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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 53

53 – 1. Academy (53)



I suffered from Ban Tae-woong’s appearance for a while, but Cheon-mi belatedly participated. Even if they intervened, nothing happened more than expected, so the hyenas who were in a good mood joined them, and they were really distracted.

I needed a break, a break.

The brain, which started to work more tightly than ever before, used its wits and secretly encouraged Ban Tae-woong to ask if it would be good to dance at a time like this.

Even though I was embarrassed by that, I quickly saw off the place I was leaving and immediately prepared to leave.

The central point that used to attract people just by existing in case someone wasn’t the main character slipped away, and a sense of awkwardness began to permeate the group. Why isn’t there such a thing

I made an appointment to play with my friend, but it turns out that my friend’s friend came with me.

When I was playing, I had a lot of fun because I had a connection called friends, but when that connection suddenly broke out saying something had happened, the atmosphere quickly became awkward and cooled off.

It may vary from person to person, but the moment one side loses the will to continue the uncomfortable situation, the relationship breaks down faster than light.

Even more than half of them are hyenas flocking to get and eat beans. There was no way he would reach out his hand as if he were standing against a potential competitor and ask him to eat together, even while shrinking his mouth, hahahaha.

As a result, they naturally keep each other in check.

It’s not about putting others down, it’s about showing off yourself.


This is all good. If you lack your own strength, you can’t do anything.

I can tolerate it as long as it is used as a stepping stone to promote growth that can move a little further forward.

Competition is something you have to step on someone inevitably to rise to the top.

I have no right to stop those who want to go forward while burning themselves.

If it doesn’t harm me, pressing down on it will only drain my strength.

But how many people in this group have such admirable thoughts?

Is that also worth thinking about the bastards who are trying to make fun of me even though I don’t like them?

So I run away. Do you avoid poop because it is dirty or because you are afraid? If I collide with such things one by one, my rank will drop even more.

How to kill a presence was very easy because I had been doing it like I was tired of it in my previous life.

Most of the guys in this room were used to my growing presence with the skill [Charisma], So it was more useful to run away.

Thanks to the attention of the hyenas, who struggled to find my sudden disappearance, I was able to escape safely from that noisy space.

“This is great stealth. It’s to the point where we want to educate our children.”

The problem is that no matter how hard I try to get rid of it, this woman follows me like a ghost. She’s not an urban legend. Have you ever seen a servant who gets closer every time she looks back?

Even though she openly followed me, no one paid attention to that woman.

It’s scary about this. That means she can gnaw my chin if this woman puts her mind to it.

To the extent that you can handle me lightly. Dealing with the people around me would have been easier, if easier, not difficult.

Even if the other side didn’t intend to do that, just the fact that there was a possibility that it might be is stressful for this side.

“…Didn’t I tell you to shut up?”

In the end, all I can do is pretend to be as calm as possible and growl in irritation.


Responding as if she belatedly forgot my words, she moved her stuffed toy’s serine hand and covered her own mouth. She then narrowed her eyes and tilted her head, asking, “How long are you going to be like this?”

I gritted my teeth at that heinous figure and slumped over as if straddling the railing. Tired. I was exhausted mentally, not physically.

Jeobeok, Jeobeok

Then, while still holding this Serene stuffed toy in her mouth, the servant came to her side, pulled out a sketchbook from her bosom, and began writing down something with her pen.

[The lady told me to make a chair and sit down because it’s dangerous to stay like that.]

“…f*ck, for real”

I told him not to tell me, but he started doing weird things.

Even in that short period of time, I didn’t write anything down, as if I had become accustomed to that eccentricity and learned something.

[Doctor needs to be scolded a little more!]

Perhaps she was trying to get another drink, she even drew a picture of a deformed SD character, emphasizing that Se-Rin Lee did it, not herself.

Should I say that I rot my talent uselessly, or should I stick my tongue out saying that I am using it well?

Even when I heard about it in words, it was like sh*t, but when I saw it in person like that, it was more like sh*t. It’s like teabagging with emoticons.

“Enough. Go get something to drink.”


“…Enough with that f*cking concept.”

“Thank you. Actually, I was scolded because her mouth was itchy. Also the owner of the outside! I was impressed with the generosity that relieved the discomfort of the lower ones. To make people feel grateful by forbidding and releasing them is truly amazing!”

When I pierced my mouth, as if I had waited, I threw down my sketchbook and covered my mouth with a shadow when I saw the servant who began to chatter.

Then he raised his eyebrows and pointed in the direction of the chairman with his hand without saying anything.

With that, the serviceman nodded, as if he knew what I wanted to say, and with his posture perfect, he stepped back and disappeared. It’s finally quiet.

Is it really that hard to just want to be quiet? Really tired Exhausted.

I sighed and made a shadowy chair in the corner of the balcony and sat down. The base is the seat of the limousine I sat in earlier.

Due to the nature of shadows, there are only two choices: extremely hard or completely soft, so it is possible to create a chair that can be seated to some extent by finding an appropriate line between them.

Anyway, it’s clunky compared to the real thing, but it’s meaningful to be able to sit on it.

The door to the balcony opened as I was languishing like that. Thinking that I was a servant, I reached out to receive the cup, but nothing came back. When I opened my eyes and frowned at him, Cheon Cheon-mi, who was with Ban Tae-woong earlier, was seated.

Is this guy or that guy trying to come to the relay? Why did you crawl all the way here without talking about it when we met earlier? As he narrowed his eyes with such a question, Mi-Chang lowered his head, shrugging his shoulders.

“Um, over there…”

Then he wiggled his hands and, unable to meet my gaze, kept raising and lowering his head and repeating frustrating actions.



Pom, who was steaming, stomped his feet vigorously in annoyance, and Ceiling Mi, who sat down with her hands on his head, looked up at me with a tearful expression. I frowned at that figure and leaned my chin against the armrest of the chair.

“…Quickly if there is something to do”

“That, so… That’s… Huh…”

With a deep sigh, he raised his eyes sharply and glared at me, as if he had finally made up his mind.

“I am very sorry for what happened the other day. As you said, the external work was all finished externally. We have certainly dealt with things that are embarrassing to call them family, and we will take action to prevent such unsavory incidents from happening in the future. So please be kind…!”

At the same time as her sudden words, Mi Ceiling knelt down on her knees and bowed her head, as if she didn’t care about getting her dress dirty.


“I know it’s shameless, but I ask you this. Please, give me one chance. Please stop destroying our organization, [Sumuk].”

I was so embarrassed that her mouth slipped, but Cheon Mi, who couldn’t see my expression because she lowered her head, seemed to be tired of hearing such audacious words.

She bowed her head even more and waited for my answer without saying anything after that.


Just perfect

Her free hand tapped her armrest with her other hand, lost in her thoughts. This must also be Lee Se-rin’s work. As she used her magic to slightly raise her spirits, she felt a servant blocking the way in front of her balcony.

Perhaps it’s to prevent other people from coming in. I was able to find Lee Se-rin’s stuffed toy hiding in that dark corner, probably because it was enchanted.

Are you watching this from the beginning? I sighed deeply at the gift that was not a gift.

“Give reasons to understand. Why should I not destroy your organization?”


At my words, Ceiling Mi hurriedly lifted her head, opened her eyes wide, and immediately began to think seriously. Even so, I told her that I didn’t care with her chin, which was thrilled by the way she looked at me and rolled her head.

Then she sat completely down in her seat and started muttering something of her own, twitching in her mouth. Seeing that even after strengthening my hearing with magical powers, I could only hear mumbling, it must be a habit I do when thinking.

When I saw him worrying so seriously, his impression was different from back then. Should I say that he looks erudite because he looks so cold? The glasses seemed to fit well.

“…Maybe insignificant compared to your powers, but we’ve been in the shadows for a long time. If our organization collapses, the underworld order will collapse. The aftermath will unknowingly spread through society and cause confusion. Certainly.”


Did you come up with an offer in that short amount of time, taking into account what I disliked?

You’re not saying that you’re the next head with your form. It would have been a little better if it hadn’t been for the puns that were shown before, but I didn’t believe it.

“Is the only reason you say this cute threat?”

It’s not what I’m doing anyway, so it doesn’t matter if you just accept it, but I’m going to bounce it here on purpose.

“Ha, you are saying something very funny. Talking about order in a dark place where lawlessness is rampant?”

“…Well, darkness has its own laws! Even if we erase darkness right now, as long as light exists, darkness will surely appear. We will further strengthen the discipline and thoroughly manage those who hide under the darkness so that no more noise comes out…!”

After all, that’s it. The one-dimensional answer seemed to waste the time I used for further questions and answers.



“So what does it do me good?”


Ceiling Mi, who was about to say something about the basic yet most important word, shut her mouth tightly. Yes, it’s good that you did your best to roll your head and show your wits in this stuffy situation. But that’s it.

‘She deserved to say that she grew up well.’

It’s too soft to step back. I understand with my head, but before that, unnecessary beliefs are limiting my thinking. Despite being born and raised in the dark, he has a way of thinking that is on the side of the light.

That’s why he may be a heroine (candidate)… But when I saw him, he seemed like a mediocre guy.

“You don’t know your position right now.”

The most important thing in negotiations is whether or not to accept what the opponent in front of you offers.

“Dae-Doo’s biological daughter who settled in the dark side and the next head of [Sumuk], What are you before that?”

It is the second best to take care of one’s own gains, and the best is to put a bait that is so delicious that the opponent can’t survive without eating it.

“A human named ‘Chun Jang-mi’ who took off all the name tags, what can you do now?”

A deal is established only when you make an offer that you think you have to accept and the other party asks for it.

“What can I give you with that?”

Because it’s attractive, or because it succumbs to overwhelming power, recognition is only secondary.

As my words continued, the woman in front of her only grew more pensive, and she couldn’t think of anything else.

“…I can’t even think of that simple thing.”


She bowed her head at the beauty of the ceiling that exclaimed. Seeing that, I said with a smile.

If I were the one who orchestrated this, she should have said this from the beginning.

“Please save me.” I’ll do anything.’ Didn’t you even say something like this? It’s trite, but it’s the surest bet.”


“Is that something I don’t like again? How much of a fool did you grow up to be?”

I said coldly to Cheonmi, who kept her mouth shut and stared at the floor like a doll.

“You are talking about your life as if it were anything to the subject of living a light life where you can’t recall anything in an important place.”


I stomped her feet with her magic power.

“Know fractions”

The aftermath spread completely into the air and disappeared, but the beauty of her ceiling only hugged her body as if it had been crushed by something heavy.

It’s funny that she’s saying this from my point of view, but this woman who made it impossible for her to say this was more spectacle.

I don’t know how to educate Lucia Valentia right now, but I don’t have time to teach this woman who doesn’t even know if she is a heroine or not.

So I guess I’ll have the father of this b*tch do it.

I’ve been cherishing it so far, so if I let go even after tasting the bitter taste, that’s disqualification as the head of an organization before neglect education.

No matter what you entrust to such an organization, the proper results won’t come out. Rather, it would be more profitable to leave the back side as it is to be absorbed by Lee Serin.


I reaped my magic. Then he looked down at her, still with her bored expression. Ceiling Mi lifted her head slowly as she gasped for breath.

The expression on his face was still trembling with fear, but at least he wasn’t crying. Are you saying that what I said is not completely useless?

Well, if you’ve done it this far and it doesn’t produce results as it should, that’s a problem. There will be no future for an organization where this guy is the next head, so he just needs to disappear.

After that, I don’t know if the main character will pick me up or not.

‘Daughter of the current head of the dark house’ or ‘daughter of the former head of the dark house who was pushed out due to a dispute over interests’. In terms of the story, the former is mainly about getting involved in the underworld, and the latter is about revenge.

Ah, then will I be involved in the latter? It’s annoying just like that. When that time comes, I will leave everything to this Serene and run the washing machine behind her.

I’ve been with you since childhood, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to turn things around.

The best thing is for this woman to come to her senses and for Se-Rin Lee to stop talking nonsense.

“Can’t you hear me? Next. Or are you tired and want to go to the bathroom?”

“…Ah, wait a minute!! Can’t you see I’m thinking desperately right now?!”

Because they continued to push me, I started to get angry with the red flag.

Of course, thanks to the faintly trembling limbs and tip of the tongue, it was already discovered that it was a mask to avoid being weighed down by the situation. In negotiations, such an attitude is zero.

But I didn’t care.

It’s easier to deal with tickling like that than shaking in fear. Because there is nothing easier to catch a gap than forcefully exerting force.

Looking at this point, I wonder if the character is overlapping with the deteriorated version of Lucia, but if you think about it, that woman only becomes colder, especially for me, but she is ordinary enough to be transparent to others.

It hurt my neck to keep looking down, so I tapped my toes on the floor to make a chair of shadow.

It’s clearly smaller and harder than mine. However, as if that was enough, she got up and sat in her chair while shaking her legs against the ceiling.

At the sight of the two glasses of champagne held in the hand of the servant who came in at the right moment, I shed my cold eyes. I knew it all from the beginning and it was like this. If it wasn’t for that, there’s no way I’d be aiming for it like this.

“You are kneeling there with your arms raised.”


“It is a belated punishment. Did you think I wouldn’t know that I was fooling around watching you outside?”


How many times did the servant look down at my words for the first time? Do you really do it? I sent the same gaze, but I completely ignored it and used the shadow to seduce the attendant.

“Bar, outside owner, please revoke the order because I did something wrong. Yes? Yes? I’ll do it faster next time…!”

Thoroughly ignoring the suddenly chatty servant’s words, she gestured at the thousand roses, who looked at it with a puzzled expression.

“Answer me quickly if you don’t want to be like that.”

“…Yes, yes”

I tilted my glass at the sight of a thousand roses that began to roll her head desperately to see if she really didn’t want to be like that.

I felt stinging eyes that seemed to pierce the back of my head, but I sipped the champagne as if I didn’t feel anything.

Kyaa, this is delicious. It’s not alcoholic, but it’s quite edible.

“…Uuu, abuse of authority…”

What can I say? What do you say to your master if you twist it?

I laid my body completely down and made a shadow horsewhip, so that if the servant’s arm bent or went down even a little bit, I made it straight using the whip mercilessly.

“…Two years.”

In the meantime, I suddenly heard a horse in front of me.

“Within two years, I will make the organization, [Sumuk] Completely my own. And I will give you absolute loyalty.”

“Not enough.”

“Awkward… What more do you want here…?”

I reflected the image of Cheon Mi in the half-drinked champagne glass.

As the glass was slowly shaken even though the carbonation was half gone, bubbling bubbles rose up and disturbed the interior of the liquid. That figure suited her mentality, as if she was about to explode at any moment.


The only problem is that if she explodes, she won’t be able to stand up again? Let’s end the scare here. Se-Rin Lee should have obtained the information about the [Dark Magic Tower] To the level she wanted, so it was a perfect place.

“Compare the entire underworld within two years. And prove that what you staked is not a facade. There is no need for false words such as loyalty. Be to the point where you consider it fortunate that the future me saved you here and now.”

After that, I finished the champagne.

“The deal comes next.”

When I got up from my seat and put the remaining cup on the servant’s head as he shuddered, his head, half leaning on her arm with a sullen expression, hardened.

“That is…”

“I hope you don’t tell me it’s impossible. That’s the minimum trade condition. If that’s impossible, get out of the academy quietly. And never see me again The next time our eyes meet, it will be when you die.”

I even used her skill, [Charisma], To condense her dark flesh and pressure her. The beauty of the ceiling, which had become contemplative because of her hardness, closed her eyes tightly as it was, and after a while, slowly opened her eyes.

“…Bar, I will accept it.”

This time she didn’t avert my eyes. She didn’t back down even though she was glaring at me with a look as if she had any pride in her appearance, as if she would burst into tears if I patted her.

Deciding that was enough, I ordered her to celebrate with her chin.

“Thank you.”

Ceiling Mi, who quickly caught it, quickly lowered her head and started running away from this spot, in case my thoughts would change. From that point on, I sighed and opened my mouth to Se-Rin Lee’s stuffed toy in the corner.

“Can you stop coming out now?”

At the same time as he said that, the servant’s presence that I felt from behind disappeared in a flash, and at the same time, a beautiful hand came out from my back and hugged me tightly.

The touch was so identical to the sensation I felt in my dream that for an instant, the hair all over my body stood out.

It was even more scary because I knew who the person in the back seat was and felt it.

At that time, it was a dream, so I could openly say sh*t, but this is reality. If you do something wrong and break your back, you won’t be able to get over it as a joke.

As I looked back, I could see the familiar platinum head rubbing against my back.


I don’t know what made me feel so good, but I didn’t dig into it. Because that would obviously be annoying. There is no danger in an untouched beehive.

Still, I should say what I have to say.

“…You heard everything, so you know what I mean?”

“Yes! Can I just watch it for 2 years? I feel like I want to wipe out everything right now, but there are some things that the first responders did very well, so I’ll take care of it like this!”

Is it an initial action? Come to think of it, the beauty of the ceiling was talking about her family and she said something.

As if I just remembered, I tapped the shadow at my feet and had Hive take out the pendant.


Good luck.

I turned around and handed it to Lee Se-rin as it was received from Hive, which held out its beak from the shadow of its grip.

“Ah, that’s it.”

At the same time as she said that, her pupils were slit with a reptilian thing. But that was only for a moment, the pendant disappeared before I knew it, and this Serene snorted proudly as she placed her hand on her waist.

“I got everything from the coordinates to the magic wavelength! How is it? Awesome, right? Awesome, right?! It’s okay to praise! Today I am in a very good mood.”

“…Yes, well done.”

“Ehe, Ehehehe!!”

Why is the tension so high?

It seemed that the insane b*tch had become more erratic as the atmosphere had jumped out.

Her eyebrows naturally furrowed, but as if she had no interest in my sentiments, she pushed her voluptuous heart further and began to press it against my body as if to emphasize it.

I felt the indescribable sensation, and I grabbed the platinum-colored hair with my hands and pushed it away.

“Hey, do it in moderation.”

“Eh, how shy! It’s not worn out, so please let me enjoy it a little more!”

“…Worn out. My sanity is wearing down in real time, you f*cking bastard!”

I didn’t feel like I was being pushed at all even though I was pushing it with both hands. I gave up first because I was exhausted by the feeling of moving a huge rock with my bare hands.

Damn the world. f*cking new bastard.

I wonder if the balance is like this because they made such a crappy world and they are comfortable with favoritism and are self-absorbed.

“Cheet. Then please dance with me.”

“…Let’s go in there? Are you crazy?”

“No matter how much I don’t have that shamelessness? Who wants to go inside? We just want to have fun here.”


As I snapped my fingers into the air, I began to hear the music inside the building, which is normal when the doors are closed. At the same time, I was dumbfounded to see that all of the barriers were being installed around us so that we could not be seen.

I’m only using such advanced magic and mana control to prepare for dancing, so I shouldn’t be dumbfounded.

“Come on.”

Perhaps she even changed her clothes in that brief moment. She, who had just been wearing a suit-like outfit, lifted the hem of her dress that came down to her thighs and smiled at me.

It was a white frilled dress that went well with her pure white figure. Based on the A-line dress that fits her body, white frills, black embroidery, and gold decorations appropriately accentuated her elegant beauty.

I didn’t have to look at it for a long time, it was a set with the one I was wearing.

“The right to veto?”

“It can’t be.”

“…I guess so.”

I grabbed the hand that was reaching out to me.

It’s terribly annoying, but right now I’m in a position to ask. No matter how much information and pendants were given to me, compared to what the other side gave me, it would be about three feet of blood.

So there is no noise behind doing this.

What I do after I become stronger. I pulled her hand in a familiar motion and put my hand on her waist. Then she puts her hand around my waist as if giving it back.

With this, the preparation is over.

As they got close enough to hear the sounds of breathing and heartbeat, their talkative mouth began to quiet down. The figure smiling lightly under the soft moonlight was very beautiful as it is the most ideal figure I think.

But strangely, I didn’t come up with any thoughts. The chest was also cold and did not jump.

Looking at the situation alone, it is normal to feel excited or happy, but strangely, my feelings were extremely cold. Is it because the emotions I feel in front of me are so ardent and soggy?

I felt like I would melt just by getting closer, so it was as if my survival instinct was sounding an alarm to run away ahead of my emotions.


Okay or not, I made fun of my body just in time for the tune to change.

“hehehe, dancing together like this reminds me of the past.”

“You forced me to do it. I was busy with research, but I was suffering from you, so I was sleep deprived.”

“…Haa, the Doctor back then was cute.”

This woman even dissed me for talking openly and fell for it. There will be no brazen skin like this.

I was embarrassed, so I suddenly turned around and bent my waist to bring my gaze closer, and I just shut my mouth. Although he was making a casual smirk expression, I could see that the color of the neck area was getting redder.

Just looking at this reaction, I could see myself doubting that even that might be acting with an honest heart, even though I look like a shy girl.

If you look at what you’ve done so far, you’re like a black snake on the inside, so you should be able to believe it.



She was thrilled with that figure, so she tapped the tip of Seline’s nose with her finger and stretched her back, pulling her away from the narrow distance.

“You’re not going to do it this time?”

“Because I don’t want her to break her back and die.”


Lee Se-rin, who puffed out her cheeks at my insipid reaction, turned her head to her side.

I can’t understand why they say they like this broken guy so much. If it were me, I would never meet or associate with someone like me.

I walked over and completely knocked her defenseless body off balance, then made a chair of shadow and sat her on it. Then he untied the tie around his neck a little and loosened it.

It’s because I felt cramped more because I danced.

“You go too. I see it’s over now.”

When I raised my gaze and looked inside the window, the music stopped and I saw someone descending from the top of the central staircase in the venue. It was Hong Soo-ah, wearing the same suit as usual. If you see the paper in your hand, you must be thinking of announcing something.

“Hey, is that woman more important than me? Is it like that?”

I sat down on a chair at most, and as if it were natural, he grabbed my back and hung his arms around my neck to hang on.

“Don’t imitate me and go away.”

“…Tch, that’s not fun.”

“Have fun and go to sleep. Please”

The device rang at the same time as Hong Soo-ah said something on top of the stairs and then climbed back up and disappeared. Upon checking, it was the entry permit to the dungeon that Hong Soo-ah had mentioned earlier.

Is this different from what Hong Soo-ah handed over to me in that it is linked to my device?

I was going to give it to you anyway, but you threatened that the period would end soon. I thought that this woman also had a very troublesome life.

The meaning of receiving this must be that we will end the party properly here. There is no reason to stay here any longer. I just jumped off the balcony.

Of course, Se-Rin Lee, who didn’t fall from my back, also fell down, and in front of her, there was a servant waiting with the door of the limousine open.

“Go away.”

“If we break up like this, we might not see each other for a while, right?”

At that, I tilted my head. Is that what i am? Perhaps annoyed by my attitude, Serene pursed her lips and clenched her fists and patted my stomach.


“It was really bad. Joy!”

Not even strong. It literally just hit me. Is this woman really crazy?

I thought something would happen after that, but I was puzzled because there was no damage than I thought. Aiming for that gap, the sight that suddenly began to flow gave me strength.

Why is the land coming towards me? I wanted to avoid it, but my body didn’t move according to my will.

It was only when my face touched the ground that I realized that I had fallen. I couldn’t breathe properly because of the pain that felt like my intestines were twisting, and my mouth was opening up on its own.

A shadow fell in front of me as I wrote that. As I looked over there, Se-Rin Lee crouched down with a smirking look on her chin and whispered in my ear.

“This is the punishment for stealing the girl’s lips. Next time, there won’t really be any soup, so be prepared.”


As she kissed my cheek one last time, she narrowed her eyes, waved her hand, and burned the inside of her limousine. Her attendant also bowed her head deeply to me and climbed into her limousine.

I judged that the two of them had completely disappeared from my presence in the rapidly moving limousine, so I turned around and looked up at the sky.


I was finally able to breathe properly and closed my eyes.

…Girls suck. Drink water and get caught.

In the end, it was only after an hour had passed that I was able to return to the dormitory.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode