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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 57

57 – 2. Summoner (2)


Diri-ring, tti-ring, tti-ri-ring.

Translucent windows began to rise as if embroidering the air. At the same time as the long receipts were listed, I waved my hand and processed the long text.

Then all that was left was my familiar status window.

Anyway, the last result you saw is saved in [Record]. Based on that, it would be easy to sort out the things that have changed.

“Let’s see.”

As expected, it would be better to start with summons that have relatively little to see.


[Name: Hive] [Race: Guild Raven] [Lv: 13]


[Muscle: 15] [Skill: 30] [Intelligence: 19] [Luck: 13]

[Attribute: Crow Group]

[Possessed Skills]

[Dark Rush Lv 9] [Violent Violence Lv 7] [All Things Lv 5] [Group Leadership Lv 6]

Points available: 7


The level of [Dark Rush] Hiding in the shadows was so high that I thought it was overwhelming, probably because they’ve been together recently to the point where canceling the summons was more awkward.

Perhaps it was because of the skill composition of the hive that the increase in skill was the highest, the ability level also exceeded 30.

Basically, he grew up well without any angular spots, perhaps thanks to his emphasis on balance and raising his abilities. The remaining points were invested in 2 for strength, 3 for intelligence, and 2 for luck, setting them to [17][22][15], Respectively, and finalizing the change.

Next is Growl.


[Name: Graul] [Race: Berserk Wolf] [Lv: 11]


[Muscle: 38] [Skill: 24] [Intelligence: 5] [Luck: 2]

[Attribute: Blood]

[Possessed Skills]

[Deep Wound Lv 8] [Blood Lv 5] [The Joy of Battle Lv 5] [Berserker’s Fight Lv 6]

Points available: 6


If Kalion was the one who achieved the most in the dungeon of [The Sun Throwing Up Sandstone], Then it could be said that Graul was the one who rolled the most through trial and error.

[The joy of battle] ] And [Berserker’s Fighting Method] Increased significantly.

It goes without saying that [Deep Wound], Which I use steadily as a basic skill, has increased.

Because of the characteristics of the wolf race, or perhaps because of its relatively high strength stats, halfway attacks that do not contain magical power cannot easily penetrate Graul’s fur.

Thanks to the effect of [Berserker’s Fighting Method], The melee fight itself helps, so even if you get attacked, you are showing a lot of tough battles that endure and go deeper.

Looking at him reassuringly protecting him, I felt like I could trust him and trust him in the future.

Use the points to invest 5 in strength and 1 in skill to make [43][25] And confirm the change.

Next. It’s Carrion’s turn.


[Name: Carrion] [Race: Saint Dragon] [Lv: 9]


[Muscle: 20] [Skill: 16] [Intelligence: 31] [Luck: 1]

[Attribute: Holy]

[Possessed Skills]

[Dragon Fight Lv 6] [Primeval Being Lv 7] [Dragon Magic Lv 8] [Dragon Eye Lv 3]

Points available: 6


The first thing that stands out is [Dragon Magic], Which has reached level 8.

I think the last time I saw you was around level 4, but the fact that you’ve already reached level 8 means that Kalion has truly honed his magic.

Other skills also improved, but not as much as [Dragon Magic]. Seeing this, she definitely felt desperately that the existence of a dragon itself was a fraud.

If Carrion had evolved into a pet other than a dragon, there would have been no future where he would grow this fast.

I used the points to invest 4 in skill and the rest in intelligence, setting them to [20] And [33], Respectively, to finalize the change.

The last one is Echidna.


[Name: Echidna] [Type: Devil] [Lv: 15] [Occupation: Dark Priest]


[Muscle: 11] [Skill: 8] [Intelligence: 16] [Divinity: 22]

[Attribute: – ]

[Possessed Skills]

[Seeker Lv 5] [Sin Lv 2] [Self Faith Lv 6] [Divine Aura Lv 3]

Points available: 5


Echidna seems to be the tallest when looking at the level figures alone, but you have to take into account that the other summons have gone through evolution and have been reduced from 10 levels to 1 level.

Shouldn’t we assume that there is a roughly hidden number 10? Above all, the fact that the level of Hive and Growl this time has exceeded 10 is proof of that.

If you have evolved once at 10, the next step is to be in your 30s. If my prediction is correct, I think the growth of Hive and Growl will stop once around level 20.

Echidna also went through her own growth, but the most important thing to her was [Her doctrine].

During these two weeks, she successfully settled [Her doctrine] And created and recharged her own divine power.

Now, rather than awkwardly dealing with the weak divine power mixed with her magical power, she can use only the divine power completely, so her growth will accelerate even more.

The problem is [Sin], A skill that has not improved since it was raised once before changing jobs.

To be honest, I had been thinking about this skill from the beginning.

If all other skills are getting better, but only that skill is still walking in place, it must mean that you can’t train that skill with normal hunting.

The skill [Sin] Is a skill that allows you to get compensation for committing a crime or breaking the rules. If it’s like a devil, it’s a devilish skill, but I think it’s up to you to use it.

Because breaking the rules also means breaking the mold that was created in the end. If I dig into this a little more in-depth, I’m sure it will be a trick.

I used the points to invest 4 in strength and 1 in skill, making them [15] And [9] Respectively, confirming the change.

This is the end of the summons.

“Is it me now?”

Since he has many skills, there are many changes.


[Name: Shinwoo Jang] [Occupation: Summoner Lv 24, Researcher Lv 8]

[Title: Conversion Material]


[Muscle: 31 (+ 5)] [Skill: 63] [Intelligence: 46 (+ 15)] [Luck: 20]

[Possessed Skills]

[Summoning Book Lv 4] [Tame Lv 7] [Record Lv 6] [Speed Reading Lv 7]

[Charisma Lv 6] [Observation Lv 6] [Battle Command Lv 3] [Dismantling Lv 4]

[Endurance Lv 7] [Stand Lv 6] [Sadism Lv8] [Spear Lv 3] [Sword Lv 4]

[Blunt Weapon Lv 4] [Trap Setting Lv 4] [Riding Lv 4] [Escape Lv 1]

[Fight Lv 4] [Torture Lv 7] [Bow Lv 3] [Fight Lv 4]

[Shield Lv 3] [Throwing Lv 3] [Parring Lv 2] [Subdued Lv 1]

[Guard Lv 1]


[Possessed Summons]

[Hive (Guild Raven) Lv 13]

[Growl (Berserk Wolf) Lv 11]

[Carlion (Saint Dragon) Lv 9]

[Echidna (Demon) Lv 15]


Remaining points: 8


In my case, the first thing that caught my eye was the level and skill level of the summoner.

I don’t know how the experience points are calculated, but I climbed more than the sum of the two summons.

Unfortunately, it’s normal for Kalion, who prepared the magic, to rise second most, but in the case of summons, it rose too uniformly.

I don’t know the exact reason, but I only suspect that it’s because most of the mana used in magic is my mana.

Thanks to this, in theory, if you create a new summon now, there is a high possibility that you will reach level 25 while making level 10. Then I wonder if it would feel like raising two at the same time.

Since it happened like this, it didn’t seem too bad to form the two into a team from the beginning.

Even if it’s impossible to be at the same time in terms of timing, we can stick together from the middle, so unlike the other kids, it didn’t seem bad to specialize with a feeling of complementing each other’s weaknesses.

Currently, melee can be filled with Growl and Echidna, so it didn’t seem too bad to add a long range that can be used in situations where Kalion can’t play, or to create a summon that specializes in debuffs.

As for skill, he earned the title of [Leader] By exceeding the cut-off of 50.

The effect increases movement speed by 5% permanently when possessed, and increases all speeds by 10% when worn. It’s good to just have it, but it’s even better when you wear it.

I like the [Transformation material] I’m wearing right now, so I don’t have any intention of changing it.

Aside from that, it felt like the overall skills had gone up by 1, and the most used [Sadism], [Torture], And [Focus on Combat] Went up by 2.

Looking at the rate of increase like this, most of my skills, except for weapons, are focused on improving my skills.

Unlike summoned creatures, you can acquire a skill by repeating certain actions, so if possible, you should also acquire a skill that will help you intellect as soon as possible.

Even in the case of the [Summoning Book], Which is my main axis, it is a little ambiguous.

Originally, the level would rise by summoning a familiar and offering it as a sacrifice, but the last time Echidna didn’t.

From now on, we can check whether this is also affected by the number of summons worked.

If the level rises through this summon, the level of the summonable summons = the summoning book level formula is complete, or the maximum level of the [Book of Summoning] Is 5, but let’s think that the conditions to reach it are still insufficient. .

‘Everything is good, but the lack of information is a bit of a pain.’

It is not that there is little information about the summoner. There is not enough information for a case like mine.

There are very few people like me who reject a vocation and choose one of the originating jobs such as wizards, swordsmen, and thieves, and choose a minor job called summoner among them.

As with Ban Tae-woong’s , It is typical for most summoners to select a vocation that has a pre-determined direction, such as ‘a summoner of ㅇㅇ’.

In fact, statistical studies have shown that the first job that comes to mind is the job that best suits that person.

Moreover, it has been proven through statistics that most of them choose the vocation that appeared when choosing a job.

So, in a case like mine, it can be said that it is extremely rare to dig deeper and find a summoner among them. It is natural that there is less information as exceptions of exceptions are mixed.

“There is nothing more to see.”

After investing all the remaining points in intelligence to [54], The change was finalized.

[Intellect has exceeded 50.]

[You have acquired the title [Source of Magical Power].]

Let’s check the title in the phrase that comes to mind.

It had the effect of reducing magic consumption by 5% just by holding it, and increasing magic recovery speed by 10% when worn.

Unlike skill, mana is always wrapped around the body, so I felt the feeling that I had broken through the 50 wall. It’s basic that magic moves more smoothly than before, and I felt like I could handle it a little more delicately.

Up until now, I felt like I was able to see and manipulate even more distant things clearly using a telescope.

Of course, it’s not that the range of magical power I can handle has increased dramatically.

I wonder if the overall visual acuity or speed has improved to the extent that the skills are similar.


A lot of time has passed just by checking the changes.

When I opened the device and checked it, about an hour had passed. I was dumbfounded that an hour had passed just to check this, but considering that I was fooling around checking my magic power on the way, this time must have been pretty fast too.

Considering that you’re going to enter the dungeon one more time after this, it’s better to decide the number of summons quickly.

“[Summoning Book]”


At the same time as the call, a luxurious black book appeared in the air and wrapped around my hand. Then, after reading my will, it immediately turned the pages on its own and started displaying the [Summonable list].


[1. Crow] – [Bird]

[2. Squirrel]

[3. Fox]

[4. Bat]

[5. A wolf]

[6. Rabbit]

[7. Spider]

[8. Sogwi]

[9. Bone disease] – [Mummy]

[10. Lizard] – [Sub-dragon]

[11. Mole]

[12. Micro-spirit]

[13. Devil]

[14. Message]

[15. Centipede]

[16. Monkey]

* Currently, the number of summons that can be registered is [5].


From what I saw last time, I saw a further increase.

“As expected, if possible, it would be right to seek the far side first, right?”

In my personal opinion, I think Karion alone is sufficient, but that can only be done on the premise that you can use Karion anywhere.

If you dare to compare it to a game that was popular in your past life, Kalion is more like an extreme AP dealer.

AP, that is, if an opponent who does not work with magic becomes an enemy, the proportion will inevitably decrease.

The one I want to choose is the AD distance dealer.

Actually, it is as if a half-hearted decision has been made. Because the biggest reason I decided to do this was because of the [Bow Thimble of the Wasteland], The item I got from [The Sun Throwing Up Sandstone] This time.


[Name: Wasteland Bow Thimble] [Type: Gloves] [Rating: Elite]

[Description: A thimble used by an archer of an unknown tribe that has now disappeared. His indomitable tenacity, which never stopped shooting his bow even in the face of death, eventually ended when the arrows in his quiver ran out.

If only there were more arrows… That grudge became a curse and settled deep in this thimble.]

[If you think of an arrow while wearing it, you will ‘surely’ catch it in that hand.]

[If you think of a bow when wearing it, you will ‘surely’ hold the bow in that hand.]

[However, if a living person wears these gloves, he will ‘certainly’ die.]

[When you apply a curse, the grade will be lowered to [Rare] And one of the effects will permanently disappear.]


It doesn’t have much additional stats, but it’s a piece of equipment that has enough attractive effects.

When I first entered the pyramid, this wasn’t blown away like the last time, but it was something I got after defeating the boss through all sorts of hardships.

The boss, [The Lost Sun ], Seemed to have forcibly demoted the pharaoh to a lower rank.

In either case, I think it’s the undead of the position system. A warlock would have dealt with the undead directly, but he did not.

I guessed it, but I wonder if it was forcibly calling in the monsters located in the pyramid itself by some means. Since he was a king in the grass, he must have had the ability to specialize in summoning subordinates.

So if you’re going to attack, you’ll end up slowly conquering the pyramids and going down.

In that case, you can attack the boss without getting eaten by a large number of monsters like a sandwich.

In my case, I couldn’t use Kalion because of the structure inside the narrow pyramid, so I ended up tying Echidna as a trap and leaving annoying things approaching as the main dealer.

For that reason, I had to truly break out in a cold sweat as all the monsters I had met so far appeared all at once.

In the end, after being prepared for the collapse of the pyramid, he summoned Kalion and radiated magic containing the power of the [Divine] Attribute.

In the aftermath, of course, the pyramid collapsed and the boss also died. It was the first clearing where Kalion spread his wings and somehow escaped by receiving a reward.

He was a troublesome guy in many ways.

This bow thimble was worn by Mummy, an archer among the people he called.

Perhaps because it was used by a guy with tenacity to shoot an arrow even if he became undead, people, more precisely living things, became unusable, but there are not only living creatures that I can handle.

“Bone disease.”


[Name: -] [Type: Bone Disease] [Lv: 1]


[Muscle: 10] [Skill: 10] [Intelligence: 5] [Luck: 0]

[Attribute: None]

[Possessed Skills]

[No Life Lv 1] [Beckoning of Death Lv 1] [Entrapped Spirits Lv 1]


The image that came to mind in the summoning book was a typical skeleton that would appear in a science book.

[Mummy] Is added as an additional option next to it, but this time, let’s choose the orthodox skeleton rather than the skinny one.

Unlike the game, the reality is that you cannot randomly consume projectiles such as arrows.

In that respect, I don’t know how long it will take for the new familiar to get used to the bow, and every time I make a shadow bow and arrow, it’s a waste of time in many ways.

Even if you get used to it, it’s still a chore to find a separate bow or arrow later.

Above all, there is no way that Kalion’s magical power will not work against an opponent that my shadow weapon can work on, so this idea itself is NG from the beginning.

In that respect, the effect of this equipment is remarkable.

Maybe it’s because it’s a crazy world where logic and rules have been given away, and objects with practical physical power are created without any preparations or sacrifices.

If you can fully use the bow based on this, wouldn’t it be a force worth hiring at that point? That was my idea

The penalty that the living cannot use it? Wouldn’t it be enough to pick the dead guy from the beginning?

I’m worried about what to say, but honestly, after seeing this item, it feels like all options other than the skeleton archer who shoots an arrow have disappeared in my head.

What I have to think about now is what else I should add to protect or help this skeleton.

“Choose a bone disease.”

Like the previous guys, I pushed the hologram that popped up without deciding on a name. Then, as soon as the glitter exploded, a notification from the system that wanted confirmation sounded.

[Would you like to summon Bone Disease Lv 1, Entity Name ?]



While sending the doctor, his heart stopped. I had such an illusion.

For an instant, in addition to the thrill of someone licking my whole body, the pain arose as if my throat had been forcibly pulled out.

I experienced that not only my heart, but also my organs, blood, and muscles all dried up and rotted while still alive.

I even heard questions about whether it is right to compare this to pain, which is different from the imagination.


The time it stopped was very short. But what I tasted in the midst of it was a sensation I never wanted to experience again.

Blood gushed out of his mouth. I didn’t forcefully swallow it, I just regurgitated it. The black blood of the dead spurted out with the momentum to wet the floor, but instead of settling on the floor, they floated in the air and began to vaporize with magic.

[Would you like to make a sacrifice to the skill [Book of Summoning]?]

The answer is always the same.


At the same time as he said that, the magic stone that was in the shadow began to emerge. I told Hive and ordered him to take out items that were not particularly useful.

Among them, there was also the [Mummy Making Record], Which I had obtained many times.

I slowly closed my eyes as I looked at the things that disintegrated and began to permeate into the Book of Summoning, to see if there was something connected between the undead.

No matter how long I waited, I couldn’t hear a voice about leveling up. That said, in the end, another method was needed to raise the level of the [Book of Summoning].

‘Let’s focus on summoning for now.’

The image is a strong bone. Weak, old bone fragments are not needed. No matter how much a skeleton is an object that belongs to the standard of a junk mob, I have no intention of making the one I raise into such a stereotypical being. If you do, you will definitely become stronger.

With such a strong will, I even added magic mixed with shadows and pushed it into the [Book of Summoning]. After confirming that the preparations were complete, I immediately condensed magic into my fingers and flicked them.




As if following the call, my shadow gradually expanded in size.

As with Echidna, all those familiar with the darkness appear based on my shadow.

Hives also appeared with the light at first, but as they became more proficient in [Dark Rush], They tended to appear from the shadows unknowingly.


At some point, a hand made of bones protruded from the darkness that stopped extending its range. It was similar to how a black magician raised the undead from a tomb.

In my case, it would be different if it were different from crawling out of the swamp called shadow.

Hyoyo Oh…

The white bone, fully crawling out of the shadows, suddenly raised its head, and vivid blue flames began to rise from the inside of the empty skull’s eyes.

As if that was evidence of awakening consciousness, the skeleton abruptly bowed its head at me.

“Daughter Greuk. All right, right!”

I desperately move my jaw joint to express something, but all I hear is the crackling of my bones.

In normal cases, it would be embarrassing, but since it was possible to exchange general opinions between me and the summoned beast, I was able to roughly communicate what I wanted to convey.

He is expressing his gratitude now. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I felt like I knew why.

If the terrible pain I felt earlier was death, wouldn’t it be natural for me to be grateful to myself for bringing me out of that agony?

You could think it was my exaggerated interpretation, but I decided to just believe it.

“Now, this.”

I took out the [Bow Thimble of the Wasteland] From the shadows towards Ceres, the skeleton who was staring at me blankly. He gazed at it for a while, then put it on his bony hand without hesitation.


At that moment, even though there was no wind, I felt a chill from the front. It’s probably a kind of ear gong. The curse placed on the glove determined whether the user was dead or alive.

Soon, the mass of blue grudge that circled Ceres’s periphery seemed to permeate the inside of the glove again as if nothing had happened.



At that, Ceres clicked his chin and stuck out his thumb to me. It’s a sign that it’s okay.

Even if it’s not [No Life] That’s openly located in the skill, it’s more strange that he’s not undead with that appearance.

Because he straightened his back, his skeleton looked better than mine. Perhaps because it was the steel bone captured in the image, there didn’t seem to be any common scratch marks on the bone. I wonder if they call it the bone of the yonggary after seeing a bone like that. Is this a random result? Or is it because the image I put in when I made the summons was strong?

I don’t know. Maybe it’s both, maybe it’s not.

I confirmed that he is a pleasant guy unlike his scary appearance, so let’s just say that’s good. No, as long as there are only bones, are you going to sleep and have nothing to do?

“Do you think you can shoot an arrow?”


At my question, Ceres immediately grabbed his hand in the air and took a stance. Then, in his hands was a bow and arrows that looked a bit worn out.


I’m not good at it, but I drew my bow with confidence and let go of the arrow.

Tuk, clink

And then the arrow fell right in front of me.

The falling sound was pathetic, probably because it had a material substance.

“Right, right?”

Why can’t I do this after shooting myself? I tilt my head with the same feeling, so I have no choice but to put my hand on my forehead.

…Ah, you too.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode