretended to feel something approaching in front of me.

It was the queen bee who came out of embarrassment.

“…What else?”


It would only be annoying to continue to be entangled like this, so when I tried to frown with a lot of murder and irritation, I saw that he was visibly shrinking.

“That, that. Share with us too!”

“Why me?”

“Yes, yes, we are cadets at the same academy!! Your friend might starve to death, but you’re just going to leave it alone?! It’s morally and common sense wrong!”

I was dumbfounded when the words “Morality” And “Common sense” Came out of old Golbin’s mouth. Does this b*tch look like I’m a volunteer?

“Did you forget that this is a test?”

“…Ahem! It’s an emergency! The teachers told you to hide on this island until you deal with the criminals! That’s why it’s a test and there’s no such thing!”

As if he had caught my words, he put his hand on his chest and proudly started talking.


From noble mtl dot com

At that movement, the heavy mid began to move up and down so loudly that I wondered if it was making a clicking sound. D? E? Maybe F. It was hard to guess with the naked eye.

What I can be sure of is that all the nutrients that went to the brain went to the heart in this b*tch.

It’s perfect for teasing. Even when I hit it for a while, the feeling of one hit was good. It might be more like that because his reactions and thoughts are reflected in his facial expressions.

At least in my previous life, it is certain that it is of a size that could never be seen even with a video over the screen. As non-standard mana is openly used, other non-standards also naturally exist.

In a different sense of admiration, I could feel how this paktong was able to act like a queen bee, and what part they were bewitched by.

I put my hands on both sides of her waist without saying anything, aimed at the proud woman’s forehead, and blew a blow.



Even though it didn’t contain magical energy, the sound of the blow was unusual, perhaps because of the increased ability due to the effect of the [Successors] Gathered while Bihos was active.

As if the blow itself was effective, I could see a woman who couldn’t even scream and sat down on the spot, clutching at her forehead while shedding tears.

Maybe it’s because he’s an awakened person, but it’s fortunate that his eyes aren’t painful because he’s a beautiful figure. If his eyes were also painful, he would have broken his arms just like that, not just overnight.

Her woman looked at me with her eyes wide open, unable to understand why she had been hit, and I looked down at her coldly and said,

“Did you think the academy was that lax? It’s all bullsh*t, you asshole.”

“Uh, ha… But… But…”

The woman was taken aback by my words and started opening her mouth again. I turned to ridicule at that appearance.

“…Well, how can the idiots doing this and that here know about illusions?”

It was too much trouble to explain. I have no will to do so, and there is no benefit to me. I bent down slightly and whispered only to the woman so that the people behind me wouldn’t hear.

“If you don’t feel like doing something right, why don’t you just drop out and look for something else?”

Then, in line with the trembling of her body, she strongly poked at her flesh, which was repeating her feeble sway, and pushed her body, which she was struggling to hold on to, toppled over.

“I think that would be your vocation instead?”

No matter who hears it, it is a mockery that crosses the line. I know. But I dared to choose the vulgar language. That’s because it’s more insulting. If you have pride, you won’t bother me anymore.

It’s a problem that I can’t even negotiate properly, but those idiots who put up this kind of bullsh*t as leaders were more like idiots.

This time, he spoke with life and magic in his voice, even using [Charisma] So that even those who were stationed there could hear it.

“Go away. There is no next.”

All I could do was break an arm or a leg and make it incapacitated and forcibly drop out of the exam. Didn’t that male teacher also say something like the feeling that he was secretly watching over me?

You know better that I seriously can’t kill these guys.

Those guys who didn’t have the guts to know that started to scatter deep into the forest without even thinking about taking care of the fallen woman.

It’s just a colleague that’s only a facade, but you’ve been with me and served as a leader, but are you running away without even thinking about taking care of it? I went until I really went.

“Huh, those other things are also colleagues and accompany you, and you are as unpopular as your level, aren’t you?”

“…Keep it! aaa!!”

In the end, the woman with her face reddened ran away while shedding her tears. My tongue hung out at the sight of her disappearing to the other side of the forest in an instant without leaving behind an afterimage.

Three times I felt that it was a very strange world in that it was possible to achieve that speed even with that size.


I will also take care of the garbage that occupied the front of the house. It’s already happened, so let’s explore the surroundings lightly.

“The closest thing to here…was a waterfall?”

If you go back along the waterway, there is a waterfall with decorations that look suspicious to anyone. It seemed okay to go back for a while while waiting for dinner to be served.

After returning to the cabin, I handed Echidna some food for dinner and ordered her to look after the house. Then I called Graul and got on her back.

“Let’s go.”


Growl responded vigorously to my command and kicked his feet hard enough to hear a thump.

Just as I received the effect of [Subdued], This guy also got the ability increase effect of [Subdued].

If you make up your mind and speed up, I wonder if you can run faster than the maximum speed of a formula car unless something extraordinary happens.

Unlike Formula, which can only run in a straight line due to its structure, Growl can generate speed with the body of a wolf, so there is no problem with restrictions such as sudden change of direction.

Coo goo goo goo…

Thanks to this, I arrived at the wide river where the waterfall was located in a very short time, and immediately descended from the top of Growl and headed closer to the waterfall.


On the outside, nothing seemed strange. However, the stone pagodas around here were annoying. It seemed like it was made to seal or sanctify something.

The fact that it has been neglected for a long time and moss has grown added to its mysteriousness.

I looked around a bit with Growl by my side, and then I focused on the side where the waterfall was falling. After all, this is the most suspicious thing behind the waterfall, right?

A cliché is a cliché. Places such as secret bases, hidden places, and unexplored regions are usually created in inconspicuous places.

In that respect, the place behind the waterfall is perfect. Ordinary people only see the waterfall from a distance, but do not go directly under it.

I made a shadow in the shape of an umbrella and looked into the inside of the waterfall as I moved aside the mass of water that was coming down. Then, sure enough, I could see that things like decorations that were outside were placed inside at regular intervals.


Because it is a cave inside the waterfall, it was swept away more when it came to moss or water, but it kept its original form better than the outer ones that were worn directly by the water.

“Is it a lantern?”

At the top of the small tower made of stone, there was a groove cut into which you could place something, and many traces such as burnt traces and candle wax from burnt out candles were left inside.

It gets darker the further you go inward, and at the same time you put magic on your eyes, and at the same time, one of the hive’s shadow crows was blown inward, allowing you to grasp the situation inside.

‘For now, I haven’t had any enemies.’

Enemy, there was no life itself. It was because I couldn’t see the common bugs, as if there was some kind of barrier. As we went further inside, the sound of the waterfall became less and the space became wider.

And a light began to be seen in a space that I thought had no light at all. I got inside and at the same time I could see what was shining.

“Correction, is it?”

Seeing dozens, thousands, hundreds of crystals emitting a soft light green glow against the backdrop of a dark cave, it was like looking at a night sky full of stars.

The color is light green, so it’s like watching an aurora.

I looked at the scene for a while, then looked down and walked over a group of crystals in the shape of a Japanese torii gate, toward a shrine-like building in the middle of the cave.


Tok tok!

There, the Shadow Crow, who had arrived earlier and was waiting, was pecking at what looked like a treasure chest with its beak.

It was clearly out of touch with the old-looking atmosphere of this place. It seems that this is a treasure because the clasp of the box has a mark clearly claiming it belongs to the academy.

I don’t know if that’s possible, but I opened the treasure chest with a shadow from a little away in preparation for an unknown trap, and I was able to find a note and a device add placed inside.

“…I see, this is how it is.”

The content of the note was simple. Words of congratulations that you found this place well. It was also written that there was a function installed in the device ad that allowed you to know the points you earned and how you earned them.

Perhaps the use is limited to this island, but with this alone, there is no need to be annoyed at when you reach 100 points. It’s because I’m more motivated to have a clear figure and a clear view of the process rather than an effort without a promise.

Without hesitating, I installed an ad on the device and installed the program inside, and a new item called privilege was created in the academy application, and a sparkling effect exploded at the same time.

[I found a crystal cave hidden inside the waterfall!] [+ 5]

[I found a treasure in the crystal cave!] [+ 5]

[100 / 37]

“It’s like this.”

Unfortunately, I couldn’t see a log of how the previous points were earned, but this was enough.

By the way, the score was really tight. 20 Less than I expected.

I got 10 points, but now I have 37 points. If I hadn’t discovered this place, I would have gotten 27 points.

Perhaps most of them will spend 5 days before they even get 100 points and get a declaration that the exam is over. There must be a reason why you sneered leisurely when I said I would finish it quickly.

“…I look forward to it.”

So far, there are a total of 25 suspicious-looking points that I have found on this island.

I just found one of them, so now there are 24 left. Even if there is no treasure under the assumption that I own everything, 100 points is just a level that can be filled.

In other words, achieving 100 points is already a certainty.

What kind of expression would the teachers make when I confidently scored 100 points and transferred to the top of the cruise? I already had a fishy smile on my lips at the thought of breaking that proud nose.

“…Let’s eat.”

But soon the smile was erased and the expression became expressionless.

Something suddenly became empty. It was because I realized that nothing good would come of it if I did this.

If you cause a problem, you will be photographed by the teachers, but even if you are too competent, you will get the same glare from the teachers. It’s best to just keep it quiet, but I thought that would be impossible given my personality.

As expected, being ordinary is the most difficult thing. Recalling that fact, I turned around and headed out of the cave.

Supper must have been done by now.

Like that, the first day on the island slowly came to an end.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode