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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 37

37 – 1. Academy (37)


“The mission of exploration is to endure 5 hours in a specially created virtual dungeon. By generously using the essence of magic engineering, you can experience everything from the climate, environment, and sudden natural disaster events to appearing monsters in each barrier! Of course, there are also treasures. You can take it if you find it. If you can find it!! Ha ha ha ha!!!”

“The mission of Mamulology is to observe monsters. Enter a virtual dungeon, write a report on how the monster lives, what thoughts it took and what actions it took, and furthermore, what was good and bad.

An adventurer-like man with a bright smile, showing off his tanned skin, and a woman with a typical scholarly look who seemed like they wouldn’t bleed if stabbed, said as they adjusted their glasses.

It was a mission set out by the Professor of Exploration and Mamulology, respectively.

As soon as an hour had passed, I was freed from the bondage of the shadows, and I immediately completely used my body as a cat tower, threw the cat scrambling here and there on the floor, and ran out of the classroom.

I heard a whimpering noise from behind, but I ignored it.

That’s how we arrived at the second arena.

Since both fields are different fields, there are quite a few overlaps, so I proposed a crazy idea, how about just combining them to use the 2nd stadium in half, and the two willingly agreed.

Because it is to their advantage to share a large space together rather than to use an ambiguous narrow space.

It was the line from just before that I wanted to listen to the explanation of what had happened all at once.

Of course, after hearing it, my feelings of not wanting to do either of them only grew. Either way, it’s just things that seem like they’re going to get involved in an incident. Who would want to take the risk when there is an open air of ‘you might be in danger’.

In my case, I accidentally listened to both of them together, but what’s wrong with kids who listen to only one of Mamulology or Exploration?

“…I will try.”

“Oh, I commend that grit! Here, attach this crystal to your chest. When it turns completely black after 5 hours, it automatically comes out of the barrier, so don’t worry about exceeding the time! The monsters inside are all holograms covered with illusions, so there is no need to worry about getting hurt! It’s going to be painful, but!! Ha ha ha!!”

“Please investigate [Rugaru] Nestled in the mountains of the night region. Recently, there have been reports of them being rampant every night when the moon rises.”

Originally, they would have given them barrier cells, but since that happened yesterday, they seem to be replacing them with cheap crystals used for military training.

There is no big difference because the performance is similar, but the conditions are tight as it is for military use. Even if the barrier cell judged that there was no problem, it was finely stumbled and fell. That’s just the difference.

Those two must have written a script from the beginning and told it, but since they spoke so firmly, it seemed like an NPC in a real game was giving them a quest. After all, I had to do one of the two, so I agreed with a sigh and immediately stepped into the virtual dungeon.


I felt the sensation of my body floating as if I was floating in the air, and at the same time, I felt a strange sensation of being sucked into somewhere from the lower abdomen.

Immediately after that, the air touching my skin changed.

It is said that there is still a cold spring, but the weather that should have been a warm spring has changed to the cold winter air. I grabbed my throbbing head as if I had motion sickness and immediately covered my whole body with magical energy and put on a shadow.

Then, miraculously, the feeling of air and chill on my skin completely disappeared.

The landscape in my field of vision is still the same, but I can see the magical figure that covers the top of the shadow and continues to intrude into me.

‘Is it illusion’?

Advanced illusions reproduce even the senses. Of course, phantom magic did not become real. It has a strong feeling of forcibly pulling out similar sensations from the memories of those who have been subjected to phantom magic.

A person’s senses originate from memory and five senses.

If you add a sense of reality through holograms and deceive the rest of your five senses with phantasmagoria, it will be no different from the real thing. If you condense mana, you can reproduce even the sense of touch, so I think there is probably no virtual reality that is more realistic than this.

Of course, this is also a skill that is possible because this is the second training ground designed to be specialized in virtual reality.

“It costs a lot to maintain, but it’s no joke”

Magic power is required to use magic tools or whatever. Manpower may be used, but most of them employ magic stone batteries using higher quality magic stones.

You can think of it like a boiler-like machine installed in every home that can automatically extract energy from the inside by simply inserting a magic stone. Given the size of the academy, it can be said that the magic power of one city is always available.

Where do you get that kind of magic stone? It’s filled with by-products from the dungeon inside the academy.

Unless there is a special use like me, most people get magic stones and exchange them at the academy’s currency exchange counter to exchange them for money.

Even the auction house for trading items is actively operated in conjunction with the outside world, so I remember hearing that even if you skip the auction house’s commission, it could be used for maintenance. The source is the woman.

The image of him pouting his lips with cold eyes, saying that he is a thief who steals money just by arranging a table, makes me feel chills just by thinking about it now.

Such magic stone batteries are not only in the facilities inside the academy, but most of the items of this era are being replaced with ones that use magic from electricity.

When this body was still young, it wasn’t this far, but at some point, the supply of magic power batteries exploded. You will know who was behind it, even if you don’t say it.

It’s too boring to spend time on things like this. He would have forced the development of civilization halfway through a strange logic like that.

Thanks to that, only the technicians were split. It was to the extent that people doubted that a black magician might have resurrected the undead with magic.

Remembering that time gave me goosebumps.

“I got it roughly.”

After confirming that my body had gotten used to the change, I continued walking.

To discover [Rugaru], The mission of Mamulology, you must arrive at the night zone. If you look up at the sky right now, it is a time zone close to noon, when the sunset is about to set.

If you go in the direction where the sun goes down, you will surely arrive at a place that embodies the night time zone. Still, I’ll have to explore my surroundings.



As the hive on the shoulder spread its wings, the shadow crows spewed out and flew away. At that moment, a sharp flute-like sound rang out from the other side.

As soon as I raised my alertness and lowered my body, one of the crows flying over the other side was struck by something and died as it was.

‘It’s fast.’

Despite the quick command to spread, even the crow sitting next to it was hit by something and disappeared. Even though his stats increased by 8 in an instant, he didn’t feel good.

Puck! Bubbubuck!

One became two, two became ten. At that point, I was able to find a target whose skill stats had risen.

‘Iron ball?’

It was not an ordinary iron ball. The matte, smooth iron ball, which can only be seen in science experiments, was moving quickly like a living creature, harassing the crows.

However, when more crows were sent out, the iron ball stopped moving relentlessly and was able to see it go down.


As I watched, I immediately summoned Growl and ran.


Whether it was due to the increased stats immediately after being summoned or if the overflowing power was unnatural, Graul tilted his head and moved his legs.

The effect of the skill [Focused on Battle] Had been exerted, and it was clearly capturing the surrounding scenery even at a speed that was completely different from before.

Shuwook! Kang!!

Aiming at my destination, I hit the target iron ball with the stick of shadow.

Because the strengthened stats are stats, the iron ball that bounced off was stuck in the ground, but as if it was natural, it bounced back and started moving again aiming at me.


Persistent. I confirmed that I couldn’t handle or stop that iron ball with normal methods, so the next step was magic power. I stretched out the shadow and transformed it into a tennis racket, then caught the flying iron ball and at the same time wrapped it with magic power and let it penetrate inside.

It tried to move as if resisting the shadow that clung to it like a spider’s web, but as it strengthened its mana and suppressed it, the movement of the iron orb began to slow down.

Perhaps it was judged that this was also a trap to capture the enemy, because the skill [Set Trap] Started to have an effect.


Perhaps I realized that I couldn’t get out, and in order to get rid of the shadow, the metal, accompanied by a strong repulsive force, emitted a bizarre grinding sound that tormented me. I’m sorry, but I’m half immune to such attacks.

Thanks to the enhanced stats, it is forcibly trained even if you don’t like it. I can’t figure out whether to call this a blessing or a curse, but for now, good is good, so let’s put it off.


From the place where the movement of the iron ball had completely stopped, the sound of the grass moving on the other side was heard. The moment Graul, who flew faster than I commanded, swung his claws towards it, there was a dull sound and the sound of something bouncing and flying.


At the same time, I descended from above Graul and stretched out a shadow, restraining the enemy in an instant.


An enemy chained to the shadows like a trooper glared at me and shed tears. She was a woman with a look that gave off a sense of deja vu. She is definitely the one in class S.

I don’t know why you attacked me, but there has to be a reason, not an attack. Still, what’s outrageous is what’s outrageous. I made a sword of shadow and moved my arm to pierce the crystal on his chest.

“Oops! Aww!!!”

I furrowed my brows as she shook her head wildly and started complaining about something, as if she was startled by my actions without the slightest hesitation.

“Is there any reason to let go of the person who attacked you first with question and answer dance?”

“…Ughh, huh”

He was saying something, but his mouth was sealed so I couldn’t tell what he was saying. I didn’t even want to know, and it seemed like it would be bothersome to find out. There is no criminal in the world without a story. If anyone gets caught, they complain that there was a reason.

‘It’s the same’

Still, I should listen to it. Because there is too little information inside. Even if you can clearly see the ulterior motive, you have to respond. As soon as he released the shadow that sealed his mouth, he immediately began to exhale.

“…Sorry. A monster suddenly appeared and thought it was a monster and attacked. I never did it on purpose.”

“There is no reason why I should believe that.”

“Really!! It’s my fault for attacking first, but it’s not because I wanted to!! Please trust me…!”

From those words, I can understand that there is something. I didn’t like the way he talked. Her woman’s expression became more contemplative as she brought the tip of her sword closer to the crystal.

“That, stop! It’s my fault. No, I was wrong. Please don’t do that. Please. I don’t want to see that horrible thing again…!”

That reaction was like a soldier who recalled PTSD.

It was the most common appearance in my previous life, so I came to know about it even if I didn’t like it.

I managed to drag the guy I rescued from the front line to the rear, and even though it was a safe place, he drew his weapon and wielded it like crazy, damaging allies as if this place was the front line.

I managed to subdue him with sedatives, but the next day he committed suicide by tearing his own arteries with his fingernails. After that incident, it became a custom to save someone and make them comfortable right there on the spot.

She went into a panic in an instant, and that was exactly what she looked like when she started to get short of breath. If we defeat her like this, there is a high probability that she will go through the same procedure as those guys. Thanks to that, I remembered the past I didn’t want to recall.


“Sorry, sorry. Sorry. Please… Just take a look. Please.”

I had to feel bittersweet to see him ask for a favor while being tied up and crawling like a caterpillar, even driving his head into the ground. What the hell did she see that made her act so desperately?

It’s okay if you don’t care, but that didn’t work out. Did the habit come out as much as the memories of the past came up? Otherwise it was not explained. In the end, I came up with only one answer.

Let’s listen first.

“I’ll give you a convincing explanation.”

“Yes, yes… I will. I will… Black…”

I didn’t want to see her sobbing and shedding tears, so I pulled out her breathing hole and covered her entire face with a shadow.

At first I was taken aback and startled, but maybe he realized that I had no intention of doing anything anymore, so I repeated my breathing until I stopped crying.


I mumbled as if I had completely calmed down, so I removed the shadow covering my face. As if she was ashamed of herself who had been sobbing in a panic by being calmed down, she began to avoid my gaze with her face flushed red.


“Okay, yo…”

It bothered me that he was forced to say honorifics while looking at me, but I didn’t point it out. Even though he stuttered, he listened silently without restraining himself from speaking slowly.

As soon as I realized that I wasn’t tackling anything, my breathing gradually began to return to normal, and by the end of the day, I continued talking like normal.

“…That’s how it happened.”

Talk, talk

I moved my index finger with my arms crossed. Summarizing what I heard was easy. In a word, she saw an illusion. It is also an illusion of the bad side that stimulates trauma.

When she saw my crow, she said she saw the tragedy of yesterday.

It was a case in which I remembered the memory of the time clearly because it was less affected by being quickly suppressed and knocked down by Ban Tae-woong, but rather less affected.

Due to her mental contamination, the common sense in her brain was altered regardless of her will, and the experience of defeating her comrades with her own hands, which was close to her, was a very painful experience for her. It looks like

She was unluckily struck by the enchanting mist, and the shadow crow in my hive acted as the trigger, and the figure at that time appeared in front of her as an illusion.

She said that her trauma was stimulated and she wanted to deny the act of betraying her friend with her own hands, laughing hahahaha, hoho, so she hunted the monsters around her at random.

As the monsters disappeared around her, she became impatient, so she naturally targeted the Shadow Crow. It’s never because I wanted to. I wouldn’t have done it if I had known. That’s it.

Hearing that, I had to sigh. In the end, there was no big reason. For very personal reasons, it was just that the mistake was repeated due to the lack of competence for the person himself.

It wasn’t even worth listening to anymore. Time wasted I raised my sword mercilessly.

Seeing that figure, the woman started to panic again. But she soon bowed her head as if resigned. She noticed too. That said, it’s not something I can understand.

“…Am I not fit for this job?”

The voice of her self-deprecating voice was very sad.

I’ll admit the persistence of moving right after that happened, but looking at it now, it didn’t seem that much different from rushing ahead and seeing it because I simply couldn’t stand the sense of shame.

Desperation. That word fits perfectly.

“That sucks”

As she bowed her head at my words, her shoulders twitched once. I don’t know what kind of expression she is making. Still, I must say this.

“Try harder during that self-help time. If one time isn’t enough, two or three more times will dull you to the point where you won’t be swayed by memories anymore. The flesh is sore, torn, burst, and rolled over and over again until it turns into calluses, and you say things like that.”

I slowly raised the sword of shadow and stabbed the crystal. Even though I didn’t put too much force on it, I dug in smoothly because of my increased ability.

“If that’s impossible, hit me up. You’ll spend the rest of your life beating yourself up for being a piece of shit who did nothing and was taken advantage of, and you’ll spend the rest of your life atoning for it with a lifetime of debt to assholes who blame you for missing out on opportunities because of bitches like you.”

She raised her head and looked at me. I vomited low as if chewing at the gaze that looked blank and hazy somewhere.

“Yes, well done. You’re not right So, stay with that kind of ambiguous mind, throw out your f*cking feelings on others, and just get out of the bar to avoid it. Because the person who suffers is also a dick.”

Her expression at the end of the last one was severely distorted. My figure was reflected precisely in her black eyes, which looked like they would shed tears with her mouth tightly shut.

“Kkowa? Will you attack me if I twist you?”

I deliberately laughed mockingly. Seeing these guys made me sick. With only one or two failures, they despair as if the world had ended, and all of them tremble.

There is a guy who continues to challenge himself to the point where he can do it even after going through dozens, hundreds, and thousands of trials and errors.

I didn’t like that. Having been born into a world blessed with hard work and results, I couldn’t understand why he was so eager to give up.

Why? Why? Why?


In the end, this is nothing more than venting anger. I’m already stressed out, but seeing him try to use me as an emotional trash can really upset my stomach.

I don’t want to regret it, but I regretted it. I know. That she, who challenged this mission even with trauma, belongs to the better axis. Even so, she couldn’t bear the horror.

f*ck. Did I try so hard just to save those bastards? I’m too busy feeding the people around me, so why do I keep bothering myself?

It’s annoying. I was so angry that my head suddenly went cold.

I finally turned around to see the woman disappearing as if it were being bounced off after changing into a handful of light. I was just trying to make the most of my time, but I just couldn’t stand it.



“Find whatever you find”

How can I relieve this stress? The answer is fixed I kill and kill until my insides cool down. It doesn’t matter if you are a student or not. No reason needed. I’m just dropping out because I want to.

f*ck more. I’m a sucker, so you guys should taste this feeling too.

From the point of view of other people, I might go crazy and run wild, but it’s a part-time job. You said it. If you twist it, it’s called dumping.

I condensed magic into my fingers and flicked them.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode